EventServiceProvider laravel 5 - events

I am digging down the code of laravel 5 to understand it better. I started from index page and I am stuck at register part at the moment.
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
* Register the service provider.
* #return void
public function register()
$this->app->singleton('events', function($app)
return (new Dispatcher($app))->setQueueResolver(function() use ($app)
**return $app->make('Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue');**
I don't understand the part "$app->make('Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue');". "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue" is interface not a class. It should throw an error message for this process. however i don't see any error message. I assume that it's not called at this time?
It would be appreciated if you can explain what's happening here.
Thanks in advance.

I spent a couple of minutes investigating the classes and came up with the following:
Please take a look at the laravel/framework repository subtree split.
The interface Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue is implemented by all queue types available by default:
The Laravel IoC conatainer should resolve one of these when calling $app->make('Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue') so I do not think that the application will fail, when executing this lines of code.
Unfortunately I could not find the location where a specific Queue implementation is set for the IoC container, I will update my answer as soon as I found out.


Can I log data in an policy?

I am new to writing policies. I wanna know if I can see data that comes in an policy function.
I have tried googling if it is possible to log something in an policy but I couldn't find anything about this. Now I am just wandering if there is any other possible option to see the data that comes in an policy.
public function show(User $userIdentity, Client $client) {
I hope someone has an answer for this or another option for me to see the data that is coming through.
Well, yes, if you use the Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log facade you will log stuff. It's nothing related to the policies "per se", if the code gets executed, the log will trigger. If you are looking for architectural suggestions, it depends on the big picture. If that's a simple scenario, that will be enough AND will be fine. If you plan to have complex/multiple logs, you probably want to delegate the logging logic to a dedicated object/package and intercept the event trough an observer, for example.
Docs related to the facede usage here and here
Sure you can, you have to explicitly call your policy, like
$client = Client::find(1);
auth()->user()->can('view', $client);
This is discussed in details here laravel docs
Dont forget to register your policies
use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\AuthServiceProvider; // auth service provider extends service provider so make sure you take a note of this one
class ReferralServiceProvider extends AuthServiceProvider
protected $policies = [
Client::class => ClientPolicy::class
public function boot()
public function show(User $userIdentity, Client $client) {

What causes an illegal offset in the makeAlias function of laravel 5.5 within this package implementation?

I am making packages for the first time in Laravel (v5.5). Unfortunately, the Route Model Bindings are giving me trouble. At first, I was receiving the id number raw without the model, and I realized that I had to force the package routes through the 'web' middleware grouping.
When I add the 'web' middleware grouping, I can see that laravel tries to load the model, but I receive an "Illegal offset type in isset or empty" in the first line of the Container->makeAlias method.
I have tried using custom binding loaders defined in the ServiceProvider using Route::model( $class, $closure ), but the error occurs before the loader is called. I've even tried moving this declaration from the ServiceProvider->boot method to the ServiceProvider->register method, just in case it is an order of operations issue.
I have tried adding a binding to the app by calling $this->app->bind inside the ServiceProvider, but this has had no effect.
I'm going to post the relevant code below, and I appreciate any insites that you may have! Thank you in advance!
Some Facts
The route
We are loading the url: for this test.
Operation without bindings
When no bindings or middleware are applied, and the url above is called, I can safely load the model from within the function manually and return the view. This indicates that the package is correctly loaded into the main application container.
The model can load in Tinker
To verify the model and database connection, we use tinker and run the command \Clemence\Profiles\Profile::find(1) to which the following is returned:
=> Clemence\Profiles\Profile {#777
id: 1,
name: "Clemence, Jared",
address: """
554 Christmas Tree Lane\n
Bakersfield, CA 93306
email: "",
phone: "610-360-9558",
created_at: null,
updated_at: null,
deleted_at: null,
The stack trace
The Route->performBinding method is called with the following arguments:
Closure, /* Presumably the loader */
"1", /* the index that is passed into the route URL */
Route /* A self reference back to the containing object */
after this, the Closure is called with
from the Closure, Application->make is called, the argument named $class is passed another Closure with the following definition:
Closure {#97 ▼
class: "Clemence\Profiles\ProfilesServiceProvider"
this: ProfilesServiceProvider {#87 …}
parameters: {▶}
lastly we end up in Container->makeAlias where the Exception is thrown, makeAlias is called with this Closure:
Closure {#97 ▼
class: "Clemence\Profiles\ProfilesServiceProvider"
this: ProfilesServiceProvider {#87 …}
parameters: {▶}
The Files
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function() {
Route::get('/profiles/{profile}/edit', '\Clemence\Profiles\ProfileController#edit');
Route::get('/profiles/create', '\Clemence\Profiles\ProfileController#create');
Route::get('/profiles', '\Clemence\Profiles\ProfileController#showAll');
Route::get('/profiles/{profile}', '\Clemence\Profiles\ProfileController#show');
Route::post('/profiles/create', '\Clemence\Profiles\ProfileController#createWithFormData')->name('profile.create');
Route::put('/profiles/{profile}', '\Clemence\Profiles\ProfileController#updateWithFormData')->name('profile.update');
Route::delete('/profoiles/{profile}', '\Clemence\Profiles\ProfileController#destroy')->name('profile.delete');
Route::get('/roles', '\Clemence\Profiles\RoleController#showAll');
Route::get('/roles/{role_id}', '\Clemence\Profiles\RoleController#show');
Route::get('/roles/create', '\Clemence\Profiles\RoleController#create');
namespace Clemence\Profiles;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
class ProfilesServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
* Bootstrap the application services.
* #return void
public function boot() {
$this->loadRoutesFrom( __DIR__ . '/routes.php' );
if ($this->app->runningInConsole()) {
* Register the application services.
* #return void
public function register() {
$this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__ . '/migrations');
$this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/views', 'profiles');
namespace Clemence\Profiles;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Clemence\Profiles\Profile;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Clemence\Profiles\FormTemplateData;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL;
class ProfileController extends Controller
/* ... collapsed ... */
* Show the form for editing the specified resource.
* #param \App\Profile $profile
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function edit(Profile $profile )
return dd( $profile );
$formData = new FormTemplateData();
$profile = Profile::find( $profile_id );
$formData->setProfile( $profile );
$formData->setDeleteButtonText("Delete Profile");
$formData->setSubmitButtonText( "Update Profile" );
$on_cancel_route_url = $formData->getNamedUrl('profile.delete');
$on_submit_route_url = $formData->getNamedUrl('profile.update');
return $this->editForm($formData);
/* ... collapsed ... */
namespace Clemence\Profiles;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Profile extends Model
use SoftDeletes;
I will post the steps that I took to find the resolution here for those who may find this post in the future. I admit: I have no idea what fixed the problem.
What I did after asking the question
First and foremost, I got some sleep. When I have been coding too long, I find that sleep solves most problems.
On waking, I realized that I have a machine with XDebug installed and I can literally step through the PHP code as it executes, so I booted up that machine and did the following:
a. I moved the project to the local machine and opened it in NetBeans.
b. I placed breakpoints at several places in the middle ware so that I could verify that the system was running.
c. I changed the project config to run "as a website" and to load the url http://localhost:8000/profiles/1/edit as the start point.
d. I clicked 'Debug Program' and stepped through the bootup, the route loading, the model binding, and watched it all happen step-by-step looking for any line of code or parameter that looked out of sorts. I watched as the model was selected. I watched as it was passed the id 1 and asked to build the query. I watched as a collection of Profiles was returned (Oh! how excited I was to see the data I wanted sitting in that array and knowing that it was there but something would eventually block it, and I would find the block and release it!), and I watched as the collection was asked to return the first value. Then I watched as the parameter was set on the route. Lastly, I watched as the command $kernal->terminate() ran....
Needlessly to say, I was very disappointed and confused. How could I be getting an error, if the Kernal is running to completion?
So, I looked at the browser window, and there in the browser window was the very information that I was looking for! The Profile had loaded. I had changed nothing, and the Profile had loaded.
I moved the code back to the original machine, maybe it is an environment setting? I ran the web query without debugging, and it loaded... no error!
So, I honestly don't know what happened. I doubt that getting sleep helped the problem.
Maybe the Netbeans Debugger ran a cleanup service that fixed or patched a bad linkage? I honestly don't know, but I do know that this problem is resolved, so I post this answer in the hopes that it helps someone in the future, and that it saves other people the time of needlessly looking for an unnecessary solution.

Why won't this Laravel 5.4 service provider register?

I am trying to do a hello world service provider with the new Laravel 5.4.
I have created the following service provider file:
//File: app/TestProvider/TestServiceProvider.php
namespace App\TestProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class TestServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register bindings in the container.
* #return void
public function register()
$this->app->bind('Test', function ($app) {
return new Test();
I have created a simple class under the same namespace:
//File: app/TestProvider/Test.php
namespace App\TestProvider;
class Test
* Register bindings in the container.
* #return void
public function helloWorld()
echo "hello world";
The problem is, this is not registering. The register method is executing as when I put a breaker before the 'bind' method, it executes:
public function register()
$this->app->bind('Test', function ($app) {
return new Test();
So this outputs "BREAKER" as expected. However if I put the breaker in the closure, nothing happens which suggests for some reason, that 'bind' method isn't being executed??
Any ideas?
Just some further info: I know that the Test class is registered and in the correct namespace as I can do:
dd(new Test());
in the registration method, and it outputs the resource id as expected.
The closure provided only runs when the binding is being resolved. That's why it's a closure, it can be saved in the service container and resolved at any time while the program runs.
To see the resolved binding, create a controller and resolve the class in that controller:
// File: app/Http/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
// This isn't the best way, but it works. See the best way below
class TestController extends Controller {
public function index()
return \App::make('Test')->helloWorld();
Of course, don't forget to register the route:
// File: routes/web.php
Route::get('/', 'TestController#index');
The binding will resolve when you hit the homepage.
However, as I said, it's not the best way, so here I prepared a better way. Change the way you register the binding:
// File: app/Providers/TestProvider.php
namespace App\TestProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use App\TestProvider\Test;
// Better way
class TestServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register bindings in the container.
* #return void
public function register()
// Note: we bind the exact complete class name!
$this->app->bind(Test::class, function ($app) {
return new Test();
After this change the controller so that it looks like this:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\TestProvider\Test;
class TestController extends Controller {
* #var Test $test
private $test;
// Let Laravel resolve the dependency on constructing the class
public function __construct(Test $test)
$this->test = $test;
public function index()
return $this->test->helloWorld();
You will see that the exact same thing happens, but it looks more elegant and avoids conflicts.
Laravel gives only a high level overview of the service container, which doesn't help to learn how it works on the inside. The best way to see that is to go down the call stack.
When you do that, you find that Laravel registers every class in the project in the service container. That means that whether you create a service provider or not, the class will be in the container. How exactly?
When you run php artisan optimize, Laravel creates files that have array with all the classes of the project. When you run the app, after registering everything from the service providers, Laravel registers the rest of the classes from that file.
That means that in your case, if you don't specifically register the Test class, it will still be resolvable. Basically, you only need to register classes that need some specific instructions to be resolved.
So how does Laravel resolve the dependencies?
When you run \App::make(Test::class) or inject dependency via type hinting in the constructor (the "better way" from my solution), Laravel looks for that dependency among the bindings.
When it finds the dependency, it resolves either the closure associated to it or the constructor of the class directly.
When it resolves the constructor directly, it looks for type hints among the constructor parameters and recursively resolves all of them until there's nothing else to resolve.
After that it returns the resolved class.
Of course, bear in mind that for Laravel to analyze the contructor of a class, it needs to be resolved via the service container in the first place. You can't just call $test = new Test(); and expect Laravel to do all the magic :)
This is a rather quick overview of Laravel's service container. The best way for you to learn it is, of course, studying the sources for yourself. It's truly elegant and it uses PHP's functionality to the fullest.
I really hope this shed some light on the service container for you and can help you in the future :)
The closure passed to the bind() method is not executed until you actually attempt to resolve the alias you are binding.
So, if you dd('breaker') inside the closure, this won't actually get executed until Test is resolved (whatever your preferred resolution method is):
Service provider:
// bind the closure to the 'Test' alias
public function register()
$this->app->bind('Test', function ($app) {
return new Test();
Code that resolve Test alias:
// different ways of resolving the alias out of the container.
// any of these will execute the bound closure.
$test = resolve('Test');
$test = app('Test');
$test = app()->make('Test');
$test = \App::make('Test');
$this->app->bind(Test::class, function ($app) {
return new Test();

Laravel Bind Multiple Class to One Contract in The Service Provider

So what I am trying to do is have my eccomerce site handle both Paypal and Stripe payments. However, I am not sure how this is done.
This is what I have.
class BillingProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Bootstrap the application services.
* #return void
public function boot()
* Register the application services.
* #return void
public function register()
This works fine if I only need Paypal. However, I need both Paypal and Stripe.
Any idea how we can go about implementing this? So when we typehint this we can either get paypal or stripe.
public function stripe(Request $request, BillingInterface $bill){// Handle stripe payment.}
public function paypal(Request $request, BillingInterface $bill){// Handle paypal payment.}
Imho, there are many ways to do it.
First of all, take a look to the contextual binding of the Service Container. If you're using different classes on your checkout procedure, you can set a resolve strategy based on who is actually using the contract.
However, I would probably choose something different.
Let's apply the strategy design pattern for this.
Basically, in two separate steps:
create a "top" class named, for example, BillingManager;
a class for each payment type (imho, make a paypal() and a stripe() method in a single class is wrong because of this) that implement your billing interface. Let's say that this interface has a 'process($orderId)` method;
Now, the BillingManager class will be called. Probably, you will call a general method pay that will take, as a parameter, something to understand what strategy it will use.
Something like
public function pay($strategy, $orderId) {
// use $strategy to understand which service must be used.
// very raw example:
$strategy = app()->make($strategy . 'Strategy');
Of course, you will need a safe mechanism to understand what service you will need to use. After that, you will be able to use the BillingManager class every time, with many different payment systems, without worry about anything else.

How does laravel 5 know which contract implementation I want to use?

I'm kind of confused of how to use contracts. I think that's because I haven't used unit-testing so that it's not obvious for me how contracts work.
Let's have look at this code:
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard;
public function __construct(Guard $auth)
$this->auth = $auth;
$this->middleware('guest', ['except' => 'getLogout']);
public function postRegister(RegisterRequest $request)
// Registration form is valid, create user...
return redirect('/');
So how do I know which class implements login method of contract in this line: $this->auth->login($user) ? And how can I change the class if I want to use my own?
In laravel 4 I wrote Auth::user() as an example and I used it everywhere in any controller and it worked. Now I should inject a contract inside a controller method and use it like $auth->user?
Also, If I get it right, contracts are used for making an abstraction. Okay, so, if I want to build a new interface for my own class and then have multiple classes that implement my interface, where should I write the code? I can't think of an example but lets imagine I need to implement an interface for enabling/disabling a lamp, and I have two methods like on() and off() and I have multiple ways to do that. Do I need to create new contract for that?
I hope I can make this a bit clearer for you...
Ad.1. You can check default binding at /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php (method registerCoreContainerAliases around line 792). If you want to create your own class or extend existing I recommend looking at How to extend Laravel's Auth Guard class? or (this one is more about Laravel 4.x but might give you an idea).
Ad.2. Actually you can still use Auth::user() but I inject a contract in constructor or a method and call it like $this->auth->user or $auth->user.
Ad.3. I have a /app/Repositories folder where I put my interfaces and implementations, so to follow your example I would create subfolder Lamp and I would create LampInterface with on() and off() methods, then I would create something like Lamp.php that implements LampInterface. Next I would create a service provider in /app/Providers, like LampServiceProvider.php with binding:
namespace Apps\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class LampServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
* Register the application services.
* #return void
public function register()
After that I would register new service provider in /app/config/app.php and finally I can inject my interface like:
public function switchLampOn(App\Repository\Lamp\LampInterface $lamp)
