How to compile apache httpd with visual studio 2013 comunity edition? - visual-studio-2013

Please if someone could tell me a good guide on how to compile the apache server in visual studio 2013. What happens is when I open the downloaded project file, it asks me to modify some files and when I try to do so I get a bunch of error massages.
As I understand the source files downloaded from the apache servers is for unix systems and I read somewhere that the files need to be modified in order to be compiled for windows. Now another question here is, why would you need to modify the source code for windows shouldn't the compilers do this while compiling and output a file that runs on windows regardless of what functions are called in the source file?
As you can tell I am kind of confused with this hole thing, I don't think its a complicated matted, just needs some explaining, thanks.


Visual Studio dump analysis: how to find the command which retrieves source code from source control

In my company, people used to work with Visual SourceSafe, but some years ago they decided to start working with GIT.
I started working here some months ago, and as such I've never set up a Visual SourceSafe environment.
While debugging dumps from older versions, this is giving problems: it seems that the dumps (taken using procdump) contain commands for retrieving source code, using Visual SourceSafe.
I've just installed Visual SourceSafe, and I was hoping that this would make it possible to get the older versions of the source code, but this is not the case. (For your information, even after having installed Visual SourceSafe, I don't see any SourceSafe information in Visual Studio's "Team Explorer - Connect" window)
(the original question contains quite some investigation information, which seems to be obsolete now that the answer of this question is known)
How things are related
[...] it seems that the dumps (taken using procdump) contain commands for retrieving source code, using Visual SourceSafe.
A crash dump does not contain commands. It contains version information about the EXE and the DLLs that were loaded. WinDbg and Visual Studio will then look for PDB files which match that version information. The PDB file then contains information about the source code.
To find PDBs, you need a symbol server and/or a local path with symbols.
I've just installed Visual SourceSafe, and I was hoping that this would make it possible to get the older versions of the source code, but this is not the case.
Installing SourceSafe does not help. You'll need to connect to a repository using Visual SourceSafe Admin and grant yourself access rights.
Then, using Visual SourceSafe (not Admin), map a local folder ("Set working folder") and pull ("Get latest version"). You then have the source code locally and you can instruct your tools to use that path. For WinDbg, .srcpath and .lsrcpath should be correct.
You might need to get different versions by date if you really want to analyze with source code. To automate this process, you would need a source server, but you would know if you have one.
The age of the dumps
You say:
[...] some years ago they decided to start working with GIT.
So your source code should be in GIT, not in SourceSafe.
If your crash dump file is so old that it refers to SourceSafe, then consider it as obsolete and take a new dump. If nobody complains about crashes recently, I would no longer care (saying that as a former Test Manager).
Unbelievable: the issue is caused because the SourceSafe installation seems not to be complete:
In order to get it working, the following needs to be done:
Add the SourceSafe directory to the $PATH$ environment variable (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual SourceSafe)
Create the $SSDIR$ environment variable in order for SourceSafe to know where to look for the source code (should refer to the directory, containing the srcsafe.ini file).

In a Visual C++ project, how do I give users redistributable .dll files?

I'm a new C++ / visual studio learner so sorry if I don't know something that might be obvious.
Alright so I understand that to get my programs to run on machines without VS I need to distribute the correct .dll files to them. Here are my questions:
How do I know what files to distribute? Once I know the files I need, where can I find them? I already have the .dll package microsoft provides installed but I don't know where to find it or the files in it.
How do I supply these files to the user? Can I just include the files with the installer and then on program start through code move the files to the correct spot? How do I do this? Is it possible to move the files to the correct location through the installer or do I have to do it when the program launches for the first time?
Thanks! Sorry if I left out information or if I formatted this question improperly.
You can choose to statically link your application, then no C++ DLLs are needed.
Otherwise, Microsoft has "redistributable package" EXEs for each version of Visual Studio that you can include with the files that you provide to users. Your installer then runs these as a sub-install. (It does something like start another process that runs that package then waits for it to finish.)
Google visual studio redistributable.
Normally you would use a setup program / installer like InstallShield or WIX, and some of them already have built-in support for adding the redistributables for C++ and DirectX.

NSIS Installer and Visual Studio 2015 community Edition

We had a developer leave and I'm trying to make myself familiar with his deployment process. The past developer would create two versions of his install. One was a update and the other was an install.
I see in the src code he has a .NSIS folder with the scripts already written.
How do I use those scripts to build our NSIS installers? I've looked at Visual Installer, but I don't see how to implement those scripts for the build process.
"He" is the old developer that left. I'm trying to push out a new build of the ACInstall.exe and ACPatch.exe. I've looked at NSIS online tutorials and they mostly talk about creating the script. I have the script but I'm not familiar with how to use it. ie what tool to run to build the ACInstall.exe.
Here are the files he created and how the project's explorer looks.
.nsi files are plain text files and the NSIS compiler (makensis.exe) will produce a .exe from a .nsi.
You need to install NSIS to get the NSIS compiler, Visual Installer just provides Visual Studio integration (syntax highlighting etc).
Anders, you can use a number of NSIS script editors, not sure if this is your requirement. You can use HM NIS, I think it's the better free, but it's a bit 'ole' (more than 8 years for sure). I hope this answer can be of help to anybody looking for the same answer.

Opening vbp Visual Basic Project

I have got some old sources written in Visual Basic. There are *.bas, *.cls, *.frm and *.vbp files. As I understand, vbp is a project file. But I cannot open it with my Visual Studio 2008.
What version of VS should I install to open *.vbp file? Google says it is Visual Studio 6, but I am not sure and I cannot find Visual Studio 6 for downloading. Is there any publicly available free edition of Visual Studio 6 with Visual Basic?
vbp is indeed a VB 5/6 Project File.
VS6/VB5/VB6 are not free, so if you want to build the project you will need to spend $5 on ebay.
The VB5 Control Creation Edition (build COM components only) was the only free version MS released.
Older versions of included a way to import a VBP and upgrade it to VB.NET, but YMMV (significantly).
Edit; If you just want to look at the source/project structure all the files except .frx are plain ascii.
If you have an MSDN subscription, then VB6 is available as a free download. Otherwise try ebay like Alex suggests, but it usually costs significantly more than $5.
Microsoft recommends users get a 3rd party conversion program called ArtinSoft,
When opening the vbp file which is the project file, you will most likely have an import wizard show up, which after trying to import the project it will likely tell you there are a bunch of dependencies vb6 used to use which .net does not and will error out. You need to have vb5/6 installed or at least the dependency files installed in order to proceed with the import. You can view source code from the plain ascii text files of the .frM files.
To get a working copy of visual basic follow the following steps.
after much research I found out that the original Vb6 was distributed as a disk set, all CD's are just ISO files built up of folders and files. You can get a copy of an original ISO here. There is a google drive version floating around on the web of the ISO but personally that just seems really sketchy to me.
in order to use the ISO you will need to unzip the ISO with WinRar, so download a copy of WinRar (its a widely used file archiver tool)
follow the install instructions here
"How to Install Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows 7/8/8.1/10" by "Matthew Marcelo"
** be sure to run the installation as administrator ** .\Micrsosoft Visual Basic 6.0\extracted\SETUP.EXE
after getting everything installed I realized I needed a copy of the MSDN library (version October 1999) which is the developer documentation for using VB6, that is found here
if you are like me and had to get VB6 working because of a very old legacy project and you had no clue what .OCX (controller) files were, and you got a bunch of error messages when you open the main project .VBP file, when you get ahold of the files and install them, installing them as admin usually does the trick by making a batch file, or running an administrator powershell/cmd window
regsvr32.exe \path\to\file.ocx
you need Visual Basic, not Visual Studio to open these files. or you can open it using a normal text editor like sublime text file separately. but if you want to open it like a project then you should use Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 / 5.0 . There is a portable version too.
If you still want to open .vbp file using visual studio try to use VB tools for Visual Studio. I think it will help you.

Can I reuse the downloaded files from the VS2010 web installer

I installed VS2010 pro using the web installer, but now need to install it on another machine. As this new install will require the same features as my current install, is it possible to reuse the files already downloaded? And if so, how is this achieved?
You might find some tips here. This is for the older VS web installer for the express editions, but perhaps the concepts are the same.
On my machine, the setup uses files from
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local settings\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTD
but I don't yet know how to reuse them, or if that directory is the result of unpacking files from somewhere else.
I used filemon to see from where the setup was reading and writing.
