Spring - How to create a custom Access and Refresh OAuth2 Token? - spring

I know those token spring generates a UUID formatted string. One of my concerns is that it's not really "unique"; it is possible for the UUID to create a token exactly the same as a previous one (of course the odds are VERY small but still possible).
I'm using a database to store my user's token and I'm not sure if Spring checks if the token already exists before creating one in the database?
My second question is : Is it possible to create my own token instead of the UUID format, I'd like to have a more "unique" token like the current timestamp with the user's ID and username and then hash everything and that will be my token instead of 49784c38-43b1-.....
I already have a custom TokenEnhancer that I use to add custom info when returning the token to the client but how can I create a custom token before saving it in my database?
Thanks for you help!

Your TokenEnhancer can use any format it likes for the token value. The custom value will be the one that goes in the ToeknStore (that is the prupose of a TokenEnhancer).
P.S. If you think there might be a clash between UUIDs I think you probably need to do some maths and think again.


Add UserType To JWT Token IN laravel

How Can I Bind userType with jwt token??
because in the frontend needs to do some operations with type of user(hide some menus if userType is different)
in laravel.. Does it possible?
The way Laravel (and you most likely using https://github.com/tymondesigns/jwt-auth), is that the JWT should probably not carry user types or really other kind of user information than maybe a name or an id. After the token is generated, you are supposed to query another endpoint that will return the user information that you are looking for.
So essentially, what you want is 2 routes, let's say:
POST /auth/login
POST /auth/me
To the first route, you are supposed to provide the username and password, to which you'll get a token if credentials are correct. Then, you take the token you were just given, and call the second endpoint, which will return all user information you might want or need. You don't specify which kind of frontend you are using, but here's an example with Nuxt.js's Auth module: https://auth.nuxtjs.org/providers/laravel-jwt/

How does validation of JWT distinguish difference between token types?

I am playing around with building a custom Oauth2/OpenID library, and is having thoughts about validating the tokens.
I am using only JWT for all token types (Access, Refresh & ID), but I am thinking; How would the resource server validate ex. the access token, and make sure it is only access tokens from the issuer being accepted, and not refresh or ID tokens, since they would also be valid, hence they come from the same trusted issuer?
Likewise, how would make sure, the token sent with a refresh grant, is not just an valid access token, since it would also be verified...
I know an easy fix would be just making a custom claim, describing what kind of token it is, or using different signatures for each, but is there a "right" way of doing it?
One way to separate the ID token from the Access token is by looking at the typ claim in the JWT-header.
Some IdentityProviders uses the at+jwt typ to indicate that the token is an access token that follows certain rules. But this is not a mandatory thing to follow.
Otherwise they can look at the claims inside the token to determine if it is an access or ID-token. The token-signature itself can't be used to determine the token type.
You can read more about the standard for access token here and here
Refresh and reference tokens are typically not in a JWT format, instead they are more like a random string.

how expired OAuth2 Tokens are detected?

I'm a beginner in Spring Boot and I set up OAuth2 and all work well with inMemory () data.
I'm trying to store the Token in DB but I want the client to stay in memory because I will always use a single client for this application
so i created the necessary tables using schema.sql i see that only the oauth_access_token and oauth_refresh_token tables that will be used and when i make a request to request a token the system returns the old one if it is still valid and a new one if not(this is good but..). For this reason I have difficulty understanding how the system can know that a token is expired or not? (knowing that I do not define JWT token or any other specific type of token explicitly)
The token in this scenario is an instance of class DefaultOAuth2AccessToken which has field
which takes care of expiry of a token. Object of this class is serialized so that it can be stored in database.Upon deserialization values are populated in respective fields and below method is invoked to check for expiry.
public boolean isExpired() {
return this.expiration != null && this.expiration.before(new Date());
The class DefaultTokenServices has createAccessToken() method to create token.
just go and have a look at these classes to see the working.
Thanks for your answer
After some research in the documentation i can now understand how the token is validated.
the token (DefaultOAuth2AccessToken) is stored as a serialized object in the DB and it will be retrieved from the database to validate expiration date , and many other operation ...

Laravel Encryptable Trait Failing Authentication

I'm running into trouble with authentication handling in my Laravel 5.5. I have installed an Encryptable trait according to this post here. I then used the authentication generator to establish the base routes, views and handler.
I can successfully register new accounts and visually see that all of the data is encrypted, but I cannot successfully authenticate through the login screen.
This seems to be failing during the Auth::attempt($credentials) call. My troubleshooting is pointing to the encryptable trait because when I comment that section out, the authentication works fine.
Can someone offer insight as to how to handle authentication using this method of model encryption?
I have attempted disabling encryption for the username field, but this didn't seem to help. The password field was never being encrypted, becasue it is being hashed by bcrypt.
1st Edit:
So, with an understanding of how traits work... The Encryptable trait seems to be overloading the getAttribute/setAttribute functions. This would mean that Eloquent's querying functions like where, find, etc. will just be "looking at" encrypted values.
2nd Edit:
The source code provided for the Encryptable trait was not returning proper values for unencrypted values. This was changed and authentication was restored. To those using the same code snippet, in the get_attribute() function, change the else block so that it return $value;.
I appreciate all insights,
This form of encryption will void your ability to search the table for the encrypted fields. You won't be able to reproduce the same string because Laravel uses a random iv when producing encrypted data. An IV, or initialization vector, serves a similar purpose as a salt in hashing, to randomize the stored data.
Due to this randomization of data, you wouldn't even be able to search your table by re-encrypting the search data:
User::where('email', Crypt::encrypt('email#email.com'));
// won't find anything even if an encrypted value of email#email.com exists
Running in an interactive shell allows you to see encrypt returns a completely different value on subsequent runs:
>>> json_decode(base64_decode(Crypt::encrypt('email#email.com')))->value
=> "zpA0LBsbkGCAagxLYB6kiqwJZmm7HSCVm4QrUw6W8SE="
>>> json_decode(base64_decode(Crypt::encrypt('email#email.com')))->value
=> "VKz8CWVzR66cv/J7J09K+TIVwQPxcIg+SDqQ32Sr7rU="
Therefore, you may want to be selective about what you actually encrypt. Encrypt things that are sensitive and you wouldn't use to lookup an entity. This could be something like social security numbers, government IDs, credit card numbers, and bank account numbers.

Couchdb conceptual problems

As I understand, to update any object with couchdb. I have to send the whole object back since it is actually "inserting" a new revision for the same id. This is all neat and works quite well.
But then I have a problem, I'm not so sure how should I handle that. I have an object that can't be sent to my user completely. I have to hide certain informations such as password hash.
The data is sent to the client, the revision is sent too. Now when I try to update my object I have one problem. Since some data is missing, the update will erase the attributes that are missing from my user.
That said, the easiest way I have is to get the object from couchdb, check if id and rev matches. If it does match, merge the object with the missing attributes. It will work pretty well and I can support deleting attributes too.
Then using this technique, I could add my objects to a cache that will reduce the time to query frequent objects from the database. If the object can be updated, then clear the cache for that id. If the object is newer, then I'll have to handle the error or merge the object.
Is there any better "good way" to handle this problem?
After thinking about it during the night, I think I found a much much better solution. Instead of having my username and password inside my profile. I'll separate the identification object from the use profile.
In other words, I'll have to split up the object as much as possible to keep things isolated... On the plus side, I can add multiple authentication for one profile without messing with the profile itself. I can return profiles and anything necessary without returning any secret object.
It will complicate a bit the logic of insertion but it should be quite easy...
Get 1 id from couchdb using the uuid api "_uuids"
Insert password authentications (username, password, profile_id) using that uuid
If succeed, insert profile using the uuid that we got at 1
If anything wrong happen, rollback and tell the users what's wrong.
Also the nice thing about this method is that I can add access_token for oauth2 using the profile id and the logic will be almost the same as password, the auth type will differ but any auth type should work almost the same.
Yeah, extracting the secret stuff from the profile documents sounds like the way to go.
