Visual Studio Windows Phone Application Analysis absolute values needed - performance

I'm trying to perform a performance analysis for some Windows Phone applications. For my analysis, I would like to have the exact values of both the cpu and memory consumption. As far as I know, this is impossible in The Windows Phone Application Analysis tool.
Is there any way to retrieve the actual values in stead of just a graph? I tried to open the logfiles of the tool, but these where unreadable.
Also, is there any other working tools available to measure performance related parameters in Windows Phone applications?
Thanks in advance!

What you could do is, use the Coding4Fun Toolkit and use the control to display the current memory use and peak memory while developing your app.
So download the Toolkit and add the correct dlls to your project. You can also use NuGet.
Now you can add this to your layout:
Or declare it in C#:
public MainPage()
MemoryCounter counter = new MemoryCounter();
Now you should see two numbers on the top of your screen when you launch it.
You can see the MemoryCounter results only in DEBUG mode!
Otherwise check the DeviceStatus class out, it has some useful things in it:
namespace Microsoft.Phone.Info
public static class DeviceStatus
public static long ApplicationCurrentMemoryUsage { get; }
public static long ApplicationPeakMemoryUsage { get; }
public static long ApplicationMemoryUsageLimit { get; }
public static long DeviceTotalMemory { get; }
To see how to use it check this out!
Hope it helps!

Another option is to use the Windows Phone Power Tools. Still doesn't not give you absolute values but shows accurate peak CPU in the graph and other performance characteristics

If you use "Windows Phone Application Analysis -> App Analysis", Summary page gives "Max memory used" and "Average memory used".
To findout out CPU usage, select time range, In details view breadcrumb control select "Performance Warnings -> CPU Usage" and that gives CPU Time (ms) and CPU Time (%) per thread.
Also see
Does this helps. - pankajsa (MSFT)


What is the correct usage of FrameTiming and FrameTimingManager

I'm trying to log the time the GPU takes to render a frame. To do this I found that Unity implemented a struct FrameTiming, and a class named FrameTimingManager
The FrameTiming struct has a property gpuFrameTime which sounds like exactly what I need, however the value is never set, and the documentation on it doesn't provide much help either
public double gpuFrameTime;
The GPU time for a given frame, in ms.
Looking further I found the FrameTimingManager class which contains a static method for GetGpuTimerFrequency(), which has the not so helpful documentation stating only:
Returns ulong GPU timer frequency for current platform.
This returns the frequency of GPU timer on the current platform, used to interpret timing results. If the platform does not support returning this value it will return 0.
Calling this method in an update loop only ever yields 0 (on both Window 10 running Unity 2019.3 and Android phone running Android 10).
private void OnEnable()
frameTiming = new FrameTiming();
private void Update()
var result = FrameTimingManager.GetGpuTimerFrequency();
Debug.LogFormat("result: {0}", result); //logs 0
var gpuFrameTime = frameTiming.gpuFrameTime;
Debug.LogFormat("gpuFrameTime: {0}", gpuFrameTime); //logs 0
So what's the deal here, am I using the FrameTimeManager incorrectly, or are Windows and Android not supported (Unity mentions in the docs that not all platforms are supported, but nowhere do they give a list of supported devices..)?
While grabbing documentation links for the question I stumbled across some forum posts that shed light on the issue, so leaving it here for future reference.
The FrameTimingManager is indeed not supported for Windows, and only has limited support for Android devices, more specifically only for Android Vulkan devices. As explained by jwtan_Unity on the forums here (emphasis mine):
FrameTimingManager was introduced to support Dynamic Resolution. Thus, it is only supported on platforms that support Dynamic Resolution. These platforms are currently Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, iOS, macOS and tvOS (Metal only), Android (Vulkan only), Windows Standalone and UWP (DirectX 12 only).
Now to be able to use the FrameTimingManager.GetGpuTimerFrequency() we need to do something else first. We need to take a snapshot of the current timings using FrameTimingManager.CaptureFrameTimings first (this needs to be done every frame). From the docs:
This function triggers the FrameTimingManager to capture a snapshot of FrameTiming's data, that can then be accessed by the user.
The FrameTimingManager tries to capture as many frames as the platform allows but will only capture complete timings from finished and valid frames so the number of frames it captures may vary. This will also capture platform specific extended frame timing data if the platform supports more in depth data specifically available to it.
As explained by Timothyh_Unity on the forums hereenter link description here
CaptureFrameTimings() - This should be called once per frame(presuming you want timing data that frame). Basically this function captures a user facing collection of timing data.
So the total code to get the GPU frequency (on a supported device) would be
private void Update()
var result = FrameTimingManager.GetGpuTimerFrequency();
Debug.LogFormat("result: {0}", result);
Note that all FrameTimingManager methods are static, and do not require you to instantiate a manager first
Why none of this is properly documented by Unity beats me...

Debugging in Visual Studio 2013 is very slow because of FileNotFoundException

I develop in Visual Studio (with monogame for Windows Phone 8.1). When I launch my app with "Run without debug" it starts pretty fast, but in debug it launches very slow (about 5 minutes, not counting build time!). The problem I see (beyound slow loading external symbols) is that my app loads many graphics files, but before load a picture it searches its hd version, its hd and localized version, and only localized. Most files don't have hd versions, some of them localized, some are not. So in log I see many messages:
A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in
A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in MonoGame.Framework.DLL
Of course when starting w/o debugging all that debug stuff is not working and app launches fast.
The only way to check if file is in Content folder is trying to open it (TitleContainer.OpenStream) and catching an exception. So I can't avoid generating those exceptions. How can I speed-up debug launch disabling somehow this stupid slow FileNotFoundException handling?
In my case with annoying exception handling I solved problem by preloading filenames recursively and then searching in stringlist:
private static List<string> mContentFilenames = new List<string>();
private static void preloadContentFilenamesRecursive(StorageFolder sf)
var files = sf.GetFilesAsync().AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
if (files != null)
foreach (var f in files)
var folders = sf.GetFoldersAsync().AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
if (folders != null)
foreach (var f in folders)
private static void preloadContentFilenames()
if (mContentFilenames.Count > 0)
var installed_loc = Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation;
var content_folder = installed_loc.GetFolderAsync("Content").AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
if (content_folder != null)
private static bool searchContentFilename(string name)
var v = from val in mContentFilenames where val.EndsWith(name.Replace('\\', '/')) select val;
return v.Any();
But use this code only when debugger is attached. I underestimated microsoft workers - they are happy to turn your debugging to hell. Their lame error handling and lack of isFileExist function makes you to recursively check files to implement isFileExist without an exception yourself, but - surprize - if debugger is not attached, this code makes app silently exit whithout any exception. And before app crashes it check random number of files, so the problem is not in particular method - it just "can't check many files", how many - varies from time to time.
Taking into account that VS crashes in 50% of cases launching any (small or big) app on real WP8.1 device, and the fact that there is no access to device filesystem, imagine how it was difficult to find the root of crashes. I've spent almost a day for that!
Btw, after all those twenty years working with windows, windows store and windows phone apps I'd really like to meet someone from msft just to look in the eye. To see what is it - stupidity or sadism? Do they really hate us, developers? Why?

JavaFX eats my memory?

Before going frustrated about the title, I would like to clear out that I am a fresher on JavaFX UI. I have been a developer for 9 years, using Swing and currently I decided to give a try to the JavaFX. Examples on the net shows that JavaFX really can create beautiful GUIs compared to Swing. Maybe I am trying to create and deploy GUIs the wrong way, but one thing is for sure. JavaFX panes load slower than Swing and consumes a lot more memory. The same GUI was redesigned with JAVAFX and it takes almost 200Mb while the Swing GUI take only 50Mb.
Here I give an example of the code of how I create the GUIs programmatically using FXML.
public class PanelCreator {
private FXMLPane<LoginPaneController> loginFXML;
private FXMLPane<RegistrationPaneController> registerFXML;
private FXMLPane<EmailValidationPaneController> emailValidationFXML;
public PanelCreator() {
this.rootPane = rootPane;
try {
loginFXML = new FXMLPane<LoginPaneController>("Login.fxml");
registerFXML = new FXMLPane<RegistrationPaneController>("Register.fxml");
emailValidationFXML = new FXMLPane<EmailValidationPaneController>("EmailValidation.fxml");
} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();} // catch
} // Constructor Method
public Pane getLoginPane() {
return loginFXML.getPane();
} // getLoginPane()
public Pane getRegisterPane() {
return registerFXML.getPane();
} // getRegisterPane
public Pane getEmailValidationPane() {
return emailValidationFXML.getPane();
} // getEmailValidationPane
public LoginPaneController getLoginPaneController() {
return loginFXML.getController();
} // getLoginPaneController()
public RegistrationPaneController getRegistrationPaneController() {
return registerFXML.getController();
} // getRegistrationPaneController()
} // class PanelCreator
The constructor method of PanelCreator creates 3 FXMLPane classes, a class that combines both the FXML Pane and its Controller. An code of FXMLPane class is shown on the following code.
public class FXMLPane<T> {
private Pane pane;
private T paneController;
public FXMLPane(String url) throws IOException {
URL location = getClass().getResource(url);
FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader();
fxmlLoader.setBuilderFactory(new JavaFXBuilderFactory());
pane = fxmlLoader.load(location.openStream());
paneController = fxmlLoader.<T>getController();
} // Constructor Method
public Pane getPane() {
return pane;
} // getPane()
public T getController() {
return paneController;
} // getController()
Through PanelCreator now I can use the get methods to get each JavaFX Panel and its controller and I do not have to run the FXML load method every time to get the panel. Currently, what bothers me is not that the creation of FXML GUIs is slower than Swing but more that the RAM is 3x and 4x times more than the correspoing Swing version.
Can someone explain to me what I am doing wrong? The FXML files have just basic components on a Grid Pane, components like buttons, layers and textfields.
The code for the above example can be found here
Summarizing the answers from the comment section:
JavaFX needs more memory in general. E.g. JavaFX uses double precision for all properties along the UI-components, while Swing uses integer values most of the time. But the difference should not be noticeable.
Java consumes more memory as it needs to. As a default Java does not return memory back to your system even if you trigger the garbage collection. Thus if a JavaFX program needs a lot of memory on the initialization process but frees it afterwards, the JRE continues to hold the maximum level of memory for ever (see picture 1). As a side effect the GC will be triggered less often, because there is so much free unused memory (see picture 2). You can change the default by using the JVM option -XX:+UseG1GC. This changes the behavior of how memory is allocated, how it's freed and when the GC is triggered. With this option the allocated memory should better fit in with the used memory. If you want more tuning see Java Heap Tuning
JavaFX is a new framework compared to Swing. It will be improved over time in performance and resources consumption. As you can see in picture 1 and 3 it has already been improved. It now uses 8 to 9MB of memory on a 64Bit Linux machine. This is even less memory than the Swing version. I used Oracle Java
java version "1.8.0_111"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode)
Picture 1: Memory consumption over time for the JavaFX example program. It shows a huge amount of free memory compared to the used memory. The GC was triggered manually multiple times to show used memory part without garbage.
Picture 2: Memory consumption over time for the JavaFX example program, but without manually triggering the GC. The used memory grows and grows because the GC isn't triggered.
Picture 3: Memory consumption over time for the JavaFX example program using the GC option -XX:+UseG1GC. After the first GC cycle the memory size was reduced to fit the real size of used memory.

Out of Memory exception in Windows Mobile project

Dear programmers, i wrote a program wich target a Windows Mobile platform (NetCF 3.5).
My programm has a method of answers check and this method show dynamically created pictureboxes, textboxes and images in new form. Here is a method logic:
private void ShowAnswer()
PictureBox = new PictureBox();
PictureBox.BackColor = Color.Red;
PictureBox.Location = new Point(x,y);
PictureBox.Name = "Name";
PictureBox.Size = Size(w,h);
PictureBox.Image = new Bitmap(\\Image01.jpg);
My problem is in memory leaks or something. If the user work with a programm aproximately 30 minutes and run the ShowAnswer() method several times, Out of memry exception appears. I know that the reason may be in memory allocation of bitmaps, but i even handle the ShowAnswers form closing event and manually trying to release all controls resources and force a garbage collector:
foreach(Control cntrl in this.Controls)
It seems like everything collects and disposes well, every time i check the taskmanager on my windows mobile device during the programm tests and see that memory were released and child form was closed properly, but in every ShowAnswer() method call and close i see a different memory amount in device taskmanager (somtimes it usues 7.5 Mb, sometimes 11.5, sometimes 9.5) any time its different, but it seems like sometimes when the method start to run as usual memory is not allocated and Out of memory exception appears.. Please advice me how to solve my problem.. Maybe i should use another Dispose methods, or i should set bitmap another way.. thank you in advance!!!
Depending on how you're handling the form generation, you might need to dispose of the old Image before loading a new one.
private void ShowAnswer()
PictureBox = new PictureBox();
PictureBox.BackColor = Color.Red;
PictureBox.Location = new Point(x,y);
PictureBox.Name = "Name";
PictureBox.Size = Size(w,h);
if(PictureBox.Image != null) //depending on how you construct the form
PictureBox.Image = new Bitmap(\\Image01.jpg);
However, you should also check before you load the image that it's not so obscenely large that it munches up all of your device's memory.
Edit: I don't just mean the size of the compressed image in memory - I also mean the physical size of the image (height & width). The Bitmap will create an uncompressed image that will take up much, much more memory than is resident on storage memory (height*width*4). For a more in-depth explanation, check out the following SO question:
OutOfMemoryException loading big image to Bitmap object with the Compact Framework

How can I find out how much of address space the application is consuming and report this to user?

I'm writing the memory manager for an application, as part of a team of twenty-odd coders. We're running out of memory quota and we need to be able to see what's going on, since we only appear to be using about 700Mb. I need to be able to report where it's all going - fragmentation etc. Any ideas?
You can use existing memory debugging tools for this, I found Memory Validator 1 quite useful, it is able to track both API level (heap, new...) and OS level (Virtual Memory) allocations and show virtual memory maps.
The other option which I also found very usefull is to be able to dump a map of the whole virtual space based on VirtualQuery function. My code for this looks like this:
void PrintVMMap()
size_t start = 0;
// TODO: make portable - not compatible with /3GB, 64b OS or 64b app
size_t end = 1U<<31; // map 32b user space only - kernel space not accessible
size_t pageSize = si.dwPageSize;
size_t longestFreeApp = 0;
int index=0;
for (size_t addr = start; addr<end; )
SIZE_T retSize = VirtualQuery((void *)addr,&buffer,sizeof(buffer));
if (retSize==sizeof(buffer) && buffer.RegionSize>0)
// dump information about this region
printf(.... some buffer information here ....);
// track longest feee region - usefull fragmentation indicator
if (buffer.State&MEM_FREE)
if (buffer.RegionSize>longestFreeApp) longestFreeApp = buffer.RegionSize;
addr += buffer.RegionSize;
index+= buffer.RegionSize/pageSize;
// always proceed
addr += pageSize;
printf("Longest free VM region: %d",longestFreeApp);
You can also find out information about the heaps in a process with Heap32ListFirst/Heap32ListNext, and about loaded modules with Module32First/Module32Next, from the Tool Help API.
'Tool Help' originated on Windows 9x. The original process information API on Windows NT was PSAPI, which offers functions which partially (but not completely) overlap with Tool Help.
Our (huge) application (a Win32 game) started throwing "Not enough quota" exceptions recently, and I was charged with finding out where all the memory was going. It is not a trivial job - this question and this one were my first attempts at finding out. Heap behaviour is unexpected, and accurately tracking how much quota you've used and how much is available has so far proved impossible. In fact, it's not particularly useful information anyway - "quota" and "somewhere to put things" are subtly and annoyingly different concepts. The accepted answer is as good as it gets, although enumerating heaps and modules is also handy. I used DebugDiag from MS to view the true horror of the situation, and understand how hard it is to actually thoroughly track everything.
