adodc Visual Basic 6 Access 2010 - vb6

I have made an application using VB6 and it’s already connected to an Access database.
Everything works perfectly: I have my table field shown in my VB application as it should be. My problem is that I don't know how to link between filed that is contain (yes/no) in Access with option botton in VB. I have them in frame but that’s all. Any help or code or even something to start with it.
Here’s a picture:
In the picture you will notice that it’s already (yes) but that is what VB6 gives me; it's suppose to be no anyway.

Option button is not a databound control. You will need to work directly with it's events and the data control to update or reflect the changes.
Another user has already suggested using a checkbox control, which IS a databound control.
Either way shouldn't prove too difficult, but the checkbox should be near plug and play.


Visual Studio Team Explorer Extension

I am trying to create an extension for Team Explorer window in VS2017.
I want to put another button on the changes screen, or even hook into the commit method, so that I can take the comments, and integrate with a Kanbanize board.
It seems like it should be possible to but a button onto the Team Explorer window, but there doesn't seem to be any documentation I can find, or examples.
I have looked around and can only really find this link below, which I tried but doesn't seem to work, but isn't really what I am wanting to do.
The Team Explorer extensibility is designed to enable adding new sections to an existing page, but altering the existing sections to change their UI/behavior is not allowed. Given this design constraint, you can add your own UI, but it'll need to be in a separate section. You should be able to read the selection data from other sections on the Git Changes page via IChangesExt.
Hope this helps.

Detect file changes outside the Visual Basic 6 IDE?

I am working with VB6 legacy code and I am using an external editor because of the features that it has. Unfortunately, those changes aren't refreshed in the IDE because VB6 doesn't monitor loaded code for changes.
I have done some extensive searching on the subject including looking for alternative editors, a fairly exhaustive internet search including following all of the links on this StackExchange link and haven't found a way to refresh the code window to reflect the external file changes.
My company doesn't have access to the latest edition of Visual Studio and will not be purchasing it anytime in the near future. Until then, there is code to fix.
Aside from restarting the program are there any methods that can be used to refresh the code displayed in the VB6 editing window?
Check out vbAdvance add on. It will prompt you to reload source file in case of external modification.
I think a found one possible solution.
The MZ-Tools set has an function called Reload file from Disk. It also allowed me to create a shortcut for this function through the MZ-Tools options menu, so I assigned it to the shortcut keys of my choosing.
It's a solution, but I'm still looking for anything that might be better.

In a Setup Project is it possible to validate the user input in a TextBox(A) dialog

I am using the VS 2010 to create a setup project, I am going to use the TextBox(A) dialog to capture user input.
I would also like to validate inputted value in these text box. Something likes the Next button just be enabled only when the first text box meets a specific criteria. So that, the installer just navigates user to next page when the validation passed.
Is it possible with the VS 2010?
There's no support in VS setups for doing this. It's a feature that's available in other tools and is part of Windows Installer, so you'd need to use another tool to add that functionality to the setup.
I know its not the exact you need but it will gives you idea on how to parse the value during install. See the following link in Scott Guru Blog
and post the solution if you find because for that sake i am now developing a click once application.

Fields in the XAML editor Property window becoming un-responsive

Edit: I see "Silverlight -" is in front of my question, which I realize may have something to do with the alphabetical order of my tabs... really Visual Studio 2013 should be in front, anyone know if that can be changed?
I've been using the newer Visual Studio 2013 for about a week now, and I've found some quirks with it. The one that seems to happen the most is when I'm in the XAML editor working on something, suddenly if I go over to the property window I can't enter anything. I'm not running/debugging. I can type stuff in the regular XAML code editor window.
Even stranger, one of the times, I could get the cursors to appear in the fields. I typed a bunch of junk and just one character from what I types appeared. Another time I couldn't enter values into the properties, but I could double click on an event in the events window and create a new event handler. Just a minute ago I had the opposite, where I couldn't double click in the events window.
I think VS 2013 introduced async handling of more things, could it be related to that? Or perhaps because I'm using Silverlight? Right now my only workaround is to restart VS, does anyone have any knowledge about this? Anyone else experienced this?
I'm going to submit a bug report, but it would be a while before there's a patch, so I'm wondering if maybe someone understand the problem better and has a workaround? Or maybe just confirm that this exists and that I'm not crazy/my computer's haunted.
I should mention another weird thing that happened two nights ago. I thought it was some how my doing, but I never figured out how I could have managed it without noticing. I was working on a piece of code, went to run after changing a few lines, and suddenly I had a ton of compiler errors. I go over to a user control I haven't touched in hours and suddenly the main LayoutRoot grid is completely empty. Luckily I'd committed to source control, but still...
I found an easy way to deal with this problem. It happens a lot after debugging so what I did was I created a batch file on my desktop containing this line taskkill /f /im XDesProc.exe and I run it every time the properties start misbehaving. Its the quickest way to reload the designer's functionality. I submitted this bug to microsoft they claim it will be included in the next update.
Me and another guy are developing a silverlight app and having the same exact problem. I accidentally found where the bug lies and how to mess with it to allow you to type "very briefly". Apparently this has something to do with tooltips. If you hover over anything in the property window when this bug is happening and allow a tooltip to popup while your cursor is blinking in a field, for the duration that the tooltip is up you can resume typing normal. As soon as the tooltip times out and disappears you can't type. So the only way you can edit or search properties is while a mouse tooltip is floating active. Very unusual. Can't seem to find any kind of tooltip settings in the program and the situation is very hard to find on google because search results assume your talking about programming tooltips. As far as I know we have had this issue since before release candidate. We are currently on official update 1 with the same problem persisting.

Need ActiveX control to embed Excel into a dialog

I'm building an "import from Excel" function. It has to be in a DLL, called from a non-MFC app. Has to provide an image of the spreadsheet that users can drag a select box around (to select cells), then click an IMPORT button, and have the right thing happen. Having trouble getting the spreadsheet up, having a button adjacent to it, and having it happen in a DLL.
I went the route of an MFC dialog inside a DLL, but was blocked in trying to bring up an OLE client for excel on a window on the dialog. Only support I found for showing Excel using OLE required an SDI. I was able to get the automation functions to work, and I could read the cells and paint a "fake image" of them on my dialog... but I'm afraid that's going to be in non-compliance with my requirements.
So I tried creating an SDI. I was able to create an SDI that brought up Excel as an OLE Client. I was able to handle the "selection change" event, and go the cell data I needed. I was foiled at this point by 2 items:
Could not make this SDI work in an MFC DLL. Crash in CWinApp constructor, asserting that the AfxGetThread wasn't null. Moved "theApp" to be locally scoped within the single exported DLL function, but still couldn't get it to work, but with different symptoms: crashed when added AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); to exported DLL function, if I didn't use that, the OnInitInstance never was entered. Tried adding a call to the app's Run() function, but that didn't help. I can post this code if someone thinks they have an idea what the problem is.
Could not present a toolbar while the Excel client item was active. I could put my "import" (and other options) on the menubar at the top, but that's not evident enough. Even a floating toolbar was closed. It makes sense that it would do this, since it would be confusing to have a toolbar present that couldn't take actions on the currently active item... but in my case, it's a problem.
So now I'm thinking I need to go back to the dialog approach, and embed an ActiveX control that brings up an excel spreadsheet file to import.
Must either allow me to handle the selection change event, or must allow me to find what cells are selected (or were most recently selected if clicking the "import" button on my dialog causes the selected cells to become unselected).
It must also come with reasonable licensing terms, as this will be used in a commercial application that is widely-available to the public.
If anyone knows of a "quick fix" to either of the approaches I had been trying, that would be useful too.
Hope someone can help me!
If you just want to embed Excel, you don't need anything.
Just embed it into a standard OCX host control.
