Get Status from Scenario with Cucumber 2.0.0 - ruby

It looks like its no longer possible use
in Cucumber 2.0.0 to determine the status of a scenario (passed, failed, undefined, skipped). It looks like it is possible to see if a scenario either passes or fails, but I'm also looking to see when steps are undefined or skipped.
Previously, in my code I would write the results to a DB in the After hook of the scenario, like so:
After do |scenario|
Inside of post results, I would call scenario.status to get the status.
Is this no longer possible to do with Cucumber 2.0.0? If it is, what is the new method?

You need to use Hooks.rb to get the status of scenario.
You can use
if scenario.failed?
inside the hooks.rb.
Find more details here:


Don't run a cucumber feature if a element on the page is not available but exit without failing

I want to check a page for an element before I start running the feature file for it (It's an element that periodically appears with an event so I only want to run the feature if its present).
The approach I wanted to use was a tagged before hook to see if the element was present and if it wasn't just don't run the feature but exit without 'failing' the step just exit with a message. I tried variants on the below but
1. If I don't have a rescue clause it obviously fails the scenario when the element isn't present
2. If I do have the rescue clause it handles it and passes moving onto the features which will then fail as the event isn't available.
Is there a way to halt running the feature file if the rescue clause is invoked without the 'fail'?
Before('#event') do
rescue Capybara::ElementNotFound
You shouldn't be using find if you want to make a decision based on existence. Instead you should be using the predicate methods provided by Capybara (has_selector?, has_css?, has_xpath?, etc) so you don't have to rescue exceptions.
The other thing to know is the Cucumber skip_this_sceanrio method, which means you should end up with something like
Before('#event') do
# visit '/some_page' # May not be needed if you have another `Before` already visiting the needed page
skip_this_scenario('Skipping due to missing event') unless page.has_css?('.event')

Wait on a text to be appear in SitePrism Capybara Framework

I tried to wait on a text before perform any action by follows SitePrism URL in this section>> "Methods Supporting Capybara Options".
#page.wait_until_<Element>_visible :text => "Some Text!!!"
But i am getting below error:
undefined method `zero?' for {:text=>"Some Text!!!"}:Hash (NoMethodError)
Why i am getting this error? Am i doing something wrong?
Looking at the site_prism code - the generated method takes a timeout, and the options. It seems like you need to pass the timeout value if you want to pass other options
wait_until_<Element>_visible <timeout value in seconds>, text: "Some Text!!!"
Seems like an error in the documentation, or some old defaulting behavior was removed or something
Old question
For those still hitting this SO answer, this has been remedied in v3 of the API and is no longer an issue. See:
wait_for_ methods now no longer exist, and you should just implicitly wait by calling element i.e. my_button
If you want it to wait, you can modify the Capybara.default_wait_time or pass in a wait key i.e. my_button(wait: 3)

How to perform action when assertion is failed in minitest

I am doing automation of api using minitest in ruby. If any assertion is getting failed, then I want to perform some sort of action. Is there anything I can do when assert_equal() is getting failed?
assert_equal compares two things. You can compare these things by yourself.
if a != b
p.s. assert_equal do little more than just comparing(compare float/time/class/regex), you can look at his source.

if page has selector - Capybara

I'm trying to implement a simple piece of logic that says if element exists on page do something`
The issue I am facing is that if the element doesn't exist then the find method provided returns an exception and will fail my test.
so for example I want to do something like:
if page.find(".element")
do something
If the element doesn't exist then the test should just carry on as normal.
Is there a way to do this?
Consider using something like this:
if page.has_css?('selector')
do something
This method is described here

Rails -- use RSpec "get" and "response" methods in Rake task

I know RSpec has useful methods "get" and "response.should" to run integration tests - I want to know how I can use these (or other methods to achieve the same result) in a Rake task:
desc "Check all content items with type 0 and do something"
task :my_task => :environment do
ContentItem.where("content_type = ?", 0).each do |obj|
get "/my_path/"+obj.value
if (response has a certain html tag)
perform some action on obj
I know that I can't just run rspec methods like that, but this is effectively what I need to do, and I need to be able to process information returned when /my_path/obj.value is opened. Does anyone have any suggestions?
why do you need to go through the url to do this action with your ContentItem ? Why not just use the local obj and do stuff?
Basically it looks like you're mixing up view-code with model code here... the model's object should not depend on values in the html... if there is some information being figured out in the view... put it into a method on the ContentItem model and call that code either from the view... or from this rake task.
Ok.... well if you really need to GET a URL - look into Ruby's Net::Http gem - that will literally fetch URLs. Rails doesn't do that as standard... even for local URLs.
You might then be able to use a parser such as hpricot or nokogiri to parse the results to find the tag you need.
