Is there a more elegant Go implementation of Newton's method? - go

I'm doing the Go tutorials and am wondering whether there is a more elegant way to compute a square root using Newton's method on Exercise: Loops and Functions than this:
func Sqrt(x float64) float64 {
count := 0
var old_z, z float64 = 0, 1
for ; math.Abs(z-old_z) > .001; count++ {
old_z, z = z, z - (z*z - x) / 2*z
fmt.Printf("Ran %v iterations\n", count)
return z
(Part of the specification is to provide the number of iterations.) Here is the full program, including package statement, imports, and main.

First, you algorithm is not correct. The formula is:
You modelled this with:
z - (z*z - x) / 2*z
But it should be:
z - (z*z - x)/2/z
z - (z*z - x)/(2*z)
(Your incorrect formula had to run like half a million iterations even to just get as close as 0.001! The correct formula uses like 4 iterations to get as close as 1e-6 in case of x = 2.)
Next, initial value of z=1 is not the best for a random number (it might work well for a small number like 2). You can kick off with z = x / 2 which is a very simple initial value and takes you closer to the result with fewer steps.
Further options which do not necessarily make it more readable or elegant, it's subjective:
You can name the result to z so the return statement can be "bare". Also you can create a loop variable to count the iterations if you move the current "exit" condition into the loop which if met you print the iterations count and can simply return. You can also move the calculation to the initialization part of the if:
func Sqrt(x float64) (z float64) {
z = x / 2
for i, old := 1, 0.0; ; i++ {
if old, z = z, z-(z*z-x)/2/z; math.Abs(old-z) < 1e-5 {
fmt.Printf("Ran %v iterations\n", i)
You can also move the z = x / 2 to the initialization part of the for but then you can't have named result (else a local variant of z would be created which would shadow the named return value):
func Sqrt(x float64) float64 {
for i, z, old := 1, x/2, 0.0; ; i++ {
if old, z = z, z-(z*z-x)/2/z; math.Abs(old-z) < 1e-5 {
fmt.Printf("Ran %v iterations\n", i)
return z
Note: I started my iteration counter with 1 because the "exit" condition in my case is inside the for and is not the condition of for.

package main
import (
func Sqrt(x float64) float64 {
z := 1.0
// First guess
z -= (z*z - x) / (2*z)
// Iterate until change is very small
for zNew, delta := z, z; delta > 0.00000001; z = zNew {
zNew -= (zNew * zNew - x) / (2 * zNew)
delta = z - zNew
return z
func main() {


Will this binary search algorithm run into infinite loop?

The specific binary search implementation is shown as below. The question I want to ask is that is it possible for the algorithm to run into infinite loop?
One possible situation I could think of is when l == r == UINT_MAX and the target x is larger than all elements in the array. Is it true that under this situation, the algorithm will stuck in infinite loop?
Are there any other situations of running into infinite loop?
Thanks for your help!!!
// A iterative binary search function. It returns location of x in
// given array arr[l..r] if present, otherwise -1.
int binarySearch(vector<double> arr, double x) {
unsigned int l = 0;
unsigned int r = arr.size() - 1;
while (l <= r) {
int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
if (arr[m] == x)
return m;
if (arr[m] < x)
l = m + 1;
r = m - 1;
return -1;
No it doesn't! An infinite loop only happens here if l and r could possibly stay on the same value forever. For that to happen, one of these things need to happen:
1) new value of l = old value of l:
m + 1 = l + (r - l) / 2 + 1 = l --> (r - l)/2 + 1 = 0 (which never happens since the left side is always positive knowing that r is already bigger equal than l)
2) new value of r = old value of r:
m - 1 = l + (r - l) / 2 - 1 = r --> (r - l)/2 = r - l + 1 (this also never happens because the right side is always strictly bigger)

Is there a Go function for obtaining the cube root of a big integer?

I have a big.Int variable, and wish to find the cube root of it.
Is this implemented somewhere in the library? The Exp function seems to only take an integer, and big.Rat seems to be lacking Exp entirely.
Sadly but there is no such function in math/big package. This means that you have to roll out something on your own. One of the easiest to understand and implement is the Newton's method.
All you need is to select some starting number x_0 and use the recursive formula
You have to use it in the following way: Let your integer is b. Then your x^3 = b^3 and your f(x) = x^3 - b^3 and f'(x) = 3 * x^2.
So you need to iterate:
x_{n+1}=x_n - \frac{x_{n}^{3} + b^3}{3x_{n}^{2}}
(check this link with the image of the formula, SO sucks in inserting math formulas).
You start from a guess and ends when previous x_n is close to the next one. How close is for you to decide.
P.S.1 you can look for more complicated numerical methods to find roots (you will need less iterations to converge)
P.S.2 if you need, I wrote a method for calculating arbitrary precision square roots in Go.
I've implemented a cube root function for big.Int, both using a simple binary search and Newton's method as per Salvador Dali's formula. Although I am pretty sure there is room for improvement, here is the code that I've got:
var (
n0 = big.NewInt(0)
n1 = big.NewInt(1)
n2 = big.NewInt(2)
n3 = big.NewInt(3)
n10 = big.NewInt(10)
func cbrtBinary(i *big.Int) (cbrt *big.Int, rem *big.Int) {
var (
guess = new(big.Int).Div(i, n2)
dx = new(big.Int)
absDx = new(big.Int)
minDx = new(big.Int).Abs(i)
step = new(big.Int).Abs(new(big.Int).Div(guess, n2))
cube = new(big.Int)
for {
cube.Exp(guess, n3, nil)
dx.Sub(i, cube)
cmp := dx.Cmp(n0)
if cmp == 0 {
return guess, n0
switch absDx.Cmp(minDx) {
case -1:
case 0:
return guess, dx
switch cmp {
case -1:
guess.Sub(guess, step)
case +1:
guess.Add(guess, step)
step.Div(step, n2)
if step.Cmp(n0) == 0 {
func cbrtNewton(i *big.Int) (cbrt *big.Int, rem *big.Int) {
var (
guess = new(big.Int).Div(i, n2)
guessSq = new(big.Int)
dx = new(big.Int)
absDx = new(big.Int)
minDx = new(big.Int).Abs(i)
cube = new(big.Int)
fx = new(big.Int)
fxp = new(big.Int)
step = new(big.Int)
for {
cube.Exp(guess, n3, nil)
dx.Sub(i, cube)
cmp := dx.Cmp(n0)
if cmp == 0 {
return guess, n0
fx.Sub(cube, i)
guessSq.Exp(guess, n2, nil)
fxp.Mul(n3, guessSq)
step.Div(fx, fxp)
if step.Cmp(n0) == 0 {
switch absDx.Cmp(minDx) {
case -1:
case 0:
return guess, dx
guess.Sub(guess, step)
Surprisingly enough, the simple binary algorithm is also the fastest:
BenchmarkCbrt/binary/10e6-4 100000 19195 ns/op
BenchmarkCbrt/binary/10e12-4 30000 43634 ns/op
BenchmarkCbrt/binary/10e18-4 20000 73334 ns/op
BenchmarkCbrt/newton/10e6-4 30000 47027 ns/op
BenchmarkCbrt/newton/10e12-4 10000 123612 ns/op
BenchmarkCbrt/newton/10e18-4 10000 214884 ns/op
Here is the full code, including tests and benchmarks:

golang - ceil function like php?

I want to return the least integer value greater than or equal to integer division. So I used math.ceil, but can not get the value I want.
package main
import (
func main() {
var pagesize int = 10
var length int = 43
d := float64(length / pagesize)
page := int(math.Ceil(d))
// output 4 not 5
What is wrong?
The line
d := float64(length / pagesize)
transforms to float the result of the division. Since the division itself is integer division, it results in 4, so d = 4.0 and math.Ceil(d) is 4.
Replace the line with
d := float64(length) / float64(pagesize)
and you'll have d=4.3 and int(math.Ceil(d))=5.
Avoiding floating point operations (for performance and clarity):
x, y := length, pagesize
q := (x + y - 1) / y;
for x >= 0 and y > 0.
Or to avoid overflow of x+y:
q := 1 + (x - 1) / y
It's the same as the C++ version: Fast ceiling of an integer division in C / C++
Convert length and pagesize to floats before the division:
d := float64(length) / float64(pagesize)
You can check the remainder to see if it should be raised to the next integer.
page := length / pagesize
if length % pagesize > 0 {

Poor performance using rbfdot from the kernlab package in a loop

Simplified example of my slowly working code (the function rbf is from the kernlab package) that needs speeding up:
rbf <- rbfdot(sigma=1)
test <- matrix(NaN,nrow=5,ncol=10)
for (i in 1:5) {
for (j in 1:10) { test[i,j] <- rbf(i,j)}
I've tried outer() but it doesn't work because the rbf function doesn't return the required length (50). I need to speed this code up because I have a huge amount of data. I've read that vectorization would be the holy grail to speeding this up but I don't know how.
Could you please point me in the right direction?
If rbf is indeed the return value from a call to rbfdot, then body(rbf) looks something like
if (!is(x, "vector"))
stop("x must be a vector")
if (!is(y, "vector") && !is.null(y))
stop("y must a vector")
if (is(x, "vector") && is.null(y)) {
if (is(x, "vector") && is(y, "vector")) {
if (!length(x) == length(y))
stop("number of dimension must be the same on both data points")
return(exp(sigma * (2 * crossprod(x, y) - crossprod(x) -
Since most of this is consists of check functions, and crossprod simplifies when you are only passing in scalars, I think your function simplifies to
rbf <- function(x, y, sigma = 1)
exp(- sigma * (x - y) ^ 2)
For a possible further speedup, use the compiler package (requires R-2.14.0 or later).
rbf_loop <- function(m, n)
out <- matrix(NaN, nrow = m, ncol = n)
for (i in seq_len(m))
for (j in seq_len(n))
out[i,j] <- rbf(i,j)
rbf_loop_cmp <- cmpfun(rbf_loop)
Then compare the timing of rbf_loop_cmp(m, n) to what you had before.
The simplification step is easier to see in reverse. If you expand (x - y) ^ 2 you get x ^ 2 - 2 * x * y + y ^ 2, which is minus the thing in the rbf function.
Use the function kernelMatrix() in kernlab,
it should be a couple a couple of order of magnitudes
faster then looping over the kernel function:
rbf <- rbfdot(sigma=1)
kernelMatrix(rbf, 1:5, 1:10)

Is {true} x := y { x = y } a valid Hoare triple?

I am not sure that
{ true } x := y { x = y }
is a valid Hoare triple.
I am not sure one is allowed to reference a variable (in this case, y), without explicitly defining it first either in the triple program body or in the pre-condition.
{ y=1 } x := y { x = y } //valid
{true} y := 1; x := y { x = y } //valid
How is it?
I am not sure that
{ true } x := y { x = y }
is a valid Hoare triple.
The triple should be read as follows:
"Regardless of starting state, after executing x:=y x equals y."
and it does hold. The formal argument for why it holds is that
the weakest precondition of x := y given postcondition { x = y } is { y = y }, and
{ true } implies { y = y }.
However, I completely understand why you feel uneasy about this triple, and you're worried for a good reason!
The triple is badly formulated because the pre- and post condition do not provide a useful specification. Why? Because (as you've discovered) x := 0; y := 0 also satisfies the spec, since x = y holds after execution.
Clearly, x := 0; y := 0 is not a very useful implementation and the reason why it still satisfies the specification, is (according to me) due to a specification bug.
How to fix this:
The "correct" way of expressing the specification is to make sure the specification is self contained by using some meta variables that the program can't possible access (x₀ and y₀ in this case):
{ x=x₀ ∧ y=y₀ } x := y { x=y₀ ∧ y=y₀ }
Here x := 0; y := 0 no longer satisfies the post condition.
{ true } x := y { x = y } is a valid Hoare triple. The reason is as follows:
x := y is an assignment, therefore, replace that in the precondition.
The precondition stands as {y=y}, which implies {true}.
In other words, {y=y} => {true}.
* If x:=y, then Q. Q.E.D. _*
