Unable to send email from AWS EC2 instance using mailx - amazon-ec2

I want to email myself an error log stored on AWS EC2 instance to help me troubleshoot an issue I am having while trying to remote desktop to the machine. This is a one time thing - I am not going to use EC2 to send emails reguarly from a web app etc. Reading this link it says:
Q: Are there any limitations in sending email from EC2 instances?
Yes. In order to maintain the quality of EC2 addresses for sending
email, we enforce default limits on the amount of email that can be
sent from EC2 accounts. If you wish to send larger amounts of email
from EC2, you can apply to have these limits removed from your account
by filling out this form.
So this means I should be able to send a few emails without any problem. I tried emailing myself the error log like this:
cat log.txt | sudo mailx me#yahoo.com
It does not give any error but the file is never delivered. I think its never send out. How can I troubleshoot this? I am not familiar with unix. Reading around a bit mailq shows me this:
-Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------
6295B488F5 37616 Wed Apr 1 02:10:30 root#ip-xxx-xx-x-xx.us-west-2.compute.internal a#yahoo.com
I don't know what to do beyond this.
EDIT: Its funny. I did get the messages delivered to my inbox but it was only after about 2 days.

If you have ssh access to the box,just use scp to get the file. E.g., from OSX command line:
scp -i your.pem ubuntu#ec2-1-2-3-4.compute-1.amazonaws.com:your_file your_file
This is for "ubuntu" login, with "your_file" in home directory, saved to same name locally. I guess there are GUI versions also, e.g., I used to use Putty on Windows.


Server-Script for unknown access (Dropbox)

Is there a possibility to check up, when a file is opened etc. on a Dropbox account? I thought of a simple script on the server, which will send an automatic Mail to me.

Magento order emails not sending

When people place an order on my online store I am not receiving a notification email. The customer isn't receiving order emails either.
I am able to send emails to customers (their order details, password updates, etc.) manually, but we're not receiving any order notifications automatically.
Under Sales Emails, I have my email address (same domain as store url), and copy method separate email. I've done this for all sales emails. All other sending options are default (disable email communications: no, host: localhost, port: 25, set return path: no).
If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them :)
Thanks in advance,
Mail Sending Settings:
host: localhost
host may vary from one server to other server sometimes, check whether your host is localhost or any other. My server is not using localhost.
Compilation may be enabled in your server. So your settings will not be affected untill you run the compilation after made any changes in your server. You may check the mail issues after disable compilation.
If all fine and mail still not working, then you can try this free extension CheetahSender.
First you need to check with php mail at your server i am sure that your server mail is disabled or somehow its not working.. so check it by simple mail function of php at root directory and then after check with magento..
You probably did not install the sendmail in your server. Type:
sudo apt-get install sendmail
If all other emails are working then check with cron job. in magento 1.9 its based on cron job. so you can trace through..

SVN to send emails on commit on Ubuntu 12 server

I need to set up an svn repos to send out emails after every single commit to a single email address.
There seem to be a few built packages out there that achieve this, but then some forum posts and the svn manual say I just need a simple post commit email hook:
The script in this post is RUBY. Does this mean I need Ruby?
Also on my Ubuntu server I am running sSMTP not a full blown SMTP server, will this matter or will this automatically be picked up as it is with PHP?

Integrating Amazon SES with Sendmail to EC2 Server

I am trying to integrate SES with Sendmail in My EC2 Server.
I looked this documents and followed steps, but didn't work out.
I hoped to see video, but there wasn't anything about this one.
I couldn't even find a good article or blog about this.
Can you help me out? I just need to set up Sendmail via SSH.
This is now possible -- log into your AWS Console, to the SES Dashboard, and you'll see a section titled "SMTP Settings" on the lefthand nav. There you will find instructions and a mechanism to create your own SMTP credentials.
At that point you will need to set up your Postfix or Sendmail to act as a relay for outbound mail, redirecting it to the AWS SES Service API.
HOWEVER a few caveats:
You won't be able to use this as some normal SMTP gateway or outbound mail host unless you were to verify any possible sender for mail headed out of your instance. A more ideal case for this is a vendor who sends out large marketing mails to its customers, or a service that pushes out mail on a subscription or alert basis, all of which come from just one or a small handful of addresses.
Also, using SES means you'll have to live by AWS's thresholds, even once you've requested production access. An AWS engineer told me in training that they generally keep an eye on your mailflow and any bounces or rejects, as well as complaints made about your mail, and so long as things look good they will continue to throttle you up in that regard.
Good luck to you.

Finding contents of failed email sent from VBSCRIPT on Windows Server 2008

I made a dumb mistake and am hoping someone is smart enough to help me out of it :)
Using CDOSYS to send email from VBSCRIPT on an old web site. Switched servers; new host requires using a specific IP address for outgoing mail server. My previous host required simply "localhost" I failed to change that for a particular page. Analytics show me the form was submitted and, you guessed it, I would really like to have the contents of that failed email.
It never registered within SmarterMail, so it isn't in the logs there... Could at least part of the info be stored away in a log file somewhere? I was able to access the site logs and determine the IP address of the user that completed the form if that helps.
Thanks for taking the time and for any ideas!
It is possible it's in the local SMTP server's "badmail" folder. If it's not there, you're out of luck.
