Custom Timestamps in Laravel - laravel

I want to keep the time record of changes in certain columns of my table. How can I get and save timestamp values in db? I am trying to do it in following way but getting always 0000-00-00 00:00:00 in col_edited_at column.
$case->col_edited_at = time();

The other answers are correct but I have an idea of a more elegant solution. So you don't have to think about setting the timestamp anymore. Add this to your model and if you change the column it will refresh the col_edited_at field:
public static function boot(){
$model->col_edited_at = Carbon::now();
So when the model is getting saved and col is dirty (meaning it has changed) the timestamp will be set to the current time.
$model = MyModel::find(1);
$model->col = 'foo';

MySQL timestamp fields by default require the format 0000-00-00 00:00:00. If you're just wanting to store a unix style "seconds since the epoch" timestamp like that returned by time() use an integer field, or else use:
$case->col_edited_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

simply use
date('Y-m-d H:i:s') instead of time()


Laravel eloquent compare datetime with query builder

I'd like to compare datetime values (with date AND time). First I tried this, but it does not work, as it only compares the date, not the time:
$events = $events->whereDate('end', '>=', $input['after']);
I thought that a simple where would help, but it does not:
$events = $events->where('end', '>=', $input['after']);
The reason for that is, that my input value is 2022-10-10T00:00:00 and the database read gives 2022-10-10 00:00:00 (the T in the middle was added in the input).
I'd like to stick to the isoformat (using the T), however inside the database that format gets casted to a value without T it seems. The reason for that might be the cast in the model: 'end' => 'datetime',
What would be the best way to solve this issue and compare datetime objects (and how)?
Change the model cast
Cast the input
What would be the best way to solve this issue and compare datetime objects
The best way is still to convert the input with the data type format of the date and time column
You can use : $dateConvert = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($input['after']));
But I suggest you use carbon library :
$dateConvert = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($input['after'])->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
And :
$events = $events->where('end', '>=', $dateConvert );

Laravel - different formats for date/time query

I am learning Laravel and I have some small problem on controllers - when I use DB, the query returns date time without timezone but if I use model, the query returns full datetime.
public function test($switch)
//return "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000000Z"
if ($switch) return Position::select('id','created_at')->orderBy('id')->get();
// return "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"
return DB::table('positions')->select('id','created_at')->orderBy('id')->get();
Why? What I need to dof I want "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000000Z" on both cases?
Thanks for solution.
thanks for advice
You should use the DB::raw
The following statement will convert the datetime value created_at from +00:00 timezone to +10:00 timezone.
You can try this
return DB::table('positions')->select(DB::raw('id',CONVERT_TZ('created_at','+00:00','+10:00'))->orderBy('id')->get();
you can set your timezone that you wants to convert it
They are the same data, probably just different classes of date and you can always format your date. Laravel utilizes Carbon date library which is excellent and should be used primarily.
If you try to print out your date class with get_class() for Eloquent Position created_at, you probably got Carbon and DB::table('positions') created_at, you probably got DateTime and that's why the value looks different (but you still got the same date).
If you want to convert your DateTime to Carbon, you can do
$newDate = new \Carbon\Carbon($position->created_at)
Thanks Anurat,
I realized this fact shortly after sending the previous question.
... but there is another 'issue' - both times are my local time - time in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000000Z" is not UTC time as I expected.
I changed my function:
public function test($switch = false)
$data = Position::selectRaw('id, created_at, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created_at) unix')->orderBy('id')->get();
foreach ($data as $d) {
$conv = new \DateTime($d->created_at);
$d->conv = intval($conv->format('U'));
$d->diff = $d->conv - $d->unix;
return $data;
... and result is
id 1
created_at "2021-03-18T12:36:59.000000Z"
unix 1616067419
conv 1616071019
diff 3600
As you see, the difference is 1 hour (as my timezone offset). Where is a problem?

How to add minutes to to a date in laravel

There are few ways that I can do this using PHP but I could not find a way to do that using laravel specific way.
I have a time that is coming from database in below format: Y:M:s
ex: 05:15:00
This is what I want to do:
add 30 minutes to that date, according to above example result should be: 05:45:00
Below is my current code and I want to add 30min to $endTime:
//get database value according to selected date
$allocatedDateQuery = DB::table('appointments')->where('date', $request->date)->get();
//loop throug every record to get time
foreach ($allocatedDateQuery as $value) {
$time = $value->time;
$endTime = $time;
I just got a perfect solution from here.
Use Carbon extention to simply acheive that.
What you have to do is parse your time to Carbon object and then you can use addMinutes() to do that and then you can format() if you want:
foreach ($allocatedDateQuery as $value) {
$time = Carbon::parse($value->time);
$endTime = $time->addMinutes(30);
$allocateValidateMessage .= Carbon::parse($value->time)->format('H:i') . ' - ' . $endTime->format('H:i') . ' ';
Usually I use php's date, you can give this a try
Date("Y:M:s", strtotime("30 minutes", strtotime($value->time))
That is converting your time into a string, adding 30minutes to it and converting it to the date format of your desire
Since you said you are grabbing the date from the database I am assuming you are also using Eloquent to query from the database.
You can use Eloquent Mutator Method in your Database Modal Class to mutate the data like this:
public function getAppointmentsAttribute($value) {
return Date("Y:M:s", strtotime("30 minutes", strtotime($value->time)));
You can even add another attribute without mutating the original value using Attribute assignments as well. This method caches your query and reduces database calls. Since you do not need to run local loops on the record your code is much cleaner.

Laravel/Eloquent and comparing dates

I want to return all of the rows in my database table that are a day or less old. I'm using Laravel 4. This is what I tried:
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
return MainContact::where(DATEDIFF('timestamp', $date), '<=', 1)->get();
This doesn't work. I read the documentation and it doesn't seem like you can pass Laravel MySQL functions. timestamp is a datetime field. How can I compare these dates in Laravel 4?
The answer that user1977808 gave you is not good because MySQL can't use an index on the timestamp column, since it has to compute an output of the DATE_SUB function for every row. Avoid such queries, they have to process the entire table every time!
How about something like this:
return MainContact::where('timestamp', '>=', time() - (24*60*60))->get();
I put the >= in there because you said "a day or less old", so they must have timestamp that is later than yesterday.
You can use Carbon API that bundle with Laravel.
ModelName::where( 'timestamp', '>=', Carbon::now() )->get();
You could also use whereDate(), whereDay(), whereMonth() and whereYear(). In this case, whereDate() could be used as such, with Carbon's easy date functions:
return MainContact::whereDate('dateField', '<', Carbon::now()->subDay())->get();
return MainContact::where('timestamp', '>=', time() - (24*60*60))->get();
You can also do a raw query by using:
$results = DB::query( 'query' );
You only don't the the model object back in the results var

date time problem with codeigniter 2

I have set mysql database field type as 'datetime'
when i send
$now = time();
echo form_hidden('a_date', unix_to_human($now));
from views all I get in database is 0000-00-00 00:00:00
please help
i usually do it like this
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('now'));
echo form_hidden('a_date', $now);
If you want to output differently, use
Also, if you want to record the time and not update it, I would recommend a timestamp field instead of datetime field. That way, you don't have to pass the db anything
