Partition of graph to locate a point - algorithm

I have an area which was already partitioned into tens of sub-areas (think like a country divided into states).
Now I have a point coordinate, what is the best algorithm to tell me which state the point in?
Of course I can match sub-area by sub-area but that's stupid because I have to search through half of them in average right?
Is there an algorithm to determine how to group several adjacent sub-area together to facilitate search, so as to optimize the number of search?

I would start by eliminating all areas that cannot have the point inside of them.
Let's assume that you have a 2D Cartesian coordinate system, you have a point as a 2D-vector and the areas are described as a collection of their boundary points.
Then you can sort the areas by their smallest and largest x and y coordinate (in total 4 ways of sorting). You can eliminate all areas which have their smallest x coordinate bigger than the x coordinate of your point etc.
After that, you can check the remaining polygons with a simple ray-casting algorithm and you should be good.
This is very efficient if you have a structure which keeps the areas sorted in all the different directions because you can eliminate the areas in logarithmic time.


Finding random k points at least d apart in 3D confined space

For my simulation purposes, I want to generate a randomly distributed k number of spheres (having the same radii) in a confined 3D space (inside a rectangle) where k is in order of 1000. Those spheres should not impinge on one another.
So, I want to generate random k points in a 3D space at least d distance away from one another; considering the number of points and the frequency at which I need those points for simulation, I don't want to apply brute force; I'm looking for some efficient algorithms achieving this.
How about just starting with some regular tessellation of the space (i.e. some primitive 3d lattice) and putting a single point somewhere in each tile? You'd then only need to check a small number of neighboring tiles for proximity.
To get a more statistically uniform, i.e. less regular, set of points, you could:
perturb points in space
generate an overly dense lattice and reject some points
"warp" the space so that the lattice was more dense in certain areas
You could perturb the points sequentially, giving you a monte-carlo chain over their coordinates, and potentially saving work elsewhere. Presumably you could tailor this so that the equilibrium distribution was what you wanted.

Optimize bruteforce solution of searching nearest point

I have non empty Set of points scattered on plane, they are given by their coordinates.
Problem is to quickly reply such queries:
Give me the point from your set which is nearest to the point A(x, y)
My current solution pseudocode
query( given_point )
nearest_point = any point from Set
for each point in Set
if dist(point, query_point) < dist(nearest_point, given_point)
nearest_point = point
return nearest_point
But this algorithm is very slow with complexity is O(N).
The question is, is there any data structure or tricky algorithms with precalculations which will dramatically reduce time complexity? I need at least O(log N)
By distance I mean Euclidean distance
You can get O(log N) time using a kd-tree. This is like a binary search tree, except that it splits points first on the x-dimension, then the y-dimension, then the x-dimension again, and so on.
If your points are homogeneously distributed, you can achieve O(1) look-up by binning the points into evenly-sized boxes and then searching the box in which the query point falls and its eight neighbouring boxes.
It would be difficult to make an efficient solution from Voronoi diagrams since this requires that you solve the problem of figuring out which Voronoi cell the query point falls in. Much of the time this involves building an R*-tree to query the bounding boxes of the Voronoi cells (in O(log N) time) and then performing point-in-polygon checks (O(p) in the number of points in the polygon's perimeter).
You can divide your grid in subsections:
Depending on the number of points and grid size, you choose a useful division. Let's assume a screen of 1000x1000 pixels, filled with random points, evenly distributed over the surface.
You may divide the screen into 10x10 sections and make a map (roughX, roughY)->(List ((x, y), ...). For a certain point, you may lookup all points in the same cell and - since the point may be closer to points of the neighbor cell than to an extreme point in the same cell, the surrounding cells, maybe even 2 cells away. This would reduce the searching scope to 16 cells.
If you don't find a point in the same cell/layer, expand the search to next layer.
If you happen to find the next neighbor in one of the next layers, you have to expand the searching scope to an additional layer for each layer. If there are too many points, choose a finer grid. If there are to few points, choose a bigger grid. Note, that the two green circles, connected to the red with a line, have the same distance to the red one, but one is in layer 0 (same cell) but the other layer 2 (next of next cell).
Without preprocessing you definitely need to spend O(N), as you must look at every point before return the closest.
You can look here Nearest neighbor search for how to approach this problem.

seeking approximate algorithm to find largest clear circle in an area

Related: Is there a simple algorithm for calculating the maximum inscribed circle into a convex polygon?
I'm writing a graphics program whose goals are artistic rather than mathematical. It composes a picture step by step, using geometric primitives such as line segments or arcs of small angle. As it goes, it looks for open areas to fill in with more detail; as the available open areas get smaller, the detail gets finer, so it's loosely fractal.
At a given step, in order to decide what to do next, we want to find out: where is the largest circular area that's still free of existing geometric primitives?
Some constraints of the problem
It does not need to be exact. A close-enough answer is fine.
Imprecision should err on the conservative side: an almost-maximal circle is acceptable, but a circle that's not quite empty isn't acceptable.
CPU efficiency is a priority, because it will be called often.
The program will run in a browser, so memory efficiency is a priority too.
I'll have to set a limit on level of detail, constrained presumably by memory space.
We can keep track of the primitives already drawn in any way desired, e.g. a spatial index. Exactness of these is not required; e.g. storing bounding boxes instead of arcs would be OK. However the more precision we have, the better, because it will allow the program to draw to a higher level of detail. But, given that the number of primitives can increase exponentially with the level of detail, we'd like storage of past detail not to increase linearly with the number of primitives.
To summarize the order of priorities
Memory efficiency
CPU efficiency
I framed this question in terms of circles, but if it's easier to find the largest clear golden rectangle (or golden ellipse), that would work too.
This image gives some idea of what I'm trying to achieve. Here is the start of a tendril-drawing program, in which decisions about where to sprout a tendril, and how big, are made without regard to remaining open space. But now we want to know, where is there room to draw a tendril next, and how big? And where after that?
One very efficient way would be to recursively divide your area into rectangular sub-areas, splitting them when necessary to divide occupied areas from unoccupied areas. Then you would simply need to keep track of the largest unoccupied area at each time. See - but you needn't split into squares.
Given any rectangle, you can draw a line inside it, so that at least one of the rectangles to either side of the line is a golden rectangle. Therefore you can recursively erect partitions within a rectangle so that all but one of the rectangles formed by the partitions are golden rectangles, and the add rectangle left over is vanishingly small. You could do this to create a quadtree-like structure, where almost all of the rectangles left over were golden rectangles.
This seems like the kind of situation where a randomized algorithm might be helpful. Choose points at random, reject and choose more if they're inappropriate for some reason, then find the min distance from your choices to each of the figures already included. The random point with the max of the mins would be your choice.
The number of sample points might have to increase as the complexity of the figure increases.
The random algorithm could be improved by checking points nearby good choices. Keep checking neighbors until no more improvement is possible.
Here's a simple way that uses a fixed amount of memory and time per update, regardless of how many drawing primitives you use. How much memory (and time per update) is needed can be controlled according to how high a "resolution" you need:
Divide the space up into a grid of points. We will maintain a 2D array, d[], which records the minimum distance from the grid point (x, y) to any already-drawn primitive in the entry d[x, y]. Initially, set every element in this array to infinity (or some huge number).
Whenever you draw some primitive, iterate over all grid points (x, y) calculating the minimum distance (or some conservative approximation to it) from (x, y) to the just-drawn primitive. E.g., if the primitive just drawn was a circle of radius r centered at (p, q), then this distance would be sqrt((x-p)^2 + (y-q)^2) - r. Then update d[x, y] with this new distance value if it is smaller than its current value.
The grid point at which the largest circle can be drawn without touching any already-drawn primitive is the grid point that is the farthest away from any primitive drawn so far. To find it, simply scan through d[] to find its maximum value, and note the corresponding indices (x, y). d[x, y] will be the maximum radius you could safely use for this circle.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary.
A couple of points:
For primitives that have area, you can assign 0 or a negative value to all d[x, y] corresponding to grid points inside the primitive.
For any convex primitive, you can often avoid updating most of the d[] array by scanning rows (or columns) "outward" from the just-drawn primitive's border: the distance from the current grid point to the primitive will never decrease, so if this distance becomes larger than the previous maximum value in d[] then we know that we can stop scanning this row, because no further distance value that we would compute on it could possibly be less than an existing distance on it.

Nearest vertex search

I'm looking for effective algorithm to find a vertex nearest to point P(x, y, z). The set of vertices is fixed, each request comes with new point P. I tried kd-tree and others known methods and I've got same problem everywhere: if P is closer then all is fine, search is performed for few tree nodes only. However if P is far enough, then more and more nodes should be scanned and finally speed becomes unacceptable slow. In my task I've no ability to specify a small search radius. What are solutions for such case?
One possible way to speed up your search would be to discretize space into a large number of rectangular prisms spaced apart at regular intervals. For example, you could split space up into lots of 1 × 1 × 1 unit cubes. You then distribute the points in space into these volumes. This gives you a sort of "hash function" for points that distributes points into the volume that contains them.
Once you have done this, do a quick precomputation step and find, for each of these volumes, the closest nonempty volumes. You could do this by checking all volumes one step away from the volume, then two steps away, etc.
Now, to do a nearest neighbor search, you can do the following. Start off by hashing your point in space to the volume that contains it. If that volume contains any points, iterate over all of them to find which one is closest. Then, for each of the volumes that you found in the first step of this process, iterate over those points to see if any of them are closer. The resulting closest point is the nearest neighbor to your test point.
If your volumes end up containing too many points, you can refine this approach by subdividing those volumes into even smaller volumes and repeating this same process. You could alternatively create a bunch of smaller k-d trees, one for each volume, to do the nearest-neighbor search. In this way, each k-d tree holds a much smaller number of points than your original k-d tree, and the points within each volume are all reasonable candidates for a nearest neighbor. Therefore, the search should be much, much faster.
This setup is similar in spirit to an octree, except that you divide space into a bunch of smaller regions rather than just eight.
Hope this helps!
Well, this is not an issue of the index structures used, but of your query:
the nearest neighbor becomes just much more fuzzy the further you are away from your data set.
So I doubt that any other index will help you much.
However, you may be able to plug in a threshold in your search. I.e. "find nearest neighbor, but only when within a maximum distance x".
For static, in-memory, 3-d point double vector data, with euclidean distance, the k-d-tree is hard to beat, actually. It just splits the data very very fast. An octree may sometimes be faster, but mostly for window queries I guess.
Now if you really have very few objects but millions of queries, you could try to do some hybrid approach. Roughly something like this: compute all points on the convex hull of your data set. Compute the center and radius. Whenever a query point is x times further away (you need to do the 3d math yourself to figure out the correct x), it's nearest neighbor must be one of the convex hull points. Then again use a k-d-tree, but one containing the hull points only.
Or even simpler. Find the min/max point in each dimension. Maybe add some additional extremes (in x+y, x-y, x+z, x-y, y+z, y-z etc.). So you get a small set of candidates. So lets for now assume that is 8 points. Precompute the center and the distances of these 6 points. Let m be the maximum distance from the center to these 8 points. For a query compute the distance to the center. If this is larger than m, compute the closest of these 6 candidates first. Then query the k-d-tree, but bound the search to this distance. This costs you 1 (for close) and 7 (for far neighbors) distance computations, and may significantly speed up your search by giving a good candidate early. For further speedups, organize these 6-26 candidates in a k-d-tree, too, to find the best bound quickly.

Suitable choice of data structure and algorithm for fast k-Nearest Neighbor search in 2D

I have a dataset of approximately 100,000 (X, Y) pairs representing points in 2D space. For each point, I want to find its k-nearest neighbors.
So, my question is - what data-structure / algorithm would be a suitable choice, assuming I want to absolutely minimise the overall running time?
I'm not looking for code - just a pointer towards a suitable approach. I'm a bit daunted by the range of choices that seem relevent - quad-trees, R-trees, kd-trees, etc.
I'm thinking the best approach is to build a data structure, then run some kind of k-Nearest Neighbor search for each point. However, since (a) I know the points in advance, and (b) I know I must run the search for every point exactly once, perhaps there is a better approach?
Some extra details:
Since I want to minimise the entire running time, I don't care if the majority of time is spent on structure vs search.
The (X, Y) pairs are fairly well spread out, so we can assume an almost uniform distribution.
If k is relatively small (<20 or so) and you have an approximately uniform distribution, create a grid that overlays the range where the points fall, chosen so that the average number of points per grid is comfortably higher than k (so that a centrally-located point will usually get its k neighbors in that one grid point). Then create a set of other grids set half-off from the first (overlapping) along each axis. Now for each point, compute which grid element it falls into (since the grids are regular, no searching is required) and pick the one of four (or howevermany overlapping grids you have) that has that point closest to its center.
Within each grid element, the points should be sorted in one coordinate (let's say x). Starting at the element you chose (find it using bisection), walk outwards along the sorted list until you have found k items (again, if k is small, the fastest way to maintain a list of the k best hits is with binary insertion sort, letting the worst match fall off the end when you insert; insertion sort generally beats everything else up to about 30 items on modern hardware). Keep going until your most distant nearest neighbor is closer to you than the next points away from you in x (i.e. not counting their y-offset, so there could be no new point that could be closer than the kth-closest found so far).
If you do not have k points yet, or you have k points but one or more walls of the grid element are closer to your point of interest than the farthest of the k points, add the relevant adjacent grid elements into the search.
This should give you performance of something like O(N*k^2), with a relatively low constant factor. If k is large, then this strategy is too simplistic and you should choose an algorithm that is linear or log-linear in k, like kd-trees can be.
