BlockComposer.ShowText() doesnt have an option to draw underline text? - pdfclown

I'm using blockComposer.ShowText("foo") to build texts but how to do an underline?
I don't see enough examples on underline text, how do you all make one?

Text decorations (underline, line-through, overline) haven't been supported yet: they are generally considered an ugly and discouraged typographic habit, so that even the PDF spec doesn't natively support them (it all ends up with cosmetic graphic lines placed somewhere near the text glyphs).
It's not that tough job to add them... I simply avoided them in abhorrence, but I fear there shall come the day when I am forced to deal with this ;) ... maybe in forthcoming 0.2.0 version?


text highlight in markdown

Within a Markdown editor I want to support text highlight, not in the sense of code highlighting, but the type of highlighting people do on books.
In code oriented sites people can use backquotes for a grey background, normally inline code within a paragraph. However on books there is the marker pen for normal text within a paragraph. That is the classical black text on yellow background.
Is there any syntax within Markdown (or its variants) to specify that the user want that type of highlight? I want to preserve the backquotes syntax for code related marking, but also want a way to enable highlighted user text
My first thought is just using double backquotes, since triple backquotes are reserved for code blocks. I am just wondering if other implementations have already decided a syntax for it... I would also appreciate if someone could justify if this is a very bad idea.
As the markdown documentation states, it is fine to use HTML if you need a feature that is not part of Markdown.
HTML5 supports
<mark>Marked text</mark>
Else you can use span as suggested by Rad Lexus
<span style="background-color: #FFFF00">Marked text</span>
I'm late to the party but it seems like a couple of markdown platforms (Quilt & iA Writer) are using a double equal to show highlighting.
Typora is also using double equal for highlighting. It would be nice it that becomes a CommonMark standard, as mentioned by DirtyF. It would be nice for those who use it frequently, since it is only 4 repeated chars: ==highlight==
If you want the option to use multiple editors, it may be best to stick with <mark>highlight</mark> for now, as answered by Matthias.
Here is the latest spec from CommonMark, "which attempts to specify Markdown syntax unambiguously". Currently "highlighting" is not included.
Editors using ==highlight== from comments mentioned previously:
IA Writer
Feel free to add to this list.
You can use the Grave accent (backtick) ` to highlight text in markdown
Highlighted text
Also works with VS Code extension markdownlint
Grey-colored Higlighting Solution
A possible solution is to use the <code> element:
This solution works really well on git/github, because git/github doesn't allow css styling.
Using the code-element for highlighting is not semantic.
However, it is a possible solution for adding grey-colored highlighting to text in markdown.
<code> <i>This text will be italic</i> <b>this text will be bold</b> </code>
This text will be italic this text will be bold
Roam markdown uses double-caret: ^^highlight^^. Andrew Shell's answer mentions double-equals.
The accepted and clearly correct answer is <mark> from Matthias above, but I thought I had seen carets in some other flavor of markdown. Maybe not. I want to transform my ^^highlights^^ to <mark>highlights</mark> in pandoc conversion to html, and somehow ended up here...
Probably best bet is just use html e.g
<pre><b>Hello</b> is higlighted</pre>
Hello is higlighted
Remember nearly all html is valid in markdown too.

markdown or markup to powerpoint?

I need to maintain some slides in both latex beamer and in powerpoint. (This is to make slides available for instructors elsewhere, too, 90% of which do not know how to use latex and are unwilling to learn it. and I am a latex guy on linux.)
I have tried the route via Libreoffice (and opendocument), but this did not come out well. right now, the best method that I have found is to author pdf in beamer, then run it through a nuance OCR program to get MS Word...and not even go all the way to Powerpoint (which is where I really need to be).
If I only had a markup language that produced nice Powerpoint, I could probably code a perl translator from markdown to this intermediate markup language. (going from markdown to latex beamer is relatively easy.)
I don't think this exists, but hope springs eternal. after all, it is almost 2014 now. does anyone know of a solution?
One solution is to use odpdown: It converts markdown to the OpenOffice Presenter format, which can be imported into PowerPoint.
It is not yet complete, i.e. table support is missing and possibly not running on certain Windows setups, but nevertheless it could be a start. Possibly, you have Linux running, where it seems to work.
Steve Rindsberg's answer in the comments works on PP 2007 works! Let me repeat it here:
I suspect that PowerPoint is the likeliest solution. ;-) But what sort
of slides are you creating? If they're simple heading and bullet point
slides, all you need to produce is a simple text file. Any text that
starts in the left column will be the heading of a new slide. Indent
one tab and it becomes a first-level bullet point under the current
heading; indent two tabs, it becomes a second level bullet point and
so on. Simply use File | Open on the text file to pull it into PPT.
Steve: Is this all that PP converts? Or is there a reference of other "sneaky" markup that PP knows about?
(pandoc: unfortunately, the conversion from libreoffice to powerpoint is pretty poor when I tried it last. I also tried to save and understand the powerpoint xml format, but that was REAL bad.)
The easiest way to handle this is to work with:
RStudio (and R if not already installed)
Pandoc 2.0.5 (minimum)
Install those 3 (or 4) items, then read:
The installation time is worth the time saved copy-pasting everything from scratch.
I also am a Linux guy and I also use LateX engines to create nice documents. Based on my experience, here's what you should do :
Stop writing directly in LaTeX and start using org-mode to write documents instead (I spent years writing in LaTeX and now it's over (except when I use modernv package))
Org supports latex math formulas and .org files are easily exported in .tex files
Org can also be easily exported in markdown
Once you have your markdown, there are several tools that will allow you to create a PowerPoint. Two of them are pandoc and md2pptx

How do you change the letter-spacing/tracking in core text?

This could probably also be asked as "Is kCTKernAttributeName a misnomer?"
I need to change the letter spacing/tracking of some text in iOS. (The font I'm using is a little too tight at small sizes.) There are core graphics routines that will change character spacing, but those routines don't handle Unicode. There are other core graphics routines that are defined in terms of glyphs but those seem like a world of hurt, among other things, not having the safety net of reverting back to system fonts for glyphs that don't exist in my font.
So core text seems like the way to do this and core text supports kCTKernAttributeName on CFAttributedString. I think this will do what I want, though this really isn't kerning since kerning is a generally a character-pair attribute and this (appears to be, from the docs) just a uniform adjustment to the glyph advance for all glyphs, i.e., tracking.
If anyone knows before I go down the rather painful path of converting to the core text API ...
kCTKernAttribute name should do what you want. Setting it over a range of text adjusts the inter-glyph spacing consistently, irrespective of the specific glyphs.
I think part of the problem is that kerning seems to have been a virtual synonym of tracking (it's still just "adjust the spacing between (letters or characters) in a piece of text to be printed" in the dictionary that comes with OS X), and is now adopting just the meaning of pair kerning because of the redundancy. Probably an etymologist would be better placed to comment on that side of things...

How do you feel about including ie7.js or ie8.js in your page?

See here:
Does anyone have any experience or remarks about this javascript? Is it worth including? Do you recommend it?
I know many people, myself included that are using various IE hacks to get transparent PNG support. THis looks like a little bit more help, and as long as it works, and the size is fairly small, I wouldn't see much against using it.
I've used it before, and my results are mixed. Those scripts cause IE to churn for a bit on page load. Basically, you have to think of it as iterating through Elements and stylesheet rules to apply "fixes" for areas that are deficient in that particular rendering engine. In some cases, depending on how complicated your markup or stylesheets are, that can take a bit of time and you will see the browser hang.
That said, if you can trade off that performance cost, you will save development time as you'll spend less time hacking around IE6 quirks; IE7/IE8 will provide enough missing functionality that you can avoid certain edge cases, can develop using standards better (min-width/min-height, multiple className selectors, etc.), and certain rendering issues will disappear.
However, if you just need 24-bit transparent PNG support, use a tool built for that. Including IE7/IE8.js for PNG support alone is like pounding in a nail with a tank. Use DD_belatedPNG for that.
It works, but its worth keeping in mind that ie7.js and ie8.js do much more than provide transparent PNG support. Even with the transparent PNG support, its worth keeping in mind that transparent background images cannot be tiled (repeated) using background-repeat or positioned using background-position. This hinders any ability to use CSS rollovers using background-position. I've only used it on one site I've done, and now that I'm updating the site I can't remove the ie8.js because if I do the entire website breaks layout in IE. I don't believe I'll be using it in the future, and instead rely on simple CSS hacks or simply allow my sites to "degrade gracefully" in IE6.
I know that there are some tools for fixing the transparent PNG problem which are more flexible than this. For instance, the jQuery plugin ifixpng2 will support background position, which ie7-js doesn't do.
As long as you are aware of exactly what it fixes, I would say go for it. I'm not sure about this lib exactly, but some libs get very expensive if you have a large DOM, as they tend to hook in HTC file base behaviors on EVERY DOM Element. This causes the dreaded "Loading x of y" status bar message to flash constantly on the initial load, and any newly generated DOM content.
well its beautiful and works grate way u can use cs3 features like li:hover. we did lost of project last time using ie8.js and it works great way.

Difference between hard wrap and soft wrap?

I am in the process of writing a text editor. After looking at other text editors I have noticed that a number of them refer to a "soft" versus "hard" wrap. What is the difference? I can't seem to find the answer by searching.
A hard wrap inserts actual line breaks in the text at wrap points, with soft wrapping the actual text is still on the same line but looks like it's divided into several lines.
It's usual for text editors to auto-wrap text into paragraphs with hard newlines, but it's less common for the text to be re-flowed into a nice paragraph if you come back later and edit/add/remove words later on. (You can do this manually in emacs with M-q.)
This is rather annoying, since obsessive compulsive people like me then go back and have to manually re-insert the hard breaks at the appropriate points.
On the other hand, soft wrapping is annoying because most all command line tools use line-based diff-ing (version control is where this becomes most noticeable to me). If you've got a 1/3-page paragraph that's soft wrapped and fix a typo, it's basically impossible to see where the change is in a regular diff output or similar.
soft : The text in the textarea is not wrapped when submitted in a form. This is default
hard : The text in the textarea is wrapped (contains newlines) when submitted in a form. When "hard" is used, the cols attribute must be specified
Reference: W3Schools
