sed or awk to append to specific line - bash

There is a file that I'd like to edit from a bash script
if [[ -n "$CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR" ]]; then
exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" \
--user-data-dir="$CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR" "$#"
exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "$#"
I would like to append to the end of any line containing exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "$#" the string
The result would over write the existing file with
if [[ -n "$CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR" ]]; then
exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" \
--user-data-dir="$CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR" "$#"
exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "$#" --user-data-dir
I am having difficulty understanding sed and awk, but want to make this work.

Unfortunately you need to use a regexp instead of a string comparison since your white space can apparently vary so that introduces some escaping complexity. Using GNU awk for -i inplace and \s shorthand for [[:space:]]:
awk -i inplace '/exec\s+-a\s+"\$0"\s+"\$HERE\/chrome"\s+"\$#"/{$0=$0 " --user-data-dir"} 1' file

Try this to edit your file with GNU sed:
sed -i '5s/$/& --user-data-dir/' file

With awk you could do:
awk 'NR==5{$0=$0" --user-data-dir"}1' file > newfile


Multiple sub-string matches using process substitution

I want to do sub-string match within .sh file and extract list of cmds and append it an existing file.
So far I'm using perl -ne and it works with last-matched value shown on screen as
echo 'declare -a org_val=($(chkconfig --list autofs) $(grep "^PROMPT="/etc/sysconfig/init)' |
perl -pe 's|.*\$\((.*?)\)\s+|\1|g'
The following is the output of above command:
grep `"^PROMPT=" /etc/sysconfig/init`
I also want it to output
chkconfig --list autofs
What I did was write a small .sh to and save results of sed in array using command substitution below
declare -a array0
while IFS=$nl read -r line
#echo $line
done < <( perl -pe 's|.*\$\((.*?)\)\s+|\1|g') < /tmp/sunny
echo "${array0[#]}"
The output of above is
declare -a org_val=($(chkconfig --list autofs) $(grep "^PROMPT=" /etc/sysconfig/init)
content of /tmp/sunny is
declare -a org_val=($(chkconfig --list autofs) $(grep "^PROMPT=" /etc/sysconfig/init) )
perl -nle'print for /\$\(([^)]*)\)/g'
Of course, that assumes that no ) exists within $(...).
With GNU awk for multi-char RS:
$ echo 'declare -a org_val=($(chkconfig --list autofs) $(grep "^PROMPT="/etc/sysconfig/init)' |
awk -v RS='[$][(][^()]+' 'RT{print substr(RT,3)}'
chkconfig --list autofs
grep "^PROMPT="/etc/sysconfig/init

Bash script support piping data into it

I have a bash script that I want to expand to support piping json into.
echo '{}' | myscript store
So, I tried the following:
local value="$1"
if [[ -z "$value" ]]; then
while read -r piped; do
Which works in a simple case above, but doing:
cat input.json | myscript store
Only get's the last line of the file input.json, it does not handle every line.
How can I support all cases of piping?
The following works:
if [[ -z "$value" && ! -t 0 ]]; then
while read -r piped; do
The trick was using += and also checking ! -t 0 which checks if we are piping.
If you want to behave like cat, why not use it?
#! /bin/bash
value="$( cat "$#" )"

sed command garbled for bash 3.0

I have gone through other threads Sed command garbled didnt work
but it didn't helped me
echo "enter the folder into which you want to capture"
read logs
mkdir $logs
for i in $path/*.tra*
value=$( grep -ic \*= $i )
if [ $value -ge $flag ]
name=`basename $i .tra\*`
echo -e "count is $value\n" >> $path/$logs/log_"$name".txt
sed -n '/\*=/ {n;p}' $i|sed 2n\;G >> $path/$logs/log_"$name".txt
echo -e "\nDone\n"
sed: command garbled: /\*=/ {n;p}
Additional Note: This code is working properly on bash 4.1 version but I want to test it in 3.0, There many options which are not even working like sed --version.
sed -n '/\*=/ {n;p;}' ...
you need to terminate the line after the p so a ; or a new line. Your code will certainly work on recent GNU sed but not on posix version

Ubuntu BASH inotifywait to trigger another script

I am trying to use inotifywait within a bash script to monitor a directory for a file with a certain tag in it (*SDS.csv).
I also only want to execute once (once when the file is written to the directory data ).
#! /bin/bash
inotifywait -m -e /home/adam/data | while read LINE
if [[ $LINE == *SDS.csv ]]; then
While this may not be the ideal solution, it may do the trick:
#! /bin/bash
while true
FNAME="$(inotifywait -e close_write /home/adam/data | awk '{ print $NF }')"
if [ -f "/home/adam/data/$FNAME" ]
if grep -q 'SDS.csv' "/home/adam/data/$FNAME"

Replace script works if I type manually but not in script

I have a bash script, with the following contents:
ack-grep -a -l -i --print0 --text "$1" | xargs -0 -n 1 sed -i -e 's/$1/$2/g'
When I try and run it as, eg: something somethingnew
The prompt returns without errors but no changes have been made to any files.
If I manually type:
ack-grep -a -l -i --print0 --text "something" | xargs -0 -n 1 sed -i -e 's/something/somethingelse/g'
The files get changed as expected.
Ths $1 syntax seems to work for other scripts I've written. I'm guessing I'm missing something to do with escaping the args or something?
Variable substitutions aren't done in single quotes, try:
ack-grep -a -l -i --print0 --text "$1" | xargs -0 -n 1 sed -i -e "s/$1/$2/g"
See the bash man page section on QUOTING.
Use "" instead of '' in the sed expression. It will not prevent the variablename-resolving. What you are actually doing now is replacing $1 to $2. You can test in console (without writing a script) like this:
$ a=something
$ b=somethingelse
$ sed 's/$a/$b/g' testfile
$ sed "s/$a/$b/g" testfile
This isn't related to your question, but some help on using ack.
The -a and --text conflict with each other. -a will give you a superset of --text. Use one or the other.
Also, it looks like you might as well use grep -Z instead of ack since you're not using any of ack's functionality that is a superset of grep.
In general, if you're using ack in a pipeline, you should probably be using good ol' grep instead.
