Classic ASP on IIS - Timeout Session not expiring - session

I have an classic ASP site on IIS(both IIS 6,and 8) and both perform the same. We've had this issue for years on IIS 5,6,7,8 and never could figure it out. I have a time out setting on the IIS application pool settings of 120 minutes. I do not have a session.timeout setting in any of the ASP code itself. I do have a Session.Abandon in the global.asa file, which works well.
Most of the time if a user is idle for > 120 minutes, it gives them a message that their session has timed out, expires the sessions and redirects them back to the login page.. this is how it should work and most of the time is does.
The issue I have is that about 5% of the time, some users seem to be able to keep the session alive beyond the 120 minutes. Some for days.
I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas what could cause this? Some ideas that I think could cause this??
I assume they keep their browsers open for days, but could a user that has a browser window open but sitting idle AND on another TAB of that same browser be active on other websites? Does that activity make the TAB with my application still active/not idle? I've tested this on several environments but not able to replicate.
Some type of software like a URL filter, proxy server or Antivirus could be causing their browser to not be idle?
Of course a user can keep the session idle if they use the app beyond the 2 hours, but it is rather unlikely they do this, especially for days.
Its hard to troubleshoot since the users are all customers. So I have no clue if its a certain browser, browser version, or their network environment.
Any ideas?

have you tried out to set the timeout in the Application_OnStart method in global.asa?
I had a similar problem, but in my case the session ended up before timeout.
After I set up timeout the problem was solved, just including this line:
Hope it helps.


Sessions dropped intermittently in ColdFusion/IIS

Several times per day (though we cannot reproduce it ourselves), we're seeing instances of sessions being dropped.
What I mean is I have logs of the user coming to the site, performing a few requests, and then having each of their next few requests get a different session identifier and thus wiping out everything in their session. Same IP, same browser, and all of this happens in the course of a couple seconds. The session timeout is configured to 20 minutes.
It doesn't appear to be related to a specific browser, as users have claimed coworkers don't experience the issue on the same machine.
What's really bizarre is that for some requests I can clearly see one session ID coming in through CGI.HTTP_COOKIE and another one is assigned during the course of the request (by the time we get an error email, which is caused by their lack of session). WTF?
To my knowledge, nothing in our application code could be causing this. We use session variables of course, but don't wipe or reset the session ID cookies. I was under the impression that's completely handled by the server.
I'm ripping my hair out here. Any ideas on even how to go about debugging this would be appreciated.

IIS Orphaned Requests

We have IIS 7 running a Classic ASP app and I've been noticing the following issue lately. Over the course of the day, if I look at Server Node --> Worker Processes some requests seem to fill up there. The elapsed time is something crazy like 12 hours at the end of the day. This requests all sit in the ExecuteRequestHandler stage.
There is no way anything is executing for that long, and I cannot seem to reproduce the issue. I have tried dumping w3wp.exe, using FRT, and all that good stuff, but I have some general questions:
Is there a setting that controls WHEN IIS stops a request? To be specific, in development, if I purposely design a page to be slow (i.e. update a SQL table thats locked) and then CLOSE out of browser, and monitor the requests in IIS, I see that the request still sits there for about 20 seconds before being removed. Is that 20 seconds a random interval, or can that be SET somewhere? To be clear, it's not that the page takes 20 seconds to execute, it will execute forever (in this test case) but it seems IIS gives up on it after 20 or so seconds after I log out.
Is there some way to see "orphaned" requests, I.E. requests in the app pool that nobody is waiting for anymore
What else can I do to try and debug this? A dump of w3wp says there are client connections with an HTTP request state of HTR_READING_CLIENT_REQUEST.
I keep getting suggestions of modifying IIS config settings such as AspRequestQueueMax, every time I try looking those up in the ApplicationHost.config I don't see those items set, so either I'm looking at the wrong place, or a default value would not be explicitly set in the config. This begs 2 questions: a) How do you READ these config values, i.e. get current value, b) how do you SET these.
A Classic ASP request will keep running until the script timeout is reached, regardless of whether the client is connected or not. I believe the default is 90 seconds, but an .ASP file can override this by setting the Server.ScriptTimeout property directly (which is pretty common). If your request queue is filling up then this is likely the reason and changing the defaults will not help.
If you can edit the ASP code, you can add logic like this in potentially long running sections:
If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Call Response.End()
You can also global search your code for Server.ScriptTimeout to understand from where the abuse is coming.
If you do want to change the default script timeout, here is where it is stored:
To change via the IIS7 GUI go to: (web site) > (features view) > ("IIS" category) > "ASP" > expand "Limits Properties" node > "Script Time-out"

close connection in LoadRunner

Practical Challenge:
I have a LR script that runs against an app being mocked and do not have a logout button (yet).
The test runs fine With stable response time for about 10 minutes, but after that the response time peaks and the server goes into 99% memory usage and transactions start to fail.
I suspect this is due to the script does not terminate the vusers after each run anf it builds up a lot of running sessions against the server wich is not terminated. But I might be wrong.
Anyays I want to programatically close each run after it has competed the business process.
I have red somewhere that web_set_sockets_option ("SHUTDOWN_MODE", "ABRUPT") could be used for this, but I want to be sure that this function actually does what I want and what does 'ABRUPT' means?
Are there better ways of closing sessions? Clicking the close browser during recording does not result in anything being captured in the script.
It's a server issue on session aging. Your server admin for your website can adjust the timeout values where no activity has taken place on a given session. By default most places have this set at 30 minutes. Trim it to what you need rather than taking the default value on the server.
Also, you may have hit a leak situation if resources are constantly accumulated on the server side but never released.
Based on your question I assume you're using the WEB/HTML protocol. I agree that the core issue is that your app's sessions should expire more elegantly and probably sooner. But, in order to get beyond this while testing you can try this. It isn't a guarantee, but it has worked sometimes for me in the past when dealing with similar situations. Try changing your Run-time Settings for the script:
Run-time Settings > Browser > Browser Emulation
Make sure you have the box checked for "Simulate a new user on each iteration". You can also try playing with the other settings here, like clearing the cache each iteration. This could cause a new connection setting with the web page for each iteration depending on the server's session settings. Again, this isn't 100%, but it has worked for me from time to time.
try this:
web_set_sockets_option("CLOSE_KEEPALIVE_CONNECTIONS", "1");

When MVC3 application Keep idle it redirect to Home page

I have implemented application in MVC3 with razor, it working absolutely fine in my development server, after deploying it on serve(Use IIS7 with windows2008) if site keeps idle for 10 to 15 minutes, after that clicking on any link it redirect to Home Page.
I have also set Session timeout on server.
please let me know how i can resolve this issue. Is this Session issue?
First, set the machineKey in your web.config -- see for a generator. This may solve your issue straight up.
If this doesn't resolve the issue, the cause could be several things. Your application could be being unloaded by IIS due to inactivity, or recycled due to excessive memory usage. Both these would terminate all sessions. Another possibility is your authenticated session has expired, if you are authorizing users.
This idle period can be extended through IIS, if necessary. In IIS configuration manager, locate the Application Pool your application is in, right click it and choose 'Advanced Settings' then alter 'Idle Time-out (minutes)'. Note that the default is 20 minutes, more than you are experiencing.
Verify it is not recycling due to excessive memory usage by watching the w3p process in Task Manager. If you see your instance growing large, then disappearing, this is likely the cause.
Last possibly is if you are using Forms authentication and the ticket has expired, your web.config file may be directing people to home page.

OpenCms workplace kills session spontaneously

I'm developping with OpenCms. When I log in to the workplace, and then visit a page hosted by the same OpenCms instance, my workplace session is killed, that is, the workplace asks me for my password again. This happens in a matter of seconds, so I'm sure it's not because of session timeout. If I do it in 2 different browsers, it doesn't happen :\
Any clues why this is hapening?
