DLL missing error when EXE run from command line [VS2010] - visual-studio-2010

So I built an SSH-connect-test console application using libssh library, and is dependent on ssh.dll.
The application works perfectly fine when run from inside VS2010, but gives "ssh.dll missing from your computer. Reinstall the program" error when the same EXE is run from the command prompt.
Any inputs as to why am I seeing this dual behaviour of the console application from inside and outside of VS2010?

you should download ssh.dll by searching it in google .when the file downloads ,paste it in your application directery
download it here

Had to copy the dependencies (DLL) inside the /Release or /Debug folder to run the EXE.


Visual Studio Setup Project: Failed to execute script after installing app and opening it

So I finished an app, made an .exe, and the original .exe works, but when I try to install the app, the .exe and shortcuts to the .exe don't work. I get this error message: Failed to execute script (app name)
Is there a solution to this or should I make the installer another way or on another computer? In the meantime, I'll try to look into other options.
So I switched to Inno Setup and the first time I built the installer it worked. But after building again, the same error occurred. I eventually tried running the app as admin and it worked, so to fix the issue, I added something in the registry to make the app run as admin by default. This is how you do that.

Docker for Windows exe fails inside Container

In-House developed .exe file is failing in container, it prints no error, and just returns the exit code -1073741515. The exe seems to be running fine on other machines. I understand this error code means it's missing a DLL File or Library but I don't which one.
It's a windowsservercore based container. Running no other application except this .exe, and running it on Command Prompt, although Powershell also return same exit code.
I took a dump of it using dumpbin tool (which comes with Visual Studio), to check which DLL files it uses, and my container is also having all those DLLs
I tried Dr. Memory tools like drmemory.exe and it says the WARNING: libraries needed by the application are missing. Check that it runs successfully on its own and check that all needed libraries are in its directory or on the PATH.
I am running out of options to troubleshoot. How can I find what is causing this .exe to fail or any missing dependency?

Advanced Installer: Installed .exe won't launch from installation directory

Using Advanced Installer, I have created and run a simple installer that contains a single .exe.
This .exe started as an executable jar (w/ splashscreen) and was built into a Windows .exe using Launch4j.
Once the application is installed (in C:\Program Files (x86)...), I can't execute it from the installation directory. However, if I copy the .exe to anywhere else, Desktop, or any other directories created by other installers, the .exe will start perfectly.
This appears to be a folder or application permissions issue. Comparing the permissions between this folder and the one created by Advanced Installer, the permissions and settings are identical.
The ONLY difference I see, between the installed .exe and the same .exe copied to another folder, is that the "Edit Permissions" button has an admin shield on it (one originally installed by AI).
Is there a setting in Advanced Installer that will allow my .exe to run once installed, or is this just trickery employed by AI to get you to pay for a more robust version? I am unable to make any changes in the OS that enable this file to run in the directory created by AI.
If the executable fails to run from Program Files but does works from another folder it most probably happens that your EXE needs write access to that folder. If you launch it with the option "Run as administrator" it should work. This is not caused by a limitation from Advanced Installer.
Starting with Vista onward you can embed a manifest file into an executable file, that specifies for the OS the execution level, so you can set the level to "RequireAdministrator", thus your will EXE will always behave as you launch it with the option "Run as administrator" when launched from a shortcut or double-clicked.
The cause of this error was that the target directory included an exclamation mark. "!".
I had switched to using InnoInstaller and it was working in an initial version, until I later switched the target dir to include the exclamation mark, and it was broken in the same way. (Removing it fixed.)
Have no idea why this was causing the problem, just an fyi.

Nuget.exe crashes when invoked from cmd.exe

I'm trying to automatically download Nuget.exe from a Rakefile, in order to minimize the amount of initial setup needed to run my samples on GitHub.
I've understand how to download a file (I'm using HTTParty) and how to save a binary file (using the b flag on File.new) but now I've got problem running Nuget.exe. In particular:
if I launch it directly or from PowerShell, the executable runs fine;
if I launch it from cmd or from a Rakefile (which in turn runs cmd), Windows tells me that the program "stopped working".
I reproduced the same behavior with the Nuget bootstrapper, so I thought that the cause was some configuration in my computer.
It then occured to me that I installed ansicom, a library to handle ANSI sequences. I disabled it and then Nuget started without any problem.

launch4j exe has nothing to say for itself, anyone got a suggestion?

Running on Linux, I've used launch4j to package an exe.
I copy the exe into my Windows 7 VM, and run it.
And nothing happens.
I run it with --l4j-debug, and nothing still happens (at least, if there's a log file, I cannot find it).
Is there some diagnostic technology that I'm missing here?
Create a console version of your EXE (in the "Header" tab, change "Header type" from "GUI" to "Console") and run that from a CMD prompt.
Most likely you will see an exception message in the console, and that will explain why your app is failing to start.
The .jar file needs to be an executable JAR file. Make sure it is and try creating the .exe file with the executable jar file. This should solve it!
