Maximum number of lines allowed in Joomla! section - joomla

We maintain a Joomla! 1.5 based website. The website has a 'section' which contains 2495 lines of codes. Today when we are trying to add a few lines of codes, it is not getting saved.
I want to ask if the Joomla! section has a limit as to how many lines of codes it can save?
A code snippet
<div class="t">
<div class="b">
<div class="l">
<div class="r">
<div class="bl">
<div class="br">
<div class="tl">
<div class="tr">
<div class="publisher">Published by XYZ</div>
<div class="indexPartners">Indexed with Google Scholar, DOAJ </div>
If I include any further lines, it does not save. If I modify existing lines, it saves properly. The last line is line number 2496

It could very well be that it's reaching the limit given by MySQL for text inputs. This is stated from the official reference:
A TEXT column with a maximum length of 65,535 (216 – 1) characters.
The effective maximum length is less if the value contains multibyte
characters. Each TEXT value is stored using a 2-byte length prefix
that indicates the number of bytes in the value.
An optional length M can be given for this type. If this is done,
MySQL creates the column as the smallest TEXT type large enough to
hold values M characters long.
If this is the case, try reducing your content to get rid of unwanted elements and tags, such as those div classes you've got in your excerpt. They don't look like they're really needed.


XPath contains whole word only

I saw the existing question with the same title but that was a different question.
Let's say that I want to find elements that has "conGraph" in the class. I have tried
It correctly got
<div class='conGraph mr'>
but it also falsely got
<div class='conGraph_wrap'>
which is not the same class at all. For this case only, I could use 'conGraph ' and get away with it, but I would like to know the general solution for future use.
In short, I want to get elements whose class contains "word" like "word", "word word2" or "word3 word", etc, but not like "words" or "fake_word" or "sword". Is that possible?
One option could be to use 4 conditions (exact term + 3 contains function with whitespace support) :
For the first condition, you search the exact term in the attribute content. For the second, the third and the fourth you specify all the whitespace variants.
Data :
<div class='word'></div>
<div class='word word2'></div>
<div class='word word3'></div>
<div class='swords word'></div>
<div class='swords word words'></div>
<div class='words'></div>
<div class='fake_word'></div>
<div class='sword'></div>
XPath :
//div[#class="word" or contains(#class,"word ") or contains(#class," word") or contains(#class," word ")]
Output :
<div class='word'></div>
<div class='word word2'></div>
<div class='word word3'></div>
<div class='swords word'></div>
<div class='swords word words'></div>

Inserting an item into a thymeleaf iteration

I have a list of items that I iterate over as cards w/ thymeleaf:
<div th:each="show,iter : ${shows}" class="col-sm-6 col-xl-4 mb-5">
<div class="card">
I want after every nth card to show an ad instead of the regular card but NOT skip the item in the list. I can't find a way to add the ad code as its own card without it skipping one of the items OR just messing up the UI.
My best thought is to add "dummy" items to the list itself, but that feels wrong.
Any ideas?
The main answer to this is that you want to do the manipulation on the server-side, NOT on the view. Then you can unit-test, cache, and simply display the results without a UI designer caring about any complicated code. All you're really doing is inserting the ad at every nth position and then displaying the full list, one-by-one.
If that is somehow not an option, you can do something like the following. Let's say you have:
List<String> shows = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("Game of Thrones",
"Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood",
"The Mandalorian",
"Breaking Bad",
"Big Bang Theory",
"Knight Rider",
"Quantum Leap",
"Gilligan's Island"));
model.addAttribute("shows", shows);
model.addAttribute("ad", "StackOverflow");
model.addAttribute("cardsToDisplay", new ArrayList<>()); //ignore a capacity for simplicity for now
Then you can do:
<th:block th:with="cardsToDisplay = ${cardsToDisplay}">
<th:block th:each="show : ${shows}">
<!-- add the first show and every 3 thereafter, add the ad -->
<th:block th:if="${showStat.index % 2 == 0 && showStat.index != 0}">
<th:block th:text="${cardsToDisplay.add(ad)}" th:remove="all"></th:block><!-- or however you are getting your ad -->
<th:block th:text="${cardsToDisplay.add(show)}" th:remove="all"></th:block>
<!-- display the manipulated list -->
<div th:each="theCard : ${cardsToDisplay}" class="col-sm-6 col-xl-4 mb-5">
<div th:text="${theCard}" class="card"></div>
Then your output would be:
Game of Thrones
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood
The Mandalorian
Breaking Bad
Big Bang Theory
Knight Rider
Quantum Leap
Gilligan's Island
Thymeleaf implicitly gives you this construct of showStat because we declare a variable called show. You need th:remove="all" to hide the output of the add operation.
Change the number 2 as needed to represent n.
You can alternatively do this work in Javascript, but doing so introduces another skill that someone on your team would maintain.

Make XPath stop at a certain depth?

I have the following HTML
<span class="medium bold day-time-clock">
<div class="tooltip-box first-free-tip ">
<div class="tooltip-box-inner">
<span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span>
Some more text
I want an XPath that only gets the text 09:00, not Some more text NOT using text()[1] because that causes other problems. My current XPath looks like this
("//span[1][contains(#class, 'day-time-clock')]/text()")
I want one that ignores this whole part of the HTML
<div class="tooltip-box first-free-tip ">
<div class="tooltip-box-inner">
<span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span>
Some more text
You can limit the level of descendant:: nodes with position().
So the following expression does work:
span/descendant::node()[2 > position()]
Adjust the number in the predicate to your needs, 2 is only an example. A disadvantage of this approach is that the counting of the descendants is only accurate for the first child in the descending tree.
Another approach is limiting the both: the ancestors and the descendants:
span/descendant::node()[3 > count(ancestor::*) and 1 > count(descendant::*)]
Here, too, you have to adjust the numbers in the predicates to get any useful results.
Use normalize-space() for select all non-whitespace nodes of the document:
//span[contains(#class, 'day-time-clock')]/text()[normalize-space()]
I think (if I understand you correctly) that
"..//div[contains(#class, 'tooltip-box')]/parent::span"
gets you there.

Extracting contents from a list split across different divs

Consider the following html
<div id="relevantID">
<div class="column left">
<h1> Section-Header-1 </h1>
<div class="column">
<ul> <!-- Pay attention here -->
<h1> Section-Header-2 </h1>
<div class="column right">
<h1> Section-Header-3 </h1>
My objective is to extract the items for each Section headers. However, inconveniently the designer of the webpage decided to break up the data into three columns, adding an additional div (with classes column right etc).
My current method of extraction was using the xpath
for section headers, I use the xpath (get all h1 elements withing a div with given id)
above returns a list of h1 elements, looping over each element I apply the additional selector, for each matched h1 element, look up the next ul node and retreive all its li nodes.
But thanks to the designer's aesthetics, I am failing in the one particular case I've marked in the HTML file. Where the items are split across two different column divs.
I can probably bypass this problem by stripping out the column divs entirely, but I don't think modifying the html to make a selector match is considered good (I haven't seen it needed anywhere in the examples I've browsed so far).
What would be a good way to extract data that has been formatted like this? Full solutions are not neccessary, hints/tips will do. Thanks!
The columns do frustrate use of following-sibling:: and preceding-sibling::, but you could instead use the following:: and preceding:: axis if the columns at least keep the list items in proper document order. (That is indeed the case in your example.)
The following XPath will select all li items, regardless of column, occurring after the "Section-Header-1" h1 and before the "Section-Header-2" h1 header in document order:
//div[#id='relevantID']//li[normalize-space(preceding::h1) = 'Section-Header-1'
and normalize-space(following::h1) = 'Section-Header-2']
Specifically, it selects the following items from your example HTML:
You can combine following-sibling and preceding-sibling to get possible li elements in a div before the h2 and use the union operator |. As example for the second h2:
((//div[#id="relevantID"]//h1)[2]/preceding-sibling::ul//li) |
As you're already selecting all h1 using //div[#id="relevantID"]//h1 and retrieving all li items for each h1 using as a second step following-sibling::ul//li, you could combine this to following-sibling::ul//li | preceding-sibling::ul//li.

How to get a list of concatenated text nodes

My purpose is to request on a xml structure, using only one XPath evaluation, in order to get a list of strings containing the concatenation of text3 and text5 for each "my_class" div.
The structure example is given below:
<div class="my_class">
<div class="my_class_1"></div>
<div class="my_class_2">text2</div>
<div class="my_class_3">
<div class="my_class_4">text4</div>
<div class="my_class_5">text5</div>
<div class="my_class_6"></div>
<div class="my_class">
<div class="my_class_1"></div>
<div class="my_class_2">text12</div>
<div class="my_class_3">
<div class="my_class_4">text14</div>
<div class="my_class_5">text15</div>
This means I want to get this list of results:
- in index 0 => text3 text5
- in index 1 => text13 text15
I currently can only get the my_class nodes, but with the text12 that I want to exclude ; or a list of each string, not concatened.
How I could proceed ?
Thanks in advance for helping.
EDIT : I remove text4 and text14 from my search to be exact in my example
EDIT: Now the question has changed...
XPath 1.0: There is no such thing as "list of strings" data type. You can use this expression to select all the container elements of the text nodes you want:
And then get with the proper DOM method of your host language the string value of every of those selected elements (the concatenation of all descendant text nodes) the descendat text nodes you want and concatenate their string value with the proper relative XPath or DOM method:
XPath 2.0: There is a sequence data type.
Could you not just use:
And then get the .innerText from that? There might be a bit of spacing cleanup to do but it should contain all the inside text (including that from the class 4 and 5) but without the tags.
Edit: After clairification
concat(/div/div/div[#class=my_class]/div[#class=my_class_3]/text(), ' ', /div/div/div[#class=my_class]/div[#class=my_class_5]/text())
That might work
