Automating ftp downloads with shell script - bash

I want download a bunch of .txt.gz files by ftp. I've written this shell script. How do I get all the files on the sever with out specifying each file?
Some code..
ftp -i -n <<Here
user Username password
get XXX_xxxx_mp.txt.gz
get XXX_xxxx_mp.txt.gz

Use wget instead:


Wget - How do I download some files from ftp server?

I am trying to download some files from a directory in ftp server. I would like to use "wget" command, but I can't get them.
ftp server URL:
ftp user name: GL840
ftp password: no password
folder name in ftp: SD1/181004/
I am using the following command to download all files in the folder SD1/181004 in ftp server.
command is "wget -r -nd ftp://GL840:# -P /root/wang/powerdata/"
However, the following message is displayed and files are not downloaded.
Could you please tell me how to modify my command to download files?
I have tried accessing file on ftp server. Usually I follow the following commands and this works for me. You can give a try with this command
wget --user='GL840' --password=''

Script to upload to sftp is not working

I have 2 Linux boxes and i am trying to upload files from one machine to other using sftp. I have put all the commands I use in the terminal to she'll script like below.
cd /home/tests/sftptest
sftp user1#
cd sftp/sftptest
put test.txt
But this is not working and gives me error like the directory does not exist. Also, the terminal remain in >sftp, which means bye is not executed. How can I fix this?
I suggest to use a here-document:
cd /home/tests/sftptest
sftp user1# <<< EOF
cd sftp/sftptest
put test.txt
When you run the sftp command, it connects and waits for you to type commands. It kind of starts its own "subshell".
The other commands in your script would execute only once the sftp command finishes. And they would obviously execute as local shell commands, so particularly the put will fail as a non existing command.
You have to provide the sftp commands directly to sftp command.
One way to do that, is using an input redirection. E.g. using the "here document" as the answer by #cyrus already shows:
sftp username#host <<< EOF
Other way is using an external sftp script:
sftp username#host -b sftp.txt
Where, the sftp.txt script contains:

bash script to sftp files with a password from remote directories to local folders

How to write a bash script using sftp command to download files?
I can use the following command to login to the remote machine, however I need to type in the password manually.
bash-3.2$ sftp -o "Port 22022"'s password:
Connected to
How to do the sftp without the password prompt?
If I like to download aaa.txt file at /remote/mike/files to my local directory /local/mike/downloaded, how to build a script to do all of these work?
Since sftp runs over SSH, you can place your public key on the remote server.
If for some reason you can't place your key on the server, then you can write an Expect script to send your password when the prompt appears. See this example.

Transforming a sftp shell script command into a ftp command

I am writing my first shell script ever and trying to figure out how to transform this command:
sftp -o IdentityFile=/home/test/test/id_dsa < sftp_put.txt;
into an equivalent command where I connect to a ftp server. The key difference is that I will be logging into this server via a username and password not my ssh credentials. Note I am trying to upload two files.
Again any help would be more than appreciated!
You can use .netrc for this:
$ cat > .netrc
machine your.machine.ip.address
$ ftp your.machine.ip.address < ftp_cmds.txt
Which would prompt you for a password. If you're okay with it, you can save the password (clear text) in .netrc to skip this prompt. See man netrc for more details.
ftp -v -n <<EOF > ${LOG_FTP} 2>&1
put sftp_put.txt

Ftp command to remove bunch of files

I can download files using wget "ftp://user:pass#host/prefix*, but I cannot remove downloaded files from FTP. Any easy solution to do this in bash script?
As WhoSayln and Skilldrick said, you should use ftp to download files, and remove files from the server (if you have the permission to).
But in your question you're saying "I cannot remove downloaded files from FTP". Do you want to remove the local files from your computer (the ones you just downloaded from ftp server) or the files on remote server?
If is local, then just a rm -f file will do it :p
But if it's remote, and this is running on a script (a typical job in a batch) so try something like:
jyzuz#dev:/jean> ftp -n -i << EOF
> user $username $password
> cd /remote/directory/
> rm filename.txt
> bye
More or less? =P
If you need to script some operation on a FTP server, I would point you to lftp.
Main website
You want to use ftp for that.
wget is not the command you are lookin for. you can use ftp command instead. here is a large documentation about this;
