How to correctly transition stacked bars in d3.js - d3.js

I'm trying to get a stacked bar chart to animate correctly as bars come and go. There's probably a good example of this somewhere (maybe I'll ask as a separate question), but the examples I'm finding don't show transitions with individual stack elements exiting and entering I want to make sure that as bars are exiting, they drag down the bars above them, and as they're entering, they push up the bars above them. And I don't want any gaps or overlaps midway through the transition.
Can anyone point me to an example that does this?
Correcting my wrong-headed question:
Ashitaka answered the question with a helpful jsfiddle. His answer prompted me to look at the d3 stack layout more closely, where I read:
In the simplest case, layers is a two-dimensional array of values. All of the 2nd-dimensional arrays must be the same length.
So, I concluded I was going about this all wrong. I shouldn't have been trying to remove stack bars at all. If bars in my data were going to disappear, I should leave them in the data and change their height to zero. That way the transitions work great. I haven't yet had to deal with new bars appearing.

One confusing aspect of transitioning stacked charts (and working with SVG in general) is that the coordinate system origin is at the top-left corner, which means that y increases downwards.
First, our data should have 2 y related attributes:
y, the height of the bar
And y0, the baseline or the y position of the bar when it's on top of other bars. This should be calculated by d3.layout.stack().
Then, we should create 2 scales:
One for height, which works exactly as expected:
var heightScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, maxStackY])
.range([0, height]);
And one for the y position, which works in the reverse way:
var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, maxStackY])
.range([height, 0]);
With these two scales, we can create some functions to calculate the appropriate y positions and heights of our bars:
var barBaseY = function (d) { return yScale(d.y0); };
var barTopY = function (d) { return yScale(d.y0 + d.y); };
var barHeight = function (d) { return heightScale(d.y); };
Next, it's critical that we create a key function so that elements are bound to the correct data:
var joinKey = function (d) { return; };
Without this function D3 would join the data using its index, which would break everything.
Now, to remove or add a set of bars from the stack, we take these steps:
Recalculate the stack:
var newStack = stack(enabledSeries());
Join the new stack with the current selection of layers with the data function:
layers =, joinKey);
With our key function, D3 determines the bars that are to be added, removed or updated.
Access the appropriate bars:
layers.enter() contains the "enter selection", that is, the new set of bars to be added.
layers.exit() contains the "exit selection", that is, the set of bars to be removed.
And simply layers contains the "update selection", that is, the bars that are to be updated. However, after enter.append the "update selection" is modified to contain both entering and updating elements. This has changed in D3 v4 though.
Animate the bars:
For added bars, we create them with height 0 and y position barBaseY.
Then we animate all the bars' height and y attributes.
For removed bars, we animate them to height 0 and y position barBaseY, the exact opposite of adding bars. Then we animate all the remaining bars' height and y attributes. D3 is smart enough to render all these animations at the same time.
Here's a pared down version of the stacked chart I linked to in my first comment.
And here's a visual explanation of why you have to animate both y and height attributes to simulate a bar diminishing in size "going down".


In d3 selection method chaining, how can I reference the values of the selected element?

I have a simple horizontal bar chart, and I'm trying to place an image to the left of each horizontal bar to serve as a label for the bar.
At this point in the script, the bars have been created and are displayed.
I've taken a code sample for adding the labels to the right of the bars (which are included in the image) and tried to update it to place an image to the left.
.attr("class", "bar_image")
//y position of the image is halfway down the bar
.attr("y", function(d){
return y(d.Candidate) + y.rangeBand() / 2 + 4;
//x position to left of bar
.attr("x", function(d) {
return -10;
.attr('xlink:href', function(d){
return "/static/images/yang.png";
My understanding here is that I'm selecting each of the 'bar' elements and appending an image (which is the same image for all right now while I work on placement).
I'm setting the y attribute of the image element to midrange of each y range. This is how the label on the right has its y attr set. x, for now I'm just setting to left of the bar. Then I set the actual href to the image.
My problem now has to do with SIZING the image, and I'd like to be able to set its height/width dynamically based on the height of the 'bar' elements. These heights are obviously dependent on how many bars there are (this graph should scale up or down to any number of people)
Obviously the positioning isn't perfect, but for now I'd just be happy being able to resize the height/width attributes of the image based on the height of the bars in the chart.
Is there a way to reference in the selection and method chaining the attributes of the elements being selected?
Thanks for any help.
Not exactly what I was looking for, but I can set the
attr("height", x)
of the image element using the same function that sets the height attribute of the bars
.attr("height", y.rangeBand())

d3js stacked bar chart with groups

I'm new to learning d3 and so any advice on improving any inefficiencies in my charts would be greatly appreciated. I am using d3js to produce a horizontal stacked bar chart with two color scales.
In this example, there are two teams and a total of 8 players. We are charting the players first based on total points, then points per game. Then, I am also using two different color scales to show which team they belong to.
I did this using this stack bar example as reference:
... but in order to color each player (the y axis) using the color scale associated with the team, I had to first remove the fill that was being applied to each of the wrapping groups made for each game. Then I had to add the key for each stack() series to each data array in that series.
When drawing the individual s I had to do an if and hard code the if condition that tells it which color scale to use in which case.
Here is my block:
My question, most importantly, is there an easier way to pass this key along to all of the data arrays in each series? And is there a way around the conditionals for choosing which scale?
Here's some small optimizations. Store the color scales in a object:
var z = {
'a': d3.scaleOrdinal()
.range(["#8cb6d9", "#4787ba", "#216297"]),
'b': d3.scaleOrdinal()
.range(["#ff5555", "#ff1122", "#990022"])
Assign there domains as:
for (key in z){
Just pass the data down to subselection and get the "key" from the parent:
.data(d => d)
.attr("fill", function(d, i) {
var key =;
return z[](key);
Now as the number of teams increases or decreases, you only need to edit the z to include the the colors for that team.
Full code here.

How do you get selected datums in brush "brush" event handler?

I am attempting to create a vertical timeline using d3.js that is linked to a map so that any item(s) contained in the brush will also be displayed in the map. Kind of like but with d3 instead of SIMILE and a vertical timeline rather than horizontal.
I can successfully create an svg with vertical bars representing time ranges, legend, ticks, and a brush. The function handling brush events is getting called and I can obtain the extent which contains the y-axis start and stop of the brush. So far so good...
How does one obtain the datums covered by the brush? I could iterate over my initial data set looking for items within the extent range but that feels hacky. Is there a d3 specific way of getting the datums highlighted by a brush?
var data = [
start: 1375840800,
stop: 1375844400,
lat: 0.0,
lon: 0.0
var min = 1375833600; //Aug 7th 00:00:00
var max = 1375919999; //Aug 7th 23:59:59
var yScale = d3.time.scale.utc().domain([min, max]).range([0, height])
var brush = d3.svg.brush().y(yScale).on("brush", brushmove);
var timeline ="#myDivId").append("svg").attr("width", width).attr("height", height);
.attr("x", function(datum, index) {return index * barSize})
.attr("y", function(datum, index) {return yScale(datum.start)})
.attr("height", function(datum, index) {return yScale(datum.end) - yScale(datum.start)})
.attr("width", function() {return barSize})
.attr("class", "brush")
.attr("width", width);
function brushmove() {
var extent = brush.extent();
//How do I get the datums contained inside the extent????
You'll need to do some kind of iteration to figure out what points live inside the brush extent. D3 doesn't automatically do this for you, probably because it can't know what shapes you're using to represent your data points. How detailed you get about what is considered "selected" and what isn't is quite application specific.
There are a few ways you can go about this:
As you suggest, you can iterate your data. The downside to this is that you would need to derive the shape information from the data again the same way you did when you created the <rect> elements.
Do a timeline.selectAll("rect") to grab all elements you potentially care about and use selection.filter to pare it down based on the x, y, height and width attributes.
If performance is a concern because you have an very large number of nodes, you can use the Quadtree helper to partition the surface and reduce the number of points that need to be looked at to find the selected ones.
Or try Crossfilter, there you pass the extent from the brush to a dimension filter and then you fetch filtered and sorted data by
(A bit late answer, buy maybe useful for others, too.)

D3's scale not working properly

Well, I'm starting with D3 and I'm trying to create a vertical bar chart.
I really don't know what's happening but some things are not working as expected for me (maybe because I'm just a noob on the matter).
I'm using line scales, works pretty well with axes, but it's miscalculating the height of the bars, for instance the higher values are not displayed (because of the low value of the result).
I've used the d3.max to determine the range. I really don't get what's happening.
var yScaleLeft = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, d3.max(stats)])
.range([realHeight, 0]);
.attr("height", function(d) {
return yScaleLeft(d);
Here is the code: Look at * Scales * and // Stats bars
(Just forget about the x-alignement of the bars, I will see that later, I want to set its height properly)
Thanks a lot! Y saludos desde Chile :)
The issue is that your input and output ranges are mirrored -- that is, the largest input value maps to the smallest output value. That is fine, but you need to take it into account when calculating the y and height attributes. Essentially, you had the calculations for both reversed.
Fixed fiddle here. I've also fixed the x axis by adding your margin and half of the bar width to the computed x positions. Oh and you don't need parseInt() when doing calculations, only when you actually want to parse an integer from a string.

What does this.__chart__ refer to in a d3 selection?

I've been poking around in and d3.bullet. In both cases, the current scale is retrieved using something like the following...
var x0 = this.__chart__ || d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, Infinity])
...where x1 is the current scale object. I realise that this idiom is used to update the box plot or bullet chart, but could anyone explain how? What does this.__chart__ refer to? A scale object? Why the conditional? (||) Why does x0's domain cover the range 0 to infinity when the current scale is unlikely to have such a large range?
Apologies if my questions are poorly specified. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The this context is the DOM element that contains the chart: i.e. a g element. Binding some variable to the DOM element, e.g. this.myvar = state, provides a way to deal with chart specific state. Multiple update calls on one specific chart g element, will then all have access to the same variable.
Mike and Jason have used the property name __chart__ in various charts and also in the d3 axis component, for keeping track of chart specific state.
You're right that in this case it's the scale that is being stored in the g element's __chart__ property. See excerpt from bullet.js:
// Compute the new x-scale.
var x1 = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, Math.max(rangez[0], markerz[0], measurez[0])])
.range(reverse ? [width, 0] : [0, width]);
// Retrieve the old x-scale, if this is an update.
var x0 = this.__chart__ || d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, Infinity])
// Stash the new scale.
this.__chart__ = x1;
So, a scale x1 is determined based on the current data. It will be stored in __chart__, to be used some time in the future when this chart is updated with new data.
The previous scale is taken from this.__chart__ and kept in x0. The this.__chart__ will return undefined when the chart is just being constructed (i.e. the enter phase). In that case x0 will instead become d3.scale.linear().domain([0, Infinity]).range(x1.range()). See short circuit eval.
The old scale is needed for smooth transition. When new data points are entered, we first want to plot them on the chart using the old scale. After that we will transition all points (new and updated) according to the new scale.
Regarding the [0, Infinity] domain. So, a scale with this domain will only be used when the chart is just constructed. That means it provides a way to setup the initial transition when introducing the chart. A infinite domain with a finite range means that all points are scaled to 0. So, when the chart is set up, all points will be plotted at 0 and transition to the proper values according the x1 scale.
