Edit assigned compatible configurations for agents in teamcity rest api - teamcity

Is it possible to edit assigned compatible configurations for agents in teamcity rest api?
(I am using 9.0.2).

Yes - you can add or remove any project to any agent pool through the REST API:
POST the plain text (name) to
Delete a project from a pool: DELETE
See the docs here.
An agent pool is just a n:m mapping concept in TeamCity that allows you to specify which agents can run which projects - it allows for more flexibility than directly assigning agents to projects.


Node (maven) to deploy the application to several environments

On Jelastic, I created a node for building an application (maven), there are several identical environments (NGINX + Spring Boot), the difference is in binding to its database and configured SSL.
The task is to ensure that after building the application (* .jar), deploy at the same time go to these several environments, how to implement it?
When editing a project, it is possible to specify only one environment, multi-selection is not provided.
it`s allowed to specify just one environment
We suggest creating a few environments using one Repository branch, and run updates by API https://docs.jelastic.com/api/#!/api/environment.Vcs-method-Update pushing whole code to VCS.
It's possible to use CloudScripting technology for attaching custom logic to onAfterBuildProject event and deploying the project to additional environments after build is complete. Please check this JPS as an example of the code syntax. Most likely you will need to use DeployProject API method.

Nifi - Update Remote Process Group through Rest API

We are using templates to package up some data transfer jobs between two nifi clusters, one acting as a sender, the other as the receiver. One of our jobs contains a remote process group and all worked fine at the point the template was created.
However when we deploy the template through our environments (dev, test, pre, prod), it is tedious and annoying to have to manually delete and a recreate a remote process group in the user interface. I'd like to automate this to simplify deploying templates and reduce the manual intervention.
Is it possible to update a remote processor group and its port configuration through the rest-api ?
Do I just use the REST api to create a new RPG with the correct configuration ?
Does anyone have any experience with this?
There is a JIRA to address this issue [1] which will be worked in conjunction with some of the ongoing Flow Registry (SDLC for flows) efforts. Until then, the best option would be (2) above.
[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-4526

How can I use TeamCity to do Production releases safely?

We currently use TeamCity to build a deployment artifact, then a further TeamCity task takes that artifact and deploys it to our development and testing servers on demand.
We can store the passwords and other secret data in properties files that we can check into source control, as these are all internal servers and the developers have full access to them.
However for release to Production (and our final test layer) there are secret passwords and configuration that we don't want checked into the normal source control, or to have development be able to discover the passwords. So to do 'real' deployments we have to hand the artifact over to another team and they maintain a properties file with the production values.
What methods exist to store these secrets and allow TeamCity to run a deploy without ever leaking the secrets out?
(note I am one of the devs and it is not a trust issue... I don't want to have the ability to find out prod passwords so I can never accidently know them and do some horrific damage!)
Probably what you need here, is to create a separate project with narrower scope of permissions (for example, allow only certain people to edit build configurations). In this project create a build configuration, responsible for deployment. In this configuration, you can define a Typed Parameter of type 'password' to store the password to the production environment.
Another option is to use Deployer Plugin, especially its ability to deploy over ssh with private key authentication
If you are OK to use a third party solution, consider using a solution like CloudMunch which can help you to perform release management functions with these secure parameters collected at deploy time and encrypted post deployment.
Disclaimer: I work with CloudMunch
You can do 2 things.
Use a teamcity project to deploy artefacts for production only. This will only be accessible to ops members.
Teamcity also supports running agents with different user ids. You can create a new user id which can have access to the production "secrets" (passwords and configuration). Use this id to run the targets in the 1st step.

Making gitolite trigger teamcity builds

Rather than having teamcity log onto the gitolite server several tens of thousands of times each day - and also sitting around waiting for the poll to happen (or starting it manually).
It would be nice if it was possible to set it up gitolite hooks that inform TeamCity that the repository has changed.
Is such a configuration possible with TeamCity and gitolite?
I know Jenkins has a github plugin that works nicely - I use that setup for some Minecraft CI I am running privately.
One way would be to gitolite (through a VREF hook) to call TeamCity through its REST API, in order to launch a build through web request.
You just need to make web request to the following URL:
, where btId is build type Id – unique identifier for each build configuration.
To get it, you can just look for it in browser address bar, when clicking on build configuration, or use TeamCity REST API for details.
The OP Morten Nilsen didn't need a VREF:
add a file "post-receive" to .gitolite/hooks/common and
run gitolite setup --hooks-only

How do I get the initial configuration of my Azure role?

Suppose I deploy an Azure role supplying a service package and a service configuration. Then I change the configuration one or more times without redeploying the role.
Is it possible to get the initial configuration?
The RoleEnvironment API only reflects the current values.
You could handle the RoleEnvironment.Changing event and keep track of the configuration changes from there.
You can change the service configuration in a number of ways:
Using the management portal
Click on the deployment (it must in Ready state!)
Click on "Configure" - edit the configuration.
Using the Manamgement REST API's Change Deployment Configuration method.
If you go for second option, you can either create your own classes or use, for example this NuGet package.
However I don't think (I'm not aware of a method) you can get the initial service configuration once it has been changed.
