Openlayers 3 popup on mouseover on marker - mouseover

How to display marker details on mouseover with Openlayers 3 ? There is number of examples for older openlayers, but I can't adopt them for Openlayers 3.

You can listen to the map 'pointermove' event to look for features at the pixel location then display the details in the fashion you want.
This example shows how it is done:


Displaying interactive tool-tip containing data on box-plot dc.js instead of tool-tip title data

I am trying to display an interactive tool-tip on box plot data points with dc.js. i tried different ways with d3 and mouse event to display the tool-tip. But the data which comes when mouseover on point is 0 1 2 like the indexes of dots.
Does it possible to achieve result like second pic with dc.js or customizing with d3 anything ?
I am using the latest version of d3.js and dc.js. Can anyone help me with the little code and suggestion etc. i am unable to resolving such issues.

SkiaSharp Map with Map Marker Buttons

I am currently trying to make a map like canvas with buttons inside using SkiaSharp and Xamarin.Forms.
but when it comes to zoom / pan i can't sync this 2 up because when
a) im using a control with zoom / pan actions and canvas + buttons as childs with inverse scale, that mostly works but the skiasharp canvas will be blurry because it's only an element transform (bitmap scaling)
b) the buttons don't stay at the desired location when using the direct skiasharp canvas transform and a seperate content container for the buttons because (bad) transform syncing
any idea on how to combine this 2 components to a map with button markers like element?
My suggestion would be to use AbsoluteLayouts to stack Xamarin.Forms buttons (or Images with GestureRecognizers) over the top of a drawn SKCanvas. Each time a button is clicked you then have to eventually call InvalidateSurface() on the SKCanvas and it will redraw with the parameters that were changed by the clicking of the button. I'm doing this a lot in an app of mine and am very happy with it, you can see it over here.

Kendo UI Charts - hide marker of the note

I wanted to use Notes in charts to display function equation on chart. It works but there is additional marker visible and I cannot find any information how to hide it. Please check picture attached.
Can you help me with hiding this marker which I mark on the picture?
Set the series.notes.icon.visible to false

How to zoom on a Laravel AreaChart?

Is it possible to have an area Laravel chart on which we can zoom to have a closer look on it?
I have an area chart with three components to show, two of them having very close values i would like to zoom into onclick.
This has nothing to do with laravel. You should check the chart plugin's documentation if it support the zoom mechanism that you want. If it's not, You should find other plugin.

parameters passed when clicking a point on a NVD3 line chart or a slice in a pie chart

I have just started using NVD3 for drawing simple charts such as line/pie/bar and such.
I would like to add some mouse interactivity to these charts but cannot find specific documentation nor example code:
allow user to click a specific line point, pie slice, bar component
receive in my program notification of the click with details of the series and point/data row pertinent to the click.
E.g., if I drew sales versus years, I would like user to be able to drill down to sales of a particular year. The line graph onclick example I have seen here are way too coarse for such detailed interaction.
Is there a relevant page(s) that documents the mouse click specifications for these types of charts?
Is it even possible with NVD3?
here you can see the plunker example ,may be you can get some help .
this example is for the pie chart drill down using angularjs and Nvd3 charting lib.
