stanford-nlp How to predict document level - stanford-nlp

I am using stanford-corenlp-3.4.1 version. I have the question if we give the sentence has multiple sentence, how do I calculate the prediction.
for eg :
String text = "IT was very fantastic experience. it was a pathetice experience";
i am getting the prediction of
IT was very fantastic experience : positive.
it was a pathetice experience : negative.
i am getting the prediction based on each sentence do i get it document level.
based on reading the total text i need to get it either positive or negative.
Here is the sample code:
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("annotators","tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, parse, sentiment");
StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);
Annotation annotation = new Annotation("IT was very fantastic experience. it was a pathetice experience");
List<CoreMap> sentences = annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class);
for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) {
String sentiment = sentence.get(SentimentCoreAnnotations.ClassName.class);
System.out.println(sentiment + "\t" + sentence);
Very positive: IT was very fantastic experience.
Negative it was a pathetice experience

To my knowledge, Stanford NLP does not provide sentiment analysis above the sentence level. One solution would be to compute some sort of mean sentiment value across all sentences in your text, but obviously that's only going to give you a rough idea of the overall sentiment.

Yvespeirsman is on the right track. You can compute an average for a term across the entire document. If you break up the entire document into sentences then calculated sentiment per sentence and compute an average this should give you a good idea of the sentiment regarding that term across the entire studied docum
We made an implementation of his with source code viewable:


Phrases gives different output from Phraser

I'm trying to generate bigrams and trigrams for an LDA topic modeling. My code is given below;
bigram = gensim.models.Phrases(data.normalized, min_count=5, threshold=5,
bigram_mod = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(bigram)
trigram = gensim.models.Phrases(bigram_mod[data.normalized], min_count=5, threshold=2)
trigram_mod = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(trigram)
For some reason, at least for one sample from the corpus, executing trigram[sample] gives me a different result than executing trigram_mod[sample]. My understanding is trigram_mod is the frozen phraser for trigram, and inherits the same parameters.
Why is the result different?

Reduce the output layer size from XLTransformers

I'm running the following using the huggingface implementation:
t1 = "My example sentence is really great."
tokenizer = TransfoXLTokenizer.from_pretrained('transfo-xl-wt103')
model = TransfoXLLMHeadModel.from_pretrained("transfo-xl-wt103")
encoded_input = tokenizer(t1, return_tensors='pt', add_space_before_punct_symbol=True)
output = model(**encoded_input)
tmp = output[0].detach().numpy()
>>> (1, 7, 267735)
With the goal of getting output embeddings that I'll use downstream.
The last dimension is /substantially/ larger than I expected, and it looks like it is the size of the entire vocab_size rather than a reduction based on the ECL from the paper (which potentially I am misinterpreting).
What argument would I provide the model to reduce this layer size to a smaller dimensional space, something more like the basic BERT at 400 or 768 and still obtain good performance based on the pretrained embeddings?
That's because you used ...LMHeadModel, which predicts the next token. You can use TransfoXLModel.from_pretrained("transfo-xl-wt103") instead, then output[0] is the last hidden state which has the shape (batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size).

Is there a way to infer topic distributions on unseen document from gensim LDA pre-trained model using matrix multiplication?

Is there a way to get the topic distribution of an unseen document using a pretrained LDA model without using the LDA_Model[unseenDoc] syntax? I am trying to implement my LDA model into a web application, and if there was a way to use matrix multiplication to get a similar result then I could use the model in javascript.
For example, I tried the following:
import numpy as np
import gensim
from gensim.corpora import Dictionary
from gensim import models
import nltk
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer, SnowballStemmer'wordnet')
def Preprocesser(text_list):
smallestWordSize = 3
processedList = []
for token in gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(text_list):
if token not in gensim.parsing.preprocessing.STOPWORDS and len(token) > smallestWordSize:
return processedList
lda_model = models.LdaModel.load('LDAModel\GoldModel') #Load pretrained LDA model
dictionary = Dictionary.load("ModelTrain\ManDict") #Load dictionary model was trained on
#Sample Unseen Doc to Analyze
doc = "I am going to write a string about how I can't get my task executor \
to travel properly. I am trying to use the \
AGV navigator, but it doesn't seem to be working network. I have been trying\
to use the AGV Process flow but that isn't working either speed\
trailer offset I am now going to change this so I can see how fast it runs"
termTopicMatrix = lda_model.get_topics() #Get Term-topic Matrix from pretrained LDA model
cleanDoc = Preprocesser(doc) #Tokenize, lemmatize, clean and stem words
bowDoc = dictionary.doc2bow(cleanDoc) #Create bow using dictionary
dictSize = len(termTopicMatrix[0]) #Get length of terms in dictionary
fullDict = np.zeros(dictSize) #Initialize array which is length of dictionary size
First = [first[0] for first in bowDoc] #Get index of terms in bag of words
Second = [second[1] for second in bowDoc] #Get frequency of term in bag of words
fullDict[First] = Second #Add word frequency to full dictionary
print('Matrix Multiplication: \n',,fullDict))
print('Conventional Syntax: \n', lda_model[bowDoc])
Matrix Multiplication:
[0.0283254 0.01574513 0.03669142 0.01671816 0.03742738 0.01989461
0.01558603 0.0370233 0.04648389 0.02887623 0.00776652 0.02147539
0.10045133 0.01084273 0.01229849 0.00743788 0.03747379 0.00345913
0.03086953 0.00628912 0.29406082 0.10656977 0.00618827 0.00406316
0.08775404 0.00785408 0.02722744 0.09957815 0.01669402 0.00744392
0.31177135 0.03063149 0.07211428 0.01192056 0.03228589]
Conventional Syntax:
[(0, 0.070313625), (2, 0.056414187), (18, 0.2016589), (20, 0.46500313), (24, 0.1589748)]
In the pretrained model there are 35 topics and 1155 words.
In the "Conventional Syntax" output, the first element of each tuple is the index of the topic and the second element is the probability of the topic. In the "Matrix Multiplication" version, the probability is the index and the value is the probability. Clearly the two don't match up.
For example, the lda_model[unseenDoc] shows that topic 0 has a 0.07 probability, but the matrix multiplication method says that topic has a 0.028 probability. Am I missing a step here?
You can review the full source code used by LDAModel's get_document_topics() method in your installation, or online at:
(It also makes use of the inference() method in the same file.)
It's doing a lot more scaling/normalization/clipping than your code, which is likely the cause of the discrepancy. But you should be able to examine, line-by-line, where your process & its differ to get the steps to match up.
It also shouldn't be hard to use the gensim code's steps as guidance for creating parallel Javascript code that, given the right parts of the model's state, can reproduce its results.

Gensim LDA topic assignment

I am hoping to assign each document to one topic using LDA. Now I realise that what you get is a distribution over topics from LDA. However as you see from the last line below I assign it to the most probable topic.
My question is this. I have to run lda[corpus] for somewhat the second time in order to get these topics. Is there some other builtin gensim function that will give me this topic assignment vectors directly? Especially since the LDA algorithm has passed through the documents it might have saved these topic assignments?
# Get the Dictionary and BoW of the corpus after some stemming/ cleansing
texts = [[stem(word) for word in document.split() if word not in STOPWORDS] for document in cleanDF.text.values]
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(texts)
dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=5, no_above=0.9)
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts]
# The actual LDA component
lda = models.LdaMulticore(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=30, chunksize=10000, passes=10,workers=4)
# Assign each document to most prevalent topic
lda_topic_assignment = [max(p,key=lambda item: item[1]) for p in lda[corpus]]
There is no other builtin Gensim function that will give the topic assignment vectors directly.
Your question is valid that LDA algorithm has passed through the documents but implementation of LDA is working by updating the model in chunks (based on value of chunksize parameter), hence it will not keep the entire corpus in-memory.
Hence you have to use lda[corpus] or use the method lda.get_document_topics()
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(texts)
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts]
test =LDA[corpus[0]]
sorted(test, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])
Topics = ['Topic_'+str(sorted(LDA[i], reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])[0][0]).zfill(3) for i in corpus]

GenSim Word2Vec unexpectedly pruning

My objective is to find a vector representation of phrases. Below is the code I have, that works partially for bigrams using the Word2Vec model provided by the GenSim library.
from gensim.models import word2vec
def bigram2vec(unigrams, bigram_to_search):
bigrams = Phrases(unigrams)
model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences=bigrams[unigrams], size=20, min_count=1, window=4, sg=1, hs=1, negative=0, trim_rule=None)
if bigram_to_search in model.vocab.keys():
return model[bigram_to_search]
return None
The problem is that the Word2Vec model is seemingly doing automatic pruning of some of the bigrams, i.e. len(model.vocab.keys()) != len(bigrams.vocab.keys()). I've tried adjusting various parameters such as trim_rule, min_count, but they don't seem to affect the pruning.
PS - I am aware that bigrams to look up need to be represented using underscore instead of space, i.e. proper way to call my function would be bigram2vec(unigrams, 'this_report')
Thanks to further clarification at the GenSim support forum, the solution is to set the appropriate min_count and threshold values for the Phrases being generated (see documentation for details about these parameters in the Phrases class). The corrected solution code is below.
from gensim.models import word2vec, Phrases
def bigram2vec(unigrams, bigram_to_search):
bigrams = Phrases(unigrams, min_count=1, threshold=0.1)
model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences=bigrams[unigrams], size=20, min_count=1, trim_rule=None)
if bigram_to_search in model.vocab.keys():
return model[bigram_to_search]
return []
