JWrapper How Does The Memory Work? - memory-management

I'm after a bit of info on how JWrapper uses memory on the client. We've got a 3rd party app that we're running through JWrapper. Before moving to JWrapper we had issues with memory leaks so we previously set the runtime memory parameter to Xmx256m in the deployment file. Can I specify how much memory to use in JWrapper?
I genuinely have tried to find this out myself but I can't find anything on the web. I didn't have any choice about getting JWrapper; it just happened to me one day hence I haven't really got much of an idea about it.
Thanks, :)

You can set the jvm options in your jwrapper XML config file including -Xmx256m etc, the following sample XML file has an example -Xmx option:


Debugging memory usage in a very short lived application without Windows

I have a console application that runs for less than 500ms, but that according to BenchmarkDotNet allocates more than 100 MB.
I am trying to figure out what are those 100Mb because it does not add up. However I cannot find a tool to do so in Linux or Mac. Once the method the app calls is over, the GC can clean all that memory without problems, so it is not a leak I can see in a dump, unless I take the dump in the very exact moment before exiting the method. I am not clear which is the moment in which the algorithm peaks in memory usage.
I can take CPU traces using dotnet-trace and show it in the browser with Speedscope, but I cannot show in Speedscope a trace when using gc-verbose or gc-collect as provider.
Is there a way with dotnet-trace to print in the console the stats of the created objects or anything like that?
try out dotnet dump and checkout this article by Tess Ferrandez.
and maybe you can share a little bit more information please.

compiling FMU with Jmodelica

I have a problem compiling FMU's in Jmodelica. for a medium size model I get the following error.
I already chanded the runtime parameter of JAVA in control panel and also tired setting the JVM allocated memory as high as possible using Xmx command. I'm running it on a pc with 128GB RAM.
Does anyone know how can I solve this issue in Jmodelica?
The JVM that is being used from JModelica does not take into account the system settings for the JAVA runtime parameter. You'll need to set it in the compile_fmu command. I.e.
compile_fmu(...., jvm_args="-Xmx10g")

Xamarin.Forms Java.exe exited with code 1

I've seen a few people encounter this issue with the heap size, which seems to be the issue in my case:
2> Could not reserve enough space for 1048576KB object heap (TaskId:336)
I tried manually setting it to 1G:
Got the same error, realised the space required is actually greater than 1G (it's about 1.04GB), so I set it to 2G. But this just escalated the error:
1> Could not reserve enough space for 2097152KB object heap (TaskId:305)
I thought I'd go nuclear and just set it to 10G, but then I got a different error saying it failed to create the Java VM.
In all honesty, I don't actually know what these mean, I'm just following along based on research of other SO and Xamarin Forums posts. Can anyone explain to me why I'm seeing these errors and how I can fix them?
Notes based on other questions: It's on debug, not release, and I don't have ProGuard ticked.
Steps to fix:
Select 64-bit Java SDK (as per instructions)
Set heap size to 5G (as per screenshot in question)
Built and ran successfully after this.

What would cause Tomcat (v8) to CPU spike with periodic regularity

On a windows 2012 RT (x64) TEST server we are running a Tomcat 8 installation and the CPU usage is disconcerting in its regularity of hitting peak usage.
The behavior is happening after an installation of our application but before anyone is accessing it. I have accessed a few pages and tested some features but nothing that could create this behavior that I know of.
There are 2 virtual processors on the server and every ~20 seconds, the CPU usage will spike (on the one processor that is running Tomcat) to 100% for 10 seconds (give or take). See below:
The regularity of the pattern indicates to me that something is incorrect in either the installation or the settings of Tomcat 8.
I have installed the YourKit Java Profiler (by SO recommendation) which I was hoping could shed some light on what is causing these spikes, but haven't been able to see the reason the threads are starting -- at least in part to my newness to YourKit. I did attach it to the Tomcat launch file and it seems to be tracking the behavior.
The catalina logs are silent during the spiking occurrences (as are my application logs) but when I stopped Tomcat there were some messages about ThreadLocals getting started but could not be removed and then: "...Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak."
I left the server running over the weekend and the pattern has continued until today so I don't think my symptoms are going away. Whatever is starting up has now consumed all available RAM on the system just from starting up these threads (and/or YourKit) every 20 seconds.
What is a possible approach to isolate this aberrant Tomcat activity and hopefully stop or rectify it?
There are many graphs and tabs in YourKit so I hesitate to list everything that might be helpful. Thanks for helping me narrow down the problem with what YourKit (or other tools) could offer me.
Info from catalina log regarding start-up:
Apache Tomcat/8.0.23
Architecture: amd64
Java Home: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_65
CATALINA_BASE: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0
2015-12-08 Update
At Gergely's request, the application is a local installation of DSpace. It's a Java application with a Postgres SQL database backend. We are customizing an opensource version of it from here: http://www.dspace.org/introducing. I'm not exactly sure what else can be helpful and I think the stack trace is more revealing as to what is (and isn't) running -- see below.
By turning on Stack Telemetry in YourKit, "CPU Estimation" was made available by dragging the cursor across a period of profiler history. To me, it looks like all the CPU is doing is spinning idly. Are the Java files pictured below Tomcat routines? They don't strike me as DSpace related (although I'm not an expert) nor does it look like any work is being done while the CPU is peaking.
Of note: the stack trace is identical during the quiet periods -- the only difference being CPU Time (ms) is in the hundreds rather than thousands of milliseconds. For a more direct comparison than what is below, the hump represents ~8,000 ms in Thread.run() and the quiet periods consume ~125 ms of cpu time (although covering approximately the same amount of time).
Lastly, when pages of the application are being requested, a subsequent branch of code appears in the Call Tree. If it happened during the time of a spike it may only take 400 ms of CPU time to load a whole page. The code branch that appears is ApplicationFilterChain.java as a whole separate branch alongside PooledExecutor$Worker.run() -- both underneath java.lang.Thread.run() in the hierarchy.
When trying to interpret the stack trace: Is EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$Worker.run() responsible?
Processor spikes with no known, associated activity
2015-12-08 Update #2
YourKit comes pre-configured to hide certain java class name patterns which obscured drilling down on java.lang.Thread. Clearing the filters enabled the following screenshots showing that the vast majority of processing time during a spike event is through calling the following 3 methods:
java.io.WinNTFileSystem.getBooleanAttributes (inFile.exists())
My apologies for not yet knowing enough about Tomcat or DSpace to know who is launching these tasks. (In case it matters the line directly above the first line is java.lang.Thread.run() and then <All threads>)
Thank you to those who has viewed and responded to this inquiry. As various individuals have surmised, the problem was related to our settings and use of Tomcat -- not a problem with Tomcat itself (most likely).
This is an attempt to answer the question without perfect knowledge at installing the DSpace application and Tomcat but I think I know enough to be dangerous and potentially helpful to follow-up users.
When installing the application DSpace there are some installation properties in Tomcat's configuration directories that determine whether or not to allow for changes in coding files to be reflected immediately without a Tomcat restart. These settings for us were previously in the directory [tomcat]/conf/Catalina/localhost/ and each of the three files contained a small, insignificant XML file like (e.g. oai.xml):
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<Context docBase="E:/dspace/webapps/oai"
You can find documentation on these properties at the following link:
Within that documentation is a recommendation about the reloadable and cachingAllowed properties. Search for "Tomcat Context Settings in Production". Here is an excerpt (emphasis mine):
These settings are extremely useful to have when you are first getting started with DSpace, as they let you tweak the DSpace XMLUI (XSLTs or CSS) or JSPUI (JSPs) and see your changes get automatically reloaded by Tomcat (without having to restart Tomcat). However, it is worth noting that the Apache Tomcat documentation recommends Production sites leave the default values in place (reloadable="false" cachingAllowed="true"), as allowing Tomcat to automatically reload all changes may result in "significant runtime overhead".
It is entirely up to you whether to keep these Tomcat settings in place. We just recommend beginning with them, so that you can more easily customize your site without having to require a Tomcat restart. Smaller DSpace sites may not notice any performance issues with keeping these settings in place in Production. Larger DSpace sites may wish to ensure that Tomcat performance is more streamlined.
When I switched these boolean flags to reloadable="false" and cachingAllowed="true" the spiked CPU experience stopped immediately. I don't know if the warning about "Larger sites" applies to us or whether "streamlined performance" could refer to the negative activity I observed.
I presume there may be other problems with our installation that allowed this particular manifestation; one ominous clue is that our production server seems to be operating with these flags in the reloadable="true" configuration. Java, Tomcat, Windows, AND DSpace are ALL getting new versions at the same time so it is fairly difficult to pinpoint why similar Tomcat <context> settings produce such different results.
I am at least content for now to have new behavior and that the system has calmed down. I'll post more if I learn more but will be focusing next on other quandaries.
FWIW, the attributes are settings that directly control Tomcat and they have changed between versions. E.g., cachingAllowed was removed in version 8 which means it can be removed from the Context elements. Compare:
And for good measure, here is the help text for reloadable in the Tomcat 8 documentation:
Set to true if you want Catalina to monitor classes in /WEB-INF/classes/ and /WEB-INF/lib for changes, and automatically reload the web application if a change is detected. This feature is very useful during application development, but it requires significant runtime overhead and is not recommended for use on deployed production applications. That's why the default setting for this attribute is false. You can use the Manager web application, however, to trigger reloads of deployed applications on demand.
So it would seem that the ultimate answer is that Tomcat 8 on Windows 2012-R2 with the flag reloadable='true' polls for changes to WEB-INF/lib and WEB-INF/classes. The volume of the folders and files to peruse may very well be the cause of these intense, spiked CPU events. For now I will be relying on reloadable='false' which definitely removes the symptom for us.
Not an explicit answer, but way too long for a comment
After reviewing the update on this question and reading a bit I suspect that this recurring issues is caused by a CuratorTask. Reasons being:
The stacktrace you acquired clearly shows that a WorkerThread managed by the DSpace library (so Tomcat is not to be blamed) is using the processor at those times.
After reading a bit about DSpace itself, it looks like that it has a feature that allows users to define curator tasks that should be periodically executed.
On top of this there is at least one task that is - according to the documentation - It is activated by default, so theoretically there can be any number of tasks activated by default.
Moreover this conversation reveals at least 1 curation task that is actived every 10 seconds.
All these together point to the same direction. I would suggest using the UI of DSpace (probably in Admin mode) to look around and find the active curation tasks and verify if their scheduling corresponds to what you have observed.

How can I use up RAM quickly to test garbage collection?

Windows Server 2008. How can I quickly use up RAM so to induce GC in my app. If there is a way to do it without needing Visual Studio or installing a language runtime it would be good.
EDIT: I don't want to have to write an app and then copy it over to the server. I'm looking for a way to do it quickly without writing an app that requires an IDE or installation of a runtime/compiler.
Perhaps a powershell or batch script?...
I don't think using up RAM outside your process is going to necessarily trigger GC.
If I understand your question correctly, you have a program Foo.exe that is written in some unknown language, running on some unknown runtime (are you not allowed to post the details for some reason, or do you just not know?), and you want to try to get that program's runtime to trigger a garbage collection. However, you want to do this by using up RAM outside of foo.exe.
You could do this by creating a simple batch file that just started up a hundred copies of IE or Word or whatever program you want. However, I don't think that will do what you want it to do. If your process has already allocated a certain amount of memory, it won't necessarily give that memory up or trigger GC just because other processes are being started. It may page to disk, or may force other programs to page to disk. But not all Garbage Collectors are alike, so we can't really help without more details. I'm pretty sure some VM's never give back memory once they've allocated it, even after GC.
You could run your program inside a virtual machine such as Virtual Box, where you specify the memory ceiling of the guest operating system.
I'm having trouble imagining a scenario where this would be necessary though. Could you provide more information about the problem?
If you are using java you can specify the max amount of memory using Xmx. Search for JVM memory setting
