How to get access to Google Drive from terminal - macos

I am new to mac yosemite I have the list of my folder "Google Drive"
I can see this from ls -la command , but when I want to cd to it it said not exist ?
How can I actually get access to this drive via terminal ?

Arguments to commands in Bash (the language used in Terminal) are separated by spaces. So when you write cd Google Drive, you're passing two arguments to cd - Google and Drive. cd is just ignoring the second argument and trying to cd into the directory called Google, which doesn't exist.
In order to cd into Google Drive, you need to write cd Google\ Drive or cd "Google Drive". The \ escapes the space character and treats it as a single string.

For anyone looking for how to do this after Drive's recent updates... at the moment (June 2022) Drive files are stored in the following location:
If you are looking to access your files in a terminal window, the easiest way to get there may simply be to do the following:
Open a Finder window
If it's not already showing, go to the View menu and click "View Path Bar"
In the path bar (at the bottom of your Finder window), right-click on the home folder for your Google Drive account and click "Open in Terminal"

I would also type cd Goo and then press tabso it would autocomplete with the escaped space character.

In my case cd /Volumes/DATA/.CMVolumes/Google\ Drive/

As Google Drive has a space in between the words you need to quote the directory name.
Try cd 'Google Drive'

The cd Google\ Drive command seems to work for me.


Make link to Application folder

Sublime Text editor has in DMG file link to Applications dir (blue icons with arrow). It has small size.
How to make such link on my own folder? It must work in all Macs.
Open the terminal, use cd to open the folder where you want to create the symbolic link (this is how that kind of link is called, in case you want to research a bit more about it). Example:
cd /Users/MyUser/Desktop/
Note: In case the path has spaces, write it with backslashes before each space, like that:
cd /Users/MyUser/Desktop/My\ Folder/
Then, use that command to create it:
ln -s /Applications/ Applications
It will create a symbolic link which opens the path /Applications/, which means that it will work in any macOS computer.

MacOS Terminal go to a folder with spaces and parenthesis

I'm trying to configure Cyberduck to read the Bookmark files from my Dropbox folder.
This is usually accomplished by this command:
defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck ~/Dropbox/Cyberduck
Super easy!!
But... Dropbox has since changed and if you have a Pro Account the Dropbox folder is renamed "Dropbox (Personal)".
I've tried to do this:
defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck ~/Dropbox\ \(Personal\)/
And I get this error:
not parse: [...]/Dropbox (Personal)/Apps/Cyberduck/. Try single-quoting it.
I tried single quoting like this but same error:
defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck '~/Dropbox\ \(Personal\)/'
How can I solve this?
You can single quote escape your parentheses by wrapping them in a double quote:
Instead of: ln -s '/Users/username/Dropbox (Company Name)/' DropboxCompanyName
Do: ln -s "'/Users/username/Dropbox (Company Name)/'" DropboxCompanyName
Notice the double quotes added to /Users/username/Dropbox (Company Name)/
So I cannot find a way to do a "defaults write" to a path with parentheses, but I did this workaround and it seemed to work for me (in my case I needed to link to my enterprise Dropbox account):
cd to your home folder and create a symlink of the directory that has the parentheses:
ln -s '/Users/username/Dropbox (Company Name)/' DropboxCompanyName
At that point, I was able to do do a defaults write that wrote ~/DropboxCompanyName as part of the path and it worked just fine.
All that said, your personal folder already has a hidden symlink: "Dropbox" that's in the same directory and pointing to "Dropbox (Personal)", so you should be able to do you original command as such:
defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck ~/Dropbox/Cyberduck
… because the "Dropbox" part of the path should still lead to your personal folder. This both what I've observed locally (when viewing hidden files) and what Dropbox says on their site:
I am assuming you are using Unix in Terminal.
I have set up a folder of the same name in my Public Folder to test as shown below.
Your current referencing to the folder would seem correct. Dragging the folder into the Terminal window current command line will automatically give you the correct referencing to that folder.
As an alternative I suggest putting the name of the folder in double quotation marks. Even though there are brackets in the name, there is no need to escape these characters in Unix in Terminal in this instance when using double quotation marks. This makes it easier to humanly type the correct reference.
To reference a folder in the image below, for example, the following referencing works for the cd (change directory command):
~/Public/"Dropbox (Personal)"
Hence I suggest try:
ch.sudo.cyberduck ~/Public/"Dropbox (Personal)"
As for the rest of this command, I am not sure that ch is a valid Unix command. I do not yet have enough Unix experience to guide you from here.
you have to put "" in the whole address
more like this
ch.sudo.cyberduck "~/Public/Dropbox (Personal)"

How do I access my iCloud Drive folder from Terminal?

I'm running OS X Yosemite. I would like to save my code folder in iCloud Drive so that it's automatically backed up. I need to access files from the Terminal often, so how can I access iCloud Drive from the Terminal?
cd ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs/
I would just add a symbolic link either to this folder or to a Source subfolder in your home directory to make working with this easier.
For example:
ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs ~/iCloud
ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs/Source ~/Source
It´s in the Library Folder of the user. The folder-name is "MobileDocuments".
It's in ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~QuickTimePlayerX/Documents/....
How to find it? You can drag a file in the finder and drop the file to the terminal, then the file path would be displayed in the terminal.
This is an awful way to get the path, I'm very curious about how to reveal it more naturally and easily and gracefully.

Nothing shows in "My Documents" even when I create directory using mkdir

I am using git bash and I want to create a directory in My Documents.
While in My Documents folder I do the following:
mkdir Dummy_directory
Next I type ls , but the directory doesn't show up. I also tried ls -a in case the directory was hidden for some reason. still doesn't show up. Any ideas why? thanks <3
It is easier to use git-cmd and a plain DOS session, in order to go to the right My Documents folder and type:
git init Dummy_directory
(or just mkdir, if you don't want to create a git repo there)
Considering "My Documents" is a special folder on W7+, it can act for a git bash session as a kind of symbolic link to the Documents folder:
As of Windows 7, the "Documents", "Pictures", "Music" and "Videos" folders appear displayed in Windows Explorer with a "My" prefix but are actually still stored in the file system without the prefix.

How can I cd to an alias directory in the Mac OSX terminal

Is there a way to get into an alias directory from shell with the command "cd" ? It always returns that "htdocs" isn't a directory.
Edit: I made the shortcut with the OS GUI -> rightclicked the htdocs directory and chose "Alias..." (i'm using a german OS if it's not alias maybe it's called shortcut in english?) then i moved it to my home directory (because my terminal starts from there when i open it).
All i want is to open my terminal and type "cd htdocs" so that i can work from there.
you can make symbolic link to it.
ln -s ~/Documents/books ~/Desktop/
Enter into a directory through an alias in Mac OS X terminal
All i want is to open my terminal and type cd htdocs so that i can work from there.
The easier approach is probably to ignore the links and add the parent directory of your htdocs directory to the CDPATH environment variable. bash(1) will check the contents of the CDPATH environment variable when you type cd foo to find the foo directory in one of the directories listed. This will work no matter what your current working directory is, and it'll be easier than setting symbolic links.
If the path to your htdocs is located /srv/www/htdocs/, then you could use CDPATH=/srv/www. Then, cd foo would first look for /srv/www/foo/ and change to it if it exists; if not, then it would look for foo in the current working directory and change to it if it exists. (This might get confusing if you have multiple htdocs directories on your system; in that case, CDPATH=.:/srv/www would let you change into a child directory easily but still use the /srv/www/htdocs/ version if no ./htdocs directory is present.)
You can add the CDPATH=/srv/www line to your ~/.bashrc file so it works every time you start a terminal.
I personally use this to quickly work in the directory which is present deep inside one of my Volumes in my Mac.
Open your ~/.bash_profile, create an alias to the directory by adding this:
alias cdh="cd /Volumes/Haiku/haiku/src/apps/superprefs"
Save it, restart your terminal. Now on typing cdh in your terminal should change the working directory to the one mentioned as the alias.
I am not sure how OSX exposes Alias links but since you are using bash you can just create a variable in your .bashrc file.
On its own line put:
Once you have restarted bash you can just type cd $htdocs
There is a old hint on macworld to do this in a way that is integrated with BASH: Enable 'cd' into directory aliases from the Terminal
Plus, here is an answer that uses this solution on superuser.
You may be able to use osascript to do this -- this command seems to work:
cd "`osascript -e "on run aFile" -e "set aFile to POSIX file aFile as alias" -e "tell application "\""Finder"\"" to return POSIX path of ( ( original item of aFile ) as text ) " -e "end run" path_to_my_Finder_alias 2>/dev/null`"
Basically this command is running an AppleScript that finds the destination path of the argument (path_to_my_Finder_alias) in a subshell, then wraps it in double quotes, and changes the directory to it.
Maybe someone with a little more bash expertise can turn it into a bash alias or function.
alias cdgo=`echo cd /root/go/`
cdgo will run, then get command "cd /root/go/" and enter, and it will change your directory in current terminal process
It works on my centos, no test with osx
