How do I gray out D3 elements based on form input? - d3.js

I am working on a dynamic scatter plot using D3. (Current draft)
I would like to include a form at the bottom of the page that hides or grays out some of the circles depending on the form.
The form will have checkboxes and sliders. This question only asks about sliders. At the moment I'm stuck at how to make D3 elements respond to a form
Following this tutorial I made a slider that calls an update function when the user interacts with the slider. This SO answer gives the code for changing the color fill of a data point.
The console.log statement inside the update function suggests that I am not selecting the proper D3 element.
How do I access/link the proper D3 elements?

You should filter your data according to form inputs, and then notify d3.js with changed data. Put something like'#chart svg')
.datum(filterDataset(dataset, nRadius))
in your update function (example in pastebin)
Graying out is much the same, except you only change attributes in your data and making d3 colorize items according your attributes.


D3 - Calling nested function invokes the parent function and result in repetition of charts

I am trying to understand and implement the D3 reusable chart pattern.
See sample implementation.
Here the updatableChart is called after selecting the id '#updatableChart'.
Question 1:
If I want to adjust the height parameter by calling as below, in subsequent code, it duplicates the chart.'#updatableChart')
How should I use this pattern and update the height without affecting the original chart ?
Question 2:
Now if I need another chart, say, under div id '#updatableChart2', I can still call and get the chart using code below.'#updatableChart2')
But when I try to adjust the height by simply saying updatableChart.height(500); it affects only the second chart. How can I be specific in choosing the chart instance to work on ?
Thank you.
Answer 1:
The reason the chart is drawn again, is because I am calling the updatableChart.height(450) within a D3 selection. Instead it should have been called simply as updatableChart.height(450), to adjust the height.
Answer 2:
The problem was that the same chart object is attached into different div elements.
If another chart is needed under a different div, then the original barchart() should have been instantiated into another copy, say var updatableChart2 = barChart() and used further.

d3-tip on dc-js chart disappears upon filtering over 0-valued group

I have a number of graphs, for simplicity take this example on jsfiddle, where there is a brush-on graph, a bar chart keyed on time and a row chart keyed on some categories. In addition, I use the d3-tip library for the tooltips (in the link above a very simplified version of my tip).
In order to avoid the creation of a bar-row in a rowChart, I used the fake-group as outlined in the FAQ of dc-js (and here as well).
The fake group works well, not displaying the C category on the row chart.
However, if I brush on some months with 0 data, when I reset the filter (just click anywhere but the filtered region on the brushon chart), the d3-tip on the row chart disappears.
Notice the if the group is created without the fake-grouping-function, this problem does not arise.
Any explanation why this happens?
How to avoid this (without loosing the remove_empty_bins)?
Although you can use dc.js and d3.js interchangeably, and dc.js is intentionally a "leaky abstraction", some things will go better if you do them the idiomatic dc.js way.
I have two suggestions:
Apply your tooltips in response to dc.js events so that they will get reapplied when new graphical objects are created (or re-created).
Use chart.selectAll instead of d3.selectAll when modifying the charts.
Okay, #2 actually has no bearing on this question, but it does help scope the selects better so that it's harder for them to miss the chart or accidentally modify stuff elsewhere in the page.
Implementing #1 looks something like this:
month_chart.on('pretransition', function(chart) {
.on('mouseover','mouseout', month_tip.hide);
loc_chart1.on('pretransition', function(chart) {
.on('mouseover','mouseout', loc_tip.hide);
The pretransition event fires right after a render or redraw, so it's usually the best moment to manipulate dc's elements. Much better than just running the code globally. I like to set everything up, then call dc.renderAll(), then allow the renders and redraws to take care of themselves later on.
In particular, when those bars get added back in when remove_empty_bins stops removing them, these events will pick them up and re-tip them.
Fork of your fiddle:

D3 Brush Event Not Working Correctly

In D3 I am working on customizing and adding to #Rengel's timeline (link shown in JS Fiddle.
I've successfully created a similar timeline based on tracks, and it also allows users to filter project data based on checkbox values. Each piece of data now has a tooltip, and there are letters from another dataset populating underneath the projects in the same svg container. Now finally I want to add a brush like this one - wrobstory's from the blocks website.
I have only recently started to work on brush events so I am very much a noob, which is why I am unsure how I am going wrong. There is a JS Fiddle I created at: which shows everything working before the brush gets called. When I select a section of the timeline, the brush appears, it calculates indexes and extent. But it changes the y state of the year and the year text then transitions down the page.
I have been trying to see why this is happening, but I think I need to step back from the code as it might be just that I am not referencing the correct element. Here is the code for when the mouse pointer drags over the interface:
vis.on('mousedown', function(){
brush_elm =".brush").node();
new_click_event = new Event('mousedown');
new_click_event.pageX = d3.event.pageX;
new_click_event.clientX = d3.event.clientX;
new_click_event.pageY = d3.event.pageY;
new_click_event.clientY = d3.event.clientY;
But I think it might have something to do with the .points selector. How can I make the brush target the x-axis, the project rectangles and the letters together?
Thanks in advance,

Pie (donut) chart tooltips

I want to use exactly this d3 donut chart.
This 3d chart
However, instead of showing percentage, I'd like to show the raw datas that I am providing.
Ideally, the percentage could be shown (as it is now) and I could show the raw datas for each donut part using an onmouseover tooltip!
Can't make it work.
Thanks a lot for any help!
Are you looking for this,I update the fiddle with tool tip,
Initially add a div to the body i.e.
var div ="body").append("div").attr("class", "tooltip");
then whenever user makes a mouseover or mousemove on the paths/arcs do the necessary.
have a look in

Invert nvd3.js legend click function

So, in nvd3 charts, clicking on a legend entry basically filters that out of the chart window (for instance in the case of area charts). I want to invert this functionality..i.e. show the particular chart when its corresponding legend is shown and hide all the there a way to do it?
It is similar to what happens when user hits the chart itself (i.e. only the one that is clicked is expanded and rest of the streams hide).
I am referring to this example:
There's a radioButtonMode that should do exactly what you want. You should be able to set this on the chart, i.e.
