How to send an E-mail with AWK using the SYSTEM command - bash

So I have this uni homework where I need to send an E-mail to all the people from a certain group of students (which are listed in the diak.lst file) and to attach the text from a file to the mail as well. The address of the students is in a similar form: xy9999, 2 characters and 4 numbers.
The problem seems to be at the SYSTEM part, it says that there is no such thing as "attachedfile".
The diak.lst is in the following format:
George Peter gp9999 511
This is the script
if [ ! -f $2 ]
then echo $2 Not a file!!
exit 1
awk -v group=$1 -v attachedfile=$2 'BEGIN {fs=" ";nr_sent_to=0;}
if ($4==group){
system("mail -s \"Attention!\"" $3 " < " attachedfile);
print nr_sent_to,"-have received the mail";
' diak.lst

You dont have a space before $3 in the string mail sees- try changing \"Attention!\"" $3 to \"Attention!\" " $3.
You have fs=" " which does nothing. Maybe you mean FS=" " but that's the default value so it will do nothing.
Your input file has a comma-separated header line so when processing that $3 etc. will be blank, add a NR>1 clause.
awk vars already init to 0/NULL so no need for nr_sent_to=0. You do have to then add +0 when printing it in the END section to make sure the number zero instead of the NULL string is printed if/when no emails are sent.
Given that everything you are doing in the BEGIN section is doing nothing useful, get rid of the BEGIN section.
Won't affect the script execution but: awk is not C - lose all the useless trailing semi-colons.
Put conditions in the condition part of the script, not the action part.
Quote your shell variables.
So with a bit more cleanup the end result would be:
awk -v group="$1" -v attachedfile="$2" '
NR>1 && ($4==group) {
system("mail -s \"Attention!\" " $3 " < " attachedfile)
print nr_sent_to+0, "-have received the mail"
' diak.lst


Split command output into separate variables

I'm trying to use a bash script with macos time machine.
I'm trying to read the properties of the time machine backup destinations and then split the destinations into variables if there are multiple destinations.
from there I can use the ID to make a backup.
I'm having trouble splitting the output into their own variables.
rawdstinfo=$(tmutil destinationinfo)
echo "$rawdstinfo"
> ==================================================
Name : USB HDD
Kind : Local
Mount Point : /Volumes/USB HDD
ID : 317BD93D-7D90-494C-9D5F-9013B25D1345
Name : TM TEST
Kind : Local
Mount Point : /Volumes/TM TEST
ID : 4648083B-2A11-42BC-A8E0-D95917053D27
I was thinking of counting the ================================================== and then trying to split the variable based on them but i'm not having any luck.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
to make it clear what i would like to achieve, I would like to send each destination drive to an object. From there I can compare the mount point names (which has been selected earlier in the script), to then get the "destination ID" within that object so I can then use it with the other tmutil commands such as
#start a TM backup
sudo tmutil startbackup --destination $DESTINATIONID
#remove Migration HDD as a destination
sudo tmutil removedestination $DESTINATIONID
I like to use awk for parsing delimited flat files. I copied the tmutil output from your question and pasted it into a file I named testdata.txt since I'm not doing this on a Mac. Make sure the number of equal signs in the record separators actually match what tmutil produces.
Here is the awk portion of the solution which goes into a file I named timemachine_variables.awk:
function ltrim(s) { sub(/^[ \t\r\n]+/, "", s); return s }
function rtrim(s) { sub(/[ \t\r\n]+$/, "", s); return s }
function trim(s) { return rtrim(ltrim(s)); }
(FNR>1 && $1 ~ /Name/) {print "Name["i"]="trim($2)}
(FNR>1 && $3 ~ /Kind/) {print "Kind["i"]="trim($4)}
(FNR>1 && $5 ~ /Mount Point/) {print "Mount_Point["i"]="trim($6)}
(FNR>1 && $7 ~ /ID/) {print "ID["i"]="trim($8)}
The functions at the beginning are to trim leading or trailing white spaces off any fields. I split the records based on the equals sign separators and the fields based on the colon ":" character. FNR is gawk's internal variable for the current record number that we're looking at. Since the output apparently begins with a bar of equal signs, the first record is empty so I am using FNR > 1 as a condition to exclude it. Then I have gawk print code which will become array assignments for bash. In your example, this should be gawk's output:
$ gawk -f timemachine_variables.awk testdata.txt
Name[1]=USB HDD
Mount_Point[1]=/Volumes/USB HDD
Name[2]=TM TEST
Mount_Point[2]=/Volumes/TM TEST
In your BASH script, declare the arrays from the gawk script's output:
$ declare $(gawk -f timemachine_variables.awk testdata.txt)
You should now have BASH arrays for each drive:
$ echo ${ID[2]}
UPDATE: The original awk script that I posted does not work on the Mac because BSD awk does not support multi-character separators. I'm leaving it here because it works for gawk, and comparing the two scripts may help others who are looking for a way to achieve multi-character separator behavior in BSD awk.
Instead of changing the default record separator which is the end of the line, I set my own counter of i to 0, and then increment it every time the whole record starts and ends with one or more equal signs. Since awk now views each line as its own record and the field separator is still ":", the name we are trying to match is always in $1 and the value is always in $2.
function ltrim(s) { sub(/^[ \t\r\n]+/, "", s); return s }
function rtrim(s) { sub(/[ \t\r\n]+$/, "", s); return s }
function trim(s) { return rtrim(ltrim(s)); }
($0 ~ /^=+$/) {i++;}
($1 ~ /Name/) {print "Name["i"]="trim($2)}
($1 ~ /Kind/) {print "Kind["i"]="trim($2)}
($1 ~ /Mount Point/) {print "Mount_Point["i"]="trim($2)}
($1 ~ /ID/) {print "ID["i"]="trim($2)}

Can the regex matching pattern for awk be placed above the opening brace of the action line, or must it be on the same line?

I'm studying awk pretty fiercely to write a git diffn implementation which will show line numbers for git diff, and I want confirmation on whether or not this Wikipedia page on awk is wrong [Update: I've now fixed this part of that Wikipedia page, but this is what it used to say]:
print 3+2
print foobar(3)
print foobar(variable)
print sin(3-2)
Output may be sent to a file:
print "expression" > "file name"
or through a pipe:
print "expression" | "command"
Notice (pattern) is above the opening brace. I'm pretty sure this is wrong but need to know for certain before editing the page. What I think that page should look like is this:
/regex_pattern/ {
print 3+2
print foobar(3)
print foobar(variable)
print sin(3-2)
Output may be sent to a file:
/regex_pattern/ {
print "expression" > "file name"
or through a pipe:
/regex_pattern/ {
print "expression" | "command"
Here's a test to "prove" it. I'm on Linux Ubuntu 18.04.
gawk \
Test and error output:
$ echo -e "hey1\nhello\nhey2" | ./
gawk: cmd. line:3: BEGIN blocks must have an action part
But with this:
gawk \
It works fine!:
$ echo -e "hey1\nhello\nhey2" | ./
Another example (fails to provide expected output):
gawk \
print $0
Erroneous output:
$ echo -e "hey1\nhello\nhey2" | ./
But like this:
gawk \
/hey/ {
print $0
It works as expected:
$ echo -e "hey1\nhello\nhey2" | ./
Updates: after solving this problem, I just added these sections below:
Learning material:
In the process of working on this problem, I just spent several hours and created these examples: These examples, comments, and links would prove useful to anyone getting started learning awk/gawk.
git diff with line numbers and proper code alignment/indentation
"BEGIN blocks must have an action part" error in awk script
The whole point of me learning awk at all in the first place was to write git diffn. I just got it done: Git diff with line numbers (Git log with line numbers)
I agree with you that the Wikipedia page is wrong. It's right in the awk manual:
A pattern-action statement has the form
pattern { action }
A missing { action } means print the line; a missing pattern always matches. Pattern-action statements are separated by newlines or semicolons.
Statements are terminated by semicolons, newlines or right braces.
This the man page for the default awk on my Mac. The same information is in the GNU awk manual, it's just buried a little deeper. And the POSIX specification of awk states
An awk program is composed of pairs of the form:
pattern { action }
Either the pattern or the action (including the enclosing brace characters) can be omitted.
A missing pattern shall match any record of input, and a missing action shall be equivalent to:
{ print }
You can see in you examples that instead of semicolons at the end of statements you can separate them with new lines. When you have
{ ...
it's equivalent to /regex/; {...} which is equal to /regex/{print $0} {...} as you tested the behavior.
Note that BEGIN and END are special markers and they need action statements explicitly since for BEGIN {print $0} is not possible as the default action. That's why the open curly brace should be on the same line. Perhaps due to convenience but it's all consistent.

Bash script does nothing when I run it, seems to keep waiting

I've written my first script, one in which I want to know if 2 files have the same values in a specific column.
Both files are WEKA machine-learning prediction outputs for different algorithms, hence they have to be in the same format, but the prediction column would be different.
Here's the code I've written based on the tutorial presented in
lineasdel1=$(wc -l $1 | awk '{print $1}')
lineasdel2=$(wc -l $2 | awk '{print $1}')
if [ "$lineasdel1" != "$lineasdel2" ]; then
echo "Files $1 and $2 have different number of lines, unable to perform"
exit 1
function quitalineasraras {
awk '$1!="==="&&NF>0'
function acomodo {
awk '{gsub(/^ +| +$/, ""); gsub(/ +0/, " W 0"); gsub(/ +1$/, " W 1"); gsub(/ +/, "\t") gsub(/\+\tW/, "+"); print}'
function procesodel1 {
quitalineasraras "$1" | acomodo
function procesodel2 {
quitalineasraras "$2" | acomodo
function pegar {
paste <(echo "$el1procesado") <(echo "$el2procesado")
function contarintersec {
awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"} $3==$8 {n++} END {print n}'
interseccion=$(contarintersec $unido)
echo "Estos 2 archivos tienen $interseccion coincidencias."
I ran all individual codes of all functions in the terminal and verified they work successfully (I'm using Linux Mint 19.2). Script's permissions also have been changed to make it executable. Paste command also is supposed to work with that variable syntax.
But when I run it via:
./ file1 file2
if both files have the same number of lines, and I press enter, no output is obtained; instead, the terminal opens an empty line with cursor waiting for something. In order to write another command, I've got to press CTRL+C.
If both files have different number of lines the error message prints successfully, so I think the problem has something to do with the functions, with the fact that awk has different syntax for some chores, or with turning the output of functions into variables.
I know that I'm missing something, but can't come up with what could be.
Any help will be appreciated.
what could be.
function quitalineasraras {
awk '$1!="==="&&NF>0'
function procesodel1 {
quitalineasraras "$1" | acomodo
The positional variables $1 are set for each function separately. The "$1" inside procesodel1 expands to empty. The quitalineasraras is passed one empty argument "".
The awk inside quitalineasraras is passed only the script without the filename, so it reads the input for standard input, ie. it waits for the input on standard input.
The awk inside quitalineasraras without any file arguments makes your script seem to wait.

Assign the value of awk-for loop variable to a bash variable

content within the tempfile
123 sam moore IT_Team
235 Rob Xavir Management
What i'm trying to do is get input from user and search it in the tempfile and output of search should give the column number
Code I have for that
set -x;
read -p "Enter :" sword6;
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
if( $i ~ "'$sword6'$" )
print i;
} ' /root/scripts/pscripts/tempprint.txt;
This exactly the column number
Enter : sam
What i need is the value of i variable should be assigned to bash variable so i can call as per the need in script.
Any help in this highly appreciated.
I searched to find any existing answer but not able to find any. If any let me know please.
first of all, you should pass your shell variable to awk in this way (e.g. sword6)
awk -v word="$sword6" '{.. if($i ~ word)...}`...
to assign shell variable by the output of other command:
shellVar=$(awk '......')
Then you can continue using $shellVar in your script.
regarding your awk codes:
if user input some special chars, your script may fail, e.g .*
if one column had matched userinput multiple times, you may have duplicated output.
if your file had multi-columns matching user input, you may want to handle it.
You just need to capture the output of awk. As an aside, I would pass sword6 as an awk variable, not inject it via string interpolation.
i=$(awk -v w="$sword6" '
{ for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
if ($i ~ w"$") { print i; }
}' /root/scripts/pscipts/tempprint.txt)
Following script may help you on same too.
cat script.ksh
echo "Please enter the user name:"
read var
awk -v val="$var" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if(tolower($i)==tolower(val)){print i,$i}}}' Input_file
If tempprint.txt is big
awk -v w="$word6" '
"$0 ~ \\<w\\>" {
if($i==w)print i
}' tempprint.txt

awk: "not enough arguments to satisfy format string" error in script

I created a script to grab the data from our Unix server, however I am getting the below error:
awk: cmd. line:8: (FILENAME=- FNR=2) fatal: not enough arguments to satisfy format string
^ ran out for this one
Below is the complete script:
export TERM=xterm
date=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M")
ifile="$(date '+/var/EndpointUsage_%I-%M-%p_%d-%m-%Y.csv')"
"$ipath"/cli iedge list | awk '
BEGIN { print "|-----------------|------------------|------------------|";
printf "|%-18s|%-17s|%-16s|\r\n","Registration ID", "Port", "Ongoing Calls"
/Registration ID/ { id = $3; next }
/Port/ { port = $3 ; next }
/Ongoing Calls/ {print "|-------------------|-----------------|------------- -----|";
printf "|%-18s|%-17s|%-16s|\r\n",id,port,$3 }
print "|------------------|------------------|------------------|";
}'>> "$ifile"
Can anyone please help me on this, how can I resolve this error?
AFTER CHANGES the columns are showing correctly, but the Port column does not have any data. It should have 0 or if other endpoint have 1 o 2 Port number.
|Registration ID |Port |Ongoing Calls |
|CC_XXXXXX_01_0 | |174 |
The offending printf is:
printf "|%-18s|%-17s|%-16s|\r\n",id,$3
^^^^ awk wants to see a third parameter here
You have three %s sequences in the format string, so awk expects ,<something else> after the $3. I think maybe it's a copy and paste error. Since you are only printing two column headers, try removing the %-16s| at the end and seeing if that gives you the output you expect.
Edit Without seeing your input file, I don't know for sure. Try this, though -
/Registration ID/ { id = $3; next }
/Port/ { port = $3 ; next }
/Ongoing Calls/ {print "|-------------------|-----------------|------------------|";
printf "|%-18s|%-17s|%-16s|\r\n",id,port,$3 }
I added {port=$3;next} to save the port number, and then when you print them out, I changed id,$3 to id,port,$3 to print the saved id, saved port, and ongoing-calls value ($3) in order.
