scanf,fgets, fgetc get skipped inside loop - char

Im trying to make a recursive menu.
This program will later work with a tree(hojanodo), thats why I keep track of the root.
Problem: For some reason the fgets/fgetc is being skipped inside the recursivity on the second run, why does this happen?
I want the user to input either 1,2 or 3.(int)
What would be the fix for this? and is this the best way to implement a menu?
Here's what I have right now:(It compiles and runs so you can test it out but doesn't really work like I would like to..)
typedef struct node{
char ch;
int i;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
int handle_menu(int eventHandler, hojaNodo **root);
int opcion_menu();
char get_symbol();
int get_userMenuInput();
int intro();
int main(){
hojaNodo *treeRoot = NULL;
// system("clear");
handle_menu(opcion_menu(), &treeRoot);
return 0;
int opcion_menu(){
int userOption;
printf("1.Agrega un Simbolo.\n");
printf("2.Listar Codigo\n");
userOption = get_userMenuInput();
printf("User: %d",userOption);
if(userOption < 4 && userOption > 0){
return userOption;
return -1;
}//eof opcion_menu
int handle_menu(int userOption,hojaNodo **root){
hojaNodo *tempRoot = NULL;
tempRoot = *root;
int valor;
char simbol;
case 1:
simbol = get_symbol();
printf("Simbol: %c", simbol);
case 2:
printf("List Nodes\n");
case 3:
userOption = -1;
// destroy_tree(root);
printf("userOption Error, Bye!");
}//eof switch
if(userOption != -1)
// return userOption;
return -1;
}//eof menu()
char get_symbol(){
/*char userKey[3]
char simbolo;
printf("Give me a symbol.");
simbolo = fgetc(stdin);
return simbolo;
int get_userMenuInput(){
char userKey[3];
int userOption;
size_t len;
len = sizeof(userKey);
userOption = atoi(userKey);
//printf("User Option: %d\n", userOption);
return userOption;

Well apart from all the comments related to recursion and other changes suggested, please check this out. fgets() function needs flushing the input stream. It can be done using fflush() or fgetc().
A simple solution would be:
In function:
int opcion_menu(){
fgetc(stdin); // Add this statement
Also in function:
int handle_menu(int userOption,hojaNodo **root)
case 1:
printf("Give me a choice : ");
fgetc(stdin); // add this statement
fgets reads in at most one less than size characters from stream and stores them into the buffer pointed to by string. This will lead the newline character still available in Input Stream which need to be flushed. If this newline character is not read from Input stream, than this would become the input for next fgets function and ultimately it will skip the fgets(since it has already got its input a newline character)
fgetc(stdin) will flush out these extra newline character.

I don't know if this might help anyone.
In my case, I had to 'free' the buffer from the char with this function:
void clean(){
char cTemp;
while((cTemp = getchar()) != '\n')
Im not really sure why this works but it does(if anyone does, please add it to my answer).
I call it right before I call get_userOption();


SOLVED: GCC Compare String IF else ( A way to verify that you have written a certain word )

I'm learning at GCC and while I was trying various solutions to verify the entry of a certain word, IF Word = Word {do something;}
It seems that in C it cannot be done directly and so I tried this solution that seems to work:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(){
int CClose = 0;
int VerifyS = 0;
char PWord[30] ={'\0'};
do {
printf("\n Type a word: ");
scanf(" %s", &PWord);
VerifyS = strncmp(PWord, "exit", 4);
if (!VerifyS){ CClose = 1;}else{ printf("\n The Word is:%s", PWord);}
}while (CClose != 1);
return 0;
I wanted to know if there is another way to do the same thing.
Thank you.
What you've written is essentially the most common way to do this. There is indeed no way in C to compare two strings in a single expression without calling a function.
You can cut out the temporary variable VerifyS if you like, by writing
if (!strncmp(pWord, "exit", 4)) { /...
or, perhaps slightly clearer
if (strncmp(pWord, "exit", 4) == 0) { /...

Pointer not printing char[] array

I'm writing some code to take in a string, turn it into a char array and then print back to the user (before passing to another function).
Currently the code works up to dat.toCharArray(DatTim,datsize); however, the pointer does not seem to be working as the wile loop never fires
String input = "Test String for Foo";
void InputParse (String dat)
//Write Data
datsize = dat.length()+1;
const char DatTim[datsize];
//Debug print back
for(int i=0;i<datsize;i++)
//Debug pointer print back
const char *b;
while (*b)
I can't figure out the difference between what I have above vs the template code provided by Majenko
void PrintString(const char *str)
const char *p;
p = str;
while (*p)
The expression *DatTim is the same as DatTim[0], i.e. it gets the first character in the array and then assigns it to the pointer b (something the compiler should have warned you about).
Arrays naturally decays to pointers to their first element, that is DatTim is equal to &DatTim[0].
The simple solution is to simply do
const char *b = DatTim;

Converting Unicodestring to Char[]

I've got a form with a Listbox which contains lines of four words.
When I click on one line, these words should be seen in four different textboxes.
So far, I've got everything working, yet I have a problem with chars converting.
The string from the listbox is a UnicodeString but the strtok uses a char[].
The compiler tells me it "Cannot Convert UnicodeString to Char[]". This is the code I am using for this:
int a;
UnicodeString b;
char * pch;
int c;
a=DatabaseList->ItemIndex; //databaselist is the listbox
char str[] = b; //This is the part that fails, telling its unicode and not char[].
pch = strtok (str," ");
while (pch!=NULL)
if (c==1)
} else if (c==2)
} else if (c==3)
} else if (c==4)
pch = strtok (NULL, " ");
I know my code doesn't look nice, pretty bad actually. I'm just learning some programming in C++.
How can I convert this?
strtok actually modifies your char array, so you will need to construct an array of characters you are allowed to modify. Referencing directly into the UnicodeString string will not work.
// first convert to AnsiString instead of Unicode.
AnsiString ansiB(b);
// allocate enough memory for your char array (and the null terminator)
char* str = new char[ansiB.Length()+1];
// copy the contents of the AnsiString into your char array
strcpy(str, ansiB.c_str());
// the rest of your code goes here
// remember to delete your char array when done
delete[] str;
This works for me and saves me converting to AnsiString
// Using a static buffer
#define MAX_SIZE 256
UnicodeString ustring = "Convert me";
char mbstring[MAX_SIZE];
// Using dynamic buffer
char *dmbstring;
dmbstring = new char[ustring.Length() + 1];
wcstombs(dmbstring,ustring.c_str(),ustring.Length() + 1);
// use dmbstring
delete dmbstring;

Task switching using a queue

i'm developing my own hobby os, and now i'm stuck with a problem on the scheduler/task switching.
I planned to use a FIFO queue as structure to hold processes. I implemented it using linked list.
I also decided to use the iret method to switch from a task to another (so when the os was serving an interrupt request just before the iret i change the ESP register in order to move to the new task).
But i have a problem.
When the os start it launch two tasks:
And with these two i have no problem.
But if i try to launch two other tasks (with a simply printf inside), the task queue was corrupted.
If after that i try to print the queue it print only two tasks that are the 2 just created and with idle and shell disappeared, but the os continues to work (i think that in a specific moment the esp field of the new tasks was replaced with the esp content of the shell).
The task data structure is:
typedef struct task_t{
pid_t pid;
char name[NAME_LENGTH];
void (*start_function)();
task_state status;
task_register_t *registers;
unsigned int cur_quants;
unsigned int eip;
long int esp;
unsigned int pdir;
unsigned int ptable;
struct task_t *next;
and the tss is:
typedef struct {
unsigned int edi; //+0
unsigned int esi; //+1
unsigned int ebp; //+2
unsigned int esp; //+3 (can be null)
unsigned int ebx; //+4
unsigned int edx; //+5
unsigned int ecx; //+6
unsigned int eax; //+7
unsigned int eip; //+8
unsigned int cs; //+9
unsigned int eflags; //+10
unsigned int end;
} task_register_t;
The scheduler function is the following:
void schedule(unsigned int *stack){
if(active == TRUE){
task_t* cur_task = dequeue_task();
if(cur_task != NULL){
cur_pid = cur_task->pid;
} else {
((task_register_t *)(cur_task->esp))->eip = cur_task->eip;
enqueue_task(cur_task->pid, cur_task);
dbg_bochs_print(" -- ");
*stack = cur_task->esp;
} else {
enqueue_task(cur_task->pid, cur_task);
active = FALSE;
The tss is initalized with the following values:
void new_tss(task_register_t* tss, void (*func)()){
tss->edi =0;
tss->esi =0;
tss->cs = 8;
tss->eip = (unsigned)func;
tss->eflags = 0x202;
tss->end = (unsigned) suicide;
//tss->fine = (unsigned)end; //per metterci il suicide
And the function that creates a new task is the following:
pid_t new_task(char *task_name, void (*start_function)()){
task_t *new_task;
table_address_t local_table;
unsigned int new_pid = request_pid();
new_task = (task_t*)kmalloc(sizeof(task_t));
strcpy(new_task->name, task_name);
new_task->next = NULL;
new_task->start_function = start_function;
new_task->pid = new_pid;
new_task->eip = (unsigned int)start_function;
new_task->esp = (unsigned int)kmalloc(STACK_SIZE) + STACK_SIZE-100;
new_task->status = NEW;
new_task->registers = (task_register_t*)new_task->esp;
new_tss(new_task->registers, start_function);
local_table = map_kernel();
new_task->pdir = local_table.page_dir;
new_task->ptable = local_table.page_table;
//new_task->pdir = 0;
//new_task->ptable = 0;
enqueue_task(new_task->pid, new_task);
//(task_list.current)->cur_quants = MAX_TICKS;
return new_pid;
I'm sure that i just forgot something, or i miss some consideration. But i cannot figure what i'm missing.
Actually i'm working only in kernel mode, and inside the same address space (pagiing is enabled, but actually i use the same pagedir for all tasks).
The ISR macros are defined here:
I declared four kinds of function in order to handle ISR:
EXCEPTION_EC (an exception with an error code)
Obviously the scheduler is called by an IRQ routine, so the macro looks like:
"pushad;" \
"movl %esp, %eax;"\
"pushl %eax;"\
"call _irqinterrupt;"\
"popl %eax;"\
"movl %eax, %esp;"\
the irq handler function is:
void _irqinterrupt(unsigned int esp){
int irqn;
irqn = get_current_irq();
IRQ_s* tmpHandler;
if(irqn>=0) {
tmpHandler = shareHandler[irqn];
if(tmpHandler!=0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("2 - IRQ_func: %d, %d\n", tmpHandler->IRQ_func, tmpHandler);
while(tmpHandler->next!=NULL) {
tmpHandler = tmpHandler->next;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("1 - IRQ_func (_prova): %d, %d\n", tmpHandler->IRQ_func, tmpHandler);
if(tmpHandler!=0) tmpHandler->IRQ_func();
} else printf("irqn: %d\n", irqn);
else printf("IRQ N: %d E' arrivato qualcosa che non so gestire ", irqn);
if(irqn<=8 && irqn!=2) outportb(MASTER_PORT, EOI);
else if(irqn<=16 || irqn==2){
outportb(SLAVE_PORT, EOI);
outportb(MASTER_PORT, EOI);
And these are the enqueue_task and dequeue_task functions:
void enqueue_task(pid_t pid, task_t* n_task){
if(task_list.tail == NULL){
task_list.head = n_task;
task_list.tail = task_list.head;
} else {
task_list.head = n_task;
task_t* dequeue_task(){
return NULL;
} else {
task_t* _task;
_task = task_list.tail;
return _task;
Thanks in advance,
and let me know if you need more details!
It is hard to tell. How does your assembly part of the isr look like? What makes me think is the problem (since you can save and restore two tasks but not more) is that you don't push and pop all registers properly. You do use pusha and popa for the isr right?
I also want to add that having cli and sti like you have done there can be dangerous. In your isrs set cli as the first opcode. Then you wont need to use sti at all because iret will automatically flip this on for you (it is actually a bit in the eflags register).
Good luck!

Alternative to fgets()?

Obtain output from an executable
Will not compile, due to fgets() declaration
What is the best alternative to fgets, as fgets requires char *?
Is there a better alternative?
void Q_analysis (const char *data)
string buffer;
size_t found;
found = buffer.find_first_of (*data);
FILE *condorData = _popen ("condor_q", "r");
while (fgets (buffer.c_str(), buffer.max_size(), condorData) != NULL)
if (found == string::npos)
} else {
You should be using the string.getline function for strings
however in your case, you should be using a char[] to read into.
string s;
char buffer[ 4096 ];
fgets(buffer, sizeof( buffer ), condorData);
s.assign( buffer, strlen( buffer ));
or your code:
void Q_analysis( const char *data )
char buffer[ 4096 ];
FILE *condorData = _popen ("condor_q", "r");
while( fgets( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), condorData ) != NULL )
if( strstr( buffer, data ) == NULL )
Instead of declaring you buffer as a string declare it as something like:
char buffer[MY_MAX_SIZE]
call fgets with that, and then build the string from the buffer if you need in that form instead of going the other way.
The reason what you're doing doesn't work is that you're getting a copy of the buffer contents as a c-style string, not a pointer into the gut of the buffer. It is, by design, read only.
-- MarkusQ
You're right that you can't read directly into a std::string because its c_str and data methods both return const pointers. You could read into a std::vector<char> instead.
You could also use the getline function. But it requires an iostream object, not a C FILE pointer. You can get from one to the other, though, in a vendor-specific way. See "A Handy Guide To Handling Handles" for a diagram and some suggestions on how to get from one file type to another. Call fileno on your FILE* to get a numeric file descriptor, and then use fstream::attach to associate it with an fstream object. Then you can use getline.
Try the boost library - I believe it has a function to create an fstream from a FILE*
or you could use fileno() to get a standard C file handle from the FILE, then use fstream::attach to attach a stream to that file. From there you can use getline(), etc. Something like this:
FILE *condorData = _popen ("condor_q", "r");
std::ifstream &stream = new std::ifstream();
I haven't tested it all too well, but the below appears to do the job:
//! read a line of text from a FILE* to a std::string, returns false on 'no data'
bool stringfgets(FILE* fp, std::string& line)
char buffer[1024];
do {
if(!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
return !line.empty();
} while(!strchr(buffer, '\n'));
return true;
Be aware however that this will happily read a 100G line of text, so care must be taken that this is not a DoS-vector from untrusted source files or sockets.
