gets.chomp find a string in a list - ruby

Is it possible to find a string in a list for a gets.chomp for if, elsif?
def number_problem()
puts "Please enter a number 1-100 for a phrase or word back!"
number = gets.chomp
mult_of_three = ["3", "6", "9", "12", "15", "18", "21", "24", "27", "30", "33", "36", "39", "42", "45", "48", "51", "54", "57", "60", "63", "66", "69", "72", "75", "78", "81", "84", "87", "90", "93", "96", "99"]
mult_of_five = ["5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40", "45", "50", "55", "60", "65", "70", "75", "80", "85", "90", "95", "100"]
mult_of_both = ["15", "30", "45", "60", "75", "90"]
if number == mult_of_three
puts "Bit"

To find if an element is present in an Array, you can use include?. Here:
if mult_of_three.include?(number)
number = gets.chomp
# => "36"
# => true
number = gets.chomp
# => "98"
# => false


Sorting arraylist of objects based on String property

I am new to groovy syntax.
I have data structure something like this.
{"name": "John", "gender": "Male", "id": "1"},
{"name": "Max", "gender": "Male", "id": "2"},
{"name": "John", "gender": "Male", "id": "3"},
{"name": "Sam", "gender": "Male", "id": "4"},
{"name": "Max", "gender": "Male", "id": "5"},
{"name": "Sam", "gender": "Male", "id": "6"},
{"name": "Sam", "gender": "Male", "id": "7"},
{"name": " ", "gender": "Male", "id": "8"},
{"name": "John", "gender": "Male", "id": "9"},
{"name": " ", "gender": "Male", "id": "10"},
I am trying to sort on it based on name property. I need all the records with name=max should come first followed by name=Sam and then name=John and the remaining records that have an empty name field or any other value.
Can someone suggest to me how I can achieve this?
Something like
def weights = [ "Max", "Sam", "John", '', ]
def sorted = [
["name": "John", "gender": "Male", "id": "1"],
["name": "Max", "gender": "Male", "id": "2"],
["name": "John", "gender": "Male", "id": "3"],
["name": "Sam", "gender": "Male", "id": "4"],
["name": "Max", "gender": "Male", "id": "5"],
["name": "Sam", "gender": "Male", "id": "6"],
["name": "Sam", "gender": "Male", "id": "7"],
["name": " ", "gender": "Male", "id": "8"],
["name": "John", "gender": "Male", "id": "9"],
["name": " ", "gender": "Male", "id": "10"],
].sort{ weights.indexOf }
println sorted.join( '\n' )
[name:Max, gender:Male, id:2]
[name:Max, gender:Male, id:5]
[name:Sam, gender:Male, id:4]
[name:Sam, gender:Male, id:6]
[name:Sam, gender:Male, id:7]
[name:John, gender:Male, id:1]
[name:John, gender:Male, id:3]
[name:John, gender:Male, id:9]
[name: , gender:Male, id:8]
[name: , gender:Male, id:10]

jqgrid treeGrid Cannot read property 'rowIndex' of undefined

I try to use local data with treeGrid, when i click the unfold
button . I get the tips "Cannot read property 'rowIndex' of
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<!-- We support more than 40 localizations -->
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jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
// "url":"data.json",
"colModel": [
"name": "category_id",
"index": "accounts.account_id",
"sorttype": "int",
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"hidden": true,
"width": 50
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"name": "name",
"index": "name",
"sorttype": "string",
"label": "Name",
"width": 170
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"name": "price",
"index": "price",
"sorttype": "numeric",
"label": "Price",
"width": 90,
"align": "right"
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"name": "qty_onhand",
"index": "qty_onhand",
"sorttype": "int",
"label": "Qty",
"width": 90,
"align": "right"
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"name": "color",
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"treeGrid": true,
// which column is expandable
"ExpandColumn": "name",
// datatype
"treedatatype": "json",
// the model used
"treeGridModel": "nested",
// configuration of the data comming from server
"treeReader": {
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"pager": "#pager"
For localdata type, you must configure the localReader parameter:
localReader: {
repeatitems: true,
// cell: "",
id: "category_id"

In d3 4.0, how can I get extra data from the stratified object?

I'm a new to D3 also stackoverflow, and have some question.
{"id": "1", "name": "Eve", "parent": "" , "txt": "text1."},
{"id": "2", "name": "Cain", "parent": "1", "txt": "text2."},
{"id": "3", "name": "Seth", "parent": "1", "txt": "text3."},
{"id": "4", "name": "Enos", "parent": "3", "txt": "text4."},
{"id": "5", "name": "Noam", "parent": "3", "txt": "text5."},
{"id": "6", "name": "Abel", "parent": "1", "txt": "text6."},
{"id": "7", "name": "Awan", "parent": "1", "txt": "text7."},
{"id": "8", "name": "Enoch", "parent": "7", "txt": "text8."},
{"id": "9", "name": "Azura", "parent": "1", "txt": "text9."}
Above is array object which is not stratified yet.
below is the stratified result and code.
var stratify = d3.stratify()
.id(function(d){ return; })
.parentId(function(d){ return d.parent; });
stratified object
I want to use the data object, like below code
.text(function(d) { return; });
but, above doesn't work.
refered to
and I edited the array object a little.
thanks & best regards. and It would be greatly appreciated if you could give me a feedback.
Finally, I found the answer.
what an embarrassingly amateurish thing...

Get particular key's and value's from JSON array - Ruby [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Ruby: Easiest Way to Filter Hash Keys?
(14 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am a beginner with Ruby, and I have the following Json array:
"elements": [
"type": "Contact",
"id": "1",
"createdAt": "131231235",
"name": "test",
"updatedAt": "1456328049",
"accountName": "Mr Test",
"country": "China",
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "lastNameTest",
"type": "Contact",
"id": "2",
"createdAt": "156453447",
"name": "test2",
"updatedAt": "124464554",
"accountName": "Mr Test2",
"country": "Germany",
"firstName": "Test2",
"lastName": "lastNameTest2",
I want to filter out only a few keys + values: for example I want to return only the id,name,accountName,firstname and lastname.
So the exspected output is the following:
"elements": [
"id": "1",
"name": "test",
"accountName": "Mr Test",
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "lastNameTest",
"id": "2",
"name": "test2",
"accountName": "Mr Test2",
"firstName": "Test2",
"lastName": "lastNameTest2",
I tried the following: create a filter array which has the elements I want to return and then map over the items but then I get stuck..
filters = []
output["elements"].each do |item|
result = [] {|key,value|filters.include? key}
Thank you for the help.
Check this out, you should be able to work out from this:
output = { "elements": [
"id": "1",
"name": "test",
"accountName": "Mr Test",
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "lastNameTest",
"somethoong": "sdsad"
"id": "2",
"name": "test2",
"accountName": "Mr Test2",
"firstName": "Test2",
"lastName": "lastNameTest2"
attribs = %w(accountName lastName firstName id)
output[:elements].each do |item|
item.delete_if{|k,v| !attribs.include?(k.to_s)}

Tree structure with drag and drop rows in jqgrid?

I'm using jqgrid for tree structure in a table.I'm providing drag and drop row functionality.I want to call a callback method on drag event.Because I want to adjust the hierarchy of the rows which is a column having number in it ex:1.1,1.2.1,...Can I do this.
The following is the code I wrote inside my html:
datatype: "json",
colNames: ["Task Id", "Task No.", "Task Name", "Priority", "Start Date", "End Date", "Task Type", "Link", "Link RelationShip", "Resources(Units)", "Reference"],
colModel: [
{name:'id', index:'id', width: 30, hidden: true, key: true},
{name:'no', width:80, sortable:false,editable:true},
{name:'name', width:150, sortable:false,editable:true},
{name:'priority', width:80, sortable:false,editable:true},
{name:'sDate', width:80, sortable:false},
{name:'eDate', width:80, sortable:false},
{name:'type', width:120, sortable:false},
{name:'link', width:80, sortable:false},
{name:'rship', width:80, sortable:false},
{name:'resources', width:300, sortable:false},
{name:'ref', width:80, sortable:false},
pager: '#pcelltbl',
sortname: 'id',
viewrecords: true,
sortorder: "desc",
treeGrid: true,
gridComplete: function() {
$("#_empty","#tree").addClass("nodrag nodrop");
I'm using the following json data:
"total": "1",
"page": "1",
"records": "2",
"rows": [
{"id": "1", "cell": ["1", "Super <b>Item</b>", "300", "0", "", "false", "true", "true"]},
{"id": "2", "cell": ["2", "<a href=''>Google</a>", "100", "1", "1", "false", "false", "true"]},
{"id": "3", "cell": ["3", "Sub Item 1", "50", "2", "2", "true", "true", "true"]},
{"id": "4", "cell": ["4", "Sub Item 2", "25", "2", "2", "false", "false", "true"]},
{"id": "5", "cell": ["5", "Sub-sub Item 1", "25", "3", "4", "true", "true", "true"]},
{"id": "6", "cell": ["6", "Sub Item 3", "25", "2", "2", "true", "true", "true"]},
{"id": "7", "cell": ["7", "<span style='background-color:LightGreen; color:Tomato'>Item 2</span>", "200", "1", "1", "false", "true", "true"]},
{"id": "8", "cell": ["8", "Sub Item 1", "100", "2", "7", "false", "false", "true"]},
{"id": "9", "cell": ["9", "Sub-sub Item 1", "50", "3", "8", "true", "true", "true"]},
{"id": "10", "cell": ["10", "Sub-sub Item 2", "50", "3", "8", "true", "true", "true"]},
{"id": "11", "cell": ["11", "Sub Item 2", "100", "2", "7", "true", "true", "true"]}
Thanks in advance
