Crystal Report Formula -running total 4Help - crystal-reports-2008

I need to count the total # of orders that are Co-signed within a specific time range and count the orders which are not.
The problem is I have orderId and OrderFunction field with multiple value and I need to display if with that multiple value one of them satisfy as co-sgin then the orderid should display as signed order.
I have below formula to dispaly as signed order but I am also getting else display because of the multiple valu associate with the same orderId.
if {Command.ChangedDateTime}<{#Creation+48}AND {Command.OrderFunction}="Co-Sign Order"
then " signed" else "not signed"
Order_oid OrderFunction Signed/NotSigned Orders
Co-Sign Order signed orders
Acknowledge Order not signed orders
Discontinue Order not signed orders
Acknowledge Order not signed orders
Revise Order not signed orders
Discontinue Order not signed orders
so for above example when this order101 has signed orders, then i want running total of only signed or I want that order to be displayed as only signed order
Thank you for any help.


Sum with filter based on string Power BI

I have this Table.
I want to create a measure that will only work with the Products containing "HDD" in their name (first, second and fifth product in that case).
It's working with that formula : HDDProduct= CALCULATE(COUNT([Product]),FILTER(ALL([Product]),SEARCH("HDD",[Product],1,0)))
It only count the number of product with HDD in their name. But if I want a sum of the prices of those products for example, it won't work. I can only use COUNT.
Any idea ?
for sum you have to create another measure, below are my resolution to your question
for count
HDDProduct_count = CALCULATE(COUNT([Product]),FILTER(Product_table,SEARCH("HDD",[Product],1,0)))
for price sum
HDDProduct_Price_sum = CALCULATE(SUM(Product_table[Price]),FILTER(Product_table,SEARCH("HDD",[Product],1,0)))
note: please check the data type of price column to integer data type
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OBIEE Merge two queries (join)

I need help.
I am new to obiee (recently moved from business objects and re-creating all reports in obiee).
Here is an example I need help with. I have created an analysis where I am listing all orders with their target delivery dates and number of products in each order.
Order Id......Target Delivery Date...No of products
I want to add to a column next to No of products called "No of prods delivered on time". I want to compare delivery date of each product within a order with the target delivery date and
Give count of products delivered within the target date.. So the output should be
Where 3 is number of products delivered on time.
I could do it in BO by running two queries and merging them however in obiee I am not able to add second query to my analysis. I did try at product level using case when target date >=delivery date then 1 else 0 and wrapped this with sum function to aggregate but it didn't work ..
Appreciate your help in this. Searching for this topics give me results for running queries from multiple subject area :(
You also have unions in OBIEE, you union the results of 2 queries which return the same structure, so you have query A with Order ID, Target Date, No Products and a Dummy column with a 0 and default agregation Sum, and a second query with Order ID, Target Date, Dummy column summing 0 and the number of products delivered.
You do all this in the criteria tab of the analysis. It's important the order in which you put your columns, because that's what OBIEE is using to do the union.

Ms Access 2007 - Can sort or group report but not both, can't figure out why

I'm stuck and confused and hopefully can get some help here. I have a query that pulls info from two tables and a report that reads it. My two tables are as such: One of the is a Contact list with phone numbers, names, and addresses. The other table is a paid history. The PhoneNumber field is how they're tied together. There are no duplicate entries in the Contact table but there are multiple paid instances per phone number in the other table.
My report groups them on the phone number, but I also need it to sort by date. My date field is marked as time/date, and it is in the paid table. The issue I'm running into is that I can either Group on PhoneNumber OR sort on the Date field but not both. When I set the Group as the top level, it ignores the Sort that I have set below it. If I take the sort and drag it up so that it becomes the top level, it won't group. When it doesn't group I'm left with multiple instances of the same Contact info... as in I get a new listing for every date that it has ever paid, whereas I need one a single Contact listing with each paid instance to be grouped underneath it.
Here's my query SQL:
ON tblContributorsLead.PhoneNumber = tblPledgesLead.PhoneNumber
AND ((tblPledgesLead.DateRecd) Is Not Null));
Why would I only be able to either group OR sort but not both at the same time?
Edit: is a copy of my database stripped down.
I think I understand now what you wanted - to have the phone number groups with the most recent dates show up at the top. To do this you need to identify the Last (or First if you need it the other way around) DateRecd for each PhoneNumber.
SELECT SortingAndGrouping.LastDate, SortingAndGrouping.PhoneNumber, tblPledgesLead.DateRecd
FROM (tblContributorsLead INNER JOIN tblPledgesLead ON
tblContributorsLead.PhoneNumber = tblPledgesLead.PhoneNumber) INNER JOIN
(SELECT CDate(Format(tblPledgesLead.DateRecd,"MM/DD/YYYY")) As LastDate, tblPledgesLead.PhoneNumber
FROM tblContributorsLead INNER JOIN tblPledgesLead ON
tblContributorsLead.PhoneNumber = tblPledgesLead.PhoneNumber
ORDER BY tblPledgesLead.DateRecd DESC) AS SortingAndGrouping ON
tblContributorsLead.PhoneNumber = SortingAndGrouping.PhoneNumber
ORDER BY SortingAndGrouping.LastDate DESC , SortingAndGrouping.PhoneNumber, tblPledgesLead.DateRecd DESC;
You will need to add the additional fields you want to display (I removed them here for clarity), and have the report enforce the same sorting I have here - Create a group for the LastDate column, then a group for the PhoneNumber column, then have the sorting specified.

Why does magento generates random order id's

One of my magento site shows zig-zag order numbers from admin panel sales->orders. I guess, it should be auto incremented. There is possiblity to skip few numbers due to uncompleted orders. But i get unusual number for an order. Last order id was 100001922 and i get order id for latest order 100001300. can anybody help me as i need to figure out the reason.

Business Objects XI Web Intelligence Aggregation Issue (

I've got a multiple tabbed report. On one tab I have the details listed and on another I have a summary table (cross reference) type of aggregation based on the same dimensions utilized in the detail report. I've created a calculated field that takes the product of two measures, I've saved this as a variable. When I try to aggregate that variable on the summary report BOWI is not calculating correctly. Example:
QTY * PRICE = LineTotal
2 * 3 = 6
4 * 3 = 12
TotalOrder = $18
Calculates correctly on the detail report.
When I put this on the aggregate report it is doing the following:
Sum QTY * Sum Price = Total, in other words it is doing
6 * 6 = $36.
My totals on the aggregate are highly inflated. Firstly in what world does that order of precedence make sense? and secondly how can I tell BOWI to sum the TotalOrders instead of breaking it back up into it's components summing those and then multiplying?
Is it a bug?
Further Information
The detail report is Sectioned by Year, Region, State -> Detail lines
The summary report is dimensioned by Year, Region, State
The (QTY * PRICE) component is saved as a variable and utilized in both places.
Am I missing the secret handshake somewhere when calculated fields/variables can't be aggregated and they need to do so in the Universe?
I havent worked with WEBI for a while, I mainly develop DESKI reports, however what you describe sounds similar to the aggregation that occurs in DESKI. If a measure is set to sum aggregation, then it will add all the measures together that relate to the dimension that is added to the report.
For example, if like my details reports, you have the columns order number, qty, price then the aggregation will sum both qty and price at the order level, which is correct. However moving to the summary table then this will cause incorrect data.
To remove the aggregation you can change it from SUM to NONE, I cant recall off the top of my head on how to do this in WEBI (if you cant find out I can check my course materials which are work).
Alternatively, it is best to ensure the dimensions on your summary report are suitable for the data presented.
If you need any further information please let me know.
