I'm using the AngularJS Fine Uploader integration directive and I need to add a JWT authorization token to the header. How do I do this?
Is it possible to use Laravel Passport with web page authentication? I have a larvel project which is using both API and WEB sides. I am trying to integrate the login and authentication with passport.
The auth/token giving me the Bearer token. But how can I add the authentication middleware in the dashboard redirection after login?
I tried adding access_token key in cookie with the token value. And added
in AuthServiceProvider.php boot() function. But still I am getting the error
Is it possible to implement my idea? If so please help on this.
I am not sure if I have understood you correctly, but the access token should be placed in the headers not as cookie:
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Pardon me If I am wrong.
I am going to build a system by using Angular and Laravel API and these are some things about what I am doing.
I am using Passport and I am successfully able to do authentication.
I also want to do a CSRF verification because still I don't know where to store the token. If I store on cookies its vulnerable for CSRF (Thats why need to do a CSRF). What if I store bearer token on local storage ? Should I need to do a CSRF verfify ?.
How can I do a CSRF verify along with bearer token? (using web middleware)
I use Laravel for a project. It is not a vue SPA, so no route used at all. The register, login and some other form inputs and outputs are made with modals using vue. For posting the form vars axios is used. For server side authentication laravels standard auth is used. But here is no other authentication like jwt. Should I use other auth types or would csrf be enough? Are there other suggestions?
Usually for web routes csrf token is enough secure or it has been so far. And it does:
Check if the request is a reading request (HEAD, GET, OPTIONS).
If so, skip the check. Match the token from the _token input or from the headers.
Add a cookie with the token to each request.
If you are using api routes then you can chose from Laravel passport which you can setup oAuth2 or you could build your own custom auth middleware using jwt tokens.
How to use [Authorize] attribute to make it work if validating token (JWT token) through another WEB API.
It works while I am using JWT Authentication within same API.
I am trying to understand the security features of the VS2013 MVC5 SPA Template WebAPI.
In Startup.Auth.cs there is this -
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Token")
and this -
AuthorizeEndpointPath = new PathString("/Account/Authorize")
In my understanding, the AuthorizeEndPointPath is for when your acting as a 3rd Party OAuth authorization server.
However how it is used in the template, the flow seems to be
Login via Forms Authentication
Redirect to a secure page
Javascript checks for a bearer token in the local storage, it doesn't exist, so it redirects to this Authorize endpoint.
window.location = "/Account/Authorize?client_id=web&response_type=token&state=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.hash);
Logs into app with OAuth security, returns token, which will be passed on subsequent API requests.
The /Token endpoint never seems to be used. A prior version of this templated did an ajax post to /Token to login. I have a similar situation where the website is secured via Forms authentication/cookies but the WebApi is secured by Bearer token.
Is the Authorize endpoint being used correctly in this SPA template - is this the correct pattern to follow? It seems like the appropriate way to authenticate for bearer token security "internally" for the app would be a "client credentials grant" though not sure how to generate the "secret".