VB6. Proceesing ADODB Table Is there a better way of doing this? - vb6

I am using .Open to check if record exists.
If it exists, I delete it.
If not, I an adding it.
Then I close the ADODB Recordset.
I am sure there is a better way of doing this - and this is probably a slow way of doing it.
Is there a way of doing this with only one Open and One close?
Here is my code (which is in a Do Loop):
Dim myRecSet As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSql As String
strSql = "select * from RentBalances where KeyTcyIdSubAcDate = '" & sKeyTcyIdSubAcDate & "'"
'Display "SQL: " & strSql
myRecSet.Open strSql, SQLSVSExtractConnection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
'Display "Total no of records = " & myRecSet.RecordCount
If myRecSet.RecordCount < 1 Then
'Display ("There are no RentBalances record for this ID. ID = " & sKeyTcyIdSubAcDate)
' delete the record
End If
myRecSet!KeyTcyIdSubAcDate = rsLocal.Fields("KeyTcyIdSubAcDate")
myRecSet!KeyTcyId = rsLocal.Fields("KeyTcyId")
myRecSet!SubAc = rsLocal.Fields("SubAc")
myRecSet!PeriodEndDate = rsLocal.Fields("PeriodEndDate")
myRecSet!Amount = rsLocal.Fields("Amount")
myRecSet!RentAmount = rsLocal.Fields("RentAmount")
myRecSet!ChargesAmount = rsLocal.Fields("ChargesAmount")
myRecSet!AdjustmentAmount = rsLocal.Fields("AdjustmentAmount")
myRecSet!BenefitAmount = rsLocal.Fields("BenefitAmount")
myRecSet!BenefitBalance = rsLocal.Fields("BenefitBalance")
myRecSet!TenantBalance = rsLocal.Fields("TenantBalance")
myRecSet!PayAmount = rsLocal.Fields("PayAmount")
myRecSet!TimeStamp = rsLocal.Fields("TimeStamp")
myRecSet!UpdateFlag = rsLocal.Fields("UpdateFlag")
myRecCount = myRecCount + 1

The most optimal way of doing this is to bulk insert into a staging table from your code and then call a stored procedure to merge the data from your staging table into your proper table.


Deleting a row for the second time in a datagrid view is not working

I have a list of data from a database displayed in a datagrid view. Whenever I delete one record, it successfully deletes it from the table and also in the database but when I try to delete another record, the delete function doesn't work anymore.
Here is my code:
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
Set Connect = New Class1
Set rxdelete = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sqlString, dataID, answer As String
dataID = lblID.Caption
sqlString = "DELETE FROM tblloan WHERE ID = '" & Trim$(dataID) & "'"
answer = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", vbYesNo, "RheaLending")
If answer = vbYes Then
rxdelete.Open sqlString, con, 3, 3
Call refreshList
Call refreshList
End If
End Sub
Here is the code for refreshList:
Sub refreshList()
Set Connect = New Class1
Set rxloan = New ADODB.Recordset
rxloan.Open "SELECT * FROM tblloan LIMIT 100", con, 3, 3
lblLNumberRecords.Caption = Format(rxloan.RecordCount, "###,###,###.##")
Set DatLoans.DataSource = rxloan
End Sub
Please somebody help me!
I am using vb6, adodb and mysql database.
your delete statement does not return a result set other than the number of records deleted. use an adodb.command instead of a .recordset. another thing is you are not killing your objects it can cause you greef in the long run because the app can slow down.
Set rxdelete = New ADODB.command
set rxdelete.currentconneciton = [your connection object]
rxdelete.commandtext = "DELETE FROM tblloan WHERE ID = '" & Trim$(dataID) & "'"
'at the bottom of your sub
set rxdelete=nothing
set connect = nothing

Search using Combo Box and Filter the results in text boxes

I am trying to do a small program on VB 6.0 to find the records in database and print it in text box based on combo box selection but i failed to find a code which allow me to do this.
Any help please.
Dim adoCon
Dim adoRs
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strDB As String
'Change YourDatabaseName to actual database you have
strDB = "c:\path\YourDatabaseName.accdb"
Set adoCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
adoCon.Open "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; " & _
"Data Source = " & strDB & ";" & _
"Persist Security Info = False;"
'Change Table1 to your table name in MS Access
'change the name of combobox and the fieldname in MS Access table
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''
' if combo is numeric
strSQL = "SELECT [fieldNameToReturn] FROM Table1 Where [fieldName] = " + [combo].Value + ";"
' if combo is text
'strSQL = "SELECT [fieldNameToReturn] FROM Table1 Where [fieldName] = '" + [combo].Value + "';"
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''
Set adoRs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'Set the cursor type we are using so we can navigate through the recordset
adoRs.CursorType = 2
'Set the lock type so that the record is locked by ADO when it is updated
adoRs.LockType = 3
'Open the tblComments table using the SQL query held in the strSQL varaiable
'adoRs.Open strSQL, adoCon
If Not adoRS.Eof() Then
[yourTextBox] = adoRs(0)
End If
Set adoRs = Nothing
Set adoCon = Nothing
"BOF" below is not a typo. If the recordset is empty (the query returned no records) BOF will be true.
adoRs.Open strSQL, adoCon
If Not adoRS.BOF Then
'If not _BOF_ we have records so load the first record
'If first field is a string then use this
[yourTextBox] = adoRs.Fields(0).Value
'If first field is numeric then use this
[yourTextBox] = CStr(adoRs.Fields(0).Value)
Msgbox "No records returned."
End If
If you were processing multiple records you would still do the MoveFirst and then loop until EOF was true, processing each record. The MoveNext will set EOF = True when there are no more records to process.
adoRs.Open strSQL, adoCon
If Not adoRS.BOF Then
'If not _BOF_ we have records so load the first record
Do While Not adoRS.EOF
'Process records here
Msgbox "No records returned."
End If

recordset.close got wrong help plssss

Help my code got wrong it says:
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted,Requested operation requires a current record.
i think this rs.close has a problem or where can i set the rs.close? because i set and used recordset twice.
anyone can help? please fix my code.
Public Function borrowersName(ByVal Iname, ByVal Imod, ByVal Icat, ByRef BFname, ByRef BLname) As Boolean
Dim dateReturned As String
'select firt the primary key of the item
qry1 = "select tblitem_id from tblitem inner join tblcategory on tblitem.tblcategory_id=tblcategory.tblcategory_id where tblitem.item_name='" + Iname + "' and tblitem.item_model='" + Imod + "' and tblcategory.category_name='" + Icat + "'"
rs.Open qry1, conn
qry1Result = rs.Fields(0).Value
qry2 = "SELECT date_returned,Firstname,Lastname FROM tblborrowers where tblitem_id='" & qry1Result & "' ORDER BY tblborrowers_id DESC LIMIT 1"
rs.Open qry2, conn
dateReturned = rs.Fields(0).Value
If dateReturned <> "" Then
borrowersName = True
BFname = rs.Fields(1).Value
BLname = rs.Fields(2).Value
borrowersName = False
End If
Set rs = Nothing
End Function
You do have the recordset Open and Close methods in the right order, so there is no problem there.
The error "Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted" simply means that one of your SELECT queries has returned zero records. What you do about that depends on your requirements. For example, you could test for Not rs.EOF before attempting to read a field value.

How to save picture in BLOB format?

I did code for procedure that prompts for a .jpeg file, converts that file to a Byte array, and saves the Byte Array to the table using the Append chunk method.
Another procedure retrieves the picture image from the table using the GetChunk method, converts the data to a file and displays that file in the Picture box.
Now, my question is that how do I save that image displayed in picture box into the database, so that I can perform operations like: add/update etc.
I did something like this way:
Private Sub CmdSave_Click()
if(cmbRNO=" ") then
sql = sql + "VALUES(" & RNo & ","& picture1.picture &")"
Set RES = CON.Execute(sql)
sql = sql + "ROLLNO= " & Val(CmbRNO) & ","
sql = sql + "PICS=" & Picture1.Picture & " "
sql = sql + "WHERE ROLLNO= " & Val(CmbRNO) & ""
Set RES = CON.Execute(sql)
End If
End Sub
<code for appendchunk method>
Public Sub Command1_Click()
Dim PictBmp As String
Dim ByteData() As Byte 'Byte array for Blob data.
Dim SourceFile As Integer
' Open the BlobTable table.
strSQL = "Select ID, DOC from LOB_TABLE WHERE ID = 1"
Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Rs.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
Rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic
Rs.Open strSQL, Cn
' Retrieve the picture and update the record.
CommonDialog1.Filter = "(*.jpeg)|*.jpeg"
PictBmp = CommonDialog1.FileName
' Save Picture image to the table column.
SourceFile = FreeFile
Open PictBmp For Binary Access Read As SourceFile
FileLength = LOF(SourceFile) ' Get the length of the file.
If FileLength = 0 Then
Close SourceFile
MsgBox PictBmp & " empty or not found."
Exit Sub
Numblocks = FileLength / BlockSize
LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize
ReDim ByteData(LeftOver)
Get SourceFile, , ByteData()
Rs(1).AppendChunk ByteData()
ReDim ByteData(BlockSize)
For i = 1 To Numblocks
Get SourceFile, , ByteData()
Rs(1).AppendChunk ByteData()
Next i
Rs.Update 'Commit the new data.
Close SourceFile
End If
End Sub
While trying to save image to specific record, run-time error occurs:
inconsistent datatype,expected BLOB got number
Where as:

Speed up this Find/Filter Operation - (VB6, TextFile, ADO, VFP 6.0 Database)

I'm trying to figure out how to speed up this operation. Before I import a record from the text file I first need to see if one exists in the database. If it does exist I'm going to perform an update operation on it. If it does not exist I'm going to create a new record.
Running the code you see below this operation takes somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 hours.
I've tried using ADO's find method and it actually appears to be slower than the filter method.
The database is a Visual Foxpro 6 database. The table does have an index on the item_cd field but the table does not have any primary key established. This is out of my control since I didn't write the software and I'm trying to stay away from making any structural changes to the database.
There are 46652 rows in the text file and about 650,000 records/rows in the ADO recordset. I think slimming down the recordset would be the biggest step in fixing this but I haven't come up with any way of doing that. I'm trying to prevent creating duplicate records since there is no primary key and so I really need to have the entire table in my recordset.
Because I'm running this on my local machine it appears that the operation is limited by the power of the CPU. In actuality this might be used across the network, especially if I can get it to go faster.
Dim sFileToImport As String
sFileToImport = Me.lstFiles.Text
If sFileToImport = "" Then
MsgBox "You must select a file from the listbox to import."
Exit Sub
End If
If fConnectToDatabase = False Then Exit Sub
With gXRst
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockReadOnly
.Open "SELECT item_cd FROM xmsalinv ORDER BY item_cd ASC", gXCon
End With
Call fStartProgress("Running speed test.")
Dim rstTxtFile As ADODB.Recordset
Set rstTxtFile = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
Dim sConString As String, sSQL As String
Dim lRecCount As Long, l As Long
Dim s As String
sConString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=" & gsImportFolderPath & ";Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt;Persist Security Info=False;"
con.Open sConString
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM [" & sFileToImport & "]"
rstTxtFile.Open sSQL, con, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
If Not (rstTxtFile.EOF And rstTxtFile.BOF) = True Then
lRecCount = rstTxtFile.RecordCount
Do Until rstTxtFile.EOF = True
'This code appears to actually be slower than the filter method I'm now using
'gXRst.Find "item_cd = '" & fPQ(Trim(rstTxtFile(0))) & "'"
gXRst.Filter = "item_cd = '" & fPQ(Trim(rstTxtFile(0))) & "'"
If Not (gXRst.EOF And gXRst.BOF) = True Then
s = "Item Found - " & Trim(rstTxtFile(0)) 'item found
s = "Item Not Found - " & Trim(rstTxtFile(0)) 'Item not found found
End If
l = l + 1
Call subProgress(l, lRecCount, s)
End If
Call fEndProgress("Finished running speed test.")
Set rstTxtFile = Nothing
A simple solution to speed up Yours_Rs.find response is to use the Yours_Rs.move statement first if it is possible for you. What I have done is to use MyRs.move statement prior to using MyRs.find to come in the vicinity of my actual record. It had really worked for me as response of move statement is quite brisk.
I was using it to locate a patient record. So, moving the pointer to a record near the actual record made MyRs.find statement to work with the speed of light.
doesn't answer your question and this is a pretty old thread, but
why don't you import your text file to a temporary table on your db then do a join?
something like
SELECT tt.* FROM texttemp tt left outer join xmsalinv xal on tt.field1=xal.item_cd where xal.item_cd is null
this should return the contents of your imported text file which don't have any item_cd matches in the database, since you're dealing with a text file that complicates the query which is why i'm wondering your not importing the contents to a temporary table.
now assuming you know the mapping of the fields, you can probably also use this to insert assuming your db accepts insert select notation it'd be insert into xmsalinv (fields) select (matching fields) from (as above...)
this moves your choke points to the import process, which i'm hoping is quick.
the ado collections seem like they're pretty stupid, so they don't benefit from any sort of knowledge about the data and are kinda slow.
ah next item on "vb6 filter" google http://www.techrepublic.com/article/why-ados-find-method-is-the-devil/1045830
this response is based on basic sql knowledge and not tailored to foxpro
Use a firehose cursor for the VFP query's results if you aren't, and see your other post here for suggestions regarding the text file Recordset.
Perhaps better yet though, you might try getting rid of your slow "loop and search" aproach.
I would probably create a temporary Jet 4.0 MDB from scratch for each text file you want to look up. Import the text data, index your key field. Use ADOX to define a linked table over in the VFP database. The use a query to do your matching.
Close and dispose of the MDB afterward.
In response to Bob Riemersma's post, the text file is not causing the speed issues. I've changed my code to open a recordset with a query looking for a single item. This code now runs in 1 minute and 2 seconds as opposed to the three to four hours I was looking at the other way.
Dim sFileToImport As String
sFileToImport = Me.lstFiles.Text
If sFileToImport = "" Then
MsgBox "You must select a file from the listbox to import."
Exit Sub
End If
If fConnectToDatabase = False Then Exit Sub
Call fStartProgress("Running speed test.")
Dim rstTxtFile As ADODB.Recordset
Set rstTxtFile = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
Dim sConString As String, sSQL As String
Dim lRecCount As Long, l As Long
Dim sngQty As Single, sItemCat As String
sConString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=" & gsImportFolderPath & ";Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt;Persist Security Info=False;"
con.Open sConString
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM [" & sFileToImport & "]"
rstTxtFile.Open sSQL, con, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
If Not (rstTxtFile.EOF And rstTxtFile.BOF) = True Then
lRecCount = rstTxtFile.RecordCount
Do Until rstTxtFile.EOF = True
l = l + 1
sItemCat = fItemCat(Trim(rstTxtFile(0)))
If sItemCat <> "[item not found]" Then
sngQty = fItemQty(Trim(rstTxtFile(0)))
End If
Call subProgress(l, lRecCount, sngQty & " - " & sItemCat & " - " & rstTxtFile(0))
sngQty = 0
End If
Call fEndProgress("Finished running speed test.")
Set rstTxtFile = Nothing
My Functions:
Private Function fItemCat(sItem_cd As String) As String
'Returns blank if nothing found
If sItem_cd <> "" Then
With gXRstFind
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockReadOnly
.Open "SELECT item_cd, ccategory FROM xmsalinv WHERE item_cd = '" & fPQ(sItem_cd) & "'", gXCon
End With
If Not (gXRstFind.EOF And gXRstFind.BOF) = True Then
'An item can technically have a blank category although it never should have
If gXRstFind!ccategory = "" Then
fItemCat = "[blank]"
fItemCat = gXRstFind!ccategory
End If
fItemCat = "[item not found]"
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function fIsStockItem(sItem_cd As String, Optional bConsiderItemsInStockAsStockItems As Boolean = False) As Boolean
If sItem_cd <> "" Then
With gXRstFind
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockReadOnly
.Open "SELECT item_cd, bal_qty, sug_qty FROM xmsalinv WHERE item_cd = '" & fPQ(sItem_cd) & "'", gXCon
End With
If Not (gXRstFind.EOF And gXRstFind.BOF) = True Then
If gXRstFind!sug_qty > 0 Then
fIsStockItem = True
If bConsiderItemsInStockAsStockItems = True Then
If gXRstFind!bal_qty > 0 Then
fIsStockItem = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function fItemQty(sItem_cd As String) As Single
'Returns 0 if nothing found
If sItem_cd <> "" Then
With gXRstFind
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockReadOnly
.Open "SELECT item_cd, bal_qty FROM xmsalinv WHERE item_cd = '" & fPQ(sItem_cd) & "'", gXCon
End With
If Not (gXRstFind.EOF And gXRstFind.BOF) = True Then
fItemQty = CSng(gXRstFind!bal_qty)
End If
End If
End Function
First can try creating an in-memory index on item_cd with gXRst!item_cd.Properties("OPTIMIZE").Value = True which will speed up both Find and Filter.
For ultimate speed in searching initialize helper index Collection like this
Set cIndex = New Collection
On Error Resume Next
Do While Not gXRst.EOF
cIndex.Add gXRst.Bookmark, "#" & gXRst!item_cd.Value
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
And insetad of Find use some function like this
Public Function SearchCollection(Col As Object, Index As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
IsObject Col(Index)
SearchCollection = (Err.Number = 0)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
3 hours just for a few hundred thousands of records!!! You are doing it the wrong way. Simply:
-append text file to a VFP table,
-then insert the ones that do not exist in existing table with a single SQL
-and update the ones that exist with another Update sql.
That is all and should take less than a minute (a minute is even very slow). You can do all these using the VFPOLEDB driver and it doesn't matter that you have VFP6 database, VFPOLEDB has VFP9 engine built-in.
