TideKit free version for students / opensource - tidekit

Will you plan to release a free version of TideKit for students/education or open source projects?


Sonarsource Community Edition License

We want to build a commercial product using SonarSource Community Edition which we deployed on our own servers, I am not able to find relevant information regarding its licensing faqs, can we create the product using it and sell it?
SonarQube Community Edition is licensed under the GNU Lesser GPL License v3, as you can read on the License page on sonarqube.org.
If you want to know what you can legally do with this LGPL v3 license, you can chek the following page: https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-lesser-general-public-license-v3-(lgpl-3)

Is Bacula presents snapshot feature in free edition?

I have problem with Bacula.
Is there snapshot feature in Bacula free edition?
These days i'm searching for snapshot feature in Bacula free edition
but it seems like only presented in enterprise edition only.
The Snapshotify Plugin is available at Bacula Enterprise only. But some time ago Kern sent bacula status to the bacula-users list where he promise to include snapshot management in the community version:
A few of these new features will be:
3. New automatic snapshot management functions for the community version.
What I can see in the current code, there are some bits of code for this functionality already available.

MS Release Management upgrade from 3 to 4

I am using Release Management Update 3 with TFS 2013.
I would like to upgrade to Release Management Update 4.
Do i need to uninstall and install new set up of RM update 4?
I have my release templates and other settings in my current version. How this upgrade going to impact on those things?
Any other challenges ?
Please share your thoughts/comments.
Yes, you have to uninstall the client and server prior to installing Update 4. It doesn't touch the database until you do the server configuration. It's just like TFS in that regard. None of your existing release templates will be impacted.
Update 4 adds very little in the way of new features for "classic" agent-based deployers; most of the new features are focused in the vNext release templates using DSC.

visual studio 2010 free svn repository with agile support

What is your recommendations for a free svn server supporting visual studio ?
inclunding / or compatible with other Agile free tools.
For small teamwork, 2/3
I use assembla.com for small projects. It has a free plan with 1GB of space.
I recommend for :
Planning & Tracking
Version one : a very good tool that supports scrum and kanban & the team edition is for free , also , it has a plug-in for vs which make it very handy for team members to update their efforts.
Source control
I've used both SVN (2 years ) & git using github (1 year) and I'd definitely vote for git it is more flexible than SVN -from my personal point of view , also , github has its own built-in issue tracking , code review and wiki which is a big plus as u'll be using only one tool and for free.
git has its GuI clients for windows OS and if you are using linux based distro it will be much more fun and easier to use.
Having said that the draw back in the free account is that your repository will be public (anyone can access your code).
Versionone link
github features link
Good luck ...

Ez Publish 4.5 is free or is only Enterprise Edition?

I'm new to Ez Publish. I need to know if the Ez Publish is like Joomla and is completely free or is a commercial open source application. It is possible to use Ez Publish without paying any fees?
PS: I don't know if this is the place to ask this question.
Best Regards,
Short answer :
4.5 is the Enterprise Edition of eZ Publish, also called Matterhorn and is not free.
Long answer :
2011.x is the Community Project version and has the same development base because eZ Systems engineers works and commits their work on the same master branch : https://github.com/ezsystems/ezpublish
The versions of the Community Project that you are able to download are snapshots taken from the master branch, and packaged using the same continuous integration tools used by eZ Systems for the Enterprise Edition.
The short story : eZ Systems was used to provide consulting and support services aside eZ Publish but to make it more clear for decision takers, this package (software code source & services) is now called Enterprise Edition. Nothing has really changed, only naming convention, and last but not least, innovation and contribution is now more easy than before.
The Enterprise editions have extra features for remote Enterprise Management ( a charged-for service and official, supported point releases of patches, enhancements, etc. are more frequent. But the community editions are also frequent but may not yet be fully tested or official.
