I can't figure out how to change my header file to "public" - xcode

I downloaded the Parse SDK and added all of the dependencies as well as the Parse.framework and Bolts.framework. Then I went to my app delegate and
started to import Parse and Bolts. Then I got an error saying "Could not build Objective-C module 'Bolts'". This was because of many errors in the Bolts.h file which all said "Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'Bolts'". So after some research I found that people have fixed this error by changing their header file to "public". But when I tried to do this the only options I get in the "target membership" column, after selecting the Bolts.Framework, is to make it required or optional. Why am I not getting the public, private, and project options? What other way can I find those options?

Select the header file in the Project Navigator (right pane of XCode). In the Utilities pane (far right) select the File Inspector tab. Under Target Management you should be able to select the target and change that property.
Incidentally, I had the same issue (both FacebookSDK and Bolts installed). By removing Facebook from Library Search Paths (under Build Settings) I was able to get it working.


How to add json file to Xcode project [duplicate]

I'm trying to add some new resource files to a project which was build by another person on another mac. I think that the project has the provision of the previous person.
Using right click->Add Files to "MyProject" doesn't provide the expected result. After I compile the project, the added file is not visible in the application.
How can I add new resources in my project?
PS: I'm trying to learn Objective-C in a macincloud.com account.
It might be that the file you added was not added to the project build. Click your project > App target > Build Phases
And check that the file exists in Compile sources (if it needs to be compiled), otherwise check Copy bundle resources. If the file does not exist there, drag it there and it should be fine, (from what I understand of your question).
You can also check wether a file is added to the target by clicking the file and opening the "File Inspector" (View > Utilities > Show File Inspector, or ⌥ + ⌘ + 1), and check the Target Membership section.
Adding to Copy bundle resources worked for me
Just drag the resource file (from a finder window) into your project files area (left side) and drop in supporting files.
Once you drop, a dialog will prompt you which targets to add it for. Select all that are appropriate. Thats it.
Just had a similar experience with Xcode Version 11.7 (11E801a), which I mention as it may help others from wasting a day and a half.
In addition to the other answers explaining how to add the resources:
For me the problem was I had my resources listed in Developer Assets under the target's General tab, but also in the Build Phases/Copy Bundle Resources. This worked fine running through Xcode in simulators and even on devices, but when I came to Archive the app, the resources were not being copied. Deleting my resources from the Developer Assets list, but keeping them in Build Phases worked.
And in the end it turns out I only need the resources in the Build Phases section for either running through XCode or Archiving !

Include Headers from added frameworks on Xcode

I want to work with some frameworks like glew and cg so i manually added
the needed frameworks to my project by right clicking the project -> Add files to ...
and choosing the correct framework. The problem is, when i try to include the header files,
Xcode cant find any of them. I hope this picture will help to understand:
The error given is for the glew framework, but it also happens on Cg.
As you can see on the left, The needed frameworks were added.
Any idea on how i can include these headers?
After trying to add the header files manually i got an architecture error:
I dont know if this is how it should look like.
Before starting, remove the framework and all files you have added while trying to make it work.
Then, you have to add the frameworks in the Build Phases of your target. Then go into Link Binary With Libraries and select your framework from there.
This should do it. Your headers should be available as auto-completion after each #import directive.
If it does not work (it sometimes happens), there are additional steps I can provide to you.
Additional steps:
Go to your project settings, in the build settings:
Complete the Framework Search Paths with the path of your framework
Do the same with User Header Search Path
Then, it should work. If it does not, you will need to add the full path of your header in the #import directive. Example:
#import "/path/to/my/header.h"
Apple's documentation available here states:
In the project navigator, select
your project
Select your target
Select the 'Build Phases' tab
Open 'Link Binaries With Libraries'
Click the '+' button
Select your framework
(optional) Drag and drop the added
framework to the 'Frameworks' group
In my case I have added Framework Search Paths for Target, but it should be added to Project
Also Always Search Users Path should be yes
For those whose autocomplete fails after adding framework.
I used to add frameworks, by going to Build Phases and taking the Link Binary with Libraries option. Now in XCode 6.1, though project was building fine, autocomplete in XCode was not working.
So what needs to be done is:
Remove the already added framework from Project Navigator and also from Link Binary with Libraries.
Add framework to project by simply File -> Add Files to option in XCode.
And auto complete will start working.
In my case, the external framework had been downloaded with Windows and added to the project. Then it was transferred to OSX, where the Xcode project was built and the external framework didn't load properly. I guess it is because Windows changes the framework folder to be a regular folder, which OSX then has trouble with.
Solution for me was to simply download the framework with OSX and drag it into the framework folder in the XCode project.
In my case I had to update a framework version, so I just replaced the .framework in the filesystem and then I got the error you've mentioned in the question.
Removing the framework and adding it back again, playing with the search paths and all the other suggestions didn't help.
Eventually, cleaning the build folder did the trick:
Select "Product" from the xcode menu, hold the option key and click on: "Clean Build Folder".
After that I built and ran the project successfully.

XCode Unknown class ***** in Interface Builder file

In an app, suddenly it's giving me the error XCode Unknown class ***** in Interface Builder file. I reviewed everything, storyboard, classes, etc.
I try to rename the class but it is the same problem, even I created a new class and copy the code in. I think XCode is taken that from a kind of cache because even properties that I deleted like the icon in the tab bar item are still present in the app when I run it.
What can be the problem?
Also if using a static library, don't forget to add the -ObjC flag to Other Linker Flags in your projects Build Settings tab.
If you have failed to do so, "Unknown class ... in Interface Builder file" will occur when trying to load a view controller from the static library in IB.
Just another case I experienced the error will show.
I faced a problem when I created a project with the same name that already existed in my projects directory (though it was deleted some time ago). Xcode didn't understood that it's a new project and use build directory of old project as a build directory for a new one. I didn't knew how to completely rebuild project from scratch and I just removed a build directory.
In my case I removed /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ProjectName-suffix. You can find it in Xcode in Project navigator on the left by selecting ProjectName->Products->ProjectName.app and File inspector on the right will show you a full path to file.
Sorry, after trying several post I found one solution, delete the folder of the simulator in /...Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/ and removing the class and re-adding it.
You will need to add to your targets Other Linker Flags as well, just adding to the Project Build Settings does not seem to work.

Xcode referencing old/removed frameworks, causing multiple interface declarations

I'm getting interface re-declaration errors when I'm trying to build because xcode keeps referencing these old frameworks and headers that I've already removed from the project. I've sifted through my build phases and build settings and nothing seems to point to those files.
The funny thing is when xcode shows me my error and the line of code where the interface is supposedly redeclared, it won't show me any specific file when I click "Show in project navigator". However, if I ask it to "Show in finder", it instantly locates the file in my actual project directory (not xcode project directory). So this means that XCode is picking up unwanted frameworks that I've left in my project directory. I don't want XCode to do this. How do I clean this up? I've tried cleaning, restarting xcode and rebooting.
I looked at another SO discussion with the same problem but the user didn't give a proper solution (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11759444/xcode-referencing-old-framework). How does one go about disabling the automatic framework searching?
Just in case: have u checked FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS ? (Project Build Settings). I had a similar situation and found there references to the old paths which I removed and that did the trick.
As I moved my Xcode-Project to another location the compiler complained about "Library Search Paths" which where pointing to the old location.
See => Build Settings, "Library Search Paths".

Three20 v1.1 and Xcode 4

Is there an easy way of getting Three20 v1.1 to work under xCode 4?
I followed the steps on http://three20.info/article/2011-03-10-Xcode4-Support but that seems to be for the master. I use v1.1 as I use the TTLauncher.
The project builds fine with a normal build, and runs perfect on an iPhone.
But when I want to create the archive (for the IPA for distribution) then I get 18 errors and 8 warnings.
The first one is:
../scripts/Protect.command: line 23: cd: /Users/XXX/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iDoms-cmyivarwxpbvqdfnyclqdrikrtmw/ArchiveIntermediates/iDoms/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/../three20/Three20UICommon: No such file or directory
Most others are 'no such file or directory' on e.g.:
#import "Three20Core/TTGlobalCoreLocale.h"
or 'undeclared (first use of function)' which comes from the 'no such file or directory issue I presume'.
In my 'Header search paths' I have:
Any help would be very appreciated!
Just to add to Colin's answer: you can use Xcode's dependent projects feature to use three20, even though the three20 website says it's not "officially supported":
In your workspace, right-click on the empty space in your project navigator. Select "Add files to "My Workspace", and select the three20 project (three20/src/Three20/Three20.xcodeproj). This is the only project you need to add: it is not necessary to manually add the three20 subprojects.
Select your project in the navigator, go to Build Phases, open "Link binary with libraries", click on the "+" in the bottom left corner, and add the Three20 libraries: libThree20.a, libThree20Core.a, libThree20Network.a, libThree20Style.a, libThree20UI.a, libThree20UICommon.a and libThree20Navigator.a. This will cause Xcode to build Three20 when you build your project.
Add ${BUILD_DIR}/three20 to your include path as per Colin's answer: go to build settings, double click on "Header Search Paths", and add ${BUILD_DIR}/three20 (it will show as build/three20 when you close the dialog).
Add three20/src/Three20.bundle to your resources.
It's probably also a good idea to add the linker flags -ObjC and -all_load if you haven't already done so (same dialog, setting "Other Linker Flags").
The steps above are good enough for compiling the code. To make "Archive" work too, you will need to:
Add $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/../three20 and $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/../../three20 to the Header Search Paths setting. If you don't you will get compilation errors that the three20 headers cannot be found.
For all Three20 projects (so not just the top-level project), go the Build Settings and set "Skip Install" to YES. If you don't, the project will build, but you will not be able to create an IPA.
Make sure that your product name (select your target, go to Build Settings, then setting "Product Name") does not contain spaces, otherwise archiving will not work.
Finally, if you're getting errors such as ld: library not found for -lThree20 and you are using a custom build configuration (such as AdHoc), make sure to add the same build configuration to each of the Three20 projects too (just duplicate the Release configuration).
You should check out this StackOverflow question.
I've reproduced the accepted answer below:
So it looks like the easiest way
to get old Xcode 3.2 projects to work
with Xcode 4 is to do the following:
Go into Xcode 4's preferences (Cmd+,).
Select the "Locations" tab. Where it
says "Build Locations", select the
drop down and pick "Place build
products in locations specified by
targets" I'll write up a three20.info
article going into more details about
Add these two paths to your header search paths in the build settings for your target:
The first entry is needed for regular builds and the second entry is needed for archives.
It's that easy.
Incidentally, to create a file in your home directory with a list of all of Xcode's environment variables for your target's environement, add the following Run script build phase to your target with contents:
ENV > ~/xcode-environment.sh
Note that in this case, if your project is not making it through the compile phase of the build process, and your Run script comes later, the script won't get executed, so put it first.
