Jsoup query on Google Play page - google-play

I'm trying to pull the text from the Permission Details page from a typical Google App page using Jsoup. For example, the permission details from this url. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imangi.templerun
I'm not very well versed with JSoup, so I'm not sure of the elements I should be targeting to achieve the effect. I've tried the following:
Elements permission= doc.getElementsByAttributeValueContaining("class", "permission-bucket");
for(Element p :permission)
catch (Exception e)
tv.setText("Error in reading & storing permissions: " + e.getMessage());
But it is throwing null. Any help?


Google Drive Api Pdf export from Google Doc generate empty response

I'm using the export Google Drive API to retrieve a Google Doc as Pdf: https://developers.google.com/drive/v3/reference/files/export
I'm having the following problem: for documents bigger than a certain size (I don't know exactly the threshold, but it happens even with relatively small files around 1,5 MB) the API return a 200 response code with a blank result (normally it should contains the pdf data as byte stream), as you can see in the following screenshot:
I can successfully export the file via GoogleDrive/GoogleDoc UI with the "File -> Download as.. -> Pdf" command, despite it takes a bit of time.
Here is the file used for test (1.180 KB exported from Google Doc), I shared it so you can access to try export:
Here is the (Java) code I'm using to perform the operation:
public GoogleDriveDocumentContent downloadFileContentAsPDF(String executionGoogleUser, String fileId) {
GoogleDriveDocumentContent documentContent = new GoogleDriveDocumentContent();
String conversionMimeType = "application/pdf";
try {
getLogger().info("GDrive APIs - Downloading file content in PDF format ...");
InputStream gDriveFileData = getDriveService(executionGoogleUser).files()
.export(fileId, conversionMimeType)
getLogger().info("GDrive APIs - File content as PDF format downloaded.");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return documentContent;
Does anyone has the same issue and know how to solve it?
The goal is to generate a pdf from a Google Doc.
I think you should try using media downloadeder you will have to alter it for Google drive rather than storage service.
// Create the service using the client credentials.
var storageService = new StorageService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = "APP_NAME_HERE"
// Get the client request object for the bucket and desired object.
var getRequest = storageService.Objects.Get("BUCKET_HERE", "OBJECT_HERE");
using (var fileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(
// Add a handler which will be notified on progress changes.
// It will notify on each chunk download and when the
// download is completed or failed.
getRequest.MediaDownloader.ProgressChanged += Download_ProgressChanged;
static void Download_ProgressChanged(IDownloadProgress progress)
Console.WriteLine(progress.Status + " " + progress.BytesDownloaded);
Code ripped from here

Kinvey-Xamarin: How to recieve Data from a User instance?

I'm working on a Kinvey project right now, and I'm having some Problems with reading the Username or special Attributes from a User instance. I first tried it the same way getting _User.ID by calling _User.UserName, but this didnt return anything(But ID did curiously). I also searched on Google, but there weren't any articles about it. Hope you can help, would be greatly appreciated!
For special attributes, use the .Attributes array on the User class.
Like this code:
Console.WriteLine ("custom attribute is: " + kinveyClient.User ().Attributes["myAttribute"]);
For username, try .UserName() but it seems you must do an explicit retrieval of the User object before this field is populated
User retrieved;
try {
retrieved = await kinveyClient.User().RetrieveAsync();
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} caught exception: ", e);
retrieved = null;
Console.WriteLine ("logged in as: " + retrieved.Username );
Console.WriteLine ("custom attribute is: " + retrieved.Attributes["myAttribute"]);
Documentation: http://devcenter.kinvey.com/xamarin/guides/users#UserClass
(answer applies to SDK version 1.6.11)

The given key was not found in the dictionary

I'm developing windows phone 8 application. In this, I have to integrate Twitter. So I have followed the below tutorial.
I've implemented successfully twitter in my application. I've tested this in Emulator and in device also. Everything was fine.
**Suddenly in the device the application is unable to open the twitter log in page. I'm getting the error in the below method at line started with .
void requestTokenQuery_QueryResponse(object sender, WebQueryResponseEventArgs e)
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(e.Response);
string strResponse = reader.ReadToEnd();
var parameters = MainUtil.GetQueryParameters(strResponse);
**OAuthTokenKey = parameters["oauth_token"];**
tokenSecret = parameters["oauth_token_secret"];
var authorizeUrl = AppSettings.AuthorizeUri + "?oauth_token=" + OAuthTokenKey;
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
this.loginBrowserControl.Navigate(new Uri(authorizeUrl, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
catch (Exception ex)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
pi.IsVisible = false;
The given key was not present in the dictionary.
But in Emulator I'm successfully redirected to log in page if user is not logged in and posting the message.
I don't know what is the problem in the device.
This issue occurs when the the device you are using for testing the app is without simcard, as it the device without the simcard cannot match the timings of the twitter api server and this mismatch causes the authentication error, as for the api the credentials are invalid due to heavy difference in the timings between api server and device, hence try checking it on a device that has a simcard inside.

Catching error with Usermanager.getUser() in Google Apps Script

I am working withing Google Spreadsheet creating a script file that has to deal with obtaining user information on my Google Apps Domain. I have admin rights and the Provisioning API is enabled. In my code, I am trying to catch the error when looking up a specific user on a Google Apps Domain (user not found) and instead display a message and continuing on with the rest of the program. The try-catch statement I have here works when there is no error on the user. However, when there is an error on retrieving the user, I get the error: "Unexpected exception upon serializing continuation". Here is my code:
function testOfDomainAccess() {
var i=0;
var anArray= ["johhn.smith", "susan.que]; //john smith misspelled
var user;
for (i=0; i < anArray.length; ++i)
Logger.log("\nThe current user being processed is " + anArray[i]);
user = UserManager.getUser (anArray [i]);
catch (error)
Browser.msgBox("Error: " + error.name + "\n Check your spreadsheet for misspellings of " + anArray[i] + " and We will continue to the next user.");
user = null;
if (user != null) {
//Perform tasks
Logger.log("User not found in domain. Moving on the next item in the array.");
If anyone can help with this problem I would greatly appreciate it. I am new to Google Apps Script and Provisioning API. Thanks!
It looks like the same bug reported at http://code.google.com/p/google-apps-script-issues/issues/detail?id=980.
The workaround is to replace the Browser.msgBox() call with Logger.log() and your script should run as expected.

Google plus api not valid access token exception

I'm working with Google+ API and here's what I got. I know that the access token may become invalid in case of the user uninstalling App or de-authorizing it. But I couldn't find how to handle that case. Is it going to throw an exception? If so, what exact exception (maybe someone knows the code)?
I thought that it might be possible to get an http error code like 404 (unauthorized)? If it is, how do I get it?
Here is some code:
try {
$me = $plus->people->get('me')
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Maybe do something with the error code from $e->getCode();
Or check the code obtained from I don't know where:
if($code == 401) {
throw new Exception('Expired access token detected. Mailing to admin.', 0);
You can get the http status from $e->getCode()
