Tincan LMS forum tracking - tin-can-api

I am currently using moodle as my LMS, migrating to blackboard shortly. I am currently trying to find an approach to track forum activity using an LRS anyone have any deas ?

Tracking forum usage in an LMS will require some code in the LMS to track data back to the LRS.
I'm not familiar with Blackboard customisation myself, but for Moodle you can develop a 'Log' type plugin that hooks into Moodle Events triggered by the forum module and issues Tin Can statements.
There are code libraries that make is very easy to send the statements. You may also find this example Moodle code helpful.
As you're moving to Blackboard, I suggest this is a good question to ask your contact at Blackboard about.


Implementing recaptcha on Github pages without php?

Absolute newb here, please forgive me for this basic question.
I have built my portfolio site using Github pages, but am experiencing spam via my contact form (hosted by GetSimpleForm). I am trying to implement Google reCAPTCHA, but I'm a bit stuck in the backend part. As I understand, Github pages don't support PHP, so I can not actually complete the form verification.
Google documentation here was unfortunately a bit overwhelming and cryptic to me as a beginner, since I just stared at my Github html/css/js files and had no clue what to put where.
Am I trying to do the impossible? Is it possible to use reCaptcha on Github pages? If so, is there a beginner friendly tutorial somewhere or a straightforward "copy-paste" thing I could use? (so far, it's not been clear where to use the secret key from the API key pair for example)
Thanks a bunch for any leads or alternative solutions for spam prevention that would work in Github pages!
The short answer is you cannot. Github Pages only support static site. You have to host your own website if you want to do some complex stuffs like backend check etc. and mostly they are not free.
The only suggestion I can come up is simply change your contact form to regular html form instead of hosting by the 3rd party website you are using. I suspect that the main reason you got spam is because you are using it's service.
A really simple way to do it is to make the form with HTML (you can either copy the code from a pre-made HTML site with a form, or find a youtube tutorial that shows you how to make a HTML form, pretty simple), and host it on something like Netlify. Netlify is free for static websites unless you are doing something really complicated, and it has a built in form submission that will send you an email automatically every time someone fills out the form. You don't need PHP or a third party app or anything.
You still create and edit the code of the website through Github, you just need to connect it to Netlify for the forms. I'm a complete beginner and I figured it out. Netfly has some tutorials that explain it nice and simple. No reason to pay or do a lot of complicated stuff, and you can make professional websites with just HTML and CSS.

CS-Cart: integrating Fishbowl

I am developing a cs-cart based website and my client wants to integrate Fishbowl into his website.
I have searched an add-on for it, but there is no one for me.
I have experience developed a simple add-on and, now I am going to build one add-on to integrate fishbowl.
Please guide me if you have solid experience on integrating fishbowl and cs-cart or another warehouse solution for cs-cart.
I don't understand why the fishbowl doesn't provide or developed the add-on for it.
Please help!
Thanks for reading!
Well, there are a few things to watch out for, and therefore a number of options.
Firstly, what does your client really want. Does he want the stock to be updated on the fly, or once a night? If the client wants to stock to be updated on the fly you will need to add some sort of post function for updating products to also execute your code. If your client wants it only once a night you could just get away by sending every product in the database (with your selected columns).
Secondly, try using object oriented code. If you are really into PHP you will know what I mean by this. Otherwise dont bother (or try learing PHP Object Oriented), though I must note that this can make your addon significantly faster.
Thirdly, use the provided dbquery function
If you have any more questions regarding this, feel free to ask.

Application to display information from database

I understand that this is a very broad question and could get flagged but I need inputs from experienced programmers and will ask it anyway. If there is another forum where I can post this question, please let me know.
Currently we manage all our application information in an Excel spreadsheet. At a high level it contains an app id, the server names that it is hosted on and the name of the environment. The Excel spreadsheet has become too large and I am looking to build a simple application for it.
Ideally, I would like to write this app on Windows as everyone uses Windows but dont know how to go about it in Windows. I then thought of using MySQL and PHP or Perl (CGI) to build this but thought of exploring something new. I read about Joomla and a few other CMS products which make it very easy to build websites but am not sure whether these allows me to pull information from a database.
I am seeking inputs on what would be a good way to way to build this application.
Use Joomla! CMS is a good choice and to pull data from database you may use webservice calls. So, you will able to create a CMS website using joomla and will able to pull data easily from database with the help of webservice.
You can get webservice support in joomla by installing component redCORE in joomla.
Component: https://github.com/redCOMPONENT-COM/redCORE
Wiki: http://redcomponent-com.github.io/redCORE/?chapters/webservices/overview.md
Other videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzJkC7f9fJE
Joomla dev group discussion https://groups.google.com/d/msg/joomla-dev-cms/3OctbkIZlQw/5d_1MLrzbgYJ
You can also post questions in Joomla forum http://forum.joomla.org/
I think Joomla is a great option to handle big loads of information. If you already know PHP and don't need to reinvent the wheel, it's cool. The way of handling data in Joomla is using Components.
If you want to try, it would be as easy as installing a local copy of Joomla, building the field structure on component-creator.com installing it and importing the data inside the component using phpmyadmin.

Community builder login Api?

I have the following situation. I'm building a completely new joomla site and community from scratch. The client wants to use community builder for user management, mainly because kunena and in the future jomsocial will be added. Logically, I want al those parts to be connected, and to be maintainable in an easy way.
I wan't to create a class that handles the login information from my own form, preferable using ajax. Unfortunately, I can't find the slightest heads up on how to do that, while it seems to me that, that shouldn't be to hard, right?
Hope someone knows the trick!
Had a little look on Google and found this Login module that supports Community Builder and uses Ajax technologies:
This module is however commercial. I give feedback on this, but I have never used it before. However, I think the ratings and reviews speak for themselves.
I'm not sure why you want to use your own form for the login module as Community Builder allows you to add your own field and so on.
Hope this helps

Joomla external API and data access after 1.5

I am wondering by what the old XML RPC API will be replaced ? We developed a quite complete native(iOS+Android) and HTML5 implementation for the front-end and we'd like to offer that as SDK and REST API.
Right now we are trying to avoid any additional PHP plugin/extension for Joomla and we are currently very interested how we can automate else the data flow for customers. Currently we already support SQL direct access, complete Akeeba backups, or a local/remote Jave-App which feeds the apps from SQL directly, as cron job for instance. At the end and it should go all into our JSON format.
Is there any other project which provides a sort a formal or specified access to Joomla content and functions beyond the internal PHP Joomla API ? We just don't know what will be the replacement(it was too basic anyway). The Joomla website and the docs doesn't help at all to figure such things out.
I hope this question is legitim here. Any suggestion is welcome. thanks,
