Bash store command PID in variable and kill process - bash

I would like to use a shell script in order to establish ethernet connection.
I am using a function implemented as :
function connec()
ip link set eth0 up
sleep 5
udhcpc -i eth0
echo $pid
kill -9 $pid
However, the script returns :
743 root 2704 S {} /bin/bash ./ connect
767 root 2200 S udhcpc -i eth0
I don't succeed in store 767 rather than 743. I also tried by using $! but in that specific case "echo $pid" returns 0.

$$ is the current process which means the script is killing itself. You can get the process ID of the last process you started in the background, with $! but it appears you're not actually starting one of those.
With your code segment:
udhcpc -i eth0
the pid= line will only be executed when udhcpc exits (or daemonises itself, in which case neither $$ nor $! will work anyway), so there's zero point in trying to kill of the process.
To run it in the background and store its process ID, so you can continue to run in the parent, you could use something like:
udhcpc -f -i eth0 &
and you're using -f to run in foreground in that case, since you're taking over the normal job control.
Or, alternatively, since udhcpc can create its own PID file, you can use something like:
udhcpc -i eth0 -p /tmp/
pid=$(cat /tmp/


Getting a Process ID & Assigned to a variable and kill the process in Bash Script

I store in a variable an executed command like so:
pio device monitor -p COM22 -b 115200 --no-reconnect | grep -E -o -m 1 '[A-Za-z0-9]{12}'
pio device monitor is a command to watch custom logs from an esp32, I use these logs to extract the wanter value (something like C8F09E0AA13C).
I want to run this command in the background and when the command return something, kill the process.
The script works as expected. The command stored in IDFound run in the background and as soon it found something the loop stop and the process is killed and I get the wanted value.
# /bin/bash
unset -v IDFound
if ! [[ $IDFound =~ $regex ]] ; then
echo 'Please press the reset button of the ESP-prog'
IDFound=$(pio device monitor -p $port -b 115200 --no-reconnect | grep -E -o -m 1 $regex &)
# Get PID of this command
pid=$(ps -ef | awk '/pio/{print $2}')
# kill the process with PID
kill $pid
echo $IDFound
But my problem is that I get PID with the pio keyword and I run another similar command in my script. I don't want to kill the wrong process.
I want to get the PID with $! to avoid mistake. How could I achieve that ?

How to get pid of piped command?

(or How to kill the child process)?
inotifywait -mqr --format '%w %f %e' $feedDir | while read dir file event
done &
echo $! #5431
ps eg:
>$ ps
2867 pts/3 00:00:02 bash
5430 pts/3 00:00:00 inotifywait
5431 pts/3 00:00:00 bash
5454 pts/3 00:00:00 ps
It seems if I kill 5431 then 5430 (inotifywait) will be left running, but if I kill 5430 then both processes die. I don't suppose I can reliably assume that the pid of inotifywait will always be 1 less than $!?
When we run a pipe, each command is executed in a separated process. The interpreter waits for the last one but if we use ampersand (&).
cmd1 | cmd2 &
The pid of processes will be probably close, but we cannot assume it reliably. In the case where the last command is a bash reserved word as while, it creates a dedicated bash (that's why your 'dir', 'file' variables won't exist after the done keyword). Example:
ps # shows one bash process
echo "azerty" | while read line; do ps; done # shows one more bash
When the first command exits, the second one will terminate because the read on the pipe return EOF.
When the second command exits, the first command will be terminated by the signal SIGPIPE (write on a pipe with no reader) when it tries to write to the pipe. But if the command waits indefinitely... it is not terminated.
echo "$!" prints the pid of the last command executed in background. In your case, the bash process that is executing the while loop.
You can find the pid of "inotifywait" with the following syntax. But it's uggly:
(inotifywait ... & echo "$!"> | \
while read dir file event
done &
cat # prints pid of inotifywait
If you don't want the pid, but just be sure the process will be terminated, you can use the -t option of inotifywait:
(while true; do inotifywait -t 10 ...; done)| \
while read dir file event
done &
kill "$!" # kill the while loop
None of this solution are nice. What is your real achievement? Maybe we can find a more elegant solution.
If your goal is to make sure all of the children can be killed or interrupted elegantly. If you're using BusyBox's Ash, you don't have process substitution. If you don't want to use an fd either, check out this solution.
terminate() {
pkill -9 -P "$pid"
# do your stuff here, note: should be run in the background {{{
inotifywait -mqr --format '%w %f %e' $feedDir | while read dir file event
done &
# }}}
# Either pkill -9 -P "$pid" here
# or pkill -9 -P "$pid" here
Or in another shell:
kill <pid ($$)>

how to assign terminal variable from previous command's output

I'm very very new to the terminal script world. Here's what I want to do:
1) Find out the process that's using a given port (8000 in this case)
2) Kill that process
Pretty simple. I can do it manually using:
lsof -i tcp:8000 -- get the PID of what's using the port
kill -9 $PID -- terminate the app using the port
For reference, here's exactly what gets returned when using lsof -i tcp:8000
php 94735 MyUser 5u IPv6 0x9fbd127eb623aacf 0t0 TCP localhost:irdmi (LISTEN)
Here's my problem: how do I capture the PID value from lsof -i tcp:8000 so that I can use that variable for the next command? I know how to create variable that I assign... just not ones that are dynamically made.
The thing you’re looking for is called command substitution. It lets you treat the output of a command as input to the shell.
For example:
$ mydate="$(date)"
$ echo "${mydate}"
Mon 24 Feb 2014 22:45:24 MST
It’s also possible to use `backticks` instead of the dollar sign and parentheses, but most shell style guides recommend avoiding that.
In your case, you probably want to do something like this:
$ PID="$(lsof -i tcp:8000 | grep TCP | awk '{print $2}')"
$ kill $PID
Something along these lines should work:
lsof -i tcp:8000 | grep TCP | read cmd pid restofline
kill -9 $pid
before using the kill command, just echo it to make sure.

Closing all processes holding a given port from shell

I am trying to automate one of the jobs I am facing again and again.
There are some ports which are sometimes not closed correctly by some previous jobs..
Lets say port 5000,5001
WHat I want to do is see if these ports are open
and kill these ports if they are open
So right now, I am doing
lsof -i :5000
kill -9 pid1
kill -9 pid2
and so on..
Is there a way to pass 5000 and 5001 as arguments and automate this process
If you want to automate it as you use it do something like this.
Create a bash script, for example call it 'killMyPorts' and add the following content:
kill -9 `lsof -i :"${1}" | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print $2}}'`
Once you made the script executable (chmod u+x), you can execute it as follows:
./killMyPorts 5000
fuser can do this job for you.
kill_port_users() {
for port; do
fuser -n tcp -k "$port"
kill_port_users 5000 5001
Have you tried
kill -9 `lsof -i :5000`
kill -9 $(lsof -i :5000)

Starting a process over ssh using bash and then killing it on sigint

I want to start a couple of jobs on different machines using ssh. If the user then interrupts the main script I want to shut down all the jobs gracefully.
Here is a short example of what I'm trying to do:
trap "aborted" SIGINT SIGTERM
aborted() {
kill -SIGTERM $bash2_pid
ssh -t remote_machine /foo/ &
However the process is still running the remote machine. If I do the same commands in a terminal window it shuts down the process on the remote host.
Is there an easy way to make this happen when I run the bash script? Or do I need to make it log on to the remote machine, find the right process and kill it that way?
Seems like I have to go with option B, killing the remotescript through another ssh connection
So no I want to know how do I get the remotepid?
I've tried a something along the lines of :
remote_pid=$(ssh remote_machine '{ /foo/ & } ; echo $!')
This doesn't work since it blocks.
How do I wait for a variable to print and then "release" a subprocess?
It would definitely be preferable to keep your cleanup managed by the ssh that starts the process rather than moving in for the kill with a second ssh session later on.
When ssh is attached to your terminal; it behaves quite well. However, detach it from your terminal and it becomes (as you've noticed) a pain to signal or manage remote processes. You can shut down the link, but not the remote processes.
That leaves you with one option: Use the link as a way for the remote process to get notified that it needs to shut down. The cleanest way to do this is by using blocking I/O. Make the remote read input from ssh and when you want the process to shut down; send it some data so that the remote's reading operation unblocks and it can proceed with the cleanup:
command & read; kill $!
This is what we would want to run on the remote. We invoke our command that we want to run remotely; we read a line of text (blocks until we receive one) and when we're done, signal the command to terminate.
To send the signal from our local script to the remote, all we need to do now is send it a line of text. Unfortunately, Bash does not give you a lot of good options, here. At least, not if you want to be compatible with bash < 4.0.
With bash 4 we can use co-processes:
coproc ssh user#host 'command & read; kill $!'
trap 'echo >&"${COPROC[1]}"' EXIT
Now, when the local script exits (don't trap on INT, TERM, etc. Just EXIT) it sends a new line to the file in the second element of the COPROC array. That file is a pipe which is connected to ssh's stdin, effectively routing our line to ssh. The remote command reads the line, ends the read and kills the command.
Before bash 4 things get a bit harder since we don't have co-processes. In that case, we need to do the piping ourselves:
mkfifo /tmp/mysshcommand
ssh user#host 'command & read; kill $!' < /tmp/mysshcommand &
trap 'echo > /tmp/mysshcommand; rm /tmp/mysshcommand' EXIT
This should work in pretty much any bash version.
Try this:
ssh -tt host command </dev/null &
When you kill the local ssh process, the remote pty will close and SIGHUP will be sent to the remote process.
Referencing the answer by lhunath and I came up with this script
eval "$#" \&
echo "running" "$#" "in PID $PID"> $log
{ (cat <&3 3<&- >/dev/null; kill $PID; echo "killed" >> $log) & } 3<&0
trap "echo EXIT >> $log" EXIT
wait $PID
The difference being that this version kills the process when the connection is closed, but also returns the exit code of the command when it runs to completion.
$ ssh localhost ./ true; echo $?; cat log
running true in PID 19247
$ ssh localhost ./ false; echo $?; cat log
running false in PID 19298
$ ssh localhost ./ sleep 99; echo $?; cat log
running sleep 99 in PID 20499
$ ssh localhost ./ sleep 2; echo $?; cat log
running sleep 2 in PID 20556
For a one-liner:
ssh localhost "sleep 99 & PID=\$!; { (cat <&3 3<&- >/dev/null; kill \$PID) & } 3<&0; wait \$PID"
For convenience:
HUP_KILL="& PID=\$!; { (cat <&3 3<&- >/dev/null; kill \$PID) & } 3<&0; wait \$PID"
ssh localhost "sleep 99 $HUP_KILL"
Note: kill 0 may be preferred to kill $PID depending on the behavior needed with regard to spawned child processes. You can also kill -HUP or kill -INT if you desire.
A secondary job control channel is better than reading from stdin.
ssh -n -R9002:localhost:8001 -L8001:localhost:9001 localhost ./ sleep 2
Set job control mode and monitor the job control channel:
set -m
trap "kill %1 %2 %3" EXIT
(sleep infinity | netcat -l 9001) &
(netcat -d 9002; kill -INT $$) &
"$#" &
wait %3
Finally, here's another approach and a reference to a bug filed on openssh:
This is the best way I have found to do this. You want something on the server side that attempts to read stdin and then kills the process group when that fails, but you also want a stdin on the client side that blocks until the server side process is done and will not leave lingering processes like <(sleep infinity) might.
ssh localhost "sleep 99 < <(cat; kill -INT 0)" <&1
It doesn't actually seem to redirect stdout anywhere but it does function as a blocking input and avoids capturing keystrokes.
The solution for bash 3.2:
mkfifo /tmp/mysshcommand
ssh user#host 'command & read; kill $!' < /tmp/mysshcommand &
trap 'echo > /tmp/mysshcommand; rm /tmp/mysshcommand' EXIT
doesn't work. The ssh command is not on the ps list on the "client" machine. Only after I echo something into the pipe will it appear in the process list of the client machine. The process that appears on the "server" machine would just be the command itself, not the read/kill part.
Writing again into the pipe does not terminate the process.
So summarizing, I need to write into the pipe for the command to start up, and if I write again, it does not kill the remote command, as expected.
You may want to consider mounting the remote file system and run the script from the master box. For instance, if your kernel is compiled with fuse (can check with the following):
/sbin/lsmod | grep -i fuse
You can then mount the remote file system with the following command:
sshfs user#remote_system: mount_point
Now just run your script on the file located in mount_point.
