comparing file size and modified date - windows

I am trying to build a batch script to confirm both file size and modified date. as of i have been using different commands (diff, comp, and others) that are not giving me the needed outcome. both files are found remotely and are in different time zones so using a dir command output didnt work for me.
ask for computer name or keywork to pull list from a txt file
set /P "ComputerName=Please enter the computer name or the word batch to pull from computernames.txt: "
compare two locations
file1= (fixed server location)\ txt)
file2= \\%ComputerName%\m$\ txt)
compare date modified (this file is modified once a week but can not use time stamp since the file goes out to computers in different time zones and if the copy has an issue it reverts back to last successful file date or "beginning of time" time stamp)
compare size (files that fail a copy with default to a 0 size or size where it got stuck)
if file1 = file2
end or proceed to next file in batch
if file1 does not equal file 2 (both conditions)
export %ComputerName% name to file
once confirmed end or continue next in txt list

Not really sure this will work in your environment, but... while FAT partitions use the local time to save file timestamps, NTFS use UTC time. And this timestamp can be retrieved using robocopy
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
call :getFileData "%cd%\" file1
call :getFileData "%cd%\" file2
echo file1 : %file1%
echo file2 : %file2%
if "%file1%"=="%file2%" (
echo Both files has the same size/timestamp
) else (
echo Files has different size/timestamp
goto :eof
:getFileData file returnVar
rem Prepare environment
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set "fileData="
rem Retrieve file size and time stamp
for /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in ('
robocopy "%~dp1\." "%~dp1\." "%~nx1" /l /is /ts /nc /ndl /njh /njs 2^>nul
') do set "fileData=%%a %%b %%c"
rem Handle non existing files
if not defined fileData set "fileData=FileNotFound %random%%random%%random%"
rem Return or show data
endlocal & if "%~2"=="" (echo(%fileData%) else (set "%~2=%fileData%")
exit /b


Backup script - find file by pattern, read it's full name and pass to script

I'm trying to use 7-Zip for backup purposes.
I have already wrote script for full backup:
#echo off
set source="c:\Source"
set destination="C:\Dest"
set dd=%DATE:~0,2%
set mm=%DATE:~3,2%
set yyyy=%DATE:~6,4%
set curdate=%dd%-%mm%-%yyyy%
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -ssw -mx6 -r0 %destination%\ %source%
The new script intended for incremental backup is started after the full backup is made. But I don't really get how to make my second script to read files from directory and look for the file staring like and assign its filename to a variable and then pass it to the script for incremental backup.
I tried script below, but it's not working:
#echo off
set source="c:\Source"
set destination="c:\Dest"
set exten="Full_*.zip"
set passwd="NAS"
set dd=%DATE:~0,2%
set mm=%DATE:~3,2%
set yyyy=%DATE:~6,4%
set curdate=%dd%-%mm%-%yyyy%
for %%a in %exten do echo %%a
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" u -tzip -ssw -r0 %destination%\ -u- -up0q3x2z0!"%destination%\" %source%
There are multiple mistakes in both scripts.
I recommend reading first How to set environment variables with spaces? and Why is no string output with 'echo %var%' after using 'set var = text' on command line?. The syntax set variable="value in quotes" is often not good because it assigns the string "value in quotes" with the double quotes and all trailing spaces/tabs which might exist also in batch file to the environment variable with name variable. This syntax is problematic on concatenating the string value of the environment variable with other strings as done in posted code with %destination% because of the " being now somewhere in middle of the final argument string instead of enclosing the entire argument string. Better is the syntax set "variable=value without or with spaces" with " left to variable name because of the double quotes are interpreted now as argument string separators and perhaps existing spaces/tabs on line after second " are ignored by Windows command processor.
The usage of dynamic environment variable DATE makes it possible to quickly get current locale date in a format usable for file/folder names. But it must be taken into account that the date format of value of DATE depends on region/country/locale set for the user account which is used on running the batch file. I suppose that echo %DATE% results in an output of a date in format DD.MM.YYYY and so the command lines using DATE are correct for you with your user account according to the configured country.
The FOR command line is completely wrong and results in an exit of batch file execution with an error message output by cmd.exe interpreting the batch file line by line. This error output can be seen on running the batch file from within a command prompt window instead of double clicking on the batch file. See debugging a batch file for details on how to debug a batch file to find syntax errors like this reported by Windows command processor during execution of a batch file.
So I suggest for the first batch file:
#echo off
set "Source=C:\Source"
set "Destination=C:\Dest"
set "CurrentDate=%DATE:~6,4%-%DATE:~3,2%-%DATE:~0,2%"
"%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -ssw -mx6 -r0 "%Destination%\" "%Source%"
The current locale date is assigned to the environment variable CurrentDate in format YYYY-MM-DD instead of DD-MM-YYYY. The date format YYYY-MM-DD is the international date format according to ISO 8601. It has one big advantage in comparison to all locale date formats in file names: The file names with date in format YYYY-MM-DD sorted alphabetically as usual are at the same time sorted chronological. That makes it much easier for people and scripts finding a specific file in a list of file names with date in file name.
I am not really sure what you want to do with the second batch file. So I can only suppose what you want to do and suggest for the second batch file:
#echo off
set "Source=C:\Source"
set "Destination=C:\Dest"
set "CurrentDate=%DATE:~6,4%-%DATE:~3,2%-%DATE:~0,2%"
set "NamePattern=Full_*.zip"
for /F "skip=1 eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir "%Destination%\%NamePattern%" /A-D /B /O-N 2^>nul') do (
"%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" u -tzip -ssw -r0 "%Destination%\%%I" -u- -up0q3x2z0!"%Destination%\" "%Source%"
goto Done
The FOR loop runs command DIR with using a separate command process started in background to get the list of Full_*.zip file names in destination directory sorted reverse by name which means the full backup ZIP file created today before with first batch file is at top on using date format YYYY-MM-DD and the previously created ZIP file from yesterday (or whenever the last but one full ZIP file was created) is output as second line.
FOR skips the first line with ZIP file name with current date and runs 7-Zip with previously created ZIP file (yesterday) to create the difference ZIP file. Then the FOR loop is exited without processing all other full ZIP files with a jump to the label below the FOR loop.
Both batch files together:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "Source=C:\Source"
set "Destination=C:\Dest"
set "CurrentDate=%DATE:~6,4%-%DATE:~3,2%-%DATE:~0,2%"
set "NamePattern=Full_*.zip"
rem Create full ZIP backup.
"%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -ssw -mx6 -r0 "%Destination%\" "%Source%"
rem Create difference ZIP backup with files added/changed in source directory
rem in comparison to the files compressed into last but on full ZIP backup.
for /F "skip=1 eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir "%Destination%\%NamePattern%" /A-D /B /O-N 2^>nul') do (
"%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" u -tzip -ssw -r0 "%Destination%\%%I" -u- -up0q3x2z0!"%Destination%\" "%Source%"
goto Done
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
dir /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
for /?
rem /?
set /?
setlocal /?

Loop through files in a folder and check if they have different extensions

I have a folder that contains files; each document should have .pdf and .xml format. I need to write a BAT file to run from a scheduled task to verify that both documents exist for each.
My logic is:
loop through files in the folder
strip each file to its name without extension
check that same name files exist for both .xml and pdf.
if not mark a flag variable as problem
when done, if the flag variable is marked, send an Email notification
I know how to use blat to sending email, but I'm having trouble to execute the loop. I found a way to get path and file name without extension but can't merge them.
I've used batch files a few time, before but I'm far from an expert. What am I missing?
Here's the code I have so far:
set "FolderPath=E:\TestBat\Test\"
echo %FolderPath%
for %%f in (%FolderPath%*) do (
set /p val=<%%f
For %%A in ("%%f") do (
Set Folder=%%~dpA
Set Name=%%~nxA
echo Folder is: %Folder%
echo Name is: %Name%
if NOT EXIST %FolderPath%%name%.xml
set flag=MISSING
if NOT EXIST %FolderPath%%name%.pdf
set flag=MISSING
echo %Flag%
There is no need for fancy code for a task such as this:
#Echo Off
Set "FolderPath=E:\TestBat\Test"
If /I Not "%CD%"=="%FolderPath%" PushD "%FolderPath%" 2>Nul||Exit/B
Set "flag="
For %%A In (*.pdf *.xml) Do (
If /I "%%~xA"==".pdf" (If Not Exist "%%~nA.xml" Set "flag=MISSING")
If /I "%%~xA"==".xml" (If Not Exist "%%~nA.pdf" Set "flag=MISSING")
If Defined flag Echo=%flag%
Timeout -1
Something like this :
set "FolderPath=E:\TestBat\Test\"
pushd "%FolderPath%"
for %%a in (*.xml) do (
if exist "%%~na.pdf"(
echo ok
) else (
rem do what you want here
echo Missing
Is this what you want?
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "FolderPath=E:\TestBat\Test\"
echo !FolderPath!
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%f in (`dir !FolderPath! /B`) do (
set /p val=<%%f
For %%A in ("%%f") do (
Set Folder=%%~dpA
Set name=%%~nxA
echo Folder is: !Folder!
echo Name is: !name!
if NOT EXIST !FolderPath!!name!.xml set flag=MISSING
if NOT EXIST !FolderPath!!name!.pdf set flag=MISSING
echo Flag: !flag!
You should reformat your code and keep in mind that the grama for batch file is critical. BTW, if you are trying to update the existing batch variable and read it later, you should enable localdelayedexpansion and use ! instead of %.
Keep it simple:
#echo off
pushd "E:\TestBat\Test" || exit /B 1
for %%F in ("*.pdf") do if not exist "%%~nF.xml" echo %%~nxF
for %%F in ("*.xml") do if not exist "%%~nF.pdf" echo %%~nxF
This returns all files that appear orphaned, that is, where the file with the same name but the other extension (.pdf, .xml) is missing. To implement a variable FLAG to indicate there are missing files, simply append & set "FLAG=missing" to each for line and ensure FLAG is empty initially. Then you can check it later by simply using if defined FLAG.
Note: This does not cover the e-mail notification issue. Since I do not know the BLAT tool you mentioned, I have no clue how you want to transfer the listed files to it (command line arguments, temporary file, or STDIN stream?).
In case there is a huge number of files in the target directory, another approach might be better in terms of performance, provided that the number of file system accesses is reduced drastically (note that the above script accesses the file system within the for loop body by if exist, hence for every iterated file individually). So here is an attempt relying on a temporary file and the findstr command:
#echo off
pushd "E:\TestBat\Test" || exit /B 1
rem // Return all orphaned `.pdf` files:
call :SUB "*.pdf" "*.xml"
rem // Return all orphaned `.xml` files:
call :SUB "*.xml" "*.pdf"
exit /B
:SUB val_pattern_orphaned val_pattern_missing
set "LIST=%TEMP%\%~n0_%RANDOM%.tmp"
> "%LIST%" (
rem // Retrieve list of files with one extension:
for %%F in ("%~2") do (
rem /* Replace the extension by the other one,
rem then write the list to a temporary file;
rem this constitutes a list of expected files: */
rem /* Search actual list of files with the other extension
rem for occurrences of the list of expected files and
rem return each item that does not match: */
dir /B /A:-D "%~1" | findstr /L /I /X /V /G:"%LIST%"
rem // Clean up the temporary file:
del "%LIST%"
exit /B
To understand how it works, let us concentrate on the first sub-routine call call :SUB "*.pdf" "*.xml" using an example; let us assume the target directory contains the following files:
So in the for loop a list of .xml files is gathered:
This is written to a temporary file but with the extensions .xml replaced by .pdf:
The next step is to generate a list of actually existing .pdf files:
This is piped into a findstr command line, that searches this list for search strings that are gathered from the temporary file, returning non-matching lines only. In other words, findstr returns only those lines of the input list that do not occur in the temporary file:
To finally get also orphaned .xml files, the second sub-routine call is needed.
Since this script uses a temporary file containing a file list which is processed once by findstr to find any orphaned files per extension, the overall number of file system access operations is lower. The weakest part however is the for loop (containing string concatenation operations).

batch - execute command for every file with specific creation date

got this piece of code:
forfiles /P %ParentFolder% /S /M %Format% /C "cmd /c %exeFile% #path"
executing some exe for every file matching format as parameter.
any way to add "creation date" as a condition to run command via CMD?
something like :
for all files in directory (recursive) X if creation date newer then 1 day ago do (run) some exe with this file's path as param
This is not possible with forfiles, because, when the /D option is provided, it only regards the last modification date only (not even the modification time).
Unfortunately, there are no native commands for date/time maths, so I suggest to switch to a language that is capable of that; for instance, PowerShell, VBScript, JavaScript (which are all native to Windows past XP).
In case the modification date could be used, and a simple check with the date of today is sufficient, the following forfiles command line could be used:
forfiles /S /P "%ParentFolder%" /M "%Format%" /D +0 /C "cmd /C \"%exeFile%\" #path"
The /D option with a non-negative number lets forfiles return files that have been modified the given number of days after today or later (although you would need a time-machine; hence I consider this a design flaw). For +0 as the given number of days, all matching files modified today are returned, because forfiles /D only checks the modification date but does not care about the modification time.
If a simple equality check of the creation date with the date of today is fine for you, it can be done in batch-file scripting quite easily though (see all the explanatory rem remarks for how the following script works):
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "ParentFolder=."
set "Format=*.*"
set "exeFile=" & rem // (full path to executable file)
set "tmpFile=%TEMP%\%~n0_%RANDOM%.tmp"
rem // Create a temporary file and retrieve its creation date:
2> nul del "%tmpFile%" & > "%tmpFile%" break & set "TODAY="
for /F "skip=5" %%J in ('dir /N /4 /-C /T:C "%tmpFile%"') do (
if not defined TODAY set "TODAY=%%J" & del "%tmpFile%"
rem // Change to predefined parent directory:
pushd "%ParentFolder%" && (
rem // Return all files recursively:
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('dir /B /S /A:-D "%Format%"') do (
rem // Determine the creation date for the current file:
set "FIRST=#"
for /F "skip=5" %%J in ('dir /N /-C /T:C "%%I"') do (
rem // Regard line listing file only, ignore summary lines:
if defined FIRST (
set "FIRST="
rem // Check creation date against today:
if "%%J"=="%TODAY%" (
rem // Return files created today:
echo "%%I" has been created today.
rem // Run external program on found file:
if defined exeFile "%exeFile%" "%%I"
rem // Restore previous working directory:
exit /B
I am using two dir command lines here:
the first one returns a bare list of files recursively (/S; no directories because of /A:-D) without any dates/times, headers and footers, due to switch /B; not using this switch would lead to header and footer lines for the whole output and for every iterated sub-directory also, so the output would be quite complicated to be parsed;
the second one receives each file returned by the first one; since there is no /B but the /N option, the file creation date/time is returned (/T:C); for every file the output looks like this:
Volume in drive D is DATA
Volume Serial Number is 0000-0000
Directory of D:\Data
2016/09/29 16:00 1024 current_file.txt
1 File(s) 1024 bytes
0 Dir(s) 1099511623680 bytes free
the first token of the sixth line constituting the creation date is split off and compared against the current date %DATE%; to ignore the header, the skip=5 option of the for /F loop is used; to ignore the summary lines, the variable FIRST is used;
Note that the date format is locale-dependent; as long as there appear no spaces in the date, this is no problem as the current date is also determined by the dir command applied on a temporary file.
Looking at the forfiles /? shows the switch /D that will exclude files that are younger (/d -<days>) or older (/d +<days>) than the given value for <days>.
As you want the files from today, you would set <date> to 0.
Notice, that this will look on the changed date!
Other way would be to use a for /r-loop and get a list of the creation date with dir /T:C ; to sort it add /O-D. Then separate that using a for /f loop to get the lines of the output of dir and another one to separate it (possibly easier without the nested loops).
You can than compare the creation date with %date% or when using one day=24 hrs compare the creation time with %time% additionally.

Windows batch file - process one file at a time

Odd question - but it's driving me a bit crazy. I have a directory where multiple files can be dumped via FTP, then I need to process them one at time. So basically in this directory I could have 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt etc then I need to:
copy the file to an archive (if exist copy to archive)
move the file to one specific filename one at a time - data.txt <--- this is what's getting me
run a command on a legacy backend system client using that specific filename (data.txt)
run another command on legacy client using data.txt
delete data.txt
Move on to the next file and repeat
So far I've tried several methods of do loops without any luck - they all get hung up on trying to rename multiple files into one file, and that just kills me. I'd long ago since given up on batch files but annoyingly, this application has to use windows, and Server 2003 to boot.
EDIT: Here's what I've tried-
This works to do one file at a time:
if exist c:\jail\ftp*.txt copy c:\jail\ftp*.txt w:\scans\archive*.txt
if exist c:\jail\ftp*.txt move c:\jail\ftp*.txt w:\data.txt
if exist w:\data.txt C:\temp\rmtcmdb.exe
if exist w:\data.txt del w:\data.txt
I've tried multiple for loops without success, here is the latest (NOTE - I'm just trying to get past the move stage on this one, once I'm done with that I'll add in the rest):
FOR /f %%a IN ("c:\jail\ftp\") DO (
CALL SET /A x = !x! +1
if !x! == 1 (
CALL copy %%a w:\scans\archive*.txt
CALL move %%a w:\data.txt
I've also tried some very basic for loops, and again - nothing is getting past the move stage.
Any suggestions?
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions
for %%a in ("c:\jail\ftp*.txt") do (
set "fileName=%%~na"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
copy "%%~fa" "w:\scans\!fileName:*ftp=archive!%%~xa"
move /y "%%~fa" "w:\data.txt"
start "" /wait "c:\temp\rmtcmdb.exe"
if exist "w:\data.txt" del /s "w:\data.txt" >nul 2>nul

Windows Shell Command to Show File Name and Last Access Time

I am trying to write a Windows command to list files and their last access times, sorted by access time.
I have used
dir [directory] /O:D /T:A /S /B > output.txt
This outputs the files in directory and sub directories in order by their last access time; however I also need it to output the last access time as well. How is this accomplished?
from within a batch file:
>output.txt (
for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /o:d /t:a /s /b "c:\myPath\*"') #echo %%~tF %%F
However, there are some things you need to be aware of:
The files are sorted by access timestamp within a directory. It does not sort by access timestamp across all the directories. Your original code has the same problem. To sort accross directories requires parsing the access timestamp and converting it into a string that will sort chronologically when ordered via SORT. Something like "yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mm". Even that is not particularly good because you don't have access to the seconds. You could use WMIC DATAFILE to list file names with last access timestamps at a sub-second level. But why bother, considering that...
The last access timestamp maintained by Windows is not reliable! There are many situations whereby an application can read a file and yet the last access timestamp is not updated. I've seen some reference material somewhere that talks about that, but I don't remember where.
If you still think you want to get a list of files sorted by last access timestamp for an entire folder hierarchy, then the following will work. Assume you want to list all files under "c:\test\"
wmic datafile where "drive='c:' and path like '\\test\\%'" get name, lastaccessed | sort
The timestamp will have the format YYYYMMDDhhmmssddddddZZZZ where
YYYY = year
MM = month
DD = day
hh = hour (24 hour format)
mm = minutes
ss = seconds
dddddd = micro seconds
ZZZZ = timezone, expressed as minutes difference from GMT (the 1st character is the sign)
The wildcard search in WMIC causes terrible performance. Here is a version that iterates through all the folders in the root hierarchy, running WMIC against each specific folder (no wildcard). It has decent performance.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "root=c:\test"
set "output=output.txt"
set "tempFile=%temp%\dir_ts_%random%.txt"
for /d /r "%root%" %%F in (.) do (
set "folder=%%~pnxF\"
set "drive=%%~dF"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
2>nul wmic datafile where "drive='!drive!' and path='!folder:\=\\!'" get name, lastaccessed|findstr /brc:[0-9]
) >"%tempFile%
sort "%tempFile%" >"%output%"
del "%tempFile%"
