use select statement in oracle check constraint - oracle

Can we use select statement when we declare a check constraint
create table category
(id_category number primary key,
category varcahr2(100) check (category in (select * from table1))
thank you

No, you can't.
I'm not sure that I understand what you are trying to accomplish. If you are trying to verify that the category exists in table1, assuming that category is the primary key of table1, you'd want a foreign key constraint not a check constraint. It would seem very odd, though, for there to be a category table where the category referenced a different parent table (presumably the category table defines the valid categories). Perhaps you want to define a unique constraint to ensure that there aren't duplicate category values in the table. Perhaps you're trying to do something else-- explaining the business problem will help us understand the proper way to model the issue.


Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed laravel 7

parcel table
** I have a model name Shop I want to add its is to id as a foreign key to parcel table **
I think that the problem lies in the order you created your migrations. Look at the order and make sure that shops table comes before the parcels table. If this is not the case, then the easiest way would be to change the table times e.g. date_time_name. Change time and you'll be set.

View the contents and constraints of a table

I am working on this assignment question and it is asking me:
To create a table called (TEMP_CUST) from an existing table Customers
View the content and constraints of TEMP_CUST table
What I have done so far is I have created my table, didn't add any constraints to the table TEMP_CUST and viewed the table using the DESC command.
Here is the code for table creation
Now that I have done that I want to view the constraints of the table. I have used this command but am not sure if it is correct.
i have used this command, but not sure if it is correct.
You haven't said why you don't think it's correct so we have to guess the reason for your doubt. Perhaps it's because the set of constraints you get is smaller than the set of constraints for the original CUSTOMERS table?
That is correct. When we use CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT the statement creates a new table with the projection, column names and datatypes of the original tables (assuming a vanilla SELECT clause) and the data (determined by the WHERE clause, if any). However, the only constraints which are created are NOT NULL constraints on the primary key column(s) and any other mandatory columns. The new table does not have primary key, foreign key or check constraints. We have to create these explicitly.
Hence, this query ...
... might return fewer constraints than you were expecting.

How to get a table-level check constraint in Oracle and PostgreSQL

I want to know if there is some specific way to obtain a table-level check constraint in Oracle and in PostgreSQL.
I can obtain all the check constraints in a table, but I want to obtain only this specific check constraint, I don't know if there is any specific query.
In PostgreSQL there is a System Catalog pg_constraint.
The catalog pg_constraint stores check, primary key, unique, foreign
key, and exclusion constraints on tables. (Column constraints are not
treated specially. Every column constraint is equivalent to some table
constraint.) Not-null constraints are represented in the pg_attribute
catalog, not here.
User-defined constraint triggers (created with CREATE CONSTRAINT
TRIGGER) also give rise to an entry in this table.
Check constraints on domains are stored here, too.
contype = 'c' AND -- check constraint
conrelid != 0 AND -- table constraint
conname = 'my_check';
The contype column contains the constraint type, c is for check constraint.
The conrelid column contains the oid of the table this constraint is on, 0 if not a table constraint.
For Oracle basic view is ALL_CONSTRAINTS
Query, to obtain specific constraint in specific table:
FROM all_constraints
WHERE constraint_name LIKE upper('%&your_costraint%')
AND table_name LIKE upper('%&your_table%');

Analyze FK Constraints

I'm experiencing some difficulties with foreign key constraints. I have a table 'ADDR', whose FK constraints are:
I'm writing a UDF on Hive to analyze constraints for a target table, but I don't have any clue how to implement this.
I tried below sql script to analyze constraints FK4_ADDR, but it didn't returned empty because column CTRY_CD was also a foreign key referencing table CTRY_PSTL and CTRY. So is there any other ways to check FK integrity? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
from user.ADDR t
where t.src_sys_cd='123'
from user.CTRY_SB_DVSN t1
where t1.src_sys_cd='123'

Bidirectional Foreign Keys Design

Say there are two tables, Company and Employee. Employee has a foreign key to Company and Company has a foreign key to Employee. How should I insert and delete data into these tables without getting referential integrity errors?
I imagine this is a fairly common problem. I have researched it but have been unable to find much information. Perhaps the problem comes under a more common name I am not aware of.
There are several methods available:
Is the CONTACT_EMPLOYEE_ID column nullable? If it is, just insert company, insert employee and then update the company record.
You could also set one of the constraints as deferrable. You could then set the constraint as deferred, insert both records and then commit.
There are generally 2 strategies:
Leave one of the FKs NULL-able (and then insert NULL into that table, insert row into other table and finally update the NULL).
Defer one of the FKs.
You could even leave both FKs NULL-able or deferrable (or even a combination of the two), so you can perform the insertion in both directions.
You could also consider placing all the EMPLOYEES fields into COMPANIES.
Apart from the other suggestions already made, which are good (make one of the FK columns NULLable, or make the FK constraint deferrable), another one is to make the NOT NULL constraint deferrable, e.g.:
create table COMPANIES (
ID number not null,
NAME varchar2(100) not null,
constraint contact_not_null
check (CONTACT_EMPLOYEE_ID not null)
initially deferred
Now, you can insert a row with NULL for the employee id, insert the employee, then update companies.contact_employee_id with the new employee ID, then COMMIT.
