wowhead_tooltips inside Angular ng-repeat - angularjs-ng-repeat

I'm using Laravel 5 with angularjs Trying to loop through jsonp reply showing World of Warcraft wowhead_tooltips and have come to a problem I cannot decipher. Snippets included below.
wowhead script retrieves the item name and displays a tootip template for wow items. ng-repeat prevents the item name to be displayed, if I insert #{{topic.itemId}} the item number is displayed and the tooltip works wihtout the item name.
The exact html block with an actual item number outside ng-repeat
works fine. So the problem is 100% to do with ng-repeat, how can I get
around this ?
Laravel blade file Tooltip works outside of ng-repeat fails inside.
<SECTION id="feeds" ng-app>
<!-- Test outside loop Works Fine -->
<!-- Works ! -->
<div ng-controller="FeedsController">
<p>Guild Achievements: <b>#{{ guild_feed.achievementPoints }}</b></p> <!-- Works ! -->
<div ng-repeat="topic in news">
<div ng-switch="topic.type">
<div ng-switch-when="itemCraft">
#{{topic.character}} Crafted:
<!-- Displays nothing, however if I place #{{topic.itemId}} enclosed in a tag only the item number displays and the tootip works, uunlike above though no item name is displayed from WoWhead. -->
<div ng-switch-when="itemLoot">
{{--#{{topic.character}} Looted: #{{topic.itemId}}--}}
... Rest of code
Typical wowhead script (Works fine)
<!-- Wowhead Tooltip Scripts -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
var wowhead_tooltips = {
"colorlinks": true,
"iconizelinks": true,
"renamelinks": true
My Angular js file to rereive list (Works fine)
function FeedsController($scope, $http) {
success(function(data) {
$scope.guild_feed = data;
$ =;


Including laravel blade template with button click

I can not find a solution how to include blade template using button click.
For example lets say I have a main view:
<div class="row">
<button onclick="addTemplate()">ADD TEMPLATE</button>
Then script, which should include template
<script type="app/js">
function addTemplate()
//Get template and include into div with id HEREGOESMYTEMPLATE
And then the template itself (lets say partial.blade.php):
<div>Include me to main blade file</div>
Is there any possible way by including it without creating every tag in JS and then appending to the div?
Thank you.
As blade template is not supposed to do such work as it is rendered in backend, I used VueJS to this, which I believe is the best solution in this situation.

VueJS mouseover in for loop

I have a for that will create a component for each index.
In this component, I have a child div containing edit, add, minus buttons.
I would like it to be displayed on the component mouseover.
How do I achieve this dynamically without having to play with indexes ?
Thank you kindly.
Post component
<div v-on:mouseleave.native="showOperations = false"
v-on:mouseover.native="showOperations = true">
<!-- post data -->
<div v-if="showOperations">
<!-- operations -->
export default {
data () {
return {
showOperations: false
List of post
<post v-for="post in posts"
This pattern works for me and I think it works for you as well

Does source binding require a single root element even for non-arrays?

The documentation on source binding has an aside which states:
Important: A single root element should be used in the template when
binding to an array. Having two first level DOM elements will result
in an erratic behavior.
However, I'm finding that this is the case even for non arrays.
I have the following HTML, which sets up two div's populated by two templates. The only difference is that the working template wraps that databound spans in a div.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<title>JS Bin</title>
<script id="broken-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
Foo: <span data-bind="text: foo"></span><br/>
Foo Again: <span data-bind="text: foo"></span>
<script id="working-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
Foo: <span data-bind="text: foo"></span><br/>
Foo Again: <span data-bind="text: foo"></span>
<div id="broken-div" data-template="broken-template" data-bind="source: this">
<div id="working-div" data-template="working-template" data-bind="source: this">
And the JavaScript simply creates a view model with a single property and binds it to both divs:
var viewModel = kendo.observable({foo: "bar"});
kendo.bind($("#broken-div"), viewModel);
kendo.bind($("#working-div"), viewModel);
In both cases, only the first root element and it's children are being bound properly. This suggests that every time I databind to template with more than one element I need to make sure it is wrapped in a single root.
Is this behavior documented somewhere? Is there a bug in Kendo or in my sample code? An explanation for why Kendo requires a single root would be great to hear as well.
(Sample code as a jsfiddle)
It's not documented except in the one place you mentioned. Such is the state of Kendo UI documentation - it's less than complete. I've been using Kendo UI for three years and as far as I can tell you, this is its default behavior and not a bug. Unfortunately, it's one of the many quirks you simply learn (stumble upon) from experience.

angularjs $scope.$apply() doesnt update select list on ajax IE9

So to keep it simple, im trying to update my select list with a new list of items that i get from an ajax-call. The list has the items. I set the model to the new list and do a $scope.$apply(). This works great in firefox, but not in IE. What am I doing wrong? Is there some IE9-thing that I'm missing? (I've been looking for a few hours now and am ready to give up). Appreciate all the help I can get.
ng-options="Parameter.Name for Parameter in AllParameters">
$.getJSON("/Cont/GetList", {id: id},
function (result) {
var allParameters = result.Data.AllParameters;
$scope.AllParameters = allParameters;
You'd be way better off doing this the "Angular way". No JQuery required! In fact, if you find yourself doing things the "JQuery way" you're probably doing it wrong. Mark Rajcok had a really good question (and answer) about this same thing on StackOverflow a while ago:
//declare your application module.
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
//declare a controller
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
//function to update the list
$scope.updateList = function () {
$http.get('/Cont/GetList', function(data) {
$scope.allParameters = data;
//initial load
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
<div ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<button ng-click="updateList()">Update</button>
<li ng-repeat="parameter in allParameters">{{parameter | json}}</li>
<!-- EDIT: Because you requested a select.
or if you wanted to do a select list
assuming every object in your array had a "name" property
you wanted to display in the option text, you could do
something like the following:
(NOTE: ng-model is required for ng-options to work)
<select ng-model="selectedValue" ng-options="p as for p in allParameters"></select>
<!-- this is just to display the value you've selected -->
<pre>{{selectedValue | json}}</pre>
EDIT: A common problem in IE
So first of all, if you're having a problem in IE, I'd recommend hitting F12 and seeing what errors you're getting in the console.
The most common issue I've seen that breaks things in IE relate to commands such as console.log() which don't exist in IE. If that's the case, you'll need to create a stub, like so:
//stub in console.log for IE.
console = console || {};
console.log = console.log || function () {};
I think it's an IE issue. Try setting display:none before you update, then remove the display setting after you update.
I believe it is this bug that is ultimately the problem. I've been pulling my hair out for a couple of days on something very similar, a select filtered off of another.
At the end of the day OPTIONS are being added dynamically and IE9 just chokes on it.
<div class="col-lg-2">
<div class="form-group">
<select data-ng-model="orderFilter.selectedState"
data-ng-options="s.StateAbbr for s in states"
data-placeholder="choose a state…"
<option value=""></option>
<div class="col-lg-2">
<div class="form-group">
<select data-ng-model="orderFilter.selectedCounty"
data-ng-options="c.CountyName for c in filteredCounties | orderBy:'CountyName'"
data-ng-disabled="orderFilter.selectedState == null"
data-placeholder="Choose a county…"
<option value=""></option>

jQuery .find() not working on $.post() data

I made a simple example showing the problem: the form below submits to another page using jQuery .post().
function(data) {
var ret = data;
var final_data = $(ret).find('#holder-1').html();
return false;
<div id="holder-1">
<h1>Content 1</h1>
<div id="holder-2">
<h1>Content 2</h1>
<div id="holder-3">
<h1>Content 3</h1>
The log shows that the content of data looks fine. But once i try to find #holder-1 with .find(), it returns undefined.
This is almost the same as the last example in the jQuery api page:
Here is the full (not) working example hosted in my website, with some console.log() along the code:
I tried nearly anything: passing the dataType as 4th parameter, using $.ajax() instead of .post(), using .filter() instead of .find(), different versions of jQuery... Nothing seems to work.
All the files are UTF-8.
Any ideas?
I know you mentioned that you used filter instead of find, however, that should work. jQuery is stripping out the html, head,body tags, etc. Once this is done, #holder-1 is now at the top level of the hierarchy.
This fiddle demonstrates that filter does work:
var html = '<!doctype html><html dir="ltr" lang="pt-BR"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Return Test</title></head><body> <div id="holder-1"> <h1>Content 1</h1> </div> <div id="holder-2"> <h1>Content 2</h1> </div> <div id="holder-3"> <h1>Content 3</h1> </div></body></html>';
