Closing an application and saving data when using ARC Welder - google-chrome-arc

When closing an application using ARC Welder, does the application get any message about this?
There are methods like OnPause / OnStop / OnDestroy. They are called by Android OS, but in our opinion they are not called by ARC Welder when we close an application. So the data can't be saved this way and the user would have to save all data manually before closing the application.

Sorry, it looks like we do currently not forward the signal we receive from the event.
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Xamarin MvvmCross - MvxFragment communicating with MvxActionBarActivity

I currently have a project in Xamarin and I am using MvvmCross. I have an MvxActionBarActivity that hosts MvxFragments. Now when I want to close the entire MvxActionBarActivity, the event begins in the Fragment and I want to tell the MvxActionBarActivity to close. Calling Close(this) in the fragment viewmodel is not working.
I have considered using MvxMessegner to send message from one viewmodel to the other but due to the relationship of a fragment and an activity I am wondering if there is a better way to do this.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
When you want to close an Activity you need to call Finish(). This will close that activity and go back to that what is on the backstack.
If you want to call that from your viewmodel you should use a custom presenter:

Marking a view as "busy" in Cocoa

I'm writing a Cocoa app, and I need to indicate to the user that a view is invalid and can't respond until a background job is completed.
Longer version:
A view in my app contains some data fetched from a server. When the app determines that the data is invalid, it fetches fresh information and displays it. Usually the update happens too quickly to see, but if server or network problems cause the background job to take more than a second or two, I need to make sure the user
Cannot interact with the view until the job is finished;
Can tell that the view is awaiting an update; and
Can continue to interact with other parts of the application until the job is finished.
1) is important because any operation initiated with the stale data will fail, and if the network or the server is slow, I don't want the user to waste his time with futile attempts to interact with that part of the application. (It's fine if the user can still see the data. That could conceivably be helpful, actually, but it isn't crucial.)
What is the standard way to do this in Cocoa? For what it's worth, in the Eclipse framework I think I used the showBusy method on ViewPart.
If there isn't a standard way, does anyone have any suggestions for tackling it? I haven't been using OS X very long, so I'm not even sure how an app is supposed to look and behave in this situtaion. (The screenshots on this page looking promising, but it's iOS, not OS X:
Right now I'm working on replacing the whole view with an NSProgressIndicator and restoring the view after the task finishes, but removing the view means my app could end up in a funky state if something goes wrong. Also, I'd like to be able to factor this functionality out into its own class or category(?) since I will have this issue with several different view classes in my application. Ideally I'd like to end up with something as simple as Eclipse's view.showBusy(true)/view.showBusy(false).
Any and all help would be appreciated.
Why not just draw another view on top of the busy view? You could either have it display an image that means busy, or draw it as semitransparent, so it shades out the before-update version of the busy view.

How can a Mac app determine the method used to launch it?

I have a Mac OS X application that is also a protocol handler (just as, for example, Safari is a protocol handler for the HTTP and HTTPS protocols). So when a user clicks a link of the form myscheme://some-kind-of-info in any application at all, my application launches to handle the link.
Now I need to be able to determine if the application was launched by such a link click, or if it was launched by any other method. In other words, it was launched by any method besides a link click. (In those cases, I want the app to stay open, but if it was launched by a link it should quit and ignore the link. This way it only operates when already running.)
Is there some way within the app at startup to introspect and find out that it was launched by a standard method rather than by an AppleScript GetURL event? I'd like to find out through a documented method, rather than - for example - just have my app only open these links after it's been running for a half a second.
You can register a handler for each of the possible Apple Events you'll get on launch, and make note of which one you receive first.
If the application is launched without documents, you'll get kAEOpenApplication.
If it's launched with documents, you'll get kAEOpenDocuments (or
If it's launched with a URL, then (obviously) you'll get kAEGetURL.
There's also kAEOpenContents, but I wasn't able to trigger it easily in my test app; it's probably worth supporting no matter what.
How Cocoa Applications Handle Apple Events documents all of this stuff.
There is one error in there, though; it says that AppleScript's "launch" will send kAEOpenApplication. It won't, it'll send ascr/noop (kASAppleScriptSuite/kASLaunchEvent, defined in ASRegistry.h). I couldn't get the usual Cocoa event handler mechanism to trap this event, so you may need to do some more digging there.
One way you can check if the event is sent at launch is to register the event handlers in your application delegate's applicationWillFinishLaunching: method; they should deliver by the time applicationDidFinishLaunching: is invoked. With that method, you could potentially only check for kAEGetURL.

Is there an API event for when person changes clock on Windows?

I was wondering if there's some sort of system event that gets fired every time a user changes the time in Windows. I know there's a way to enable this in Windows' EventLog, but I was looking for a way to respond to this event programatically (like using the Windows API).
A WM_TIMECHANGE message is sent whenever there is a change in the system time
I'm not sure from your question if you're working in managed or native code. But if you're working in managed code you can use the TimeChanged event on the SystemEvents class.

Session 0 Isolation

Vista puts out a new security preventing Session 0 from accessing hardware like the video card, and the user no longer logs into session 0. I know this means that I cannot show the user a GUI, however, does that also mean I can't show one at all? The way my code is set up right now, it would be more work to make it command line only, however if I can use my existing code and just programmatically manage the GUI it would take a lot less code.
Is this possible?
The article from MSDN says this:
• A service attempts to create a user interface (UI), such as a dialog box, in Session 0. Because the user is not running in Session 0, he or she never sees the UI and therefore cannot provide the input that the service is looking for. The service appears to stop functioning because it is waiting for a user response that does not occur.
Which makes me think it is possible to have an automated UI, but someone told me that you couldn't use SendKeys with a service because it was disabled in Session 0.
EDIT: I don't actually need to show the user the GUI
You can show one; it just doesn't show up.
There is a little notification in the taskbar about there being a GUI window and a way to switch to it.
Anyway, there actually is a TerminalServices API command to switch active session that you could call if you really needed it to show up.
You can write a separate process which provides the UI for your service process. The communication between your UI and service process can be done in various ways (search the web for "inter process communication" or "IPC").
Your service can have a GUI. It's simply that no human will ever see it. As the MSDN quote suggests, a service can display a dialog box. The call to MessageBox won't fail; it just won't ever return — there won't be anyone to press its buttons.
I'm not sure what you mean by wanting to "manage the GUI." Do you actually mean pretending to send input to the controls, as with SendInput? I see no reason that it wouldn't be possible; you'd be injecting input into your own program's queue, after all, and SendInput's Vista-specific warnings don't say anything about that. But I think you'd be making things much more complicated than they need to be. Revisit the idea to alter your program to have no UI at all. (That's not the same as having a console program. Consoles are UI.)
Instead of simulating the mouse messages necessary to click a button, for instance, eliminate the middle-man and simply call directly the function that the button-click event would have called.
