separate ckeditor template for each page - ckeditor

I want to have separate config for ckditor.
For example in page temp1.html i want to have 'links' and in page temp2.html i don't want to have links.
Whats the good config for this?
I think configuration in below code is proper place for do this.
//var editor_data = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData();
function () {
/* callback code */
toolbar: 'Basic',
language: 'en',

You can use config.removePlugins to control the presence of certain plugins, like link (also config.removeButtons). But please note that since CKEditor 4.1, by doing this you restrict the content of the editor associated with the plugin or button (no link plugin or button = no links in the content).
So if you want to share the same content between different templates which use a different sets of plugins you need to explicitly expand config.extraAllowedContent of some editors:
$('#editor-linkless').ckeditor( function() {}, {
removePlugins: 'link',
extraAllowedContent: 'a[href,name,id,target]'
} );
See the official guide about ACF. Also this answer to know more.


How to change group of CSS items in jqGrid

I want to change group of CSS items in jqGrid. Documentation is saying
Of course if we want to change not only one CSS item from a group, but two or more we can use jQuery extend to do this:
var my_col_definition = {
icon_move : 'ui-icon-arrow-1',
icon_menu : "ui-icon-pencil"
$.extend( $.jgrid.styleUI.jQueryUI.colmenu , my_col_definition );
And this is working partially. But I want to override all icons in my Bootstrap with next code:
$.extend($.jgrid.styleUI.Bootstrap, {
common: {
icon_base: "fa"
inlinedit: {
icon_edit_nav: "fa-edit"
navigator: {
icon_edit_nav: "fa-edit"
// ...
and my grid stops working and does not respond to any commands. There are no errors in console.
Do anybody know how to fix the problem in an elegant way and do not override every group separately?
It is unknown which versions of Guriddo jqGrid and Bootstrap are used.
I see you try to use the fontAwesome.
With the last release you can use fontAwesome with ths following settings:
$.jgrid.defaults.styleUI = 'Bootstrap4';
$.jgrid.defaults.iconSet = "fontAwesome";
And point to the needed css files as described in this documentation
You can change the icons the way you do in your code without problems - I have tested this and it works.
In any case, please prepare a simple demo which reproduces the problem, so that we can look into it.

CKEditor 5 links: Set default target for links or edit target

In CKEditor 5 I don't see field for target attribute in link dialog.
How to add such field? Or set target=_blank as default.
Since version 11.1.0 of a Link Plugin, there is added link decorator feature. This feature provides an easy way to define rules when and how to add some extra attributes to links.
There might be manual or automatic decorators.
First provides a UI switch which might be toggled by the user. When the user edits a link and toggles it, then preconfigured attributes will be added to the link e.g. target="_blank".
Second one, are applied automatically when content is obtained from the Editor. Here you need to provide a callback function which based on link's URL decides if a given set of attributes should be applied.
There is also a preconfigured decorator, which might be turn on with simple It will add target="blank" and rel="noopener noreferrer" to all links started with: http://, https:// or //.
You can achieve it by adding this code in CKEditor Initialization Script:
.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
// ...
link: {
decorators: {
openInNewTab: {
mode: 'manual',
label: 'Open in a new tab',
defaultValue: true, // This option will be selected by default.
attributes: {
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
} )
.then( ... )
.catch( ... );
Here is the Documentation Link . It will be working fine.

Ckeditor plugin configuration not working

I have tried to add justify plugin to be able to align text right, left or centre. But after following the instructions in the documentation (, I wonder if the plugin should be located in a specific folder (mine is at public/modules/apostrophe-areas/js/ckeditorPlugins/justify/), as it disappears when the site is loaded, but if I include it in some other folder such as public/plugins/justify still doesn't work.
This is my code just in case: (located at lib/modules/apostrophe-areas/public/js/user.js)
apos.define('apostrophe-areas', {
construct: function(self, options) {
// Use the super pattern - don't forget to call the original method
var superEnableCkeditor = self.enableCkeditor;
self.enableCkeditor = function() {
// Now do as we please
CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('justify', '/modules/apostrophe-areas/js/ckeditorPlugins/justify/', 'plugin.js');
Also, it would be nice to know how the plugin should be called at the Toolbar settings for editable widgets.
The URL you need is:
The my- prefix is automatically prepended so that the public folders of both the original apostrophe-areas module and your project-level extension of it can have a distinct URL. Otherwise there would be no way for both to access their user.js, for instance.
I'll add this note to the HOWTO in question, which currently handwaves the issue by stubbing in a made-up URL.
As for how the plugin should be called, use the toolbar control name exported by that plugin — that part is a ckeditor question, not really an Apostrophe one. But looking at the source code of that plugin they are probably JustifyLeft, JustifyCenter, JustifyRight and JustifyBlock.
It turns out that it's not enough to simply call CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal inside apostophe-areas. You also need to override self.beforeCkeditorInline of the apostrophe-rich-text-widgets-editor module and explicitly call self.config.extraPlugins = 'your_plugin_name';.
Here's what I ended up with:
In lib/modules/apostrophe-areas/public/js/user.js:
apos.define('apostrophe-areas', {
construct: function(self, options) {
// Use the super pattern - don't forget to call the original method
var superEnableCkeditor = self.enableCkeditor;
self.enableCkeditor = function() {
// Now do as we please
CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('justify', '/modules/my-apostrophe-areas/js/ckeditorPlugins/justify/', 'plugin.js');
then in in lib/modules/apostrophe-rich-text-widgets/public/js/editor.js:
apos.define('apostrophe-rich-text-widgets-editor', {
construct: function(self, options) {
self.beforeCkeditorInline = function() {
self.config.extraPlugins = 'justify';
For some reason doing CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'justify' inside apostrophe-areas does not work, probably due to the way how CKEDITOR is initialized;
One more thing: this particular plug-in (justify, that is) does not seem to follow the button definition logic. It has button icons defined as images, whereas CKEditor 4.6 used in Apostrophe CMS 2.3 uses font-awesome to display icons. It means that the icons that ship with the justify module won't be displayed and you'll have to write your own css for each button individually.
There is another issue which you'll probably face when you finally enable the justify buttons. The built-in html sanitizer will be strip off the styles justify adds to align the content.
Apostrophe CMS seems to be using sanitize-html to sanitize the input, so changing CKEditor settings won't have any effect. To solve the issue, add the following to your app.js:
'apostrophe-rich-text-widgets': {
// The standard list copied from the module, plus sup and sub
sanitizeHtml: {
allowedAttributes: {
a: ['href', 'name', 'target'],
img: ['src'],
'*': ['style'] //this will make sure the style attribute is not stripped off
Thank you both for your help. After following both approaches of: locating the plugin at my-apostrophe-areas folder as well as editing editor.js on the apostrophe-rich-text widget (the sanitize.html file was already using that configuration), I got the plugin working. However, I was still having the issue with the icons.
I fixed that adding the Font Awesome icons that correspond to align-justify, align-right, align-left and align-center at the end of public/modules/apostrophe-areas/js/vendor/ckeditor/skins/apostrophe/editor.less

How to config CKEditor-4 inline editors?

I have a standard installation (like samples):
<meta charset="utf-8"></meta>
<script src="../ckeditor.js"></script>
With HTML content with many <div contenteditable="true"> blocks. I need to configure each editor by local or an external configTypeX.js file,
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceCreated', function( event ) {
var editor = event.editor, element = editor.element;
if ( 'h1', 'h2', 'h3' ) ) {
editor.on( 'configLoaded', function() {
editor.config.toolbar = [
[ 'Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic' ]
]; // BUG: about "Source"?? NOT AT INTERFACE!
} else {
customConfig: 'configType2.js';
So, my problem is
How to do a customConfig in this context?
Where the "best complete documentation", about config menus (editor.config.toolbar) without online configuration-tool, where I can understand how to put and remove menu itens with correct names? Here nothing about how to fix the bug of 'Source' in a full installation.
I do,
git clone git://
cd ckeditor-releases
cp samples/inlineall.html samples/myinline.html
and edit samples/myinline.html with the code above.
For inline editors the standard Source button is hidden, because it is not possible to have different modes other than wysiwyg. Therefore for those editors new plugin was created - sourcedialog, but it is not included in any of builds by default. You can build editor with this plugin using online CKBuilder or by using one of presets with all parameter. For example: ./ full all. Remember also to load sourcedialog plugin (using config.extraPlugins = 'sourcedialog').
If you want to freely configure inline editors, then you should take a look at inlinebycode sample. First you need to disable automatic editors initialization on editable elements and then call CKEDITOR.inline() on elements you want to become editors:
// We need to turn off the automatic editor creation first.
CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
CKEDITOR.inline( 'editable1', {
customConfig: 'editableConfig.js'
} );
CKEDITOR.inline( 'editable1', {
toolbar: [ ... ]
} );

How to produce a settings dialog (and save the values)

These are my first steps with the Firefox AddOn SDK. What I'm trying to create is a simple 'settings dialogue'. I thought about a html page containing forms for the values and a submit button. Following the first mozilla tutorials I created a widget:
var widget = require('widget').Widget({
label: 'Settings',
id: 'settings',
//panel: text_entry
contentURL: data.url('images/stgfavicon.ico'),
contentScriptFile: data.url('scripts/submit.js'),
onClick: function() {'forms/settings.html'));
But since settings.js is not the contentScriptFile I got no communication between settings.html and settings.js. Is it possible to get this done without some (complex looking) messaging system? And how to save the values best? A JSON file?
Some links/examples/API names would help me a lot. :)
That's because you're trying to attach your script to the widget (which is not an HTML file). You need to attach it to the actual html file after the tab opens.{
url: data.url('forms/settings.html'),
onOpen: function onOpen(tab) {
tab.attach({ contentScriptFile: data.url('scripts/submit.js'); });
I haven't tested that out so there may be an error.
You should also look at the simple-prefs module if these are settings that aren't going to be adjusted frequently.
