Webstorm SCSS File Watcher does not respect parent directory - sass

My scss has the following structure:
Nested directory view:
Collapsed directory view:
style.scss includes _somecomponent.scss and _someothercomponent.scss, and is supposed to generate style.css. It does all of this correctly, but the output file is not in the correct directory. Currently it outputs to style/sass/style.css.
Webstorm is configured with the following parameters:
Program: /usr/bin/sass
Arguments: --no-cache --update $FileName$:$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Working directory: $FileDir$
Output path: $FileParentDir$\$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
The phpstorm tag has been added because it shares the same file watcher with webstorm. I am using Mac OS X, with the latest Webstorm 9.x.
How do I fix the output path?

Please change the Arguments field accordingly:
Program: /usr/bin/sass
Arguments: --no-cache --update $FileName$:$FileParentDir$/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Working directory: $FileDir$
Output path: $FileParentDir$/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
The 'Output paths to refresh' option doesn't tell the compiler where to put the generated files - you have to set the program arguments accordingly; 'Output paths' is used by IDE to synchronize its file system with external changes - you need to make sure that the pattern specified there matches the actual compiler output so that the IDE knows where to look for generated files.
So you need to modify BOTH 'Arguments' and 'Output path to refresh' options to have the generated files created in non-default location.


SCSS file watcher cannot open file - WebStorm

I can't get WebStorm's SCSS file watcher to compile the Bootstrap SCSS files.
I have downloaded sass-dart for Windows and have tried pointing WebStorm's file watcher to dart-sass\sass.bat and dart-sass\src\dart.exe
The file watcher is enabled, it's not the common issue I've seen in other questions here where the file watcher keeps disabling itself.
Here is the file watcher setup I am using in WebStorm:
When I use dart-sass\src\dart.exe the result is:
Could not load "bootstrap-grid.scss:bootstrap-grid.css": Unknown scheme (bootstrap-grid.scss) for bootstrap-grid.scss:bootstrap-grid.css
and when I use dart-sass\sass.bat the result is:
Error reading bootstrap-grid.scss:bootstrap-grid.css: Cannot open file.
Obviously I'd prefer it to run with no errors and spit out correctly compiled CSS files!
Works fine for me using similar watcher setup. What Working directory: did you specify for your file watcher? Please make sure that it's set to $FileDir$:

PhpStorm: change file watcher output location

I have a project that is structured as such
And I want to output that Sass to a css folder
How can I achieve that?
You can try the following setup:
Arguments: $FileName$:$ProjectFileDir$/themes/name/css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Output paths to refresh: $ProjectFileDir$/themes/name/css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css:$ProjectFileDir$/themes/name/css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css.map
Working directory: $FileDir$

How to compile sass sourcemap in jekyll

I am using jekyll 3.4.0,
i am using sass for styling my website.
while compiling, it is won't create style.css.map file in _site folder, which very helpful for debugging.
My config.yml file
markdown: kramdown
port: 8080
sass_dir: css
sourcemap: true
style: compact
I don't think Jekyll (yet) supports SASS source maps.
For my projects I have added a SASS build step to my deploy script, which generates source map:
# destination folder in which the build result will be stored
# folder in which original SCSS files will be places
# folder in which include SCSS file will be places
# remove the previous version of the folder
# copy original SASS include files to output folder
cp ./_sass/ $ORIGINALS -r
# name of the entry point SCSS file (without the extension)
# copying the entry point SCSS file to the output folder
# (removing the frontmatter from the file)
tail -n +3 ./style/$SASS_FILE.scss > $ORIGINALS/$SASS_FILE.scss
# building the entry SCSS file
sass --load-path $INCLUDES --sourcemap=auto $ORIGINALS/$SASS_FILE.scss $DEST/$SASS_FILE.css
Don't forget to configure your web server to server SCSS mime types.
Additional notes
The important thing here is that original SCSS files also get deployed to the web server, so that a browser can access them!
Also sourcemap parameter needs to be set to auto so that correct relative paths to original SCSS files get inserted into sourcemap.

Why am I getting this error in my Primer3/eprimer3 Mac OSX build?

I'm getting this error on my mac osx build.
Primer3/eprimer3 issue:
Error: thermodynamic approach chosen, but path to thermodynamic parameters not specified
PRIMER_THERMODYNAMIC_PARAMETERS_PATH (string; default ./primer3_config)
This tag specifies the path to the directory that contains all the parameter files used by the thermodynamic approach. In Linux, there are two default locations that are tested if this tag is not defined: ./primer3_config/ and /opt/primer3_config/. For Windows, there is only one default location: .\primer3_config\.
I put the primer3_config in my PATH in bin and still cannot solve this issue. I even did:
export PRIMER_THERMODYNAMIC_PARAMETERS_PATH=/Users/jared/Downloads/primer3-2.3.2/src
export PRIMER_THERMODYNAMIC_PARAMETERS_PATH=/Users/jared/Downloads/primer3-2.3.2/src/primer3_config
to no avail.
According to the primer3 manual:
PRIMER_THERMODYNAMIC_PARAMETERS_PATH must point to the right location.
This tag specifies the path to the directory that contains all the
parameter files used by the thermodynamic approach. In Linux, there
are two default locations that are tested if this tag is not
defined: ./primer3_config/ and /opt/primer3_config/. For Windows,
there is only one default location: .\primer3_config. If the the
parameter files are not in one these locations, be sure to set
So if you download and compile primer3 form source using the Make command, to get primer3 to run globally you need to copy the executueable, primer3_core, to your path and place the configuration directory, primer3_config in that same directory or at /opt/primer3_config
cd src
sudo cp primer3_core /usr/local/bin # or /usr/bin
sudo cp -r primer3_config /opt/
I has the same issue. I had installed Primer 3 using homebrew-science which was pretty painless. https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-science
I did try copying the primer3_config directory into the homebrew primer3 directory, ie:
/usr/local/Cellar/primer3/2.3.4/bin/primer3_config but this also did not work.
In the end I added the PRIMER_THERMODYNAMIC_PARAMETERS_PATH configuration to the primer 3 input file, and this worked. Note that the directory name must have a trailing slash. It is the last entry in the file below which is copied from the example file in the primer3 sources.
Then run it like this:
$ primer3_core < example2

Permanent Config File in Pylint

I've setup a custom configuration file for Pylint (name, conveniently, config). There has to be a way that I don't have to include --rcfile=config on every run. How can I set the config file permanently?
When you do not specify the --rcfile option, Pylint searches for a configuration file in the following order and uses the first one it finds:
pylintrc in the current working directory
If the current working directory is in a Python module, Pylint
searches up the hierarchy of Python modules until it finds a
pylintrc file. This allows you to specify coding standards on a
module-by-module basis. Of course, a directory is judged to be a
Python module if it contains an __init__.py file.
The file named by environment variable PYLINTRC
.pylintrc in your home directory, unless you have no home directory
or your home directory is /root
.pylintrc in the current working directory
Thus depending on the method you choose, Pylint can use a different configuration file based on the location of the code, the user or the machine.
Note that the configuration file only applies to Python files that are in modules. Thus, Pylint still uses its default rules when analyzing Python files in a directory with no __init__.py file.
For example, I have a bin/ directory containing command line applications. Ordinarily, this directory needs no __init__.py file because it is never imported. I had to add a bin/__init__.py file to get Pylint to analyze these Python files using my pylintrc file.
set the path to that file in the PYLINTRC environment variable, or rename the file $HOME/.pylintrc or /etc/pylintrc (the latter is probably only supported on *nix)
It can be done using .pre-commit-config.yaml. This snippet below need to be added to .pre-commit-config.yaml:
- repo: local
- id: pylint
name: pylint
entry: pylint
language: system
types: [python]
args: [
"-rn", # Only display messages
"-sn", # Don't display the score
"--rcfile=.pylintrc", # Link to your config file
"--load-plugins=pylint.extensions.docparams", # Load an extension
