Save output in processing every X seconds - processing

Hi I'm using processing and want to know if there is a way I can automatically save my output every X amount of seconds?
Any help would be great!

You are looking for saveFrame() method.
Inside your draw() method, you can save a screenshot of your visual output.
void draw() {
// Saves each frame as screenshot-000001.png, screenshot-000002.png, etc.
More info:
And for take screenshot every X seconds:
int lastTime = 0;
void draw(){
// 1000 in milisecs, that's 1 sec
if( millis() - lastTime >= 1000){
lastTime = millis();


The Countdown Timer in Android studio skips some of the seconds within the time interval

I read about the problem a day ago where the problem occurs with people but when it comes to the final second. I kept noticing in my timer that the as it counts down it sometimes skips a second, some suggested changing the interval from 1000ms to 500ms others said make it 900. And there are those who suggested making your own Timer.
My timer is a bit big as it contains two smaller timers within it, that count down individual minutes within the total time and I activate an animation during those times. So basically I am asking what approach should I take to for a time critical counter that is 100% accurate?
This is my code:
private void startTimer() {
Log.println(Log.ASSERT, "CHECK","Entered startTimer() method");
millisInFuture = mTimeLeftInMillis;
mCountDownTimer = new CountDownTimer(mTimeLeftInMillis, 900) {
public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
mTimeLeftInMillis = millisUntilFinished;
millisPassed = millisInFuture - mTimeLeftInMillis;
progress = (int) (millisPassed * 100 / millisInFuture);
//Key: 60 sec
if (millisInFuture == 480000) {
if (millisPassed <= 60000 || (millisPassed > 180000 && millisPassed <= 240000) || (millisPassed > 300000 && millisPassed <= 360000 || (millisPassed > 420000 && millisPassed <= 480000))) {
// Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(tool1mode1.this, R.anim.fade_in);
// stepupimage.setAnimation(animation);
Log.println(Log.ASSERT,"CHECK","Check that the first if statement of key 60 is entered");
time_of_stage = (millisInFuture - millisPassed) % 60000;
progress2 = (int) (time_of_stage*100 / 60000);
Log.println(Log.VERBOSE,"CHECK","TIME OF STAGE = "+time_of_stage);
Log.println(Log.VERBOSE,"CHECK","progress2= "+progress2);
public void onFinish() {
Toast.makeText(tool1mode1.this, "Done", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
avd2.stop(); avd3.stop();
try {
pb.setProgress(100); pb2.setProgress(0); pb3.setProgress(0);
animation1.cancel(); animation2.cancel();
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
((Vibrator) getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE)).vibrate(VibrationEffect.createOneShot(150, VibrationEffect.DEFAULT_AMPLITUDE));
} else {
((Vibrator) getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE)).vibrate(VibrationEffect.createWaveform(new long[]{150}, new int[]{VibrationEffect.EFFECT_CLICK}, -1));
catch (NullPointerException e) {
So to summarize: I have a big timer and two small timers that count certain intervals within the larger timer. Now the CountDownTimer class that is provided by Android skips a second or two at times during the count down. I want to fix this problem and don't know how, I would have just rolled with it but unfortunately the one I'm making the app for requires it to be 100% accurate as the application is time critical.
Note: pb, pb2, pb3, are progress bars of the timers (1st is the big one, 2nd and 3rd alternate for the second timer)

TIM2 module not ticking at 1us in STM8S103F3 controller

I created a program on STM8S103F3 to generate a delay in rage of micro seconds using TIM2 module, but the timer is not ticking as expected and when I tried to call 5 sec delay using it, it is giving around 3 sec delay. I'm using 16MHz HSI oscillator and timer pre-scalar is set to 16. please see my code below. Please help me to figure out what is wrong with my code.
void clock_setup(void)
while(CLK_GetFlagStatus(CLK_FLAG_HSIRDY) == FALSE);
void delay_us(uint16_t us)
volatile uint16_t temp;
TIM2_TimeBaseInit(TIM2_PRESCALER_16, 2000); //Prescalar value 8,Timer clock 2MHz
temp = TIM2_GetCounter();
}while(temp < us);
void delay_ms(uint16_t ms)
It is better to use a 10us time base to round the delays. Well in order to achive a 10us timebase, if you use 16MHz master clock and you prescale TIM2 by 16, then you get a 1 us increment time, right? But we want TIM2 to overflow to generate an event named 16us event. Since we know that the timer will increment every 1us, if we use a reload value 65536 - 10 = 65526, this will give us a 10us overflow hence, 10us time base. If we are ok until here in delay code we'll just check the TIM2 update flag to know whther it has overflowed or not. See the example code snippet below.
// Set up it once since our time base is a fixed 10us
void setupTIM2(){
TIM2_TimeBaseInit(TIM2_PRESCALER_16, 65526); //Prescalar value 16,Timer clock 1MHz
void delay_us(uint16_t us)
volatile uint16_t temp;
const uint16_t count = us / 10; //Get the required counts for 10us time base
// Loop until the temp reaches the required count value
while(TIM2_GetFlagStatus(TIM2_FLAG_UPDATE) == RESET); //Wait for the TIM2 to overflow
TIM2_ClearFlag(TIM2_FLAG_UPDATE); // Clear the overflow flag
} while(temp < count);
void delay_ms(uint16_t ms)
void main(void){

LCD display Arduino Uno

I am trying to create a basic arduino uno stopwatch displayed on a liquid crystal display. In theory , this is a very easy project, yet I am running into issues with my display. I calculate my minutes and seconds, and then attempt to print them to the display with a colon in between. Coming from java, I presumed a plus was just used. However, this results in a bunch of random, unidentifiable characters flashing on the screen. I tested to see if both seconds and minutes work separate, which they do, so I think it is in the syntax of lcd.print(). I was not able to find this addressed anywhere else. Help would be appreciated.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
int seconds;
int minutes;
int timedif;
int starttime = -1;
void setup()
lcd.begin(16, 2); //Initialize the 16x2 LCD
lcd.clear(); //Clear any old data displayed on the LCD
void loop()
if (starttime == -1) { //if running first time, time dif is initiated
starttime = millis();
timedif = (millis() - starttime)/1000; //will get difference in terms of seconds
minutes = floor(timedif/60); // divides by sixty, drops decimal
seconds = timedif%60; //gets remainder of divided by 60
lcd.print(minutes + ";" + seconds);
What you are printing is a JAVA syntax , and Arduino is using C syntax.
See this on how you need to use this API.
You need to build the string (for example as char array) and passed it to the print method

Making a timer in Arduino whilst checking for input

I need to wait for a period of time while checking whether a button is pressed (so whether an input is HIGH or LOW).
The delay function is annoying to use for this because it cannot check whether something is happening while being delayed, so it would have to wait for 1 ms, check, wait, check, wait, check etc...
Can you help me with the coding I would need to check and pause for a set amount of time, at the same time?
You can realize that with a second condition-controlled loop.
If you want to wait in each arduino main loop as an example for 20 seconds and execute in this time span further code you can do this as follows:
unsigned long startTime = millis(); // Number of milliseconds since the program started (unsigned long)
unsigned long intervalTime = 20000UL; // equals 20 seconds
int buttonPin = 3; // used button pin
void loop()
while(millis() - startTime < intervalTime){
else {

Android java development time of acceleration to

How can I calculate the time of acceleration to 100kmh?
Well, I registered a location listener when the !location.hasSpeed() is true store the time of location into a variable. When the speed is reach of the given speed in this case 100km/h (27.77 m/s) I substract from the spped of location and the result I divide by 1000.
Here is the "pseudo code"
public void onLocationChanged(Location currentLoc) {
// when stop reseted, when start reset again
if (isAccelerationLoggingStarted) {
if (currentLoc.hasSpeed() && currentLoc.getSpeed() > 0.0) {
// dismiss the time between reset to start to move
startAccelerationToTime = (double) currentLoc.getTime();
if (!currentLoc.hasSpeed()) {
isAccelerationLoggingStarted = true;
startAccelerationToTime = (double) currentLoc.getTime();
acceleration100 = 0.0;
if (isAccelerationLoggingStarted) {
if (currentLoc.getSpeed() >= 27.77) {
acceleration100 = (currentLoc.getTime() - startAccelerationToTime) / 1000;
isAccelerationLoggingStarted = false;
The main problem i see here, is that whenever the device is moving, startAccelerationToTime is reset. (The first if only checks whether there's movement; it doesn't check whether there's already a start time recorded.
I don't see where isAccelerationLoggingStarted is needed at all -- the speed, and the variables themselves, can be cleaned up a bit to make it clear what the next step should be.
Your pseudocode probably ought to look something like:
if speed is 0
clear start time
else if no start time yet
start time = current time
clear acceleration time
else if no acceleration time yet, and if speed >= 100 mph
acceleration time = current time - start time
In Java, that'd look like...
long startTime = 0;
double accelerationTime = 0.0;
public void onLocationChanged(Location currentLoc) {
// when stopped (or so slow we might as well be), reset start time
if (!currentLoc.hasSpeed() || currentLoc.getSpeed() < 0.005) {
startTime = 0;
// We're moving, but is there a start time yet?
// if not, set it and clear the acceleration time
else if (startTime == 0) {
startTime = currentLoc.getTime();
accelerationTime = 0.0;
// There's a start time, but are we going over 100 km/h?
// if so, and we don't have an acceleration time yet, set it
else if (accelerationTime == 0.0 && currentLoc.getSpeed() >= 27.77) {
accelerationTime = (double)(currentLoc.getTime() - startTime) / 1000.0;
Now, i'm not sure exactly how location listeners work, or how often they notify you when you're moving. So this may only semi work. In particular, onLocationChanged might not get called when you're not moving; you may need to request an update (perhaps via a "reset" button or something) or set certain params in order to trigger the stuff that happens when speed == 0.
