.exe in artoolkit bin folder not executing and says applpication failed to start correctly - visual-studio-2010

After building the artoolkit.sln in the visual studio and when examples like simpletest1 is made to run the error pops out saying 'Failed to start the application ' ..
Help regarding is really appreciated
Thanks in advance

When you install the ARToolkit (i.e extracting the ZIP distribution), All the files are extracted only with Read and Write permissions, but not with execute permissions.
Hence change the permission to Read,Write & Execute (i.e. 777, 755, etc) and then try to run the file. It might run.


Install Shield doesn't create new folder

I am new to installshield. However, I'm trying to apply the simplest of commands, but ran into an issue.
I have an installation that needs to be installed in c:\program files(x86) (Tried other locations as well). We want to make it automated, so we applied the following command to record the installation.
(Location of the setup)\Setup.exe -r -f1(Full path)\SetupAnswer.iss
and run the setup smoothly.
which installed in c:\program files(x86)(Program name) and created an answerfile
Next when I try to run (Location of the setup)\Setup.exe -S -f(Full path)\SetupAnswer.iss On a new PC it doesn't work.
After some testing. I found that if I create the folder name in c:\program files(x86)(Folder name) before I run the command above, it works like a charm.
I can create a short script to create a folder before running the setup command. But it doesn't look "clean". Checking the .ISS file reveals that at the location it wants to create the folder it looks like this -
szDir=(installation path)\(Folder name)
Result = 1
Not sure if this szDir means create or just use the following path.
Let me know if I'm missing something.
There was an issue with the installation sequence, found it after following yossiz74 advice. There was a missing line due to the folder already existing in c:
Reinstalled it on a clean PC with the record method - Problem solved.

How do you change the download directory for youtube-dl

I am using youtube-dl for a Discord Music Bot, everything works perfectly until I use the 'play' command. An error occurs "Command raised an exception: DownloadError: ERROR: unable to open for writing: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'National Anthem of USSR-U06jlgpMtQs.webm.part'" from what I have read (and what the error says) it is because youtube-dl doesn't have permission to download filed to a certain folder. So I'd imagine that an easy solution is to just change the download directory. I can't find anything on how to do it for python, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Found on github's documentation for it.
Locate youtube-dl's config file from:
System-wide config : /etc/youtube-dl.conf
User-wide config : ~/.config/youtube-dl.conf
If non-existent, you can create it yourself.
Example file contents:
-o A:/path/to/file/%(title)s.%(ext)s
Flag to specify a file path.
Setting up config file.
Spent some time to figure out on Windows 10 and it might help someone in the future.
I've downloaded youtube-dl.exe from the latest build and downloaded by executing, youtube-dl.exe URL, from my home directory. The program says downloaded completed but *** it was not there so I issued the command again, and it says there already exist file ##$#%!##%$. Well, I found out -o option to change the name of the downloaded file and it finally helped me to search for the file and the following location was the default directory.
Go to C:\Users[YOUR USER NAME GOES HERE]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore

Access denied executing compiled program

Using Windows, my Hello World code is in src\hello\hello.go.
When using the command "go run hello.go"
Getting Error like this
# command-line-arguments
C:\go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64\link.exe: cannot create $WORK\b001\exe\a.out.exe: open $WORK\b001\exe\a.out.exe: Access is denied.
This can be caused by an anti-virus application like AVG or G-Data.
You can use the -o argument with go run to specify the output directory, and add that path to the exclude list of your anti-virus should this be the cause.
This usually happens when the executable is being edited in some way, or currently running. Check if you have any spare processes of this executable, or in the worst case, try restarting your computer.
Alternatively, it may also be that the linker genuinely does not have write access to the output directory. Make sure that the directory is writable to the user you are compiling your program as.
Adding code folder to the exception list solved the problem.
Windows Security-> Virus and Threat Protection Settings -> Exclutions->Add folder
Add your workplace folder here where your code exists. Adding temp folder didn't work for me.
go build gotest.go ; .\gotest.exe
Using the above command (regular command prompt.) can eliminate pop-up alerts but don't know the reason.

Getting Oracle 12 C Installation Error File Not Found

I have downloaded two zip files of Oracle 12 C.
I have extracted and trying installing it on Windows 10 64 Bit.
Setup is available in folder one running the same from there.
Every time I am getting below error
The solution to this Error is simply when you are unzipping the folders unzip at one common folder as i have done
You will find components folders as shown below
Please try to read the log details as shown in screenshot above,its showing the path where installation log are being created. The location was C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs \installActions2016-01-26_01-50-16AM.
After going through the logs i found that,In my case it was not able to find the files at below path during the installation
Because there was other unzipped part as shown below and it was unable to get the files at abovepath Hence i copied all the file from below path to the above path location
I ran the whole installation again and folks it completed in overall 55 mins the overall installation with the plugable and container database configuration itself.
Follow the below steps:
Abort the current installer.
Navigate to second folder /database/stage/Components/ and copy all the files.
Paste all the files in first folder location /database/stage/Components/
Finally , run the setup.exe as administrator

Run a batch file during installation

I want to run a batch file – say driver.bat – after the application installation is completed. This has to be done using the Visual Studio setup and deployment while creating package. This question has been asked before, but the solution is giving me a problem: once the installation is done, it’s throwing an error message like:
'cmd.exe' should be excluded because its source file is under Windows File Protection
This issue comes when the file is marked as a protected file on the Windows operating system. You need to exclude the file from this protection to execute successfully. The following link would help you do so -
