How to debug performance issue/optimize your meteor app - performance

I just deployed my Meteor app onto a production server on Digital Ocean.
I noticed that for about 7500 documents, it takes about 3-5 seconds to fully fetch the objects (selectively taking only 3 fields) and populate the autocomplete data. I believe it should rather be instantenous for such number of data, so I am curious how I can debug performance issues from here and optimize more. How should I go about debugging performance issues for a Meteor app? I tried seeing the network tab but nothing seems to take more than a second. I am not sure why it takes 3-5 seconds for the search bar with an autocomplete feature to get ready. After a close inspection, populating autocomplete fields is instantaneous, and the time until subscribe function's callback is called is about 3 to 5 seconds.
I've already looked into Kadira, but it reported that everything was complete within milliseconds, so I am confused.
possibly related: Meteor's subscription and sync are slow
After all, is 3-5 seconds for 7800 documents with 2 fields reasonable?

Let me tell you what's really happening here.
Kadira shows the time taken to fetch the data from the server and queue it to the network. So, 500 - 700 ms is reasonable for that.
So, this 3-5 ms latency is the network latency. That means the time taken to send data to the client via the network. It's quite okay for 7500+ documents even with three fields over DDP.
So, my suggestion is to do the search on the server and use something like Search Source for that.
With that, you'll get the only data required to the client. Which reduce the latency and saves the CPU of your app.


Fetch third party data in a periodic interval

I've an application with 10M users. The application has access to the user's Google Health data. I want to periodically read/refresh users' data using Google APIs.
The challenge that I'm facing is the memory-intensive task. Since Google does not provide any callback for new data, I'll be doing background sync (every 30 mins). All users would be picked and added to a queue, which would then be picked sequentially (depending upon the number of worker nodes).
Now for 10M users being refreshed every 30 mins, I need a lot of worker nodes.
Each user request takes around 1 sec including network calls.
In 30 mins, I can process = 1800 users
To process 10M users, I need 10M/1800 nodes = 5.5K nodes
Quite expensive. Both monetary and operationally.
Then thought of using lambdas. However, lambda requires a NAT with an internet gateway to access the public internet. Relatively, it very cheap.
Want to understand if there's any other possible solution wrt the scale?
Without knowing more about your architecture and the google APIs it is difficult to make a recommendation.
Firstly I would see if google offer a bulk export functionality, then batch up the user requests. So instead of making 1 request per user you can make say 1 request for 100k users. This would reduce the overhead associated with connecting and processing/parsing of the message metadata.
Secondly i'd look to see if i could reduce the processing time, for example an interpreted language like python is in a lot of cases much slower than a compiled language like C# or GO. Or maybe a library or algorithm can be replaced with something more optimal.
Without more details of your specific setup its hard to offer more specific advice.

Meteor subscription ready performance

I have a performance issue with Meteor subscriptions, and the time taken from subscribing to the subscription to be ready.
I subscribe to three collections, and the subscription onReady events don't get called until around 4 seconds later (they all take exactly the same time to return call onReady).
Logging on the server shows that the results are returned from the database in only a few milliseconds. The server I am running localhost, so the network latency / speed isn't an issue (I get the same problem when loading from a staging server).
As far as I can see, I do not have any blocking code, and the timeline shows lots of idle time, so I don't know what causes this long delay.
The user data and channels collections are quite small, and the schedules is around 1mb (I'm not sure how to get the exact size, but when I log and minify the json it's 1mb), but when I test to return only a small number of objects (5, rather than the usual 40) the load is still slow (5 takes ~2000ms, 40 takes ~3000ms)
Any suggestions, tips or gotchas appreciated.

Does the Google Analytics API throttle requests?

Does the Google Analytics API throttle requests?
We have a batch script that I have just moved from v2 to v3 of the API and the requests go through quite well for the first bit (50 queries or so) and then they start taking 4s or so each. Is this Google throttling us?
While Matthew is correct, I have another possibility for you. Google analytics API cashes your requests to some extent. Let me try and explain.
I have a customer / site that I request data from. While testing I noticed some strange things.
the first million rows results would come back with in an acceptable amount of time.
after a million rows things started to slow down we where seeing results returning in 5 times as much time instead of 5 minutes we where waiting 20 minutes or more for the results to return.
Request URL :,ga:sourceMedium,ga:country,ga:networkDomain,ga:pagePath,ga:exitPagePath,ga:landingPagePath&metrics=ga:entrances,ga:pageviews,ga:exits,ga:bounces,ga:timeOnPage,ga:uniquePageviews&filters=ga:userType%3D%3DReturning+Visitor;ga:deviceCategory%3D%3Ddesktop&start-date=2014-05-12&end-date=2014-05-22&start-index=236001&max-results=2000&oauth_token={OauthToken}
Request Time (seconds:milliseconds): :0:484
Request URL :,ga:sourceMedium,ga:country,ga:networkDomain,ga:pagePath,ga:exitPagePath,ga:landingPagePath&metrics=ga:entrances,ga:pageviews,ga:exits,ga:bounces,ga:timeOnPage,ga:uniquePageviews&filters=ga:userType%3D%3DReturning+Visitor;ga:deviceCategory%3D%3Ddesktop&start-date=2014-05-12&end-date=2014-05-22&start-index=238001&max-results=2000&oauth_token={OauthToken}
Request Time (seconds:milliseconds): :7:968
I did a lot of testing stopping and starting my application. I couldn't figure out why the data was so fast in the beginning then slow later.
Now I have some contacts on the Google Analytics Development team the guys in charge of the API. So I made a nice test app, logged some results showing my issue and sent it off to them. With the question Are you throttling me?
They where also perplexed, and told me there is no throttle on the API. There is a flood protection limit that Matthew speaks of. My Developer contact forwarded it to the guys in charge of the traffic.
Fast forward a few weeks. It seams that when we make a request for a bunch of data Google cashes the data for us. Its saved on the server incase we request it again. By restarting my application I was accessing the cashed data and it would return fast. When I let the application run longer I would suddenly reach non cashed data and it would take longer for them to return the request.
I asked how long is data cashed for, answer there was no set time. So I don't think you are being throttled. I think your initial speedy requests are cashed data and your slower requests are non cashed data.
Email back from google:
Hi Linda,
I talked to the engineers and they had a look. The response was
basically that they thinks it's because of caching. The response is
below. If you could do some additional queries to confirm the behavior
it might be helpful. However, what they need to determine is if it's
because you are querying and hitting cached results (because you've
already asked for that data). Anyway, take a look at the comments
below and let me know if you have additional questions or results that
you can share.
Summary from talking to engineer: "Items not already in our cache will
exhibit a slower retrieval processing time than items already present
in the cache. The first query loads the response into our cache and
typical query times without using the cache is about 7 seconds and
with using the cache is a few milliseconds. We can also confirm that
you are not hitting any rate limits on our end, as far as we can tell.
To confirm if this is indeed what's happening in your case, you might
want to rerun verified slow queries a second time to see if the next
query speeds up considerably (this could be what you're seeing when
you say you paste the request URL into a browser and results return
-- IMBA Google Analytics API Developer --
Google's Analytics API does have a rate limit per their docs:
However they should not caused delayed requests, rather the request should be returned with a response of: 403 userRateLimitExceeded
Description of that error:
Indicates that the user rate limit has been exceeded. The maximum rate limit is 10 qps per IP address. The default value set in Google Developers Console is 1 qps per IP address. You can increase this limit in the Google Developers Console to a maximum of 10 qps.
Google's recommended course of action:
Retry using exponential back-off. You need to slow down the rate at which you are sending the requests.

Golang app-engine performance parameters

Using stock out-of-the-box configuration on a golang app-engine project, I am getting very disappointing performance. Any hints on what I might be missing? How should a golang google app be optimized?
Sending a few dozen requests, not more than six concurrently, I find only one instance handling all the requests, up to six requests concurrently (not sequentially) on that one instance - where I expected to see up to six instances. Possibly as a result, things seem to be blocking. I am seeing many timeouts, even on administrative functions like blobstore.Create(), which didn't happen when requests were being sent and processed individually.
EDIT1: These three lines
context.Infof("Sending request to blobstore to create %s as %s", Name, MimeType)
blobWriter, err := blobstore.Create(context, MimeType)
if err!=nil {
context.Warningf("Unable to access content store: %v",err)
are producing:
I 12:47:36.201 Sending request to blobstore to create download.jpg as application/octet-stream
W 12:47:41.251 Unable to access content store: Canceled: Deadline exceeded (timeout)
On failure here it is always about five seconds in blobstore.Create (a few milliseconds when it passes). Timeouts also occur in blobstore.Write and blobstore.Close and datastore, but with 20 to 30 second delays.
--End EDIT1.
There also seem to be performance issues. There is one computationally intensive bit, taking nearly a second to complete on my home machine (at 1.7GHz). According to the logged time stamps, that same code running on the remote app-engine (at 600MHz) is taking over 30 seconds on average, with a maximum of 109 seconds. That doesn't seem right!
EDIT2: The most computationally intensive bit used the resize function:
(with the obvious bug fixes). Not the most efficient resizer, but fast enough for now in a stand-along app. However it runs an order of magnitude slower in appengine (either the local SDK version 1.9 or running on Google's servers). Perhaps Google's version of the image library is slower? Probably the library? - A recursive fibonacci computation runs inside appengine in the same time as outside (same order of magnitude as C code).
--- End EDIT2
Any hints on how to get google app performance more similar to a multi-threaded stand-along application? So far these preliminary scaling experiments have been a miserable failure!
UPDATE: Using runtime.GOMAXPROCS(6), for a maximum of 6 concurrent requests, made no measurable difference. When using "manual_scaling" with more instances that requests was helpful, requests usually get assigned to different instances, but sometimes not - leading to problems.
A partial solution: Segregate computationally intensive requests on a separate module, running on separate instances, so that they do not block smaller more time-sensitive requests. Next, break down larger functions into several smaller requests, so that several can run "concurrently" on the same instance without timing out? (Make the client send several requests to do one job!)
It would be much better if I could ask the appengine just to start new instances for each request when none are available. Experimentally, starting a new instance is much cheaper than running two requests in slow motion on one instance.

Please help resolve bottle neck in wait times for Http Responses?

As far as a performance issue, the server is performing fine. With the exception of the http response wait times. This will become more of an issue as we grow our line of online services. All things being equal, I’m confused how this new server is it not loading pages as quickly as an older server running multiple websites, logging, etc…
Here is a screen shot from the online testing tool I’ve been using. These results are consistent regardless of time of day, The numbers here don’t make sense. The new site page is 75% smaller, yet its total time to live is only 26ms faster. In the below image the left side is NEW SERVER, the right side is OLD SERVER
The left portion of the timeline is the Handshaking portion. So, you can see, the new server, is about the same speed. The purple middle section, that represents wait time. It’s about 4 times the delay in milliseconds as OLD SERVER. The Grayish section on the right represents the actual time to download the file. You will also notice that the new server is significantly faster at downloading the response, this is most likely due to the 75% decrease in the response size.
You can see the complete results for the new server here.
Here’s a table of the differences that I’m aware of, let me know if you see one that could be the culprit. I forgot to add this to the table, but the old server, is in production, right now serving requests, when www.gtmetrix is hitting it. In contrast, to my New server, which is just me connecting and generating requests.
My current hypothesis, is that the slowness is caused some combination of the server being virtualized, incorrect IIS settings, or the difference between 32bit and 64bit OSes
The server in in Sarasota(?), the test agent is in Vancouver so roughly 4,356KM apart (as the crow flies) so the best round trip time you could hope for is around 45ms.
Given it won't be a direct route and things like routers etc. will that add latency then the 155ms round-trip you seem to be getting is pretty reasonable.
Looking at the request for the HTML page the 344ms to complete it a pretty good time - basically 114ms to set up the connection, 115ms to receive the first bytes from server and then 155ms to get the complete response.
Unless you get decrease the roundtrip time then this time isn't going to improve much - have you tried testing from gtmetrix's Dallas server as a comparison?
If it is a slow server response then something like PAL ( is worth using as a first look to see what's happening on the server but I'd also look how quickly the SQL server is responding to the queries that are used on the test page.
A couple of things you want to look at later in the waterfall...
For the two files that are hosted from it takes longer to resolve their DNS name than it does to download them so you may want to consider hosing them yourself
For the text based content e.g. HTML, CSS, JS etc. what level of gzip compression are you applying and are the compressed files being cached on the server? (the server times for them look a bit long)
Looking at the complete results, it seems the lower bound for the wait times would be 115ms. Not a single request is faster, most are around 125ms, and judging from the requested resources, there's a lot of static resources as well, so serving the response should not involve a lot of CPU. Even though responses are as small as 123 bytes, there's still this delay.
So it looks like a general issue, possibly not even related to IIS. Here some ideas how I'd try to debug this.
How long does a ping roundtrip take? (i.e. Is it a general network issue, routing etc.?)
How long do HTTP requests take when done from the server box (e.g. to localhost)? (If they all take more than ~100ms, start profiling inside the server box)
