The Scite open filter is not working properly, how do I get the open dialog drop down menu showing filters? - scintilla

In Scite text editor there is a global properties file shipped with the editor. I downloaded Scite latest version from the website but when I open the open dialog in scite, not all the filters show up in the drop down menu. For example, verilog, TeX, and many more filters do not show up, even though they are enabled in the file under open.filter
Is this a bug in scite or am I missing something?
For example some filters that do work are perl, lua, ada - but tex, verilog, pascal, and more do not show up in the drop down. They are not commented out in the global properties file.
A temporary work around is to move them around to different spots in the global properties file. for example if I move them to non alphabetical order and put them at the very top, they seem to be enabled.
I know the ALL SOURCE files filter is limited to 256 characters or something similar, but the individual filters should not be limited in the drop down menu and they should not be missing.. right?
I compiled scite from the source code myself, and it has the same problem. Or is there something as designed that I am missing and this is not a bug?

Found a solution to my own question...
The default file that ships with scite is incorrect. It is parsed wrong due to the commenting out of items such as modula open filter. Remove all pound signs in the open filters so nothing is commented out in the open filter list, and this fixes the problem.
Instead of commenting out the items in open.filter list, use imports.exclude to remove an item from being seen.


Changing default new editor group location on VS Code

Strangely enough, I haven't been able to find questions over SO or through search engines in general of people who want to change where VS Code opens a new editor group by default. In my case, I am trying to make the MSSQL extension open a query's results in a pane below the current one.
However, there doesn't seem to be a ready solution for this. In settings.json, it is possible to change the behaviour of these splits directly:
However, the only possible values this field can take are next, current and end. I also tried to change editor positioning on the workbench settings:
"workbench.editor.openPositioning": "left"
But this setting doesn't have a below option as well, only left, right, first and last.
Is it possible to make these panels open below the current editor? If so, how and how to carry these settings to the MSSQL extension? (most likely using next or end as the parameter for a new pane)
I found out randomly in the VS Code docs. All you need is to set the direction in settings.json:
"workbench.editor.openSideBySideDirection": "down"
I haven't tested with the MSSQL extension since I'm not using it anymore, but it should be fine if I'd guess.

Disable Auto-Tab in Visual Studio via a dat file

I wrote a dat file for when I'm writing assembly to give me some syntax highlighting, the problem I am running into is that one way to do a comment in MASM is to use a semicolon and you typically tab a fair bit away from the actual code before you write the comment (at least I do). Well whenever I do this, it messes up all of the formatting in the .asm file because it tries to format the document whenever it sees a semicolon, I am wondering is there a way to turn off auto tabbing and other stuff via a dat file? I just know how to load a dat file that tells the editor some words to highlight, that's it.
Thanks in advance for any input on this :)
You can export the specific settings for a certain project and then import it later. This will save .vssettings XML format file.
Just define you tab setting before in Options dialog from the Tools menu, selecting the Text Editor -> Your prefered language-> Formatting -> General page, and unchecking relevant check- box ( in your case tabbing).
Then in Tools > Import and Export Settings , export the settings.
I hope it sort your issue.

How to keep indentation uniform in xcode and eclipse

In our project there are two teams and are using different IDE for development (MyEclipse and Xcode). Is there any way to keep indentation similar in both the IDE, because when we are doing diff it's showing lots of changes only because of indentation.
If they are using the same code base, there should be no differences. If you are comparing copies of the same code base, maybe there are XCode settings that modify tabs when saving code. If you are using Windows with MyEclipse and OS X with XCode, maybe line endings get switched on save. There should be preferences for that, too. There are also preferences for formatting code on save, or you may have plug-ins for cleaning up code. Lastly, there is a preference for using spaces or tabs to indent code.
There are preferences for how code is displayed, such as how many spaces to use for tabs, but this doesn't affect the actual files. So, again, if the same code base is used then there should be no differences. Perhaps you could expand on what you are comparing with what, if this answer doesn't help.

Lost syntax highlighting in Textmate

Using Textmate, I have somehow managed to turn off syntax highlighting for php files. After much trial and error, I have worked out that this happened when I accidentally hit SHIFT-CTRL-OPTION-D (I'm on a Mac, btw). I've looked everywhere and tried many key combinations, but I cannot figure out how to re-enable the nice syntax highlighting. Please help me, Textmate gurus, you're my only hope!
The key sequence SHIFT-CTRL-OPTION-D corresponds to an option in the language menu down at the bottom left of the Textmate window. The language menu tells Textmate what language to consider the file so it can determine the proper syntax highlighting. The key sequence I hit caused Textmate to highlight my text as though it were a diff window. Switched it back to PHP and it works great now.
I don't have enough rep to add a comment, so I'll expand on the accepted answer here.
SHIFT+CONTROL+OPTION+<LETTER> will display a menu showing all grammars beginning with <LETTER>. So if you want PHP back, just hit SHIFT+CONTRL+OPTION+P, and then a list of languages beginning with 'P' will pop up. You can choose one from the list by pressing the corresponding number (on my computer, it's 2).

How do I edit work items in the Visual Studio 2008 xml editor?

I'm trying to customize some TFS work items via the VS2008 xml editor, but every time I open a work item xml file it jumps to the graphical designer. All that gives me is a "View XML" button that doesn't let you edit the xml directly.
I don't have TFS but I know in regular VS there is an Open With... option in most items' contextual menu that even let you change the default editor. Very useful when you are tired of the Designer opening instead of the Code file on Windows forms.
Ah, looks like you have to go to File->Open and click the down arrow next to the Open button to "Open With" the xml editor. If someone wants to copy and paste this, free accepted answer :P
As per Coincoin's answer, this feature is also great for setting the default editor for ASPX. If you want to go to the Code Editor most often, then this is a default you'd want to change.
Reading this - I think perhaps you don't realize - that there is no need to edit the XML - in fact it is very difficult to do so. The graphical designer will actually let you change the Work Item type, adding new fields, changing workflow, rules etc.
The only reason to change the XML is if there's a bug in the Process Editor (the tool that gives the graphic designer). I have done extensive modifications of Work Item types and only had one instance where I had to change the XML.
