How do I send commands to the ADB shell directly from my app? - windows

I want to send commands in the ADB shell itself as if i had done the following in cmd.
>adb shell
shell#:/ <command>
I am using python 3.4 on a windows 7 OS 64bit machine. I can send one-line shell commands simply using subprocess.getoutput such as:
subprocess.getoutput ('adb pull /storage/sdcard0/file.txt')
as long as the adb commands themselves are recognized by ADB specifically, such as pull and push, however there are other commands such as grep that need to be run IN the shell, like above, since they are not recognized by adb. for example, the following line will not work:
subprocess.getoutput ('adb shell ls -l | grep ...')
To enter the commands in the shell I thought I needed some kind of expect library as that is what 'everyone' suggests, however pexpect, wexpect, and winexpect all failed to work. they were written for python 2 and after being ported to python 3 and my going through the .py files by hand, even those tweaked for windows, nothing was working - each of them for different reasons.
how can i send the input i want to the adb shell directly?

If none of the already recommended shortcuts work for you you can still go the 'regular' way using 'subprocess.Popen' for entering commands in the adb shell with Popen:
cmd1 = 'adb shell'
cmd2 = 'ls -l | grep ...'
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd1.split(), stdin=PIPE)
Some things to remember:
even though you import subprocess you still need to invoke subprocess.Popen
sending cmd1 as a string or as items in a list should work too but '.split()' does the trick and is easier on the eyes
since you only specidfied you want to enter input to the shell you only need stdin=PIPE. stdout would only be necessary if you wanted to receive output from the shell
time.sleep(1) isn't really necessary, however since many complained about input issues being faster or slower in python 2 vs 3 consider maybe using it. 'they' might have been using versions of 'expect' that need the shell's reply first. this code also worked when i tested it with simply swapping out and in the process with time.sleep(0)
stdin.write will return an error if the input is not encoded properly. python's default is unicode. entering by binary did not work for me in my tests like this "b\ls ..." but .encode() worked. dont forget the endline!
if you use .encode() there is a worry that the line might not get sent properly, so to be sure it might be good to include a flush().
time.sleep(3) is completely uneccesary, but if your command takes a long time to execute (eg a regressive search through the entire device piped out to a txt file on the memory card) maybe give it some extra time before killing anyhting.
remember to kill. if you didnt kill it, the pipe may remain open, and even after exiting the test app on the console the next commend still went to the shell even though the prompt appearsed to be my regular cmd prompt.

Amichai, I have to start with pointing out that your own "solution" is pretty awful. And your explanation makes it even worse. Doing all those unnecessary things just because you do not understand how shell (here I mean your PC's OS shell, not adb) command parsing works.
When all you needed was just this one command:
subprocess.check_output(['adb', 'shell', 'ls /storage/sdcard0 | grep ...']).decode('utf-8')


Programmatically/script to run zsh command

As part of a bigger script I'm using print -z ls to have zsh's input buffer show the ls command. This requires me to manually press enter to actually execute the command. Is there a way to have ZSH execute the command?
To clarify, the objective is to have a command run, keep it in history, and in case another command is running it shouldn't run in parallel or something like that.
The solution I've found is:
python -c "import fcntl, sys, termios; fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdin, termios.TIOCSTI, '\n');
I'm not sure why, but sometimes you might need to repeat the command 2 times for the actual command to be executed. In my case this is happening because I send a process to the background, although this still doesn't make much sense because that process is sending a signal back to the original shell (triggering a trap) which actually calls this code.
In case anyone is interested, this was my goal:

Is it possible to make a .bat Bash hybrid?

In cmd, it is possible to use Linux commands with the ubuntu or bash commands, but they are very fickle. In batch, it is also possible to make a VBScript-batch hybrid, which got me thinking, is it possible to make a Bash-batch hybrid? Besides being a tongue-twister, I feel that Bash-batch scripts may be really useful.
What I have tried so far
So far I tried using the empty bash and ubuntu commands alone since they switch the normal command-prompt to the Ubuntu/Bash shell, but even if you put commands after the ubuntu/bash they wouldn't show or do anything.
After I tried that, I tried using the ubuntu -run command, but like I said earlier, it’s really fickle and inconsistent on what things work and what things don't. It is less inconsistent when you pipe things into it, but it still usually doesn't work.
I looked here since it seemed like it would answer my question and I tried it, but it didn't work since it required another program (I think).
I also looked to this and I guess it failed miserably, but interesting concept.
What I've gotten from all of my research is that most people think when this is mentioned of a file that could be run either as a .bat file or as .sh shell file instead of my goal, to make a file that runs both batch and Bash commands in the same instance.
What I want this for relates to my other question where I am trying to hash a string instead of a file in cmd, and you could do it with a Bash command, but I would still like to keep the file as a batch file.
Sure you can use Bash in batch, assuming it is available. Just use the command bash -c 'cmd', where cmd is the command that you want to run in Bash.
The following batch line pipes the Hello to cat -A command that prints it including the invisible symbols:
echo Hello | bash -c "cat -A"
Compare the output with the result of the version completely written in Bash:
bash -c "echo Hello | cat -A"
They will slightly differ!

Read output from subprocess without using pipes

I'm trying to run bash.exe (Bash on Ubuntu for Windows) as a build command for Sublime Text. However, bash.exe has a bug and does not support outputting its stdout to any pipe.
Question is this: how can I run a cmd line (i.e. "bash.exe -c ls") and capture the output without ever making bash.exe output into pipes on windows?
I'm open to using any languages or environment on Windows to make this tool.
I ran
bashTest = subprocess.Popen(["bash.exe", "-c", "ls"]), stdout=subproccess.PIPE)
Which yielded:
bashTest.communicate()[0] b'E\x00r\x00r\x00o\x00r\x00:\x00\x000\x00x\x008\x000\x000\x007\x000\x000\x005\x007\x00\r\x00\r\x00\n\x00'
This is currently not possible. There's a github issue about it which was closed as a known limitation. If you want to increase awareness of it, I see 2 related User Voice ideas: Allow Windows programs to spawn Bash and Allow native Win32 applications to launch Linux tools/commands.
There are ways you could hack around it, however. One way would be to write a script which loops forever in a bash.exe console. When the script gets a signal, it runs Linux commands with the output piped to a file then signals that it is complete. Here's some pseudo code:
while true
while not exists /mnt/c/dobuild
sleep 1
gcc foo.c > /mnt/c/build.log
rm /mnt/c/dobuild
touch C:\dobuild
while exists C:\dobuild
sleep 1
cat C:\build.log
This does require keeping a bash.exe console always open with the script running, which is not ideal.
Another potential workaround, which was already mentioned, is to use ReadConsoleOutput.
You need to use the option shell=True in Popen() to have pipes work.
like this example dont need to split this command.
>>> import subprocess as sp
>>> cmd = 'echo "test" | cat'
>>> process = sp.Popen(cmd,stdout=sp.PIPE,shell=True)
>>> output = process.communicate()[0]
>>> print output
Your only realistic option, if you can't wait for a fix, would be to use ReadConsoleOutput and/or the related functions.

Terminal emulator implementation - problems with repeated input

I am trying to implement a terminal emulator in Java. It is supposed to be able to host both cmd.exe on Windows and bash on Unix-like systems (I would like to support at least Linux and Mac OS X). The problem I have is that both cmd.exe and bash repeat on their standard output whatever I send to their standard input.
For example, in bash, I type "ls", hit enter, at which point the terminal emulator sends the input line to bash's stdin and flushes the stream. The process then outputs the input line again "ls\n" and then the output of the ls command.
This is a problem, because other programs apart from bash and cmd.exe don't do that. If I run, inside either bash, or cmd.exe, the command "python -i", the python interactive shell does not repeat the input in the way bash and cmd.exe does. This means a workaround would have to know what process the actual output came from. I doubt that's what actual terminal emulators do.
Running "bash -i" doesn't change this behaviour. As far as I know, cmd.exe doesn't have distinct "interactive" and "noninteractive" modes.
EDIT: I am creating the host process using the ProcessBuilder class. I am reading the stdout and stderr and writing to the stdin of the process using a technique similar to the stream gobbler. I don't set any environment variables before I start the host process. The exact commands I use to start the processes are bash -i for bash and cmd for cmd.exe. I'll try to post minimal code example as soon as I manage to create one.
On Unix, run stty -echo to disable "local echo" (i.e. the shell repeating everything that you type). This is usually enabled so a user can edit what she types.
In your case, BASH must somehow allocate a pseudo TTY; otherwise, it would not echo every command. set +x would have a similar effect but then, you'd see + ls instead of ls in the output.
With cmd.exe the command #ECHO OFF should achieve the same effect.
Just execute those after the process has been created and it should work.

Get last bash command including pipes

I wrote a script that's retrieving the currently run command using $BASH_COMMAND. The script is basically doing some logic to figure out current command and file being opened for each tmux session. Everything works great, except when user runs a piped command (i.e. cat file | less), in which case $BASH_COMMAND only seems to store the first command before the pipe. As a result, instead of showing the command as less[file] (which is the actual program that has the file open), the script outputs it as cat[file].
One alternative I tried using is relying on history 1 instead of $BASH_COMMAND. There are a couple issues with this alternative as well. First, it does not auto-expand aliases, like $BASH_COMMAND does, which in some cases could cause the script to get confused (for example, if I tell it to ignore ls, but use ll instead (mapped to ls -l), the script will not ignore the command, processing it anyway), and including extra conditionals for each alias doesn't seem like a clean solution. The second problem is that I'm using HISTIGNORE to filter out some common commands, which I still want the script to be aware of, using history will just make the script ignore the last command unless it's tracked by history.
I also tried using ${#PIPESTATUS[#]} to see if the array length is 1 (no pipes) or higher (pipes used, in which case I would retrieve the history instead), but it seems to always only be aware of 1 command as well.
Is anyone aware of other alternatives that could work for me (such as another variable that would store $BASH_COMMAND for the other subcalls that are to be executed after the current subcall is complete, or some way to be aware if the pipe was used in the last command)?
i think that you will need to change a bit your implementation and use "history" command to get it to work. Also, use the command "alias" to check all of the configured alias.. the command "which" to check if the command is actually stored in any PATH dir. good luck
