standalone dlux communication with opendaylight controller - opendaylight

We have cloned opendaylight controller and dlux into a machine
Did "mvn clean install" in opendaylight controller project and started it. By default odl-restconf-all bundle is not installed, as it is required, we installed it (it internally installed many dependent features which we could see using the command "feature list -i")
netstat -anp | grep ":8181"
this command confirmed us that the port is been consumed by the controller
Brought up the dlux server using the command "grunt live", it is listening on port number 9000
we also ensured that dlux-web/config/developement.json and production.json are pointing to the proper controller IP (as controller is running in a different OSGI container but same machine)
Launched the browser using the below url
on the page "Cannot GET /dlux/index.html"
page is shown blank
we have no idea what is missed in those to establish communication between them, can somebody let us know how to debug this issue?
or something from the dlux project should be pasted into the controller project?

After debugging the issue, found that app.module.js has some required variables commented, after enabling them, it started working.
no idea, why they are commented in that script
if someone has an idea about it, please update


Failed to bind to address address already in use

I am trying to figure out how profiles work and I'm looking at when each profile is executed.
When I run my sample application on IIS, there is not problem. But when I run by clicking "WebApplication1" and it tries to use Kestrel, I get the following error in the console:
Failed to bind to address address already in use.
I tried using netstat, netstat -a, and netstat -q.
There is nothing showing up with that address. This is on a local development machine. How do I find out how to fix the binding issue?
You are running two dotnet core application read from config port number and iOS port should be different with clicking webapplication

Glassfish claims the port is occupied. Netsat disagree

I have succesfully deployed application on port 8080.
After undeploy and killing all processes "java" and cleaning folders: "domains/domain1/osgi-cache/felix" and "domains/domain1/applications/" then
I tried to redeploy application.
It occured the port is occupied. I could not find that port using netstat (like it was suggested on many other posts) so I guess port should be available.
I managed to deploy on different port (9090). I did again undeploy and rest of actions like killing and stopping domain... it occured the port is still occupied as well and I could not deploy app on port 8080 and 9090 now.
I am using glassfish 4.1.2 and Windows. Anyone have ideas what can I do more?
I also added my hostname under etc/host.
From the description of your post, it sounds like you have tried to follow some instructions intended for Linux on your Windows system. Since you managed to start GlassFish on port 9090, that indicates that the hostname issue does not affect you. The fact that you could not start GlassFish on port 9090 afterwards suggests that you have not shutdown GlassFish properly.
On Windows, it is not always possible to view all Java processes if they were started by another user. So if you have GlassFish installed as a Windows service, then a Windows system user will start GlassFish and the Java process will not be visible to you.
A good way to verify whether or not GlassFish is still running is to visit the endpoint in a browser, in your case http://localhost:9090. If your application is there, then its homepage will show, otherwise GlassFish will serve a 404 which will look a lot like this:
If you manage to get a response in your browser, then you will be certain that GlassFish is still running.
Actually, I did not find answer why the port is occupied. But if someone else found similar issue, this procedure of redeploy works for me:
1: go to admin panel of glassfish (by default :4848). Select application and click undeploy
2: stop domain using console (asadmin stop-domain domain1)
3: start domain using console (asadmin start-domain domain1)
4: go to admin panel(by default :4848), deploy application.
This procedure worked for me, instead of clicking "redeploy" on admin panel.
Glassfish and Windows...

Configuring PHP development environment

After a long time of using LAMP and WAMP, I've decided to try out Docker (buying new hard drives today, so why not?).
I've managed to create containers for my website and everything works fine.
Content is updated, database is saved to the folder (so kind of persistent), however, I've read that it is possible to automatically start the project containers using integration inside the PhpStorm.
And here are the problems:
I am using Windows 10 Professional with Hyper-V enabled
Docker running as a service
Docker in Windows using NPIPE (Named Pipes)
PhpStorm only works with tcp:// unix:// URI
Tried to use socat to map pipe to tcp and failed (either device is busy, or unable to send 'send' command, or any other error, you name it)
Tried to start the Docker daemon using the configuration file with hosts set to pipes and tcp - failed again (guess it is only works for Azure)
Can someone give me a link to the detailed configuration of the Docker on the Windows or should I just fallback to WAMP, because I REALLY don't want to install VMWare or VBox on my machine, neither I want to use out-of-the-box solutions for hosting local WAMP server (XAMPP, Open Server, Denver, etc), I just don't trust them.
Here's what we have:
4) - you can checkout docker branch. This project contains some examples/tutorials you can try right inside IDE
If that doesn't help at all - please attach/describe an error message you're getting in IDE.

Apache installation issue (in windows 7)

I want to install Apache Web server,for this I tried in the following way .
Step 1 :
I downloaded Apache Web server from the following link.
Step 2:
I installed in the following way.
click on Run-->next-->Accepted Terms-->next-->next
click on next-->next-->change..
click OK-->next-->install. here I am facing the problem I got two screens.
after completion of 23 seconds,It shows Finish button in main screen, I click on that.
to my conformation,whether it is working or not. I open following URL
it's not working.
again for my conformation, I open the following window from my right hand side corner of my system.
How can I fix this.
can you suggest me ?
Your port 80 is already in use by another application, you have two options :
Find & Change the port or Deactivate the application that runs in port 80 (IIS, Skype...)
Changing the Apache port from 80 to another value.
There is "something" already listening on port 80 of your system, which will prevent Apache from starting. It could be Skype, or a web-server like IIS or Tomcat.
If you open the command-line (cmd.exe) and run netstat -ona, and look for the local lines that have port 80 in them (ex:,, you can then cross-reference the PID of that "something" with Task Manager's Process list (press Ctrl-Shift-Esc).
Then you can attempt to disable it (if it's a Service) or remove/uninstall it.
A couple of other issues -
You are downlading Apache 2.0, which is completly outdated. You should be at least using Apache 2.2.
Your Apache download will not come with PHP - you'll only be able to do HTML pages. Nor will it be configured for security, performance, multi-site, etc.
Unless you have a reason not to, try a WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) distribution/package that has everything already set up for you. The popular free ones that come to mind are XAMPP and WampServer; and there are commercial ones like Wamp-Developer. Ans also a few others not mentioned, that you can find recommended here on StackOverflow.
use netstat -bano in an elevated command prompt to see what apps are listening on which ports.
But Usually following applications uses port 80 in windows.
World Wide Web Publishing service
IIS Admin Service
SQL Server Reporting services
Web Deployment Agent Service
Stop above applications if running and check!!!

how to setup a SVN server with collabnet subversion edge on windows server, and how to connect to it remotely using Xcode on Mac?

I am a newbie about SVN server. I've certainly used SVN to check in/out codes before, but never learned how to setup a Subversion server it up from ground up.
What I have:
Server | Windows Server 2012 Standard, Activated:
Installed Collabnet Subversion Edge,
Created a repository,
Created users and also started the server, using start button at GUI on localhost:4434/csvn/.
Client | MacOSX Mountain, with Xcode 4.5 Installed:
I have tried to add repository by using the external IP address and the repository name
like, but as expected, it does not work and says "Host is unreachable".
I have tried to use the local hostname, no luck either. Although I did notice in their documentation, they mentioned IP address setting, but I cannot find it anywhere.
I would like to make it so that users can access and use the SVN repository remotely and locally.
I have no idea what to do, please help me. Thanks for your time!
Go back to the server for a minute. When you are configuring it, are you only using the local web browser? Have you tried accessing the server using web browser from your Mac? I would see if the Mac can reach the web gui first. Maybe you have network issues you have to resolve, such as DNS, routing or firewall.
In terms of using XCode, or any SVN Client, the URL you must enter is the URL to your repository. That will not be:
It will be something like:
In the Subversion Edge web GUI if you go to the list of repositories, you will see an example checkout command next to each repository. This command shows you the URL to enter in a SVN client to reach the root of the repository. Example screenshot here:
I think I have sloved the problem. I knew I have to access the repo using my external IP address somehow, but when I tried something like, for example my IP is, when I typeed, I got a no response message.
I figured that since there are more than 1 computers on my local network, the router has to somehow direct the request to my server only, not some other machine. After some reaserch I found that port forwarding does the trick. Since apache server uses port 80 as default, just get the default gateway ip using ipconfig from CMD, then enable port forwarding for port 80, to the server's local ip address. At least I can access it using my external ip on my local network. I will try to access it remotely and see.
