Defining a parent POM which references that POM version - maven

I have a Maven parent-child structure.
Parent pom has a dependency defined like this in the dependencyManagment section:
Child pom uses that dependency:
The version is resolved to ${project.version} which in turn is resolved to child project version.
In my case, child has different versioning cycle to its parent. The problem is that I want the dependency included to have parent project version instead of child version. I can't assume hierachy is only one level so I can't use ${parent.version}. I want the version resolved to match the version of the pom in which it is defined.
How can I do that?


Maven increase version for submodule only

The project structure is (all on same version 1.3.0, which is latest):
Parent's pom is:
Now, I need to do some changes to childB only and not intending to increase Parent's version (No?).
So now my childB's POM looks like:
Now, when I'm trying to build Parent or childB, it fails because it figures (as I can see from effective POM) version of childA to 1.4.0 which does not exist as childA is at its latest 1.3.0. In short, {project.version} in Parent translates to 1.4.0 while according to my understanding it should've been translated to 1.3.0 only as childB has parent Parent with 1.3.0.
What am I missing?
I assume you got a Maven multi-module project. So, when you create the modules (childA & childB) it will automatically take the version from the parent POM.
So, remove the version tag (1.4.0) from the 'childB' POM declaration
It's all about configuration inheritance. That means the following assumptions are not correct:
In short, {project.version} in Parent translates to 1.4.0
It's not in Parent, it's in childB since that is built and it inherits the {project.version} configuration from Parent and interpolates it to its own version.
according to my understanding it should've been translated to 1.3.0
No, see above.
If you prefer to keep different versions declare the following in Parent:

Avoid wrong version interpolation if child's pom version is different from those of the parent's aggregator pom and its sub modules

Problem description
We have a Maven aggregator pom with some child poms (modules) all having the same version:
pom.xml (parent zoo, version 2.0.0)
|-- pom.xml (child module cat, version 2.0.0)
|-- pom.xml (child module dog, version 2.0.0)
|-- ...
Within the dependency management section all children are declared with the project version to ease declaration of dependencies.
The parent pom looks like
<!-- other child modules go here -->
The child poms are defined as
There is another pom which declares the parent pom as its parent too (inheritance) but is not listed as sub module in this parent (no aggregation). This pom has a different version.
Actually we have expected that the version of the dependency is pulled from the dependency management section of the parent pom com.acme.zoo and is equal to 2.0.0. However the Maven documentation on project interpolation and variables says
One factor to note is that these variables are processed after inheritance as outlined above. This means that if a parent project uses a variable, then its definition in the child, not the parent, will be the one eventually used.
That is: in the reactor build the variable ${project.version} used in the dependency management section of the parent pom com.acme.zoo is evaluated with respect to and equal to 1.0.0 what is not as intended.
There is a workaround with using a variable in the parent pom which has to be kept in sync with the parent pom versions. However, this solution is incompatible with the Maven Release Plugin.
How can we achieve the desired behaviour
aggregator pom with children having the same version
declaration of children in the dependency management section to ensure that all dependencies have the same version
use of inheritance together with different versions
compatibility with maven-release-plugin
without the pitfalls of project interpolation of variables?
The maven release plugin is able to change the versions of the dependencies managed in the parent pom.
So if you define your maven parent like this:
<!-- other child modules go here -->
As you see the versions of the parent and the managed dependency are the same. I set them to a SNAPSHOT version because the release plugin will create the final versions on release:perform
Your child poms can stay as you had them.
Because in your setup, your parent project is also the reactor you can then call
mvn release:perform -DautoVersionSubmodules=true
which will update the version of the parent in all submodules when you run this command. That option is essentially the same as if you run
mvn versions:update-child-modules
meaning it will change the child poms.
After you run the mvn release:perform command your parent pom will look like this:
<!-- other child modules go here -->
and your child poms like this
The final versions will only exist in the tag created by the release:prepare command.
PS: You may define other versions for the final and the next development version when they are prompted after running the release:prepare command.
The simplest solution is modify pom of zoo and replace <version>${project.version}</version> with <version>2.0.0</version>
Please note:
when you change version to next number, for example 2.0.1, with
versions-maven-plugin, dependency management section will be also
Spring use simplest solution, see
Summary: using <version>${project.version}</version> in dependency management is wrong idea.
From Maven Introduction to the pom :
Project Inheritance > Example 1 > The Solution
Alternatively, if we want the groupId and / or the version of your
modules to be the same as their parents, you can remove the groupId
and / or the version identity of your module in its POM.
My approach to that is to track it in the child POM. It's a bit less typing overall, close to where the actual dependency lives and is low maintenance for most projects. YMMV

Dependencies vs DependenciesManagement?

I have gone through differences between dependencymanagement and dependencies in maven but i am still unclear when to use
just dependencies tag in parent pom and when to use dependenciesManagement tag ?
My understanding is when my all child modules need to use same dependency version then we should declare the Dependencies under Dependencies tag(without dependencyManagement tag)
But on other hand if some of the child project need to use different version then we should declare the Dependencies under Dependencies tag(which will be under dependencyManagement tag). then Child modules can refer them with overridden version
Is that correct ?
Declaring a <dependency> within <dependencyManagement> does not set the specified artifact as dependency for any project – parent or childs. It just states: If you want to use this as dependency then you can use it with these settings (version, scope, ...) without having to specify the settings again, and again, and ... You can, however, override a "management" setting in a "real" <dependency> anytime.
See also POM Reference, Dependency Management.
There are two options for a parent POM regarding your second paragraph:
As you describe correctly:
I'd use this for consistency:
Your third paragraph is correct..

Maven modules are trying to use parent dependencies

I have a maven project where the parent module has a lib directory containing various jars that are necessary for compilation, but aren't included in the final product. When I try to get the children modules to build it fails. It says "The following artifacts could not be resolved" then eventually says "Could not find artifact local_dependency at C:\path\to\project\modules\module_name\lib\local_dependency.jar".
The children modules do not depend on the libraries that the parent uses, however it still wants to include them. Is there an option I need to set to prevent this?
Parent Pom snippet:
Child pom snippet:
<groupId>com.project</groupId> <!-- The child depends on the parent for the parent's API-->
So from this, the child pom will attempt to include from project_base/modules/module_name/lib/local_dependency.jar but it doesn't exist and doesn't need to exist.
You can exclude specific transitive dependencies in the dependency declaration. In your case, the following change in the child pom's dependency on the parent should get the build working:
<groupId>com.project</groupId> <!-- The child depends on the parent for the parent's API-->
The child inherits the parent's dependencies, whether or not you include the dependency explicitly. Two possible ways to resolve the issue are:
Don't build any jar artifact in the parent - create a sub-module for this and use the sub-module as a dependency in its siblings.
Use a fixed path (not relative to ${basedir}, since this changes in each module build, which tries to resolve the location anew). If you always build from the parent's directory, you could use ${user.dir}.

Dependeny Management using POM import

I am creating a project 'test-jar' in my local and i am using pom file which I don't have write access as Parent of 'test-jar' project. The parent project has already defined depedencyManagement with old versions.
As I have to update dependency versions in my project and planning to override parent's dependency Management. So, I have created another POM file with my own dependency Management and imported into 'test-jar' project.
My Project :
<artifactId> test-parent </artifactId>
My Parent Project:
My Custom POM for updated dependencyManagement:
The problem is, I am always getting dependency version from parent pom, though i have imported new dependency management in project.
I am using Maven 2.2.1 version here.
Is there any solution how to overwrite Dependency Management from Parent POM ?
Based on the documentation:
This scope is only used on a dependency of type pom in the
section. It indicates that the specified POM
should be replaced with the dependencies in that POM's
section. Since they are replaced, dependencies
with a scope of import do not actually participate in limiting the
transitivity of a dependency.
Apart from your problem you can simply use differerent version which are different of the onses defined in the parent pom's dependencyManagement. Furthermore you could create a separate pom wich defines the dependencies with new version (dependencyManagement) and inherits from the given parent.
