Can we add keyboard shortcuts in ARC app - google-chrome-arc

How can we add keyboard shortcuts in Google Chrome ARC app? As ARC apps now work on desktop Chrome browser, it is a must to have for desktop clients.

Try using android's KeyListener to catch KeyEvents, or as a reference.
If you want to handle keyboard events outside of a editable control then using a KeyEvent.callback is recommended.
I have not verified this ability, but merely assuming that ARC apps interact with the keyboard just like android apps do.


Is there a way to disable zoom keyboard shortcuts in electron (cmd +/-)

I am building an electron app and want to disable zoom behaviour coming from keyboard shortcuts (cmd +/- on mac).
The electron docs state that zoom is disabled by default, but I think that only applies to pinch-to-zoom behavior:
NOTE: Visual zoom is disabled by default in Electron.
Other sources suggest using webFrame.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 1) but that doesn't seem to do the trick.
Am I missing something? Ideally would like to avoid manually listening on those specific keypress combinations in javascript.
Figured it out. The CMD +/- shortcuts get triggered because the application Menu by default includes MenuItems that have the roles zoomIn and zoomOut. If you don't want those behaviors in your application, you need to manually configure your menu.
There is an example of how to do that in the Electron docs, you just need to omit the 'zoomIn', 'zoomOut' and 'resetZoom' menuitems.

citrix receiver connection bar

I started a Citrix Published App on my IPad and get a citrix receiver toolbar which contains the Icons home, Active keys, ... Pointer, Magnifier on top of the screen.
On my Windows 10 tablet device, after setting ConnectionBar=1 in ica file, I also get a toolbar, but it contains different Icons. It does not contain the icons Pointer and Magnifier, which I need. Some Icons are contained in both OS's, e.g. home.
--> Is there a general difference between Windows and Mac Citrix Receiver or can I set this Icons to be displayed anyhow?
Best regards
Pointer and Magnifier have been introduced for the “new” iPad to deal with higher resolution screens - so yes, they're specific gestures of Citrix Receiver for iOS, as per Citrix documentation.
More generally speaking, in Windows 10 Magnifier is yet another of the Windows Ease of Access features (whilst in Desktop with a keyboard you could quickly open it by using the keyboard shortcut Windows key with the plus sign (+) to zoom, as suggested in windowscentral and in microsoft links, notice the "Use Magnifier with a touchscreen" paragraph in the latter).
In case of tablet and Citrix Receiver for HTML5, please refer to the recent Citrix blog: this release adds support for mobile gestures and multi-touch. Now, you can pinch and zoom, etc...

How to simulate pressing the Android menu button in ARC

I'm using ARC Welder to test an APK in Chrome (on Windows). It works mostly fine but the app uses an old-style Android menu, opened by either pressing the hardware button on old devices, or touching the "3 vertical dots" soft button on newer ones.
However the ARC window doesn't use a menu button nor does there seem to be a keyboard shortcut to open the menu (not that I could find anyway).
Any ideas?
(Note: I know Google has more or less depricated there old style Android menus. But this is in an old APK).
ARC does not provide a way of simulating an Android menu button. We have thought about providing a button in the window frame, like we do for the back button, but we have not moved forward with it. Feel free to star the bug for it
Ctrl+Windows+Esc (Win key is to prevent Windows opening the Start menu):
Right Alt should work as well but most keyboards lack that key.

Can we register global hotkeys for a browser

We want to register browser events even when the browser is minimized or not in focus. For example, suppose we are doing something in Microsoft Word and if we press a key on the keyboard (which is not associated with any shortcut of Word or the Windows OS), it should open a new tab in Google Chrome.
The solution will be browser specific. You'll need to create an XPCOM plug-in for Firefox, native app for Chrome, extension for IE, etc. This browser specific add-on will have to register each hotkey with the Windows API and then handle hotkey events as you desire; this of course means you will need to use a language that can access the Windows API. Depending on what you want to automate in the browser you might need to create an additional plugin in pure javascript to gain full access to the browser API.

Can I use the Cocoa-touch onscreen keyboard in a regular Cocoa application?

I currently have a program written in Cocoa and I would like it to have an onscreen keyboard as I am thinking of using a touch-screen monitor and would like to not have a keyboard for this particular piece of software.
I know there is an onscreen keyboard in Cocoa-touch, but as far as I am aware, that can only be used on the iPhone, iTouch and iPad.
Is there anyway I can use it in a regular Cocoa application?
UIKit isn't part of Mac OS X, unfortunately, so you can't use anything from it. There is an onscreen keyboard that you can enable in the system's Language & Text preference pane, but I don't know how you'd do it programmatically. If this is a major requirement for your system, though, it would probably be better to roll your own. OS X is not really designed for touchscreens and has just recently gotten the most rudimentary support for touch-y interaction (thanks to the Magic Mouse and the MacBooks' trackpad).
Unfortunately, the on-screen keyboard is part of UIKit, which is only available on iOS. The only (hacky) option that I'm aware of would be to run your app in the iPad simulator. Not ideal, for sure and I'm not sure how the simulator handles a multi-touch capable display.
