Cast for Audio Hardware SDK? - chromecast

I am interested in developing a play back device with the Google Cast for Audio standard.
Is there a public documentation of the protocol?
Or who do I have to contact to get the procotol details for implementing a receiver?
(I dont want to write a chrome cast app)
Thanks in advance!

At this point, we generally aren't licensing Google Cast to external partners. We may expand our product ecosystem in the future.


How to embed audio in Slack via API?

We want to be able to embed an audio file in a Slack chat via the web API.
So far I managed to files.remote.add but that's just an external link.
Then I tried files.upload and share it to a channel, it does embed and play right inside Slack, but for us it's a suboptimal solution, as users can easily download the file, which is against our requirements.
Is there another way to achieve this?
PS: I've read almost all the documentation, there doesn't seem to be an audio or media block type, although I've seen examples that cite a file block type which is neither documented in the API and it's not defined in Bolt. (at least there are no type definitions for it for typescript)
It's not currently possible to embed a media player (audio or video) via the API. We're constantly tuning our APIs, if you have a specific use case in mind, would you mind writing in to and we'll get it logged. Thank you!

Building a cast action for google home

I want to know please if it is possible to build a cast app for google home which casts content from an app to Chromecast using Google home. For example, "Ok google, play XXXAudio/videoContent from XXXApp on the TV."
This means that I want to cast a content from XXXApp to Chromecast, but without using the phone to do that, but rather using Google home.
I have imagined doing that like : Google home retrieves the requested data from the XXXApp then casts the content, through the receiver, to Chromecast. The requested content is then displayed on the TV.
Any help or advice will be appreciated.
It depends exactly what you want your cast app to do.
If you want to be able to provide media just like someone like Spotify or a local streaming radio station does, you need to parter with Google. You'll then have access to a range of partner solution feed options.
If you have other cast apps that you want, or other things that you may want to cast to a tv (for example) - these aren't currently available. However, Smart Displays using the Assistant are coming shortly, and these may start to introduce capabilities that will also be available for cast devices.
One could probably do something that started the cast app from an existing supported device and then, once running, control it via an Action. But this isn't something directly available right now.

How to cast a specific song programatically with Cast Audio

I'd like to hook up a bttn such that when that button is pressed, a specific song is played through my speakers using the new Chromecast Audio. I couldn't find documentation for a REST API that would allow me to accomplish this.
Is there any direct hookup that would be possible such that I can call some REST API to play audio through Cast Audio?
There is no single rest apis to do so; the process of casting a media, using the Cast SDK, amounts to starting a discovery, selecting (connecting to) a device, setting up the so-called RemoteMediaPlayer and then loading a media. There is plenty of documentation on our Cast documentation site that helps you follow and implement the above steps, along with a good number of sample apps.

How can google analytics be integrated in a desktop application (MAC)..?

Could anyone help or refer how it can be done..I searched over the net and what i felt is that its only for mobile and websites.
It's for websites. Many of the concepts of web analytics (number of pages viewed for example) don't even make any sense on a desktop app, because they're not organized like a web page.
If you want to use Google analytics data from an analytics account Google provides a data export API.
If you want to track your native application then as Catfish_Man (great name btw!) said, it is not really possible. That isn't totally true, as you could fake it, but the paradigm is so different that you would be better off creating you own solution.
You might want to see this library for GA on desktops
Google Analytics doesn't provide a native Mac app integration, but you can use the Measurement Protocol Overview to send raw data to your GA property from your account.
Just create a mobile app property and then start sending raw GA events using HTTP. There are couple Obj-C wrappers available like or

How to implement voice chat in cocoa?

I have made a simple chat application using AsyncSocket class where client nodes can send message to each other via chat server application.
I want to integrate voice chat functionality in it but I am not getting any material over net which can show me correct direction to move on.
Can anyone suggest me some useful link or idea which can help me in its initiation??
You can use GameKit, it has Voice chat support.
There are several libraries which implement SIP et al., like PJSIP, Sofia, etc. There are a few applications I know of that embed such libraries to do most of the work for them.
Of course, this assumes you wish to implement SIP.
You can Implement Voice Chat over bluetooth using GameKit framework. If you want to see how it works please visit
